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Okay let me tell you something

Remember this?

Well let's start this again : ' 3
I'm going to be honest with you

When I was born: 2007
When birthday month: November 27
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Chinese zodiac sign: Pig (sweet, quite and etc; I kinda forgot : ' V)
What grade: sixth grade
Age: 12 (my birthday is already passed :'P)
How many siblings: two sisters two brothers (I missed my older brother :'( )
Favorite color: Green 💚
Second favorite color: blue  💙
Third favorite color: purple 💜
Favorite animal: Polar Bear >:3
Second favorite animal: Foxes owo
Third favorite animal: cats
Fourth favorite animal: Dogs owo

I'm half deaf because my right ear can't hear it only hear low
Left can hear clear
I'm from North America (can't tell you an states or country owo)
I'm half Mexican (because my mom ;w;)
It so hard to communicate with my mom ;_;
I can communicate with my dad, my brother, sisters, and etc;
I know sign language because it obviously
I know is ASL (mean America sign language)
I love drawings, sleeping ;-;, writing, and hanging out with my family 💖
My saddest part what I lost: my dog (I forgot his name because it been long time) has died from another dog that dog murder my dog :(

I can't forget him
I'll always remember him
Has many BFFs (because they like me \ʕ´•ᴥ•'ʔ/)
Get sleepy when it morning ;w;
Get not tired at night qwq
Hate: someone look at me and making that face.., talking behind my back, and fake friends/best friends

Gosh my family always talk behind my back >:(
(One of them are nice ÙwÚ)

I can't think of anything qwq
286 words 💜💙💚💖

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