Okay, Confession

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I am way too obsessed with this pen right now. I love how it feels and the way it looks. I can vary the line weight and everything! Ugh, I just can't believe how amazing the pen is.

You must be thinking, "Oh look! Another elf! A medieval one?". No. That is not the case.
She is Rinxa, a high-class demon thief who goes to places where they a so-called 'Legendary Prophecy' and becomes the 'Hero'. This would not of course work in the elf country or the demon world, but the humans. So easily tricked and naive creatures, who can only fantasize of things to save them, such perfect targets. She steals from the enemy what is needed (and a little more), replaces it with a duplicate using a jinx commonly used to impersonate someone and gives it to the other side and claims her prize. If the ruse doesn't work? Kill one party off and take control of their forces, take everything and have them kill each other off. She is cunning and sneaky but she dreads the day that she might pay for her crimes. Execution is iminent.

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