Maria fear (TW: Non-consent encounter)

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When they were human and in Mexico José and Maria were sweethearts. José spoiled Maria and she would always give him all her love and attention and barely questioned him on things. He paid for her to graduate with an financial degree and she was beyond grateful. They were actually engaged but on the way driving from a restaurant after making a reservation José along with Pablo ran over a women. Believing she was dead José dragged her body to the river but she was alive. The rival cartel came and started a shootout with José cartel, critically injuring him and to keep José alive, Marcos had him fake his death in Mexico and run away into America. José had Maria living in a small field in a house so she wouldn't get involved and well as she was getting dressed for there date but Pablo, going by a fake name Padrez came to visit her and told her about José other life. She didn't believe him until he showed newspaper clips, pictures, a journal he kept describing his life and his wanted poster. She was distraught of course but when she was told he was dead she was devastated. Pedro, attracted to her beauty and gave her alcohol to cope. She got drunk and well...let's say Fernando came from that night.


In a blue moon

She can see Pablo 

In her sweet little boy. 

She always love Fernando but it sometimes hard for her to see him and not Pablo 

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