A Long Overdue 7K Special

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Vending Machine - A College AU

Background info: Aiden and Aru are at college and Aru is sleep-deprived while Aiden is out taking photos of nighttime scenery


Aiden's POV:

It was completely dark outside with only the moon and the city lights providing the passage of sight. Aiden was probably the only person out and awake, taking in the scene of the campus without students roaming out and about and fiddling with Shadowfax. A bubble of pure blissful silence encompassed him, broken only by the soothing and hushed city sounds. He was finally, peacefully alone. Or so he thought.

Aiden heard a slight crash and someone cussing quietly. He whirled around and squinted against the dark to see a girl about a year younger then him, with caramel colored skin and black hair tied in a long, sleek braid, stumbling around. He walked nearer to her and was about to ask what she was doing, but she interrupted him.

"Finally, a vending machine." Aiden opened his mouth to ask what in the world she meant, when she stuffed money into his mouth. Aiden incredulously watched her fiercly study him for a moment, perhaps looking for a keypad on him to press in a code and get a bottle of water, before spitting the coins out of his mouth.

"Excuse me, Miss? Are you alright?" He asked, but she didn't answer, instead choosing to continue to glare at the front of his hoody and try to find an imaginary button. Alright, he thought, let's try a different approach.

"Can you tell me your dorm number?" She finally looked up at him and their eyes met, her hazel ones with bags underneath reflecting his.

"The vending machine is talking." She muttered. "Is that normal?" Aiden stifled a laugh and smiled at her.

"Yeah, sure. So, your dorm number?" He repeated.

"Huh. Okay then. Thirty-six, why?" This time Aiden couldn't contain his laughter.

"Come on, let's get you to your room." He took her hand and gently guided her to west wing, her looking like she was about to pass out at any second. She was also saying something about Swedish Fish under her breath. Aiden made sure to walk slowly so she could keep up with him. Finally, they were standing before dorm number thirty-six. The girl let go of his hand and opened the door to her room and walked in, but not before saing goodbye to him.

"Night, Vending Machine." Aiden waved back at her, rolling his eyes at the name and grinning, before leaving to continue his photography session.


The next morning, the girl came up to him again, but this time she looked sane and not delerious. She started profusely apologising, saying how she hadn't slept in three days and that she wasn't in her right mind. Aiden merely chuckled and waved her apologies away.

"By the way, I have some Swedish Fish for you," He told her, holding out a packet of the candy. "I'm assuming that's what you wanted since you were saying something about it last night when you shoved cash in my mouth." The girl looked at the candy in his hands for roughly five seconds before bursting out into laughter and taking it.

"My name is Shah, by the way. Aru Shah." She said, holding out her free hand. He grinned and took it.

"Aiden Acharya."


Should I write this in Aru's POV as well? Tell me what you guys thought of this!

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