Chapter 1: The Engagement part 1(Aru P.O.V.)

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I was falling. Clouds whisked past me, I tried to scream but for some reason my voice did not work. I hit the soft ground with a 'whoomp', wait...soft? I looked around at my surroundings and realized I was sitting on a giant marshmallow! Whoa! I laughed, there were dragons breathing cotton candy! I saw a fake beard and mustache lying around. What were they doing there? I put them on for god knows what reason! Suddenly I heard a sharp voice calling my name.

"Aru? Aru! ARUNDHATI SHAH!!!" I jump and fall off my bed. I look up to see Anila, my aunt, glaring down at me. I groan, so it was all just a dream?!

"Yes?" I mumble.

"Today is the day you meet your betrothed and get engaged! And you cannot go off looking like that! Get up lazybones and wash up and put on your sari! Then I have to do your makeup!" I sigh and slowly get up and go to the bathroom to wash up. I try putting on my sari but it ends up getting all tangled up. A salwar kameez would be so much better than this! Or better yet, a suit! But that was only for boys in the army of India. Which I thought was rude since only boys were allowed to join.

A/N: the suit looks like this:

Just change the black pants to white, the black T-shirt to dark green and the red suit to saffron and boom! Also if you have a gold cape and a dark blue sash with a golden chakra pin, that means you are or were a general or lieutenant. The chakra pin looks like this just gold: 

 Anyways, back to the story!

Anila yelled at me through the door.

"What is taking you so long!"

"I got stuck!" I holler back. Anila opens the door and sighs exasperatedly.

"You can't even put on a simple sari." She scoffs. I press my lips together to stop myself from retorting. She untangles and fixes my sari then makes me sit at my dressing table. After what seemed like hours, I opened my eyes and almost whimpered. This much makeup cannot be good for you. "There," she sounds pleased with herself. "All done! Now go downstairs! The carriage is waiting for you!" I get up and walk down the stairwell, almost tripping on my sari. Anila just rolls her eyes. At the bottom of the staircase I see Kara. Kara is the first born among the six granddaughters of Indra, me being the second, and she makes sure we never forget that. Kara spots us as well and gives us a sickeningly sweet smile.

"Aru! How are you? Are you excited to get engaged? I know I am!"

"I just turned 16 a couple of days ago and I am already getting married! Why would I be excited?" I growl.

"So? Anyways I was 16 when I got engaged to Prince Aiden! And I'm 17 now! We are still not married yet ! But we will soon!" A dreamy look comes on her face.  I bite back a sarcastic comment. Her and and that snobby prince are perfect for each other! "Anyways you are not getting married only engaged."

"Hello dear." Anila croons, looking lovingly at her favorite niece.

"Aunt Anila!" Kara exclaims "How have you been?" I zoned out after that because the conversation was that boring! Suddenly I heard my name and snapped out of my trance. "I'll take her Aunt Anila!"

"What?" Anila rolls her eyes again.

"Kara has offered to take you to Urvashi." Urvashi is the head matchmaker, who sets up nobles together. She bases the matches off of the nobles' status. She set up Kara and Price Aiden together as well. Now Kara can't stop boasting about that as well. She is obsessed over Prince Aiden.

"Oh." I responded. Kara waved goodbye to Anila and started towards the carriage with me in tow. After I climbed inside with Kara, the carriage set off. Kara looked at me.

"Do you even know who you are getting engaged with?" I shook my head. She shrugged, "Then let's keep it a secret. Yamini, Brynne, Sheela, and Nikita are already there." I continue to stay silent. "You know," went on Kara "you should be glad you are finally useful. You have never done anything for this family." I flinched, she was not lying. "I am the only perfect person in this family, Brynne is not feminine enough, Mini is too timid, Sheela is always lost in thought and never in the present, Nikita just cares about fashion, not men, and is way too sassy, and you, you were born a nuisance who can't do anything right! You are pretty I'll give you that but what else? Nothing!" Kara laughed. My knuckles were turning white on the window, that was not true! Sheela, Brynne, Nikita, and Mini were perfect in their own way! And I was good at lots of things! I was really good at chess and I could fight a little (but I was kinda bad at it), and I was an exceptional swimmer! People would notice that if they were not so sexist! Before I could say anything we arrived at the place where the engagement ceremony was to take place.

"Wow" I said. It was very beautiful and grand. We were led inside by a couple of guards.

"Come," Kara said, taking my hand. "Let us now meet your betrothed!" I could tell she was excited. I sighed.

"We have to meet Urvashi first."

"Oh right!" We entered a chamber that had an overwhelming perfume smell. I became a little nauseous. "Lady Urvashi ?" Kara called.

"Coming!" The most gorgeous person that Aru had ever seen entered the room. "Kara dear! You came! The future queen of India! And-" Urvashi turned and looked at me disdainfully. "Your sister  Arundhati I presume?" I did pranam.

"Yes! Aru is here to meet her betrothed before the ceremony starts!"

"Get up!" Urvashi commands. I obey. She straightens my sari. "Yes, come along!" Me and Kara follow Urvashi out into the corridor and into another room covered in fairy lights. There is someone in the room facing the opposite direction. I nervously step forward, fingering the folds of my sari. The boy turns around smiling but immediately the smile turns upside down. My heart drops when I see his face. Horrified, I whisper...


A/N: Here is the first chapter! If you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment! I will be posting part 2 soon! Enjoy!

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