♢what's going on ?♢

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"Is it all right if I sit here again?" Ryan asked me through gritted teeth. She then looked over at a group of girls sitting at a table who were giving her the side eye, and who perhaps called her obscene things behind her back.

I wanted to tell her no. "Yeah...I guess."

She smiled gratefully, and this time she sat next to me. "I'm sorry for being annoying, it's just...I don't know."

I didn't have a response to that. I eyed her ham sandwich on rye.

I wasn't eating potato chips today, even worse, I didn't have actual money for vending. Consequently my stomach growled, and I really craved a steak or chicken, the ham sandwich on Ryan's plate...

"Do you want some?"

I took my eyes off her sandwich, and looked at her. "Huh?"

She laughed, and slid the other half of her sandwich over to me. "Here. You can have this."

I was hesitant towards taking the sandwich, and looked at her with suspicion. I doubted that she would try to poison me or anything, but I didn't know about trusting her so soon. Besides, this is the second time she sat with me at lunch.

But my hunger and her smile allowed me to take the chance. Muttering a thank you, I immediately took the sandwich bag, and took the ham sandwich out of it.

Quickly, I took a big bite of the sandwich, chewed and then swallowed. Within a minute or so the sandwich was gone.

Ryan gave me a horrified look, as if I just ate a hand or something.

"What?" I said to her as I rolled my eyes. "You offered me the sandwich, and I ate it."

Ryan laughed.

Mom hadn't noticed.

Aaron hadn't noticed.

But Dad did.

He was impressed.

It was a Saturday morning. Dad and I sat in the living room watching something on Adult Swim. I'd forgotten which show had been on.

But all I remembered was Dad in his recliner, and me on the sofa.

"Son, you know I want you to be the best, right? Always number one," he said to me as though he were always supportive, encouraging, and very understanding. "And you know, I'm proud of you."

I took my eyes away from the TV screen, and looked at my dad. "Proud of what?" I asked.

He laughed, and put out the cigarette he was smoking on the arm of his recliner. "Son, Joe, I want you to not stop what you're doing. What you're doing is perfect. And I've noticed."

I looked at Dad with confusion written all over my face. He obviously knew the desperate actions I was taking to do this for him. He wanted me to take down the star wrestler. And I was taking desperate actions while trying to beat the top contender he wanted me to face.

But I was handling it like a man, I'd been handling it like a man.

"What have you noticed that I've been doing?"

Dad laughed again. "I don't know what it is. But I've noticed you pushing yourself. And I think you'll be able to match up with the Jacobs boy." He got up from his recliner, and walked over to me. "So, don't disappoint me."

He gave me a pat on the shoulder, and walked to the master bedroom to go take a nap.

Maybe, drinking less fluids (or absolutely no fluids) was a good practice. I wouldn't most likely disappoint Dad, and I've managed to impress him.

I grinned.

I was at the park again.

I relished in all it's natural glory as I sat on the bench. My eyes were closed, and my hands were in my coat pocket.

I wished in my mind that I could be away from this life I was living. Mom could stop trying so hard with this therapy. The guys could stop with the bumping of shoulders, hard-ass nudges, insulting remarks, and petty jibes.

Maybe Dad would've changed. If Mom hadn't called the cops on him, and we would've continued to live as though nothing occured.

Though, I wondered who could've continued living in such dysfunction.

I then felt someone poke me in the face.

Flinching, my eyes fluttered open and I wasn't surprised to find Aisling.

She looked a bit humored, and covered her mouth to keep herself from giggling. But in a way, I was happy to see her.

She wore the same outfit as yesterday, but this time she put her hair up.

"So, what brings you to my park again?" She asked. "You would prefer to take a nap in this cold weather, rather than go home to warmth, and take a nap?"

Her hand was on her hip, and she still gave me that same humored smile.

I laughed a little, and replied, "Home sucks right now. I like to come to the park to think."

I motioned for her to come and sit down next to me on the bench; I patted the spot next to me.

But she shook her head, refusing the invitation. "Joe, what happened?" She said to me with a kind of concern in her eye. "You look to be a bit troubled by something."

I tried shrugging off the question. "It's nothing."

She rolled her eyes, and sat down on the ground, instead of on the bench. Her legs were crossed, and she looked at me with curiosity that wasn't going to be waning anytime soon.

"Well, if it helps you any. I didn't particularly have the best day at school either."

"Why's that?"

She gave me a deadpan look. "Bullying. This one guy keeps insulting me. Today, he asked me if my pregnancy test was positive."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "But you don't look..."

"I'm not sexually active. And yes, I'll admit it. I've never actually dated anyone." She looked at me again, but this time a blush spread across her face. "Sorry, that was a little too much info."

I shrugged. "It's okay. I mean, the guy was a douche. He's probably gone and impregnated a girl."

She smiled at me and leant her head to the left. "I'm not so sure. But at least you can see that the guy is a meanie poo."

"A what?" Bemusement shown on my face. I tried to not laugh at such a namecall.

Aisling repeated herself. "I said, but at least you can see that the guy is a meanie poo."

"'Meanie poo'? Why can't you just say asshole."

"Because I already know he's one. Besides, the best way to describe him would be a meanie poo."

I shook my head. "Whatever. Like I said the guy sounds like a douche. If it makes you any better. Today at school, this one guy slammed me against a wall and spit in my face."

Aisling looked horrified. "Where were the teachers?"

We then said in unison unintentionally, "Teachers are never there. Only when they want to be."

We looked at each other, and laughed.

That night I felt a bit lighter. I managed to get my homework done.

I even helped Mom cook dinner.

Aaron noticed my mood. "What's got you in such high spirits?"

I shrugged, and asked Mom to pass me the bowl of mashed potatoes.

She passed me the bowl, but gave a me look as though she were curious of my good mood as well. "Joe, did you ask a girl out? Did you join a club?--What is it?"

Aaron and Mom stared at me, waiting to hear anything from me.

I tried hard to not roll my eyes. Putting a big spoonful of mashed potatoes in my mouth, I chewed and then swallowed slowly.

Aaron looked at Mom. "I think he's trying to bullshit us."

"Me too."

I sighed. "Mom, Aaron, I had a good day at school. That's all. A good day, brings a good mood."

Aaron nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I guess it does."

Mom smiled. "Well I'm glad you had a good day. Good. Very good."

We went back to eating in silence, but I kept thinking about Aisling and her red scarf.

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