11. Somehow I Know We'll Be Fine

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Annabel - Alesana

At the sound of Owen's voice, Perry broke out in a cold sweat. Usually, updates were done via text messages, so when the phone rang and he saw who it was, fear as forceful as a hurricane twisted his insides. But the news couldn't have been better than if he'd waved a magic wand and put her under a spell. Zari was awake, but had no memory! There really must be a God and He was trying to make up for the hell he'd put Perry through. If things went well, Perry just might forgive Him. Time would tell.

Not only was Zari clueless about her previous life, her family didn't want Perry visiting. Not yet. They'd arranged for her to stay in Parkers Prairie, wherever the hell that was, in hopes she'd regain her memory. According to Owen, she probably would, but no way of knowing when. And, she might not recall everything.  That would be even better. She wouldn't remember the cheating, and most importantly, the documents she'd found.  He could get her to fall in love with him all over again and this time, he'd not underestimate her. He'd be damn careful about public displays of affection with Bethany and where he left his briefcase.

He laid the phone on the bedside table and flopped onto his back. Bethany sat up in bed, then straddled him and covered his mouth with a hot, wet kiss so deep his cock jumped to attention.

"Mmm, didn't take you long to get interested," she cooed.

"Baby, I stay interested when it comes to you." Probably one of the only truths.

He really could have it all.

"Well, let me see what I can do about that."

She trailed kisses south, her hard nipples scraping his skin. When she reached her destination, she sucked him into her mouth.

He gritted his teeth. Damn. Once he left the country with Zari, he'd have to take Bethany along. No way he'd ever find a woman who could satisfy him the way she did. Besides, he'd need consoling once widowed so soon after the wedding.


Even though Gabriel had a ton of questions, he kept his seat when Dr. Rodriguez and Lewis strolled past the nurses station. Better to wait until he could speak to Lewis alone. The neurologist might not be on board with the plan to help with his patient's recovery.

After Matthew had left, Gabriel read over the notes he'd taken about Zari and tried to memorize them. Jobs, boyfriends,  girlfriends, favorite foods, music, movies, even childhood pets. Having them on his iPhone was perfect. He'd be able to refer to the info anytime or anywhere without her knowing. Did he feel guilty about what he was about to do? Damn right. He just didn't see a way out of it. Her family depended on him, and he'd given his word.

Lewis appeared and sauntered to the couch across from Gabriel and sat. "So, about this stupid conspiracy plot you've agreed to. What's going on with that?"

"Owen Filgard is taking my place at the bachelor auction in return. I know it's crazy, but chances are, I would have agreed to it anyway so I might as well get something for my time—and suffering."

Lewis's lip quirked. "Well, as ridiculous as this scheme is, it might be just what you need."

He raised an eyebrow. "What does that mean?"

"Just that you spend way too much time worrying about your family. Living with Zari might actually be good for you."

Gabriel leaned forward and rested his arms on his knees, letting his hands dangle between his legs. He didn't see anything positive about the situation. No matter the outcome, everything was going to screw up. She'd eventually come to her senses and remember everything - her family's betrayal over letting her believe that he was her boyfriend. She'd probably file a restraining order against him for going along with this chaos.

"There's nothing good about this. I'm lying to her. Hell, we're all lying to her and once she finds out, provided she gets her memory back, she won't be happy about it, and I can't blame her. Tell me something. When and if she does realize I'm not her boyfriend, will she remember begging to go home with me?"

Lewis considered him for a lengthy minute. "Probably. Why?"

'Because then she might forgive me. You know, once she realizes it wasn't my idea and sees it for what it is—me trying to help her, not take advantage."

"Advantage as in having sex with her?"

Gabriel ran a hand over his weary face. He might not know Zari Davis well, but he sure as hell knew she'd expect sex. From the way she kissed him, she'd be willing to do it in her hospital bed. He wouldn't allow himself to touch her, though. It wasn't right. She didn't know anything, and that made her unable to truly consent. That didn't mean it wouldn't take every bit of willpower to ignore her advances without outright moving out of his own house to Antarctica while she was there.  "Damn right. Don't you think so?"

"As it turns out, I can give you some help on that front. Once released, Dr. Rodriguez advised her not to do anything strenuous enough to elevate her blood pressure for a couple of weeks. She's to walk every day adding a little more distance each time. Not brisk. Just regular pace."

Gabriel leaned back and blew out a breath. His nerves were shot. All this tension was hanging over his head like the sword of Damocles. "Thank God. By then, she'll be gone." That solved one of his problems, at least. The last thing he wanted was her to get upset because he refused to take advantage of her vulnerability and lack of memory.

Lewis glanced at his watch, then stood. "Just in case, other than the injuries she sustained in the car accident, she's healthy."

"I don't understand. Just in case what?"

Lewis laughed so hard he threw his head back. "That she stays longer than a fortnight and you can't fight her off."

Gabriel rose and gave him an easy shoulder punch. "Knock it off. This isn't funny. Besides, not gonna happen. Now that the two-week no sex rule is in play, regardless if she gets her past back or not, I'm not extending the agreement." Two weeks was two too long to deal with that predicament. He couldn't survive any longer than that, especially if she was throwing herself at him. He was probably going to have to jerk off in the bathroom every night to stay away from her.

"I get it. All I'm saying is if she convinces you otherwise, then she's safe. No STD's, and she has a current prescription for birth control."

He could feel his face heat up traitorously. Since saving Zari, Gabriel had given that idea a lot of thought. Sex with his soon to be housemate wasn't repulsive. Just the opposite. There was nothing he'd like more than to kiss her senseless. Breathe her in. Explore her body. Bury his head between her thighs. But just one problem. "Even if I wanted to, I can't. She thinks I'm someone else. She has a boyfriend. A real one." Gabriel locked eyes with Lewis, regarding him warily. "Wait a minute. Didn't you just break your privacy code?"

"Nope. You're the only one she listed on her paperwork. So, you have the right to know everything about her."

Well, shit.


Zari studied her reflection in the mirror, turning one way and then the other. Pulling her hair away from her face, she eyed the scars. One at her hairline, and one running the length of her right jawbone. Thank goodness she'd not seen the damage before the stitches came out and the bruising faded. She figured she must have looked like the Bride of Frankenstein.

She reached behind her neck and loosened the string on her hospital gown, then pulled the front down to reveal her chest. No major scars there. Just plenty of little cuts that were already healing. She counted six ranging in length from one to three inches, all angry and red against the blotchy remains of the seatbelt imprint.

She brushed her teeth, then splashed water on her face and blotted it dry. What she'd give for a bath. A tub filled with jasmine scented hot water. The cast on her right arm would be a problem, but if Gabriel was willing to help, she could make it work.

Gabriel. The thought of him brought a smile. He was just about the sexiest guy she could imagine. And he belonged to her. Unbelievable. She wished she could recall their past, but if she never did, it would be okay. She already knew she'd never love anyone the way she loved him.

His daily visits and how he read to her. The silly jokes he made. Hearing his voice made her heart race and seeing him—well, that caused just about every part of her body to catch fire. She didn't know how the hell she landed lust incarnate. He was sweet and kind, if somewhat reclusive and withdrawn. He was mysterious, and it made him dangerously sexy. His responses to her kisses were molten and made her weak at the knees.

A knock on the door brought her from her daydream.

"Are you okay in there?" Gabriel asked.

She opened the door and gazed up at him, holding the gown to her ample chest. She'd wanted to leave it, watch his eyes go dark, but he'd seemed so embarrassed with the PDA in front of her family, she didn't have the heart to tease him. Yet. When they got home, she'd ravish him.

"Yeah. I was just checking out the damage. Dr. Lewis said it'll take six months to a year for the scars to completely fade." She turned her back to Gabriel and lifted her hair. "Will you re-tie my gown, please?"

"Sure." He cleared his throat and reached out - hesitated a half-second, as if he was shy. The light streaming through the window glinted off his hair and cast his face in sunlight. She suddenly itched to capture the moment.

As his fingers brushed her skin, a shiver ran up her spine and down again. What she'd give to have those warm hands explore every inch of her. She knew in her heart, once he touched her, memories of their relationship would flood back.

When he was done, she faced him again. "You've got to bust me out of this place."

He grinned rakishly. "Don't think I can do that. The good news is, your doctor said you only have to stay a couple of more days."

"Yeah, I know, but I really, really want a bath—and wash my hair—and shave my legs—and polish my toenails." She slid her arm around his waist, then rested her head on his chest. Damn it, she couldn't wait. Her body burned with want. Maybe he'd appease her request and fuck her in the hospital room.  "Most of all, I want to get naked with you."

Gabriel patted her back like a friend who'd not seen her in a long time. Odd. Had they been in a fight before the accident? He was treating her as such; like he was apprehensive about touching her. Like she was a stranger to him. Maybe he was just being careful, since she didn't remember anything. She stepped away and eyed him. "You do want to get me naked, right? I mean, I've been in here for a while, I'd think you'd be just as interested as I am."

He ran his hand through his hair. "The doctor says no sex for two weeks, so we have to keep our clothes on until that deadline passes."

"I don't want to wait." She hooked a finger in his belt loop and jerked him closer, then trailed her hand south and stroked him.

He jumped back. "Cut that out."

Taking her bottom lip between her teeth, she glanced at his crotch then back at him and grinned. "Well, your Head of Public Relations doesn't seem to be in agreement with that directive."

He scowled. "You need to behave."

She advanced two steps closer. "I don't want to. I want to be wild and careless. Crazy and spontaneous. I want to rip your clothes off and ride you senseless."

Gabriel went a delightful shade of pink and wouldn't meet her eyes. He gulped and placed his hands on her shoulders to physically hold her away from him.

He seemed completely at war with himself."There's a time and place for that, and it isn't here. Settle down or I'll have to leave."

She shrugged free, stomped to the bed, and sat. "You are such a killjoy." She tapped the spot next to her and stared up at him innocently, her bottom lip puckering for emphasis. "Come sit with me. I promise I won't try to take advantage of you."

He raised a brow. "Can I trust you?"

"You mean not to get you hard again?" She smiled cheekily.

Throwing his hands in the air, and glared at her. "Dammit, Zari!"

"I'm just teasing," she soothed. "Come over here. Please."

He took a deep breath, let it out, then reluctantly joined her. "You're going to be the death of me." Literally. He felt like a pre-teen in his random boner phase.

"I know. I'm sorry. It was a little test."

Gabriel regarded her warily. "What do you mean?"

"You haven't been too interested. Not in kissing me or touching me. Barely even talking to me. I wanted to make sure you were still into me." She looked up at him from lowered lashes. She did sort of resemble the angry princess from Thirteen Ghosts with cuts spanning the length of her body.

There was also something she seemed to be missing, but she had no idea what the hell it was.

He placed his fingers under her chin and tilted her face up. "You arouse me plenty but we need to follow doctor's orders. Understand?"

"Yes, sir." She mock saluted him.

He chuckled and her toes curled. "There's no rule against hugging and kissing, is there?"

"No," he admitted. "As long as we don't let it get out of hand."

She smiled saccharine, pleased with herself. "Then I'd like for you to hold me, please."

He gathered her in his arms and drew her close, mindful of her injuries, and rested his chin on the top of her head. His hands came to rest at the small of her back. She couldn't think about anything about how good it felt to be held like that, like she was cherished. "How's this?"

"Perfect," she nestled into him. "Thank you."

"No thanks needed."

"Not just for the hug. For agreeing to let me stay with you. I know we weren't living together before, and I promise, I'll try really hard to get my memory back so I don't impose longer than necessary."

"Do you remember that?"

"No. Mr.— Matthew told me."

He pulled away and smiled. "I'm glad you're coming home with me."

"Do you really mean that?"

He blew out a short breath, glanced away as if considering what he'd said, then gazed into her eyes. "Yes."


Poor Gabriel. He's in trouble.

And could Perry get anymore devious?



"It's been a long time for me, too."

What do you think is going on?

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