19. She Will Love You

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She Will Love You - Aiden

Gabriel didn't know what had come over Zari, but something definitely different. She'd been like a little ray of sunshine from the minute he'd gotten home, chattering nonstop about spending the day with her god-dad, conversations she'd had with the car salesmen, and how she'd worn a scarf to camouflage the fact she wasn't wearing a bra.

Thank God for that because the thought of people looking at her breasts bouncing beneath the form-fitting red sweater made his chest constrict and his teeth grind. Shouldn't matter. Wasn't like he had a claim to her. But he still didn't like it. That's why he'd remedied the situation before heading to Mom's for dinner.

Once there, and everyone had gotten seated, Zari didn't let up. She'd talked about squirrels she'd seen during her walk. The fresh air, vivid fall leaves, and the friendliness of everyone she'd met so far. Cases in point, dress shop caretaker, Maia, who'd opened Zari an account with no red tape, and Chris, the car salesman pointing out how the color of the vehicle matched her eyes.

Chris sounded a little too friendly, but hey, the guy had a sales quota, and Matthew had been here to make sure this Chris guy didn't see a pretty girl and try and oversell her a shitty lemon. Something Zari clearly didn't care about which led him to believe other than her family, she craved attention. At least from relationships. Further proof of that was the so-called boyfriend, Perry, still MIA. That might have something to do with Gabriel agreeing to everything Matthew had asked of him. Trips to the hospital—reading to her—the one-sided conversations, and then the biggie—taking her home. Yeah, her not having anyone she knew had pulled at his heartstrings. Hell, who was he kidding? The moment he'd pulled her from the car, and she'd asked about the deer, he'd been in her hold.

Yeah, he'd created the problem, and if he continued, it might keep her from recovery. Didn't want to prolong that because the more he was with her, the more he liked her. Even the short time it took fastening her bra got to him. The vision of her leaning forward to let those soft mounds fill the lace cups had his heart thundering.

Come to think of it, she'd been different then, too. No flirting or teasing. No sign of seduction. Apparently, she intended to keep her promise by behaving. Still, it didn't take much for Gabriel's imagination to run wild. Twice today, he'd lost his concentration, thinking of her. Not a good thing. Especially when he'd been in the middle of restoring power.

Lina tugged on his pants leg. "Uncle Gabbie, I need one more person for a game. Will you play?"

He squatted to get to her level. "Sure, baby, what are we playing?"

"What am I? You know. You put a picture on your head and try to guess what it is from clues."


She grabbed his hand and led him to the living room where Matthew and Reid sat. Gabriel smiled. Lina must like male attention too since she'd chosen an all dude panel. He glanced back toward the kitchen where Mom still zipped around, and Zari had Elena at the dining table in deep conversation.


Even though Zari had only spent a short time with Gabriel's friend, Elena, she'd connected with her. Maybe that had to do with their relationship before the accident. He had said everyone in his family liked Zari, and that took off a lot of the pressure. She didn't have to worry about first impressions. She'd passed those tests long ago, but since finding the ring, she'd wanted to discuss it with someone, and Elena fit the bill.

For a minute, Zari watched the game going on the in the living room, then she turned to her new friend. "Gabriel is so good with Lina. He'll make a great father."

"Yeah. Someday."

The tone of Elena's voice sounded as if the idea was not in his immediate future. But if he'd been planning to propose, surely, he'd thought about having kids. Even discussed it with his family, and Elena was as close to an honorary Luna as anyone could be. Only one way to find out.

"For the last few hours, I've been thinking about why Gabriel isn't very affectionate," Zari said.

That got Elena's attention. She narrowed her eyes and cocked her head. "How so?"

"I've been focused on the amnesia as my problem, but it's really just as much his. Memories are what binds us together. The things we share. Experiences we have. Private moments and secret jokes. Hopes and dreams. And once the person we share those with can no longer remember any of them, everything changes. Even though I love him, because I can't remember any of our past, it's like I've not been a part of it. I'm like a ghost. I'm here. But I'm not.

"I mean, he can see me. Talk to me. But there isn't any common ground to tie us together, and because of that, whatever future with me he had planned, he put on hold. Does that make sense?"

Elena gave her brows a quick lift. "Actually, it does. If Reid couldn't remember us dating, or the two jobs I worked while he was in law school, or the birth of Lina, or any of our life together, I guess our connection would be lost." She reached across the table and took Zari's hand. "I'm sorry. I know this is hard on you. But you and Matthew are getting reacquainted. That might help you recall your history."

"Not so far, but I am getting more comfortable around him. He's so kind and thoughtful, and he doesn't push me. He and Gabriel are a lot alike. The next time he comes to visit, I asked him to bring pictures. Maybe that will spark something." Zari raised her hand and widened her eyes. "Oh! I remembered something else. Turns out, I was engaged once, and the girl cheated on me. Apparently, she and my maid of honor had been carrying on for months behind my back. I don't know which is worse. Having my fiancé or my friend lie to me. Thank God, Gabriel would never do that."

Elena coughed, then cleared her throat.

Dawn came to the table, pulled out a chair, and plopped down next to Elena. "Zari, I'm off next week, so if you get tired of staying by yourself, come here. I'll be working on recipes for the pie contest I enter each year. Then on Wednesday, I'll prepare for Thanksgiving. I've invited your godfather and the rest of your family to spend Turkey Day with us, and they agreed. Maybe having them all together at once will be familiar."

Loud laughter spilled from the living room, and Zari turned attention there. Lina did a happy dance. Clearly, she was winning. Then Zari faced Dawn again. "I'd love to help with your recipes. I'm not sure how good of a pie maker I am, but I'd like to find out."

Gabriel's mother rose and scooted her chair back in place. "I'd love for you to help. Silbie will be here too, so that will give you a chance to get to know her better."

Zari cupped her mouth and leaned forward. "Gabriel isn't too thrilled about her interest in Owen."

Dawn put her hand on her hip. "How well I know, but that son of mine needs to lighten up a bit. He tends to make things much more serious than they are." She turned to go, then stopped. "I get up early, so come anytime."

Zari eyed Elena. "I like your mom. Even if Gabriel doesn't want her dating my godfather, I'm happy they are. Is that a bad thing?"

"What do you mean?"

"That I'm not on Gabriel's side."

Elena chuckled. "No law says you have to agree with everything he thinks. Believe me, he can be a real pain in the ass. Like Dawn said, he needs to not be so serious all the time."

Zari moved her chair closer. "Can I tell you something?"


"I've got to get my memory back because when I do, Gabriel is going to propose."

Elena sucked in a quick breath and strangled on it. She coughed again, then sputtered. "Sorry. What makes you say that?"

"I found the ring. I wasn't snooping. I was looking for a notepad in his desk, and there it was. Had he said anything to you about it?"

She shook her head. "No. Not a word."


Across the room, Elena choked on something for the second time and got Gabriel's attention. Odd. She wasn't eating or drinking anything, so it must have been something Zari said. For the last fifteen minutes, they'd had their heads together, which made him nervous. So far, his family had done a great job avoiding any information that might send up a red flag. Plus, it helped that the doctor had suggested Zari not pick people's brains and just let nature take its course.

But his bed partner was sharp, and one slip of the tongue would bring on a slew of questions he didn't want to answer. At least not until the two weeks were up. At that time, he'd come clean because he didn't want her leaving Parkers Prairie believing he was her boyfriend. Carrying a lie around twenty-four-seven weighed him down, and he had his limits.

Even if she didn't remember, she deserved the truth. And he hated lying to her. Damn, she looked so beautiful. Wide-eyed and animated as she spoke. Whatever story she had going must be important because Elena leaned close as if she didn't want to miss a word.

The two of them had fallen into an easy friendship, and Gabriel liked that. He didn't want Zari to be miserable. He felt bad enough leaving her alone all day and even though he'd not been too happy about Mom dating Matthew, at least his visit gave Zari something to do while Gabriel worked.

Minutes later, Elena brought Lina's sweater and helped her into it, then she leaned close to Gabriel and spoke out of the side of her mouth. "Call me when you get a chance."

The way she raised her brows and tightened her lips made him uneasy.  Oh hell. He recognized the expression. The one she'd used to warn him of impending punishment from his mother when he was a kid. His heart kicked up a notch. Whatever it was, couldn't be good.


On the way home, Zari continued her babble, but Gabriel had a hard time concentrating on anything she said for worrying about what Elena had told him.

"Your mom invited my family for Thanksgiving. Are you alright with that? I mean, you already don't like Matthew or Owen, and they'll both be here."

The sound of her cousin's name snapped Gabriel from his worry. "What?"

"Thanksgiving. At your mom's. Matthew and Owen."

"Not crazy about the idea, but can't dictate who she invites."

Zari sighed, then lowered her shoulders. "I just want everyone to get along."

Gabriel glanced over at her. Big mistake. The moon gave off just enough light to cast her in silhouette, reminding him in a short time, he'd be helping her undress, and the thought made the blood race through his veins. "I promise I won't cause any trouble."

"Good, because I love your mother and don't want anything to ruin her day." Zari lay her hand on Gabriel's thigh. "I love everyone in your family."

Damn. One little touch from her and his cock twitched. If she moved her hand north, he wouldn't stop her. He was so damn horny he'd let her have her way with him right there in the truck. Drawing a stuttering breath, he scolded himself. Had to stop thinking about her naked. A diversion. That's what he needed. A subject that had nothing to do with temptation. Sports. Yeah. He hated sports, and there was nothing sexy about rough competition.

"What were you and Elena talking about? Seemed serious."

Zari reclaimed her hand and raked some loose strands of hair behind her ear. A clear sign of discomfort, which concerned Gabriel even more.

"Oh, I was just telling her about my previous engagement."

The way she said the last word sounded funny, but the subject made sense so perhaps he had no reason for alarm. Elena did tend to dramatize things, especially when she was pregnant and full of baby hormones, so she probably overreacted to something Zari said.

She clasped her hands together, suddenly shy. "We also discussed what a great dad you'll be."

Holy shit. He swallowed hard. "How'd that come up?"

"You're so good with Lina." Zari faced him. "You do want children, right?"

Uneasy about where this conversation was headed, he shifted in his seat. "Well—sure—someday."

He'd never thought much about that until Rosie had an abortion. He'd grieved the loss, and out of everything she had done, it was the one thing that kept him from forgiving her for so long was that she hadn't even told him. The child had been part of him, and while he had no right to decide how any woman used her body, she had shut him out completely when he would've been there for her either way.

He wheeled into his drive, raised the garage door, and pulled in next to Zari's new car.

Zari released her seat belt. "I should have known the answer to that question. I mean, I guess we've discussed children, or have we?"

He swallowed. Not exactly the trajectory course he'd intended for tonight. "No, not really."

"Well, I want kids. At least three. You?"

Shit. Why was she talking about this? Had she taken for granted they'd discussed marriage and family? Then it hit him. Apparently, she and "the real boyfriend" had.

"There's lots to consider when you have kids. Who knows, the first one could be a real terror, and you might not want anymore." Gabriel closed the garage door, then climbed from the truck, and looked back at her. "Why don't you go in and start a bath. During the game with Lina, I missed a call from Cole, and need to call him back."

She frowned, but dropped it. For now. "Okay."

He waited until she disappeared, and although he was dying to speak to Elena, Cole actually had texted about their morning workout, so he replied to the message, then dialed Elena.

"What do you need to tell me?"

"You've got a big problem. Zari found the engagement ring and thinks it's for her."


All that hinting.

On Friday, I'll be releasing the next chapter and a brand new romance.

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