Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen


Yup. It’s official. I’m having one of those “rich girl” moments. I haven’t had one in a while, say since I was six maybe? I asked my mom for a unicorn, and she said I couldn’t get one. At the time, I didn’t know why. I cried for days, and complained, not understanding the logic in her irrational answer. Right now, I’m having one of those times again.

My parents are forcing me to work. That word. Yuck. I know the meaning and context in which it is generally used, I just hate applying it. I’ve never actually “worked” before. I’ve never had a job or the need to have a job. In high school, I got good grades- great grades even –which left me exempt from all other expectations in life. When I want something, I ask for it, and usually receive it. I get what I want.

Two days ago, my mom called me and said that I had to work. I asked why, to which she replied, “So you have a good sense of what effort, and the phrase ‘hard working’ means.” I was not happy. I’m a very motivated, energized person, and I do consider myself “hard working”; why she’s making me actually perform manual labor is beyond me.

Then, she told me that I had the option between waitressing and babysitting. I chose the kids. She said that she had a friend who lived by us, and that she had three kids, and needed a good babysitter. Why she recommended me is also beyond my comprehension level.

I’ve never really dealt with kids. I’m the youngest in my family and in my extended family for the most part. In my life, there has been no need to interact with children. I don’t not like them, it’s just I’ve never had the chance to be with them. Apparently, I have a wonderful intuition about the insights of kids- well, according to my mother at least.

Ugh! I just really don’t want to have to run around some stranger’s house like a maniac chasing after kids I don’t even know just because my mom’s trying to teach me a lesson or something! It’s not fair. I think this incident might even be more unjust than not getting a unicorn…

I knocked on the door, anticipating a strict business type lady to open up, set me up with the kids, and whiz by. Instead, I was greeted by a muffled masculine voice, “Who is it?”

“The babysitter,” I said to the person on the other side of closed door.

“One sec!” he yelled. I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for him to open the door.

“Hi! I’m-” he started, creaking the door open for me.

“Blake?” I finished for him, surprised.

“Elle! Hey! Whoa! So you’re the babysitter?” he asked skeptically.

“Yeah… Can I come in?”

“Oh, um… sure!” he smiled, stepping aside, and allowing me entrance.

“So, how do you know Meredith?” I sighed, referring to the person I had expected to welcome me.

“She’s my sister,” he replied nonchalantly.


“And you?”

“I apparently am the babysitter,” I said, still unhappy about the position I was in. I can work after I’m done with grad-school, and have my doctorate or law degree. I don’t need a job now! This is stupid, and a waste of my time!

“If I knew my sister was going to hire someone as cute as you, I’d definitely volunteer for this job more often,” he laughed, smiling at me.

“What job?” I questioned, covering my mouth to stifle a yawn.

“Well, my sister’s pretty much insane, and forgot that she had a business meeting now, so, I get to meet you, and give you the instructions of how to tolerate the devils,” he explained.

“Oh. Cool.”

“Yeah. So Elle, I didn’t think you did this sort of thing,” he said, sitting down on the edge of a leather couch placed a few feet away from the front door I had just entered from.

“What sort of thing?”

“You know- work.”

“Oh generally I don’t, but my mother thinks that I need to have a good gage on what ‘hard working’ means, so I was kind of forced into this,” I retorted, smoothing down my hair nervously.

“I see. So, do you want to meet the little devils?” he asked, smirking.

“Sure..?” I said, unsure of what my mom had enlisted me in.

“Okay then. Bella! Kennedy! Jack!” he called, as I moved over to a chair and sat down. So Blake was the uncle of the kids I was involuntarily babysitting… Interesting. I like Blake; he’s always seemed nice, in the short time that I’ve known him. I’m sure anyone related to him can’t be too bad.

“What Blakey?” a little girl about the age of four asked, running down the stairs.

“Bella, this is Elle, your new babysitter,” Blake said, winking at me.

“Hi,” I said, waving slightly to the little girl that stood before me in a dress that looked like it belonged to one of the Disney Princesses. It was yellow… Jasmine? No! Cinder- Nope. Huh… I should totally know this… Belle! Yup, that’s it!

“Blake what the hell do you want?” another girl said, entering the room from a hallway.

“Language,” Blake warned.

“Like I give a shit what that little baby hears,” she said, rolling her eyes defiantly. She looked to be in her early teens, about thirteen.

“Kennedy, please stop. This is Elle, your new babysitter,” Blake said.

“I don’t even understand why the fuck I need a babysitter, I mean Jack may need one, but I don’t!” she said in a “duh” tone.

“Speaking of Jack, where is he? Oh and I’m serious, next time you swear, your mom is so finding out,” Blake said, rushing up the stairs the little girl in yellow had just come down.

“Don’t even think for a second that I’m listening to you!” the older girl hissed, sending me a cold glare.

“Kennedy huh? How old are you? Thirteen? Fourteen?” I asked.

“Fourteen. I know I’m short. Get over it,” she said, her voice thick with attitude.

“I remember that age,” I sighed.

“Oh yeah? I be you also remember when dinosaurs roamed the earth,” she snorted, twirling her blonde hair with the use of a finger.

“Not that old, sorry kid,” I said, shaking my head.

“Whatever. How old are you?”

“Generally you don’t ask people that question, but I’m eighteen… and a half,” I said. Yes, the half totally counts.

“Blake’s nineteen. Are you two like hooking up?” she accused.

“No! What would make you think that?” I said, caught off guard by the question she had asked.

“Pretty girl, in my house, he’s actually being polite, I’m not an idiot,” she said.

“Oh. Great. As I was saying, when I was your age I was actually recovering from a pretty bad heartbreak. You have a boyfriend?” I asked. That’s what babysitters do, right? Don’t they try to relate to the kids or some shit?

“Why the fuck would I tell you?”

“Okay. Forgot I asked,” I said, putting my hands up in the defeat of my trying to be relatable.

“So if you’re not with Blake, do you have a boyfriend?” she asked.

“Yes, actually, I do,” I said, receiving an intrigued look from the adolescent girl.

“Kennedy! Are you scaring Elle already?” Blake asked, coming back down with a tall boy following him. The boy looked to be about fifteen. I not seriously babysitting two teens and a toddler? Man, my mom hates me.

“No! We were just chatting,” she answered sweetly, sending Blake a fake smile, and scowling at me once again.

“Fine. Elle, this is Jack,” Blake said.

“Hi,” I said.

“Hey,” the tall boy said, nodding his head.

“We’re twins,” Kennedy said.

“Wait, really?!” I asked enthusiastically. I love twins. They’re so cool! I mean someone born on the same day, at the same time, on the same year as you- that’s epic right there! When I was younger, I used to wish that I had a twin instead of Jordan.

“Yeah. I’m taller,” Jack said, smirking at his sister.

“Asshole,” she mumbled.

“Hey! I heard that! Kennedy one more time, and I swear I’ll… I’ll…” Blake exclaimed, searching for a threat.

“You’ll what? What exactly are you going to do to me?” Kennedy tested, putting her hands on her hips.

“I’ll take away your phone,” he proclaimed triumphantly.

“You wouldn’t!” she shrieked in terror.

“Try me!” Blake challenged.

“Okay! You’ve made your point! No more swearing!” Kennedy said.

“Good. Now I have to go, but you three treat Elle nicely, and don’t break her?”

“Creep,” Kennedy muttered.

“Okay, so Elle, basically if Kennedy swears again then take away her phone, and keep a tally of how many times certain words come out of her mouth. Make sure Jack’s not playing Call of Duty for the entire afternoon, and Bella isn’t allowed to make spaghetti, no matter what she tells you. If Kennedy is texting for more than an hour, take away her phone. That applies to Jack too-”

“Psh. He doesn’t even have any friends to text,” Kennedy interjected.

“Anyways,” Blake said, giving her a stern look, “if Bella wants to go to the park then the other two have to go along. Kennedy knows where it is. For dinner, you can either cook or eat out. Whatever the kids want. The twins have reports due Monday, so their partners may stop by to help. With me so far?” I nodded, slightly dazed, and he continued, “Okay, so here’s my number, and Meredith’s number if you need to reach us. I don’t think I’m forgetting anything… Oh! Bella is not allowed to have any form of sugar after five o’clock. Any questions?”

I thought for a moment, processing the information before responding, “What time will either of you be back?”

“Around seven,” he answered.

“So, do I have to put any of them to bed?”

“No. Thank you so much for doing this Elle, I apologize in advance for the behavior you will be subjected to this afternoon. Don’t hate me because of how they act. Love two of you, bye,” he said, kissing Bella on the forehead, waving to Jack, and opening the door. He didn't step out, and I was a little confused at first until he said, “Can I help you?”

“Yeah, I’m looking for Elle Paterson? Cute, girl, dark hair, tallish, awesome, I think she’s here?” a voice said.

“Yeah she’s here, who are you?” Blake said.

“Oh, I’m her future husband.” Oh crap.


“Elle, you’re engaged?” the blonde guy asked, turning away from me. He looked so familiar! I definitely knew him from somewhere…

“Absolutely not!” she objected.

“Yes you are! We’re totally getting married!” I said reasonably.

“In your dreams!” was the most sarcastic counter point she could muster.

“Well, considering you are my dream, I think it’s very likely to happen,” I said smartly.

“Nick just shut up,” she muttered.

“Um… is he going to rob us?” a girl asked from within.

“No,” Elle told her.

“How do you know?” I asked, smirking.

“Nick, please shut up,” Elle said. “No, he’s not going to rob you. He’s my…”

“Boyfriend,” I finished for her.

“Friend,” she corrected hesitantly. Well at least there’s some progress- friend. I don’t like that word, but it’s better than nothing…

“Is he safe?” the blonde guy asked, reviewing my look. I didn’t look that shifty. A pair of ripped jeans, a black T-shirt (which happened to be Lacoste), and my favorite pair of Nikes didn’t appear overly sketchy when I had picked it out.

“Psh. No,” Elle said.

“Is there something I’m not getting?” blonde boy inquired.

“Yes,” Elle said, “Nick’s safe, and he’s one of my roommates.”

“Okay, then I’m leaving. Bye Elle,” the guy in front of me said, brushing past me.

“Kids, huh?” I said, entering the house and closing the door behind me.

“Yeah, why are you here?” Elle said accusingly.

“I was bored, I missed you,” I shrugged, flashing a charming smile her way.

“Great. How’d you find me, ad what about chilling with John, or better yet Aspen?!”

“I checked you calendar before you left, and I like torturing you more than hanging out with either of them,” I said, walking over to where she was, and sitting beside her. She scooted away, and I did the same.

“So, are you two like dating?” a girl asked.

“We’re not,” Elle said, “so he’s totally available to you, if you want.”

“No thanks,” she said, shaking her head vigorously.

“Nick, please leave or so help me god I will make you!” Elle threatened. She’s so cute when she’s trying to be controlling!

“Is that a challenge I hear?” I asked.

“No, an order,” she said gravely.

“Yeah Jack, they’re totally dating,” the girl said.

“Look kid, we’re not,” Elle said.

“You should be,” she said, “you would make such a cute couple!”

“That’s what I think too!” I said, putting my arm over Elle’s shoulder. She moved it off, and got up in the span of about two seconds.

“I mean, I’m sure Blake wants to hook up with you, but to be honest you and the hot guy make a better couple. I’m going to my room to video chat with Megan, so peace out losers,” the girl said, exiting the room dramatically.

“She’s such a bitch,” a boy who I was assuming was Jack said.

“Girls can be that way,” I said, looking over to Elle.

“‘Cuse me, will you play princess with me?” a little girl asked Elle. She was wearing a yellow dress that looked kind of like a cupcake.

“I don’t…” Elle started, staring apologetically at the little girl.

“Oh come on Elle!” I instigated.

“He wants to play!” she said, pointing at me. Shit.

“YAY!” the little girl shrieked, wrapping her tiny hand around my own. She pulled me away from the comfortable seating area, and dragged me up to a set of stairs. She placed her free hand on the railing, and climbed up the steps in the same ease as a mountain climber hiking up a small hill.

“I’m Nick,” I said awkwardly, as we continued to go up the steps.

“My name’s Bella and I’m four years old and I turn five in nine months and I was born in the spring and my big sister’s name is Kenny and my big brother’s name is Jacky. Do you like bunnies?” she said, leaving me in awe of what had just come out of her mouth.

“Yeah, I love bunnies,” I said slowly.

“Me too! They’re so fluffy and pretty and cute! Just like marshmallows! But you can eat marshmallows and you can’t eat bunnies. I asked my mommy for a bunny but she said that I couldn’t have one so then I cried and then she gave me a stuffed animal bunny that I named Mr. Fluffers. Who’s your favorite princess?” she asked, completely derailing the course of what she had just been talking about.

“Uh… who can I pick from?” I asked, feeling marginally ashamed at the lack of knowledge my parents instilled in me as a child relating to the princesses. Growing up in a house with three guys, the word “princess” wasn’t used too frequently.

“Well there’s Jasmine, who wears green pants and has long hair and has a tiger, Arielle, who has bright red hair and a tale, but it’s okay because she’s a mermaid, and she has fish friends, Cinderella, who was a maid and wears a blue dress and sings with the birdies and talks to cute little mice, Sleeping Beauty, who wears a pink dress and sleeps until a prince kisses her and wakes her up which is yucky because boys have cuties, well some boys do,” she took a deep breath, as we finally reached the top of the stairs, and turned down a hallway. “And there’s Snow White who lives with the dwarves and eats an apple that her evil step mother the queen gives her, but then she’s okay and she wears a yellow and blue dress, and then my favorite is Belle, who has a yellow dress, like the one I’m wearing, and she lives with a beast and then kisses him, which is yucky, and then he turns into a prince, and they live happily ever after! So who’s your favorite?”

I processed all the extensive information that was thrown at me, thinking as we kept walking. We passed a room, and I briefly peered in, seeing the girl from before with headphones in, video chatting with someone. “I like Belle,” I proclaimed.

“Really? Me too! She’s so pretty! She has brown hair, but I don’t, but that’s okay because she’s still pretty, and I’m also pretty. Do you think I’m pretty?” she rambled.

“Yeah,” I said.

“I think you’re pretty too, and so is Kenny and Jacky and Elle! This is my room,” she said, as we walked into a room covered from wall to wall in the color pink. Holy fuck. This kid is so going to hate this room when she’s older…

At one side there was a mountain of stuffed animals ranging from dogs to unicorns, and at other side there was a bin with dolls stuffed in it. In the center of the room there was a pink bed with a sheer canopy over it. Against one of the walls, there were two closed doors with silver handles. There was this pink and gold border surrounding the top of the wall, and bright pink curtains on all the windows. Yeah, this room was pretty frightening.

She let go of my hand, and ran over in the direction of the two doors. She flung them open and went into wherever it led. I followed her, viewing that it was merely an oversized closet. She was on the floor, searching through different things. “Which princess do you want to be?” she asked.

“Do I have to be a princess?” I groaned less than eagerly.

“Well no… Oh! I know! You can be my horse!” she said excitedly.

“A horse?” I questioned.

“Yes!” she said, smiling brightly.

“Fine,” I sighed, “what do I have to do?”

“Get on the floor and I’ll go on your back!” she said. I did so, getting down on my hands and knees. She clapped out of excitement, and straddled my back so her legs were dangling off the ground. The small amount of weight that her little body possessed was added to my back, and her hands clasped around my neck tightly. “Giddyup!” she commanded.

I began to crawl about on the floor of her pink-carpeted room. I went around in a circle for a few seconds before I realized something very important: I looked like an idiot. “Ah! What an adorable picture!” Elle cried as if on cue, entering the room to my embarrassment.

“You’re just jealous,” I mumbled.

“You’re right Nick, I am jealous. Totally,” she said, smirking and taking out her phone. I heard a “click!” sound, and the deed was done. She had taken a picture of me. She’s so going to get it!

“Delete it! Now!” I called, removing Bella’s arms from my neck, and getting up.

“Nope,” she shook her head.

“Elle, you do know that I too have a number of embarrassing photos of you, correct?” I said.

“Like what?” she asked, placing her phone in her back pocket triumphantly.

“Well there’s the ice cream one, and the snow one, and you can’t forget about the one with the clown! Oh that’s my favorite!” I said, referencing a variety of lovely photographs I had on my phone of Elle.

“Nick! I thought you got rid of those!” she whined.

“Now why would I do that?” I laughed.

“Ugh! Bella, just a word of advice- never grow up. It’s so much easier being your age,” Elle told Bella.

“I’m never going to grow up but if I did I would be a princess… or maybe a fairy… or a unicorn! Yeah! I’m going to be a unicorn princess when I grow up!” Bella said, smiling widely.

“Oh… okay,” Elle said.

“Delete it,” I commanded.

“No,” she said. “Now, we’re even.”

“Fine. Show anyone that picture and I will put the video of you and the clown on YouTube. Deal?” I said.

“Fine,” she said.

“Can we go to the park now because I like the park and I want to go play on the swings and down the slides and can the horsey come too?” Bella asked.

“Uh… sure,” Elle said, “and the horse can come if he behaves himself.”

“Yay!” she screamed, running out of the room.

“Come on horsey, let’s go to park,” Elle said smugly. “That is if you’re willing to behave yourself.”

“I’ll try,” I said, leaving the room, and smiling to myself.

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