Revelation (7)

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Note: Please read my latest announcement on my profile when you're done with this chapter/before reading this chapter. Also long chapter for not updating (not proofread, do not include grammatical errors- will be fixed later ). :)))))

Time passed so fast between these two that they didn't even know how long they hung out for. It was about 3 hours and Lou and Mandy sat together and a coffee shop, talking and laughing about things that had occurred in the past or what had occurred now. To them time was nothing, seeing is it passed by so fast. Lou just finished telling Mandy joke which she laughed at in return- fully recognising Lou's sense of humour. The two of them must of been so occupied with entertaining one another with jokes that they didn't notice the looks that they got from other dolls. Most of the dolls - some recognisable or not- had a mixture of confusion. as to why Mandy would hang out with Lou. Some looks were disgusted as to why Lou was hanging out with Mandy. But only a small 10% of those crowds smirked in acknowledgment of their connection. But it wouldn't have mattered to either one of them, just by being around each other they felt that other people's opinion just really didn't matter. The both of them eventually tried to calm down.

"Hey, I'm going to the bathroom." Mandy said as she stood up from the seat. Lou smiled and just nodded. Mandy then walked away leaving Lou to suddenly realise everything that was happening to him. He always secretly beamed overtime he thought of the fact that majority of the dolls were willing to give him a chance, and that fact alone always kept his confidence high. 'And to think, if I had said no to Mandy... Then I wouldn't be sitting here in a comfy suit.' Lou thought to himself mentally, realising that he was glad his stubbornness didn't take over his well-being and ruin his chances.

"Hey Lou!" Ox exclaimed excitedly, waving in Lou's direction as he made his way towards him, Lou smiled and waved back. "Hey Ox" Lou replied with a calmer tone but still showing that he was very happy to see him. "What are you doing here?" Ox inquired with a questioning look on his face. "I was just hanging out with Mandy." Lou stated right before he took a sip out of his iced tea. Ox smirked right after Lou said that, he decided to tease him about the situation. "Oh? So you two are on a date?" Lou almost spit out his drink in surprise when he heard Ox say that. He shrugged off the feeling that he got when he thought of Ox's thoughts and spoke while closing his eyes- hoping he wouldn't incorrectly word this.

"Nah... Mandy and I are just friends, Ox. Although we do talk now from time to time and always speak and the fact that I stay at her place- that does not mean I am dating her." Lou mentally face-palmed himself knowing that his sentence did not make any sense whatsoever.

"Oh so you two are sleeping together?" Ox asked without hesitation as he slightly leaned against the table with his one arm.

"W-What?! NO! Not like that!" Lou stammered like crazy as he thought of what Ox meant. Ox only laughed in amusement. "I'm just teasing you, partner. I know what you meant. But I'm glad that you have more people to talk to and socialise with now that you have decided to change." Ox reminded Lou, making Lou smile. "Yeah, me too." Lou admitted. Suddenly Lou could spot a kind pink, female doll with nubby teeth come by to find Ox.

"Ox! Everyone's waiting for you! Oh! Hi Lou!" Moxy greeted Lou with kindness in her voice. Lou smiled back, appreciating Moxy for greeting him. "Hey Moxy. What are you guys doing here." Lou said leaning on the table with a smirk on his face. "We were having a proper look around and seeing all the new renovations that had been happening over time since we left!" Lou nodded.

"Anyway, we got to get going! So you next time Lou!" Moxy waved goodbye taking Ox with her, Lou waved back. "See ya!" "Oh and Good Luck tomorrow!" Ox wished Lou good luck, finally walking away from Lou making it back to the group. Lou sighed and spoke to himself "Good luck indeed, Lou" Lou spoke to himself. Suddenly he heard Mandy from right behind him giggling at him talking to himself. Lou turned around sharply and was surprised to see Mandy already without him knowing. "How long have you been standing there!" Lou exclaimed. Mandy eventually stopped laughing and explained. "I am pretty quick and light on my feet, I don't really think anyone notices me slip by." Mandy said. Lou was still surprised, but now slightly embarrassed at himself for having Mandy seeing him talk to himself. Mandy then looked to her left to find a big clock that told the time, by a building say that it was 4pm.

"I think it's time for us to get going. It's 4pm." Mandy spoke as she pointed towards that clock. Lou turned to see that it was indeed 4:00pm. "Yeah, plus I want to get back to your place anyway seeing how warm it is." Mandy blushed at Lou's compliment. She pretended to fix her skirt in order to hide her blushing face- which Lou actually managed to notice. Mandy put out her hand in front of Lou, expect him to grab it. Lou looked Mandy seeing her gorgeous faint blushing face, then turning it down back to her hand. This time he genuinely took it rather than kissing it like he usually did with other female dolls. He stood up with the help of Mandy and they left their empty plates on the tables behind and walked together. Lou had his hands in his pockets and Mandy just slightly fiddling with her hands from time to time due to nervousness.


Time can pass by so fast when you're spending time with the person you like, whether it be subconscious or very well known the brain always focuses on the person or a specific trait about them which therefore makes time pass by so quickly since we don't always pay the most attention to it. To Lou and Mandy time passed by as fast as a cheetah sprinting down a hill. Though the cherished spending the afternoon laughing and talking, walking with each other at admiring particular views of a given area. Admiring at how the sky burns with tinges of orange and red, blending with the brightness on the sun that is tilting down away from the eyes of other dolls.

Now was the time when they both decided that they would do some baking. Mandy was a pretty good baker, despite her knowledge of skincare and makeup her knowledge of baking and cooking was also very high a level. Lou never really spent time doing that seeing as most dolls don't exactly need to know how to cook, but he is genuinely a fast learner -being one of his 'perfect' traits. So things like this could come to him easily. Both of them were currently eating the muffins that they both baked. This made by Nolan's chocolate chips that he gave to Mandy before you-know-what was interrupted. The both of them were sitting on Mandy's Couch just watching nothing in particular on the TV. Both of them were either fully focused on what was happening in that scene, or they were talking to each other about the scene.

"Mandy these are amazing." Lou said as he continued to much on the rest of his remaining muffin. Mandy smiled "Thanks. But remember this was a-" Mandy tapped his nose."-team effort" They both laughed at Mandy's shenanigans. Lou moved closer to Mandy, and put an arm around her. Mandy blushed at first, feeling flustered at happy yet confused and overwhelmed. She look at Lou's way, with an unreadable expression on her face. Lou looks back and questions Mandy's behaviour by laughing. "What?" Mandy just shrugged. "It's nothing bad... It's just this is one of the first times we actually connected properly..." They both blushed. "Uh! You know?! As friends." Mandy rephrased. Lou looked at Mandy jokingly with a mischievous look on his face, but in reality, he was very much confused as to her reactions. Lou just shrugged with his eyes closed "Well, I'm glad that we did... I wouldn't be here right now talking to you." Lou admitted as her finished his last muffin and sat back on the couch. Mandy scooted closer to Lou unintentionally. "I mean hey... There's always a first time for everything?" Mandy stated with more of a questionable tone of voice. Both of them looked away one scratching his head in nervousness and the other blushing as she rubs her arms to make herself feel more warm - I believe you can guess.

"Right!" Mandy stood up and clapped her hands together. "I'm going to save these for the rest of our friends. Give me a hand?" Mandy asks as she walked to her kitchen counter, Lou hummed a "yeah" and got to work. 'our friends' Lou thoughts. 'It was nice to be able to hear that again...' he admitted mentally as he helped Mandy sorting out the muffins for their friends. It was one of those moments where silence was best needed. This is not meant in a bad way, but in a more relaxing and quiet way- that the end of a chaotic and life changing day had come to an end. "Thanks again Lou, for helping me with making these." Mandy properly thanked Lou for his assistance looking his way, her hands kept busy in relation to packing up the muffins. Lou did one of his signature chuckle "This has honestly been one of the most comforting and relaxing evenings of my time- apart from yesterday." Oh no... That last part was not supposed to be mentioned. Lou froze at what he said and Mandy stopped doing what she was doing and turned to Lou slowly with a bright blush on her face. "W-What?" Lou mentally kicked himself. "Uh n-not!- In like a way that insulates what we talked about was good, you know? Like um when we talked, and listened-yeah" Lou reassured himself at the end of his sentence, hoping that it would sound right to Mandy. Mandy was still blushing but shook her hopeful thoughts away.

Mandy then just smiled somewhat nervously and kindly "Yeah... I um- I'll get the a-oh" Mandy managed to trip over her own feet and was close to hitting the floor. Before her body made complete contact with the ground, "Mandy!" A pretty boy caught her by the waist in just the nick of time. Both eyes widened as they were now facing one another with shock and astonishment. Their eyes were like magnets. Their souls like opposites magnets -north and south. Their bodies were close to one another, making both people feel safe and secure. Lou's hand, one other back, other tightly gripping her waist. Mandy's arms around the back of his neck. To them, this was their chance- and they didn't even know what was happening. Their lips slowly moving closer, at that point where tip of their mouths could touch. Arms were starting to cling closer onto the other person. Eyes closing waiting for the moment to finally happen.

A tussle in the bushes then appeared just beyond the other side of the kitchen window, making them both feel alarmed. To them if this wasn't as serious- they would be in such an awkward position. Something was out there though, especially at this time of night it was more concerning. Lou then spins Mandy- making a 180 turn and getting both of them in a position where they are standing up. They still were clinging on to each other at this time. "What was that?!" Mandy asked, clearly afraid. Lou looked stern, he had a sudden urge to protect Mandy and keep her out of harms way. "I don't know..." Mandy then got behind Lou, having a bigger feeling that this was more serious than a notorious encounter of her and Moxy. They slowly walked towards the door and opened it, Mandy trailing behind him. His eyes were so stern and in control, that slapping him on the face wouldn't get attention- Mandy's safety as well as his was more important. They got closer to the sound, only to reveal the tussling in the bushes was a doll-raccoon. Both of them sighed in relief as it scattered away, but then laughed it off. Mandy was the first to calm down in the laughing shenanigan. She moved closer to Lou and pretended to rub off any dirt or dust off of him. Lou found this amusing. "Well... I guess that we are both tired, aren't we." Mandy suggested in amusement, Lou laughed and sighed. "I guess so..." Mandy then hesitated, wondering is she should do it- but she thought that it's never too late to try. She gave Lou a passionate hug, catching Lou off guard.

"Thank you..." Mandy said truthfully and passionately. She was so proud of Lou and was willing to be with him in any way she can. His happiness was more important. Lou was still in shock, not realising what to do. He then was welcomed back into the world and instantly hugged her back again with a slower pace, yet his hug was filled with gratefulness and kindness. It was like this for a good 30 seconds. Mandy then slowly let go, and turned her head towards his cheek, applying a small peck on it. Lou was certainly not ready for that... But was shocked out of happiness and disbelief. Mandy then let go completely and smiled brightly. She began to walk back in again after taking one last look at Lou. "See you inside..." Mandy finished off, walking back inside the house taking a few glances at Lou occasionally here and there. Now it was just Lou.

He finally snapped out of his state and slowly touched the cheek that Mandy kissed, then realising it was her. He smiled for what it seemed like an eternity.

"Wait.... I have a crush on her?" Lou thought to himself quietly out loud. He was shocked at himself for even saying it.

"I-I love her?"

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