I'm here for you

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"Penny!" a voice wakes me up. "Penny come here!" it's Miles. I realize that I had just fallen asleep writing an essay about slavery throughout the 17th and 18th centuries. "Penny" "I'm coming... just a second" I say. I go to Miles's room. "How can I solve this?" I look at his book. God I'm so so sleepy.... "Look" I say "What do these fractions have in common?" "The 2" "Yeah and how do we call that 2?" He thinks, he looks at me, he looks back at the exercise, he thinks again. "Don't worry" I tell him "Take your time". "Numerator??" "Yeah right! And what do we do when the fractions have alike numerators?" I ask. "We look at the denominator" "Very well. Now do you remember the pizza? When we cut less pieces, each piece is..." "Bigger" "So when we have the smallest denominator the fraction is the..." "Largest! That's it!" He says and starts writing the answer. "Well done! I'm here if you need anything else" "Ok thanks!"

I go back to my room and finish the essay. My phone starts vibrating. "Hello?" I answer "Hey it's me, Michael" "Oh hey I just finished studying" "Great! Well I just wanted to ask if could come by. We have a guitar lesson to finish." "So I'll come by your place?" I ask. "Sure! I'll be waiting..." "Okay I'll be there" I end the call and take my jacket off the closet. "I'll be at Michael's" I say to Lily and leave.

After a while, I'm at Michael's room. His foster parents are rich, even though the house looks very normal. They're good people, a little weird but kind. Michael's room is very big, it's bright and comfortable. The walls are not visible anymore, they're covered with posters of rock bands and NBA players. His guitar is on the stand near the window. A library full of books covers the one side of the room.

I sit on the bed. "So how are you?" he says "We haven't talked a lot lately" "That's not true, we talk every day..." I say. "That's different. I mean about you, your feelings. About that day with the piano. You looked kind of shocked then." "I was. At first. I'm fine now, I'm actually thinking about doing it again." "Good, if it makes you happy... How are your friends?" "Well, you know. We're all studying" He smiles "I'm sure you'll make it through. And I am here to help you, don't forget that." "Thanks" "So, what about... your love life?" he asks "What about it?" I say and he laughs "After I broke up with Jason there's pretty much nothing new" I say after a while. He understands that I'm not feeling very comfortable. I'm not used to him starting this kind of conversations like this. "I wouldn't ask" he says "I just think that Ty is a little into you and I wanted to know how you feel" "Tyler??" I ask "Did he tell you?" "No, no I just think he likes you, that's all" I can't believe it. Tyler is Michael's friend from school, he's really good-looking and quite popular. "He's a good guy you know. And besides this doesn't mean that you've got to do something. I just wanted you to know" he says. "I know, thanks for telling me. Just don't tell him anything okay?" "Yeah, sure".

We kept talking for hours about everything that we hadn't discussed in the past few weeks. It's true that I distanced myself from all my friends but this was over now. I think I was finally beginning to feel happy.

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