0: The Disappearance

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Moon's P.O.V.

"I'm finally going to do it, Moon!  I'm going to confess!" my best friend, Luna, told me confidently.

"Yay!  Good luck!" I said, encouraging her.

"Prepare for rejection," a came voice in the shadows.

"SUN!  Don't be so mean!" I yelled at him. "It's not like he's-"

"Hey Sun, Moon, Luna."  Too soon, edgelord!!!

"H-Hey... G-Gladion..." Luna stuttered out.  I quickly dragged Sun away so that she could have alone time with her crush.  But that was a bad decision, because in the couple seconds that I was away...

She disappeared...

That was only yesterday... and we're all suffering.  Luna was like an angel... but now no one can find her.  Her parents never saw her return home, Hau hadn't seen her at all today, and Gladion...

He was found unconscious after the incident and is currently in the hospital.  We're worried that he might not wake up...

But if he does...

Will he be the same?

If only I could talk to someone about this... someone like Ash...

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