13: Shopping

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For the next couple hours, Moon was shopping with Lillie while Ash was shopping with Sun and Hau. They were both asked questions about each other.

"How'd you two meet?" They would ask.

"Just by chance, to be honest," Ash would reply.

"Just by chance, really!" Moon would say.

"What do you think of Ash?" Lillie asked Moon.

"He's kind, supportive, creative, amazing... he's a great friend and like a brother to me..." Moon blushed a bit during her response.

"So what do you think of Our Moon?" Sun asked.

"Our?" Ash questioned.

"She's only the biggest and most popular person around all of Alola!" Hau exclaimed. "It's hard for people not to know her and everyone goes to her whenever something happens. She used to be the League Champion, but now there's basically no League to be Champion of. She is still gifted, though..." Ash was shocked by this information.

"C-could you tell me more about her and yo-I mean... Alola?" Ash asked, blushing a little.

"No problem," Hau told him. "But first, Sun is going to buy us Malasadas!"

"Wait, WHAT?!?!" Sun freaked out.

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