19: Prince Satoshi and Princess Selene

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Lillie met up with Sun and asked about Ash. Sun pointed to where Ash was, just wandering around aimlessly. Then, a single name was spoken over the PA system and heads turned, including theirs. They saw a beautiful girl walking slowly down the stairs. Lillie loved how elegant and refined Moon was acting, and the codename, too. She crossed her fingers, hoping Moon wouldn't trip. Thankfully, she didn't. Then, Lillie watched as Ash approached Moon and asked her to dance with him. When she said yes, Lillie almost squealed with excitement. Sun looked at her like she was crazy.

"My ship is sailing," she explained, fangirling internally.

"I thought you shipped Ash with MOON."

"That IS Moon, you dummy!"

(They were whispering, btw.)

Moon and Ash danced for a long time. They didn't recognize each other, strangely, and didn't even ask about each other's true identities.

They later snuck off to the edge of the "ballroom", where the windows were. The windows were open and the moonlight shone through.

"I've had a great time tonight," Moon told him, looking up at the moon.

"Me too. You really brightened up my night," Ash confessed. Moon looked at him, and he looked back. They both smiled. Then they slowly leaned in closer to each other...

Lillie grabbed Sun, Hau, and Gladion, her fellow Ash x Moon shippers.(She just proclaimed them to be so randomly. They actually don't even care that much.)She brought them to a hiding spot and watched Ash and Moon talk, and then lean in...

Lillie was so happy that this was happening. They were going to kiss...

Meanwhile, someone noticed the two and their romantic moment and freaked out. This person ran somewhere, running while saying the word 'no' quietly.

Ash and Moon closed their eyes right as something happened... and some screaming was heard. They opened their eyes and pulled away from each other, wondering what happened. The power was out.

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