29: To The Inbetween

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When they finished teleporting, they found themselves in a place that looked a whole lot like Ultra Space... But was darker and had a lot less color and life.

"Wh... where are we?" Moon asked, looking at her new surroundings.

"Moon, darling, welcome to The Inbetween," Zaria told her.

"This is..."

"Pretty amazing, right?"

"No... it's TERRIBLE! It's as if all the magic and life was drained right out of this place!"

"It was... and soon that'll happen to your friend."

"WHY ZARIA?!" Moon practically screamed.

"It's all revenge, my dear sweet Moon. I wanted to get revenge on YOU by taking the ones closest one to you... also so I can steal their powers for Jayden but ya know that's ju-"

"Jayden?!" Moon freaked out. "He's back? Wait... what powers?"

"Haven't you heard the legends of the 'Power Square', little Moon? One with the power of Beasts... err... Pokémon, One with the power of Dimensions, One with the power of Wishes, and One with the power of Legends. Jayden, who had been researching these chosen ones for a very long time, had his eyes opened by your choice of words at the other dimension's Ten Cerat Hill. He then realized that The power of Pokémon had belonged to sweet little Luna... I mean SERIOUSLY! She can even TRANSFORM into a Pokémon! Anyways, the Power of Dimensions belonged to him, which he only figured out after he shared his powers with me and I could travel between dimensions as well... The power of Wishes, as I figured out after eavesdropping on your conversation with Ash when he mysteriously appeared in this world, had belonged to Ash, who WISHED himself here in the first place! And then The power of Legends... neither of us are too sure, but we think it's you. You were able to open a Wormhole, control your Gravity, and even TALK to the legendaries and UNDERSTAND them, all in this past year! And I've noticed that your shadow looks and acts nothing like you as well, which is another good lead on our theory. So, give it up."


"Your powers. Give. Them. To. Me!"

"I won't!"

With Ash...

"Wh... where am I?" Ash asked when he realized his surroundings.

"Hello, Ash," said a voice through the darkness.

"Hello," Ash said back, not sure whether to be trusting.

"It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you. If anyone would..." The person who spoke was fully visible now. "It would be Moon." Ash was shocked.

"Y-you're that Jayden guy!"

"Indeed I am."

With Luna and the others...

Luna grabbed one of Guzzlord's claws and slid down it. She was now eye level with the beast.

"It's okay," she told it, hugging it gently. "If there's anything bothering you, you can tell me."

It then spoke in it's own language. Luna nodded.

"Now, open up wide...". And it opened it's large mouth. She then ran into it.

"LUNA!!!" the others screamed. Someone watching from the shadows was also worried about the girl.

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