34: Returning Home

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After some conversing and fun, Moon and Ash both came to a realization.

"Time doesn't stop in your world," Moon told him. "Your friends and family are probably worried about you..."

"But..." Ash replied. "I don't want to go... I want to stay here... in your world... with you..."

"Ash, I'll always be with you," she said, gesturing at the Moon Charm that he was wearing on his jacket. "It's how you'll always remember me."

"Well," Ash began, sticking a hand in his pocket. "What if I never see you again?"

"You will," Moon assured him. "Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself." Ash then took a deep breath.

"I wish..." he started, using his power. "I wish a portal back to my room in Pallet Town in the Kanto Region in my world would appear." And then it appeared. He was about to go through it when something stopped him. He had this feeling inside of him telling him about some unfinished business. He looked behind him and saw Moon and everyone else waving goodbye to him. He smiled and then ran.

He ran to Moon and hugged her. She was surprised by the sudden hug, but hugged back. He then ran through the portal, waving and saying bye to everyone. The portal then closed, notifying that Ash was gone.

Moon felt something in her hand. She opened her hand up and saw a pendant made from a Thunder Stone. The lightning bolt in the middle of a Thunder Stone was cut out and made into a special charm for her... from Ash. She blushed a little and smiled.

"Moon!" Luna called. "We're heading home! You coming?"

"Yeah!" she replied. She took one last look at the charm in her hands before putting it on around her neck.

'Until next time, Ash,' she thought in her head. She then ran to go join up with the others.

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