5: The Alola Boys Trio

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"GLADI-CHAN!!!" Lillie called across the room to her brother. Gladion came over to Lillie and the others, with the two other boys following him.

"I told you not to call me that!!!" Gladion yelled.

"But it's fun, Gladi-Chan!"

"Shut up!"

"Mr. Aether! Mr. Yoho! Mr. Kahuna!" a teacher shouted. "Where are your uniforms?! I told you you must wear your uniforms! It's a school rule! Detention after school!" The teacher left, angry that those three students never listen.

Lillie made a face at her brother.

"Gladi-Chan! If you continue to come to school in your hoodie instead of your uniform, you might be in bigger trouble than you already are!"

"Don't call me Gladi-Chan!"

"That's Sun and Hau," Moon explained, pointing at the two boys sharing Malasadas. "And you already know about Gladion."

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