8: Shauna?!

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"What?!?!" Moon and Ash shouted.

"She was right here!" Yvonne exclaimed, pointing at the spot. "And then POOF!" She then broke down, sobbing.

"Hmm..." Moon started.

"Detective Mizuki is on the case!" Zaria announced.

"Moon doesn't like to be called Mizuki," Ash commented.

Moon thought for a while until she had an idea.

"...Sounds to me like there's a kidnapper on the loose!!!" Moon declared.

"What?!" Lillie yelled loudly.

"A kidnapper?!" Touko asked.

"And the kidnapper is in this school!!!" Moon continued.

"What?!" Lillie yelled loudly.

"Seriously?!" Zaria asked.

"The kidnapper is a student!!!" Moon finished.

"WHAT?!?!" came everyone but Moon, Yvonne, and Mei.

Mei fainted onto the bench.

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