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It's like I wake up. All of a sudden, my hearing returns, but it's weird, unlike anything I've ever felt before. I can't really move, or speak or feel anything... Is this what it's like to be in a coma? I try and think back, I remember the party, and getting a bit (well, very) drunk and then something happening in the street. Was I hit by something? Even as I try to recall what happened, nothing comes back to me. It just feels like I've been in a weird sleep for a long time... Isn't that a coma, though?

It's times like this that I regret my lousy study habits, as I try and remember back to Biology when we were studying the brain and brain damage. I'm almost sure we did stuff about comas, but it's not like I'm going to remember it now. Especially in this weird state. Maybe I'm having a lucid dream, and just imagining all this.

All of a sudden, something opens (the door, probably) and I hear some clicking footsteps entering the room. Doctor's footsteps maybe? They seem kind of purposeful, and somewhat rushed. And I think there is someone else as well, but who knows.

"Ok, Thea, we saw some change in your brain activity." A feminine voice says in a thick British accent. Honestly, it's not a bad first voice to have heard after whatever's just happened.

"Hi, if you can hear me, I'm Doctor Annalise and I'm your current doctor. I'm here today with Robbie, who's your designated nurse. He'll be in and out of your room loads, just chatting, cleaning and letting visitors in and out." She says in a friendly, yet professional tone.

"Hey, I'm Robbie, by the way." A deep male voice says. I honestly get whatever the coma version of goosebumps is. Annalise continues speaking.

"We don't actually know if you can hear or see us, but if you are regaining any sense of movement, please somehow show someone so that we can take treatment and do even more thorough checks. If you're awake, you've been properly and deeply unconscious for just over a week and you are recovering into hopefully completely consciousness. Your brain has been doing the bare minimum to keep you alive until now, and you will hopefully start unlocking more and more abilities, such as thinking, hearing, sight, smell, movement and touch."

She takes a pause to murmur something to (I assume) Robbie, and continues. I hear his gentle footsteps leave the room.

"Hearing is one of the first things you'll be able to do, so hopefully you're at that stage now. I'm just going to touch your arm, now." I feel a very light touch on my forearm.

"If you can feel it, don't worry that you can't tell us, just take it as a good sign of recovering and expect more feeling to continue coming. If you can feel it, you probably can feel pain too, so you'll soon be somewhat, well extremely, drugged up on pain medication. I'm just explaining why your thoughts might get quite foggy soon."

"Robbie's gone to tell your schoolmates and family. You've had many visitors wanting to come in, but we've severely limited who's been coming in and out. As time has gone by we've been letting more people in and out. It's very early in the morning now, so everyone is home, but if I can guess based on the last week, your family will come in early before school tomorrow. Oh, and you can expecting half the fucking scho-, sorry, I mean you can expect your schoolmates at around three or four in the afternoon everyday." She says.

"I'm heading off now, as I have a lot of other patients to check up on, and speaking to a potentially deaf person isn't the most efficient use of my time," she chuckles to herself, "but Robbie will be back in just a second and you can definitely expect your family members within the hour."

Almost as she finishes, the door opens, and Robbie comes back in with a very stereotypical, "Hi, Doc!"

Annalise bids her goodbyes and I'm left with Robbie and my thoughts. I decide then that I really like Annalise, she seems very to-the-point and a dependable doctor. I feel bad for her, she must have horrendously long shifts and awful hours if she's making rounds early in the morning.

Robbie interrupts my thoughts.

"So, um hi, I'm Robbie. I'm a part time male nurse at this hospital. I'm in university studying medicine and I'll be specifying in neuroscience."

Well, he's clearly smart. He speaks in a quite neutral, almost bored tone.

"I'm single, and not really into relationships. I'm around 6 foot, and I have dark hair and light eyes and skin."

I feel weirdly comfortable. It's not like being back around my normal male company, they're immature, all bark and no bite. He seems actually remotely put together and confident in himself. Maybe this is why all my friends go for college students.

"It's hard to explain what I look like, it's not like it really matters. It's more so you can put a face to my voice. I guess you'll just have to wait and see when you wake up." He says in his velvety, deep voice.

"I don't why, but I winked at you. I'm really going to have get used to the fact you're in a coma, god, and it's been a week already too."

Someone knocks at my door and Robbie walks to get it.

"That'll be your family." He says.


Hey loves, this chapter was written by me (the editor) so sorry if the tone/flow of the writing was different from usual and therefore interrupted. I tried my hardest, but there is only so much one can do. Obviously it's impossible for us both to accurately know what it's like to be in a coma (since neither of us have ever been in one), but I did some considerable research to found this on, and it's actually super interesting. I also think I found that comas varies from person to person, but this stage/condition/version of a coma fit our plot the best. 

Anyway, vote, comment and add to library! Love - TNG. xxx

p.s. it's gonna get quite spicy soon :))

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