Dinner at the Wades

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I haven't seen Daniel for a few days now and for some reason i was getting worried. I hated that he could make me feel like this, yet the idea of having no feelings for him felt wrong. I had tried to remember my feelings before, yes i had hated him and he disgusted me. But if you had asked me how it actually felt, i wouldn't be able to tell you.

I sighed and started walking home, Mrs Lampard was quite understanding about our project and told me that we could have an extension. I knew Daniel would be pleased with that.

I finally reached home and let myself in "How was school hunny?" Mum asked from the kitchen, i could smell the cooking from here "Hi mum, boring as usual" I entered the kitchen smiling. "What's cooking?" "Lasagne" I loved my mums cooking.

I went upstairs to put my stuff away and grabbed my homework. "How's Daniel?" Mum asked, ever since he came over mum always asked about him. "No idea, he hasn't been in this week" I told her as i put my stuff on the table, i had told her what happened tje last time i saw him. Mum frowned "I hope the poor dear is alright" I shrugged "You just want him over to give you more compliments" I teased her as i sat down. Urgh science, one lesson i didn't see the point of. Mum clipped me over the head as she put a cup of tea in front of me. "He was just being polite" she mock scorned me. Yep, Daniel had definitely won my mum over.

A knock on the door ended the conversation, i got on with the dreaded homework. "Hey Luke" My head snapped up at the sound of Daniels voice "Hey, how you feeling now?" I asked, shocked at how genuinely concerned i had been. Daniel laughed "Feeling great surprisingly. Just got to take some pills again, i came round to get this project done. Lampard must be going mad" I bit my lip "Well actually, i umm, hope you don't mind but i kind of explained what happened. Mrs Lampard has given us a two week extension" Daniel sighed "Thank god for that" He sat down opposite me, god, he was wearing black skinny jeans and a dark blue top. I looked down at my homework, hoping to hide my blush, my thoughts wasn't exactly pure.

"So do you want to get on with the project?" He asked "Yeah sure" I pushed my work aside and went to grab the project notes from my room. When i came back into the kitchen mum was laughing and Daniel was blushing "Did i miss something?" I asked raising a brow "Your mum asked if i was gay" I heard Daniel mumble. "And your blushing why?" Mum answered him "I asked if any of the boys had caught his eye" She chuckled "You saved him from telling me" I frowned, what if someone had, if he was interested in someone else. Urgh, the thought of someone else touching my Daniel hurt. Wait, what? He's not mine, why should i care? But he was with me, ok maybe no one knew about it, but still.

"Mum, that wasn't nice" Mum just smiled. We started the project, talking about likes and dislikes. A few times the talk got excited as we disagreed on a few things, mum had to tell us to calm down. We talked through dinner and even mum joined in.

"So when did you realise you were gay?" Mum asked, causing me to choke on a piece of salad "Mum" Mum just shrugged "It's ok" Daniel told me before turning to my mum "I guess i've always known. My family used to joke that i was gay because let's face it, my physical appearance is just so feminine. As i got older i dated a few girls, but i didn't like kissing them and it felt more like a friendship than a relationship. Then one day someone did catch my eye, he was so good looking, nice, kind and funny" He sighed "Then he found out i was gay and made my life hell since" He shrugged the last part "Why would he do that?" I asked "Homophobia can be a big thing to some people. To them i should be dead or i need to get cured. Or my favourite i'm a sin" He laughed "Yet according to some religious people there is nothing wrong with me. Some say i'm a sin and others say that we were all made in gods image. If i was a sin then why create me?"

Wow that was deep "What do you think?" I asked "Daniel shrugged "It's a good and bad thing. Bad because people judge me without knowing me. And good because whoever i date isn't just some randy boy hoping to get into my pants. They have to have a genuine interest in boys to do anything" I had to grit my teeth, i had no interest in boys, just him and i was using him.

"I'm also a hopeless romantic, waiting for the day i meet my soulmate. I know it sounds gay and girly but i don't care. I just can't wait to meet him" We all went quiet for a moment as we continued eating "My husband was my soulmate" My mum finally spoke up "He always wanted me happy and it tore at me when he was sad. It was like we knew each other so well

What one felt the other felt. The day i told him i wss pregnant he was so ecstatic, i had never seen him so happy. He took me out to dinner and rang everyone i knew, he told them that after getting the one thing he lived for i had rewarded him with a child" She gave a small laugh "The day we found out we were having a boy he looked torn. He was happy that we were having a son, but part of him wanted a mini me running around" I stared at my mum, she didn't usually talk to people about dad. Daniel just nodded "Mum says that dad wasn't her soulmate but she loved him dearly, i miss him yet am happy that she will get another chance" He put his hand on hers "You may have loved your soulmate and lost him in such a short time. But remember, he would want you happy. Would want to see you love again" A tear ran down mums cheek and Daniel wiped it away "That's what we all want for our soulmates, yes the thought of loving someone else might feel like your betraying him. But tell me, if he could speak to you now could you honestly tell me he would disagree?" Mum shook her head Daniel pulled back "You survived for your son, both would like you to live for you" He told her before standing up. "Now why don't you go upstairs and have a nice hot bath and a good cry, i'll bring you up a glass of wine. Trust me you will feel better in the morning" Mum nodded and got up leaving me sat there dumbfound.

"Will she feel better?" I asked slightly confussed "Help me wash up" He ordered "And yes she will, you said yourself your father died as she was in labour. She never had time to grieve, or think of herself. Tonight she'll cry, she'll cry so much. She will probably need you, not to say anything bit to just hold her. The bath and wine will help her to sleep easier" I said nothing as we washed and dried. Daniel lent into the fridge and pulled a bottle of white wine out and poured a small glass out before replacing the wine. He went upstairs without a word.

A few minutes later he came down "Your mum is relaxing, when you go to bed tonight listen out for her" I nodded and he packed his things. "Goodnight Luke" He said before kissing me on the cheek. I watched as he left before heading upstairs for a shower, somehow i knew he was right and that it was going to be a long night

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