Having Daniel

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"How did this happen?" I asked as soon as i walked through the door. My mum and her mate waiting for me. Yeah her mate, she finally found him. The big shot she was working for? Seems she had never seen him until three weeks ago. Leon Knight, one of the biggest property tycoons going. He stood at about six foot with dark brown hair and violet eyes.

Also a vampire and one of the few that could help me, well we hoped.

"Don't you remember," Mum ask me, i only shook my head.

"Well i had a dream, but i thought that was all it was. Mum he has a mark, a bruise on his neck. It's obvious someone marked him and the details are hazy. But i honestly thought it was a dream"

Leon sighed "The only thing is we have never heard of anyone finding their mate before sixteen. There is an investigation going on to a story of someone going through an early transformation. But it was so long ago that no-one remembers if it was more than that, a story"

I sighed and fell onto the sofa "So what now?" I rubbed my face, damn it ached.

"Well we're not sure, Karen has got her father to agree to help us. He's searching for anyone who might have some idea"

A knock on the door interupted us. Mum went to answer it "Amelia?" I turned my head to see Mrs Lampard walk in. "Hello Daniel" She greeted. I only nodded. "Don't worry you'll be back to normal in a couple of days" She continued causing us to frown. "You know what is happening to him?" Mum asked.

"Of course, after all i put them together" She said before sitting down opposite me.

"Well what is it?" I asked, really not in the mood. "Your body is trying to catch up" I frowned "Catch up?" Mrs Lampard nodded "Your vampire gene is different to your human one. For some reason it has decided your body is wrong so it is trying to force you to turn early. When this happens, well" She waved at me.

"So what is going to happen?" Mum finally asked. "Mrs Lampard shrugged "Damned if i know. All i do know is that in order for it to happen Daniel had to conect with his mate. I couldn't tell you about Luke or that you were going to go through this. But i am allowed to tell you why. Like i said, a couple more days and you'll be back to normal. Well as normal as possible, though staying away from Luke might be difficult. I didn't expect you to claim him so soon" She frowned. "I only hope the idiot doesn't mess up"

"Huh?" It was all i could say. Mrs Lampard gave me a sad smile "No matter what he says or does, that boy loves you Daniel. His human mind doesn't realise it, but the side of him that connects him to you does. He will mess up and say things that hurt you. But remember, he will always love you" She stood up.

"I'll see you at school in two days" She said patting me on the shoulder. "Oh and i had to wipe their memories, really Daniel, did you have to show them" I shrugged with a small smile "It was funny" I saw a smile tug at her lips "I guess it was" She admitted.

Mum saw her out as Leon sat next to me "What am I going to do?" I half whined, Leon patted my leg "Well I guess we are going to keep looking. We know now that this has happened before, but finding out what is going to happen is still important. Who knows what you're body is going through. I can stay awhile and keep an eye on you, and if you don't mind, i would like to record it so that if it happens again others will know"

I thought about it before nodding "Ok, that would be a good idea. But if there are others then they should get theirs on record too. It might be different for them. The results might be the same but what they go through might not"

Mum choose that moment to enter "I think it's a wonderful idea. You'll be helping others" I noticed she had a pen and pad in her hands "Take this and write down everything you can remember. Maybe looking back on things can help"

I nodded and took them from her, silently i stood up and went upstairs.




It's been two days since i saw Daniel and i was getting irritable. I needed to see him and to be honest it was driving me insane.

I walked out of school towards his house, i had text mum to tell her i would be late home.

I got to his and rang the doorbell. After a few seconds it opened, Daniel stood there looking shocked. "L..Luke?" he stuttered.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked him, proud of myself for keeping my voice calm. "G..good thanks" I raised a brow "Not going to invite me in then?" I asked. Daniel seem to consider it for a moment before nodding. I was only beginning to realize how much i missed him, needed him, and i didn't like it.

But as soon as the door shut i pinned him against it "I've missed you" I purred into his ear, causing him to shiver. My hands roaming under his shirt "I haven't touched you in ages, felt you, heard you moan my name" Daniel was practically panting. "L..luke" I groaned placing my mouth over his and getting no resistance from him.

This is why i needed him, why i craved his touch so much. The sparks that blew my mind everytime coursed through me. His fingers dug into my hair, tugging, causing me to growl. He pulled his lips from mine gasping for air. "Luke" He breathed as i continued my assault on him. God i wanted him bad, the dream i had the other night ran through my mind and i couldn't help the moan that escaped me. I yanked his shirt off and began kissing his body. His back arched and he let out a scream as i ran my tongue over a nipple.

I thrust my hips forward making Daniel whimper "God i want you" I growled before reclaiming his lips. I had no idea what it was about him that made me need him like this, everytime i got close to him i just wanted to tear his clothes off and make him scream for me.

My hands ran down his body before grabbing his ass, i lifted him up making him wrap his legs around me. God, the noises he was making, i had to have him.

Holding him tight i walked up the stairs to his room, once inside i let Daniel to his feet and removed my t-shirt. Both of us moaned at the bare contact our hands exploring each other. "Luke" He moaned as i attacked his neck where his fading mark was, i couldn't help but ssuck on him, marking him again. His hand wandered to the front of my jeans and i grunted as he squeezed my member "Let me taste you please" He begged. I looked at him unsure of what i heard. "I want to taste you" Oh god, he image in my head, i could only nod before Daniel smiled and began falling to his knees.


This bit is in my missing chapters



I was woken up to a knocking on my door, i looked up to see Luke lay on his back. I had my head on him and his arms were wrapped around me, i couldn't help the smile that came onto my lips.

"Daniel Olivers, I swear if you're not out in the next ten seconds" I heard my mum call.

"Give me a minute" I whispered, knowing full well she heard. I gently pulled myself away from Luke and smiled when he continued to sleep, i pulled my jeans on and stepped outside to face my mother.

She stood there with my t-shirt in her hands. "Please tell me you are not mated" She demanded and my face instantly went red. "What? No mum we didn't" She looked at me suspiciously and raised the hand with my t-shirt.

"Mum i swear, we just got a bit carried away" I whispered the last part. "How carried away Daniel? I can smell sex coming from your room" My blush worsened. "Mum, i swear now i am still a virgin. I just..we..well..." I shook my head. "Can we talk about this when Luke isn't here?"I begged. Mum stared at me before nodding. "Fine, but you are washing those sheets not me" And turned on her heel.

I sighed and and went back into my room. "Hey" I looked up to see Luke sitting up, the sheet over him exposing his upper body. Man, was i drooling? "Hey, how you feeling?" I asked, going over to sit next to him. Luke pulled me so i was sat closer.

"Would you freak if i told you i felt like i've just had the most amazing experience ever?" I actually giggled. "The most amazing?" I asked. Daniel buried his head into my neck and nodded.

"No i wouldn't call you a freak, cause i feel the same" I told him honestly, i felt him stiffen. "Are you ok?" I asked turning to face him. Luke nodded "Daniel, i won't lie to you" He said, i had a feeling i wasn't going to like this. "I'm no virgin Daniel" I was right, i didn't like it "I've had a couple of girlfriends, and i always thought what i had with them was the best it got" He shook his head and brushed a stray hair from my face "But you, you do things to me that i never knew could happen. My heart beats when you're around, your eyes, so innocent make me want to do things to you. And when you touch me. Oh god when you touch me, i feel like a firework factory that has exploded. The tingles i get when your hand is on me. Do you have any idea what you do to me"

I was stunned, did he really admit that? "You scare me Daniel Olivers. You terrify me. I have never felt like this before"

I didn't know what to say, instead i turned around completely and wrapped my arms around him allowing him to bury his face into my body, "What is happening to me?" He asked.

Oh Luke, if only i could tell you the truth .

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