Tag Battle Bondage

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Performers and Dance partners gather at the battlefield to watch Ash & Serena vs James & Miette.
Ash is warming up for their battle. "Wow, A Tag battle, now that's what I'm talking about. Bring it." said Ash in excitement. "Ash, I'll do my best for this." said Serena saying to his crush that they'll be great teamwork. "You're on" Ash respond with a wink and a thumb's up. Serena looks at Ash and smiles, the man who she admires of. She made a serious face but smiling like. "You can do it Ash, Serena." Bonnie cheering them "Alright, now the Pokémon battle begin!" Referee announced the match. "Pikachu, Use Quick Attack on Noibat!!" Ash command Pikachu to go fully charge at James's Noibat, "Pika! Pika! pika! pika!" Pikachu hit directly on Noibat's stomach. "Now Eevee, Use Swift on Slurpuff, let's go!"

Serena demands her Eevee to attack on Miette's Slurpuff. "Eeeeeeee Vee!" Eevee shoots out a star shape swift at Slurpuff, both gets hit for James and Miette's Pokémon. "Alright James, will you help me out?" Miette told to his tag partner and coming up with strategy. "Yep, I got your back Miette! James accepts Miette's help. "Ok Noibat, let's do this! Go Ultra Supersonic!" James command Noibat, flew way up and screamed. "NOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIII" Pikachu and Eevee gets their ear covered from loud noise. "Hey Pikachu, Are you alright?" Ash checked on his buddy. "What about you Eevee." Serena worried her Eevee. "Eee vee!" She responded to her trainer.

"Right! Now, Use Double Team! Serena tells Eevee to use Double Team and made alot of clone of Eevee. "Now Slurpuff, Energy Ball." Miette tells Slurpuff to use Energy ball on Eevee's Double and missed the attack. "Now Pikachu, Use Iron Tail on Noibat." Ash commanded Pikachu to hit James's Noibat
"Noii" Noibat takes a pain from getting struck by Pikachu's Iron Tail. "You okay Noibat." James asked. "Noibat" He responded. "I got this James, Slurpuff, energy ball on Eevee." Miette ordered Slurpuff to attack. "Noibat, Acrobatics, Let's go!" James command Noibat to attack Pikachu, goes up high and dives to Pikachu and gets hit. "Pikaaaa!" Pikachu cries out as he thrown back and hit on the ground. "PIKACHU!! Ash called out worried to Pikachu. "Pi ka!" Pikachu grunts as he tries to back on its feet. "Great, direct hit!" James goes happy to Noibat. "Noi" Noibat was pleased. "Okay, now Acrobatics at Pikachu once more." James command Noibat to use Acrobatic again, As Noibat swoops up the air and goes to Pikachu as he's injured and looks at Noibat going to him, stares of eerie. "Eevee, use protect for Pikachu and then use tackle." Serena pops up and tells her Eevee to go two attack move on Noibat. "Eevee!" Eevee steps on Pikachu's side and released Protect move and reflect of Noibat's attack which it made him get bounced off from the green lite protect shield and then Eevee went tackle just what Serena told her before, She jumps and shoved Noibat to the floor. "Noiii!" Noibat struggled from getting shoved and pressing him on the floor "Ah, Noibat!" James panicked. "Pikachu!" Pikachu thanked Eevee for back up and Eevee responded. "Hey, That's great Serena . Thanks! You too Eevee." Ash thank Serena and Eevee for backing him up. "Anytime, Ash." Serena replied.

"Are you alright Noibat?" James was concern to Noibat. "Noibat!" ( I'm good) he responded. "That's great, Are you ready Miette?" He asked his tag team. "Yea, I'm ready when you are." Miette said. "Alright, Noibat Use Supersonic!" James tells Noibat to go Supersonic scream at Pikachu and Eevee, Flys up and released its Loud wave made Pikachu and Eevee cover their ears and getting distracted. "Hang in there Eevee!" Serena cried out. " You too, Buddy!" said Ash. "Now Slurpuff, use cotton foam!" Miette command Slurpuff to use a sticky like cotton, Pikachu and Eevee were struggling from getting stuck. "Pika! Pika! Pika!" Pikachu tries to set free from the cotton foam. "Eev! Eev! Eevee!" Eevee grunt from getting her waist stuck. "EEVEE!" Serena concerned "Be tough Pikachu! Use iron tail to sweep off all the cotton foam!" Ash gave Pikachu a instruction. "Pika pi!" Pikachu understood. Pikachu's tail glows and began to sweeping like a fan and the cotton foam fades away. "Ahh!" Serena was impressed " Awesome, great Pikachu!" Ash compliment Pikachu. "Not so fast, use Energy ball Slurpuff!" Said Miette, Slurpuff release two round green shape ball spinning around and aims directly to Eevee. "Eevee, Look out!" Serena warned Eevee. "Pikachu use iron tail to cut the energy ball!" Ash commended Pikachu, "Piiiii PIKA!" Pikachu's Iron tail slice the energy ball and explodes. But one went maneuver towards Eevee as the danger gets closer, Pikachu looks back and runs in front of her and protects Eevee as He gets hit and explode, "Pikaa" screams from pain, Flys off and hits hard. Eevee looks at his tag partner gets hit critical with a shocking face and calls out her partner is alright. "Pikachu you're okay." Ash concerned to his buddy, Pikachu lift his mouse paw and tries to get up and back at its place as a damage he took from getting hit badly, Pikachu lies at the floor. "C'mon Pikachu, You can do it!" cried Ash. "Slurpuff Energy ball once more" Miette commanded Slurpuff to throw Energy Ball at Eevee, gets hit and explodes with bright light and black smoke. "Eeveeee!" Eevee yells its pain and forced back and hits the floor. "Eevee Noo!" Serena in worried tone to her Pokémon. "You can do it." Ash tries encourage Pikachu.

Two Pokémon of Ash and Serena's are pined down and couldn't get up. "Pikachu and Eevee couldn't get up, This is bad." Bonnie concerned while witnessing the battle. "This is bad, what would they do now?" Clemont wonders. "You can do it Eevee and Pikachu. Ash, Serena, go for it." Bonnie cheers four of them. "Dedenne" Dedenne cheered as well. "Eevee, i believe you. You think you could do it?" Serena talking to Eevee in concerned. "Eeeeevee" Eevee replied as she's getting weak from multiple damage, she just couldn't get up and she slumped on the floor. "EEVEE!" She shrieked and she goes close to her Pokémon, Pikachu sees his partner is down and he stood up to battle. "Pikachu, We gotta give Serena and Eevee some time." Ash said. "Pika Pi" (Right) Pikachu understood. "Noibat, use Air Slash." James commanded Noibat to use Air Slash. "Noiiiibat!" Noibat's wings glow white and threw light blade like to Pikachu. "Now Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" Ash command to use super effective thunderbolt. "PIKAAAAA......CHUUUUUU!"

Pikachu charged up a bright electricity and hits at Noibat's Air Slash and explodes brightness with a thick black smoke. "Slurpuff, Energy Ball!" Miette tells Slurpuff to use Energy Ball, Slurpuff has two hand sticking out and the ball begin to form to big size and throws it. "Pikachu, Use Iron tail!" said Ash.
"Pikaaaa!" Pikachu jumps up and his tail glows shiny bright white and swings its tail to the Energy ball, sliced in half and splits up opposite direction and explodes.
Serena lends down next to her injured Pokémon and tries to help Eevee out.

"Eevee, Can you hear me?" She calmly concerned to unconscious Eevee and rubs her fur, "I've never been able to do anything at times like these." Ash looked at Serena while battling and try to buy her some time. "But Ash once told me my smile had the power to give others strength. Now I don't know how much strength I can give you, but......all I know is that, I wanna be your strength." Serena's inspiration made Eevee lifts her head up and suddenly a glowing blue ribbon like came out of Eevee's chest fur and reached to Serena's arm and the other side reached to Ash's left hand which he was speechless seeing it came out of nowhere, Eevee got up with body glowing and grew brighter and brighter as she's now evolving. Ash was amazed with mouth wide open, "Eevee is....Evolving!" he said. Clemont and Bonnie were surprised, its super bright at the ballroom. James and Noibat were speechless seeing a Pokémon evolving. "Whoa, It's evolving..... while battling. Man." He was not surprised. "Noibat" Noibat was dazed. Miette was surprised as well. Eevee's size changed in bright silhouette and the brightness fade away, Eevee now became Sylveon. "It's that what i think it is" Serena wonders and takes out her Gameboy Advance like PokeDex, scans and the screen shows Sylveon installed to her Pokedex record. "Sylveon, the intertwining Pokemon. Sylveon affectionately wraps its ribbon-like feelers around its trainer's arm as they walk together." Ash and Serena looks at the fairy type Pokémon now have no fear and has great smile, Serena looks at her arm wrapped on Sylveon's Ribbon and looks at Ash strapped around him, she blushed red. "That's awesome Serena, Eevee evolve to Sylveon." Ash complimenting her. "Thank you Ash, you too Pikachu." she said. "Pika Pi" Pikachu smiled and Winked with bruises on his body. "Oh, It says that Sylveon's move is Fairy Wind" Serena looked at Sylveon's pokedex detail. Sylveon wraps herself and release a dazzling Fairy Wind and blows at Slurpuff away. Miette was surprised for such amazing powers. "We can't lose James, Let's do this." said Miette to James. "Ash and I will show the true power of teamwork." Serena said to Miette. "Let's do this Sylveon, show them your true power." she said to the fairy Pokémon.

"What do you say buddy, should we keep going?" said Ash. "Pika!" (Yea) "You're ready Ash?" said Serena to Ash. "Yea I sure am." Ash gets pumped up. James and Miette are sitting ducks and no way they'll able to defeat against their strongest opponent. "Ohhh...man. Well Noibat, let's make it best. Use acrobatic." said James feeling wiped out and doing their best. Noibat flys up and the body starts to grow brighter and charges at their opponent. "Now Pikachu, use quick attack on Noibat. "PIKA!" Pikachu runs and goes full speed, fast enough to smack Noibat, "Nooooooii" Noibat was hit and fells on the floor. "Noibat! Nooo!!" James called in worry to Noibat as they're near loss victory.

"Sylveon, Let's do a final touch. Swift." Serena commanded to Sylveon to attack Slurpuff with shooting star like Swift. Slurpuff gets 12 hits from swift and gets pushed back. "Slurpuff use Energy Ball!" Miette command Slurpuff to use Energy ball move. "Noibat, Air Slash. Go." James quickly commands Noibat to use Air Slash, Noibat's wing glows bright and throws a sawblade like to Pikachu. "Pikachu, Electro Ball" Ash made a quick command to Pikachu to use a critical damage move. "PIIIIIIIIIKA!" Pikachu's Tail regenerates a electrical sphere and throws at Noibat's Air Slash move, explodes and hits Noibat. "Sylveon, Let's finish this, Fairy Wind!" Serena commands Sylveon to do a last fairy move. Sylveon absorbs a pink breeze to fully windstorm and wipes out Noibat and Slurpuff and gets hit on the wall with pitch smoke. Everyone looks and went silent.

Ash and Serena stares wondering what happens to James Noibat and Miette's Slurpuff with smoke continues to rise.

(Note from writer)
Hey folks, hope you enjoyed this amazing reimaging of tag battle. Sorry again for a long wait. I get tired from work or just too busy playing with my brother or couldn't think of something. Well, stay hype for Chapter 4. "Dance under the stars"

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