Ash betrayal

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(Hello Daniel here the Author of this stories just gonna say that from now on I'll make my stories movie style there might all have lemons and I think mostly two will have chapters in the future but for now enjoy oh and this time the betrayal won't be dialogue sorry if you don't like that but don't worry I only plan to only do it in this one we'll probably okay let's us start enjoy)

In Mount Silver
Has we find in the top of mount silver a boy no a man sitting in a rock looking at the sun rise from when it was night this a man many people knew him as Ash Ketchum the boy who won the orange league,conquered the Battle Frontier of Hoenn, placed very high in the leagues and has save the world numerous time but even after all that some hurt him Brock his heart but whatever it was it didn't take the will of fire in him this days he goes by the name Red Satoshi has he petted his Pokémon to his left Bolthund a Pokémon from the Galar region,electric type and previous evolution Yamper

Blothund:Whats wrong Red
Red:That Day
Bolthund:Come on dude don't tell me you still remember that
Red:You know as well has everyone in the cabin that day will always be in my head it haunts me,it hurst me but even that won't stop me
Bolthund: That's what I like to heir

Has then Bolthund sense someone coming so he gets up

Red:Something wrong
Bolthund:No just gonna see if pikachu wants to play see ya

Has he leaves running then after a few seconds when Bolthund left a female figure tries to punch Re but he catches it has he got up still holding the fist he pushes the female figure back has she puts herself in battle position has Red cracks his knuckles and goes in to battling position they began to battle Red making the first punch has the girl dodges it she elbow hits Red in the stomach he then grab her and toss her aside crashing to a tree has he then sends a kick she grabs it pushes him back making fall she gets on top of him and send a punch to the face Red catches it(Za Warudo)after 4 more minutes of battling they stop with Red on top of the female figure

Red:If it weren't for Bolthund sodden reaction you would have gotten the first hit Bea
Bea:Thought has much you know Red nobody watching us now we could continue yesterday you normally don't get mi in this position all the time

Has she does a seductive smile Red's face well turned red he look from all areas and saw that nobody was washing so he smiled back at her has she does the same and start kissing after 5 minutes pass they were still kissing then


Has both trainers stop kissing and looked up to see a lucario washing them

Red:Lucario what's up
Lucario:Before I tell can you please get of my master Bea
Red:Party popper

Has they got up lucario gives Red a note and also to Bea

Bea:A note?
Lucario:Champion Leon send this with a Pidgey
Red:Really wonder what he wants Lucario get everyone to the cabin we need to show it to everyone
Lucario:Yes master

Has he left the two lovebirds went back to the cabin
Bea look at her boyfriend has she noticed something was wrong

Bea:Your still thinking of that day

Flash Back 8 years ago in Pallet Town Route 1
Has Ash returned to his home has he returned home he was greeted at first lovely by her mother until he went further in he saw all his companions(except Tracy)and even four rivals:Misty,Brock,May,Max, Dawn,Paul,Iris,Cilan,Trip,Clemont,Bonnie,Serena, Mallow,Lillie,Lana,Sofocles,Kiewai,Hau and Gladion
has it turned out they were there to tell Ash to give up on his dream that is weak because he never won a league,that he was pathetic and weak also his own mother agreed with them in anger Ash was gonna running but they ask for battle but Ash suprinding then he brought his Alola team home all thinking he left it in Alola has he beat them all he went to Oaks lab there Oak,Tracy and Gary help him out gave the Nanodex that allows him to keep has many Pokémon has he wanted when he went for his Pokémon some left him will others remind loyal to him(You can tell who they are with the front image of the story)has he left to train in his travels to gain more strength he catch new Pokémon and even went to Galar which there he caught six Pokémon,battle mostly all the gym leaders and meet his now know girlfriend Bea he even battled Leon and won but he never became the champion and after that he decided to live in mount silver with Bea there by his side but she would sometimes go to Galar to do some gym leader stuff Ash following her he gain the legendary Pokémon Mewtwo but the female one he meet in Unova also he got some of the Pokémon he released
Flash Back End

But before he opened it

Flash Back a week ago in Sinnoh in a meeting room
Has we find ourselves in a room where we find the champions of all 8 region's:Lance champion of Kanto and Johto,Steven champion of Hoenn,Cynthia champion of Sinnoh,Alder champion of Unova, Diantha champion of Kalos,Professor Kukui after defeating Gladion after what he did to Ash seen oak told him he became the champion of Alola and Leon the champion of Galar also Charles Goodshows there  and even Scott

Charles:Alright everyone let us begin has you know the tournament of champions is right around the corner and I need to say a few things
Cynthia:And what would that be
Charles:Has you know this tournament will bring champions,Elite four,Gym leaders,Kahunas and even Frontier Brains of both Hoenn and Sinnoh but at first I was thinking putting a s**%%# lot of trainers but that will be a mess so I need you to choice a trainer the strongest one and tell mi who they are so I can make the invitations
Steven:That all
Charles:Yes the only one who doesn't have choice is Scott
Scott:Why not me
Charles:Because I know who you were gonna choice
Scott:He alive
Charles:The news said they found his dead body
Scott:Have you lost your mind this is Ash you know that whatever was that couldn't have killed
Lance:Shut up both of you and continue Charles
Charles:That's all anything someone wants to say
Leon:Well Charles you can start making my invitations early
Leon:I already go my trainer
Charles:Really well then you people keep taking and Leon come to my office later okay
Scott:I'll go with the old man seen I only need to put the frontier brains

Has both of them leave

Alder:So Leon mind telling us who is he or she
Leon:It's a he
Lance:Is he strong
Leon:Strong he's more stronger than me I'll give you that
Diantha:Thise he have a name
Leon:It's Red,Red Satoshi

Now back with Ash has he opened the note

Dear Red Satoshi
You have been invited to participate in the Tournament of Champions were only the strongest compete in.In this tournament opponents from Champions to Kahunas will compete least not forget Gym leaders, Frontier Brains and Elite Four are also in.Like you every region champion has chosen a trainer that is the best in the region you are just one of eight.The tournament will be held in the indigo plateau Conference we hope to see you there.Charles Goodshow

P.S:Leon here I saw a few of the contestants it seems three of the traitors are trainers competing and of course the gym leader trainers if you want to kick there butts here your chance meet us next week in the Airport.Leon

Has he finished reading Bea saw the same except the Leon part was not there

Bea:So your gonna compete right

Has he look at her and then at his Pokémon he saw there faces showing a few grins and smiles has he does the same and grins Bea see this and smiles

Red:Let's teach does Assholes they where wrong

Has all his Pokémon roared in happiness some even launching attacks to the air Bea Pokémon also roared happiness boy trainers look at there Pokémon with a smile has it was night fall now both Ash and Bea were in the bed Bea her arms on Red

Bea:You happy
Red:Yeah now that I can finally end this nightmare and live in piece with you
Bea:I like that but let's keep training
Red:It's that what we always do love
Bea:Yeah but I like it when I train with you is peaceful
Red:Really then you wouldn't mind doing that training we talk about a few weeks ago
Bea:Maybe not now but close okay babe

Has she gave him a kiss in the forehead

Red:Okay you know I'll always respect your word
Bea:That's one of the reasons I love you

Has they head to sleep after the days pass they trained and make out has the next week came and are trainers are now waiting for the other gym leaders and champion has then they came

Red:He got lost again didn't he
Leon:What I thought it was right
Raihan:There was a literal sign saying it was this way
Bea:Suck up you two and let's go
Leon/Raihan:Yes ma'm

Has they get into there plane on the way zone we're doing there own thing Red and Bea were sleeping together bras a few more hours pass they landed has Red cane out a nostalgic feeling cane has he remembered the time he competed here has the first thing is that they head to the Pokémon center

Leon:Okay so we have to go to a meeting Red do whatever you want and will call you when we're done
Red:Got it

Has he and Bea give a god bye kiss in front of them has they left he decided to take a walk oh if your asking where's Pikachu his in the bag pack sleeping has the only one outside is Cinderace and yes it's a female that way if the traitor come by they won't suspect him has Red look at his Pokémon Cinderace noticed and smiled at his trainer he did the same

Cinderace:What a nice day right
Red:Yeah I just hope nothing bad happens
???:Oh come on!!

Has he knows who that is has he saw a group this were the traitors has he heard the scream of Max seeing his angry

May:Max calm down
Max:Out of all the trainers of Hoenn they choose Tyson
Dawn:To be fare did you really think they would pick you
Misty:You think your the best and the only achievement you ever had is that you beat all the gym leaders of Hoenn in a week but Tyson won the Hoenn league twice and maded the first one to Drake and in his second try Steven so to be fare that's enough that he was chosen also in the second time he beat you in the first round of the tournament and when you tried again you still lost in the first round you decided to try the Sinnoh Frontier brains and you could even beat the first one Scott gave you so to be fare you suck
Max:Fine but I still want to battle someone of the chosen trainers
Bonnie:Even knowing you're gonna lose
Max:Hey I'm not gonna lose if I beat them we could change spots and I'll be number one again
Iris:Were you even in the first place
Max:Shut up
Clemont:Do we even know who they are
Brock:Yeah actually for Kanto they choose Jeanette,Johto got to choose a guy named Gold, Hoenn well we know it's Tyson,Sinnoh got Paul seen they couldn't find Tobias that the news found him dead,Unova got surprising Iris and not trip
Iris:Well he did lose to that weakling that's why
Trip:Yeah that weakling brings back luck to everyone he meets I still think he cheated in the battles he won
Brock:Kalos got Alain,Alola got Gladion
Lillie:Yeah and big bro gonna win
Brock:And the last guy is a complete mystery
Brock:The only thing said about him is that his name is Red Satoshi rumors say he beat Leon and didn't lose any Pokémon but he didn't became Galar's champions
Max:Oh I want to battle him
Bonnie:He has a death wish
Max:Hey what you mean
May:Bonnie's right you won't have a chance against him
Max:Of course I can
Dawn:Is that so then how do you know that you can beat him
Max:Because I'm the number one trainer
All of them:Your are in idiot
Max:I hate you guys
Serena:Do we even know how he looks like
Soficles:I found a picture of him

They all look at him

Sofocles:What I just goggle it
Kiewai:Okay then show us

Has he shows them the image

Mallow:You know he kinda looks very cute

All the girls agree but then they all look at him closely and felt that he was familiar then in that moment

All them:Wait that's Ash!
Max:No no it can't be that weakling dead he's gone from are lives
Brock:I know but look at closely

Has they were investing that Red literally passes them without them noticing

Red:That was close
Cinderace:No kidding
Red:Wait a minute who the heck.!Leon!!

After a few minutes are hero was having dinner with his friends then Red grabs his phone

Red:Leon can I ask you something
Leon:Sure what's up

Has he shows him the image and a second one

Leon puts a scared face and Bea puts and angry one plus everyone looks at Leon

Red:You took pictures of me
Leon:I may have

With a nervous face few minutes later they arrive at the room Leon heads to his room beaten up

Red:Now think of what you did
Kabu:Does anyone know at what time the ceremony starts

Piers just ignores and goes to his room oh yeah there room his like a house rooms up the other stuff down

Milo:If I remembered correctly it was at eight it's three right now so we have time to relax don't worry guys

has they all head to there rooms Ash and Bea head to there's later at the ceremony everyone was there and each table with there champion,Elite four,in case of Alola Kahunas,Gym leathers snd trainer also the frontier brains have h there own table top of both Hoenn and Sinnoh sitting together Red look around in his chairs then look at Sinnoh table a he spotted Paul looking at him he just smile at him and then noticed that Iris and Gladion also the gym leader traitors were doing the same has he just turns his attention to his friends

Paul mind:He's Ash but how he can't be the weakling his not capable of beating a champion
Iris mind:That kid doesn't even deserve to be here
Gladion mind:What is that idiot even here
Misty:Why of all places is he here
Brock:They should just already kick him out his gonna be a waste of time for all of us
Cilan:I'm sure he'll be eliminated in the first battle
Clemont:I got to make sure is him and not just his cousins or something I want to defeat the real weakling

And now back with Ash

Red mind:There on to me
Bea:Everything okay
Red:Yeah just spotted some of the traitors looking at me like a pidgeot
Melony:I think we should address the Donphan in the room that Leon still has a black eye
Red:Oh for Arceus sake

Has he gets up he puts his right hand on the injured eye has it glows he takes of and reveals his eye healed

Red:Better champ
Leon:Yeah thanks and sorry for what I did
Red:No prob

Has he takes his site again then Charles come in

Charles:Great your all here let us begin so welcome everyone to first ever tournament of champions were only the strongest compete in here we will see who truly is the strongest trainer for start let's explain how this tournament will go the first round will be a tag team tournament which you battle three to move to round two which are four battle in a three on three and then we go to round three which a two battle which are one on one and finally round four which are the semi Finals which are full Six on six to then the final battle which is Round five the finals okay now go tell nurse joy teammate and go do whatever you want

Has they left Red and Bea obviously became teammates the others in the Galar side are Leon and Raihan,Kabu and Piers,Gordie and Milo,Nessa and Melony and the final ones Allister and Opal has Red and Bea decided to go for a walk

Bea:The Sky looks pretty
Red:That's not the only thing
Bea:Oh you flatter me
Red:Think we should go back
Red:Don't worry we can find a training spot later okay
Bea:Yeah if want to win are battles will most always be in shape
Red:You should tell that to Melony
Bea:I did she didn't even listen
Red:I would try but every time I talk to her she flirts with me so I rather not speak to a woman who sleeps with every guy she talk to and ended up having sex with her
Bea:Yeah but I think the only sad part is that she can't get pregnant
Red:Yeah but even so I rather have you take my virginity than her
Bea:And I will hey do you still remember those abilities you can use with Aura that you learned for us

Has it took him 2 seconds to know what she meant has he turned red and look at her who she had a smile

Red:Ready to do it
Bea:With you always

(Warning warning lemon scene warning)

Has they arrive at there room Red made his(Shield that is invisible and nobody outside can hear what happens in the inside and you already know what the other part is)Red pulls down his pats revealing his dick to Bea she quickly starts licking and sucking it ones she continued to suck it Red reacted with him putting his hands on Bea head and pulling and pushing her in and out has they continued Red cum inside her mouth she then with a smile decided it was time for her to feel pleasure has she revealed her breast to Red he first started to sucking them to then change in it to him kissing her in the mouth and pinching them has that finish she shows him her vagina has he puts his dick inside they start going crazy changing positions when they can had at the end they both cum screaming there names

Red:That felt amazing
Bea:Yeah but now is round two it's still gots some fight in him

Has she points at his dick

Red:Then let's go again rematch
Bea:Your on

Has they had a wild night

(Lemon scene end)

Has the next day came Red wakes up seeing his beautiful girlfriend Bea naked right beside him has he gave her a kiss in the forehead waking her up

Red:Morning Bea
Bea:Morning Red did you enjoy your night
Red:Absolutely come on let's make breakfast for the group

Has they got out of bed they went outside has they thought nobody else was awake after they were finished making breakfast Allister came

Red:Oh Allister good morning take a site breakfast is ready

Has he waves hi at the two he goes to the table and takes of his mask to start eating after that the group started to wake up and eat

Opal:Has always Red your cooking skills are has perfect has ever
Gordie:Yeah man this awesome
Red:Hey you guys have done a lot for me this how I repay you guys normally now enjoy the food
Kabu:We always do young man

Has they finish eating they head to the stadium there were multiple vip sites for the hole group of the region has Red and the Galarains go to there has the tournament began a few battles pass and it was Red and Bea turn has there opponents are Cilan and Clemont has they head down they come to the battlefield has Red glares at his opponents

Clemont:Can I ask you something
Red:Me or Her
Clemont:You are you Red Satoshi
Red:Yeah is there something wrong
Clemont:That's not your real name is it
Red:You your entering private territory so if you don't want to battle and just talk you could just forfeit
Cilan:Cone on Clemont let's just beat them and then you can ask him
Ref:The battle between the gym leaders Cilan and Clemont vs Red the trainer and Bea the gym leader will now begin trainers send in your Pokémon
Red:Don't waste your time using Machamp they would even beat there type advantage
Bea:Fare enough
Clemont:Luxray com out
Cilan:Let's go Simisage

Has both Pokémon appear and grin at there opponents

Red:There cocky
Red:Let's finish this quick Appletun I choose you
Bea:Go Grapploct

Has the Galarian Pokémon also appear Clemont and Cilan look at Appletun and felt confused seen they could see his eyes but when he raised them you could heir everyone saying"awww" had the dragon/grass type blushed a little

Red:Don't get distracted buddy

Has he focus on the enemy

Ref:Battle begin
Clemont:Luxray use wild charge on Appletun
Cilan:Simisage use drain punch at Grapploct

Has both charge at there opponents Red and Bea just sigh in disappointment

Red:Appletun jump up turn around and use body slam then leach seed
Bea:Grapploct use Power up punch in all your arms and barrage hit him

Has Appletun jump high people impressed by how high he went has he turned around he directly landed on top of Luxray that was struggling to get out Clemont screams and then he fired the leach seed that got on his head and started to drain him until he fainted and has for Simisage he got mutual strength hits and one last one that sends him flying straight to Cilan colliding with him fainting

Ref:Both Luxray and Simisage are unable to battle the winners are Red and Bea
Red:Was there any doubt Appletun you can get off him okay
Appletun:You got it

Has he got out he went to Red quickly Clemont went to Luxray side to see if he was okay only to find I'm just injured behind and the head he quickly returned him has after that Red and Bea were already out of the battlefield has they were walking to the vip Clemont and Cilan cane from behind running

Clemont:Stop right there Ash!

Has he just ignored and he and Bea continued walking holding hands has then Red felt that Clemont grab his shoulder Red reaction to it was push Clemont to the wall with his arm behind him Cilan was gonna go and help but then Red appeared and Aura sphere and aim straight at him

Red:You should know your manners because Ash is not here to save your live anymore
Clembot:But you are Ash;Ash Ketchum
Red:Sorry but he died the day you pieces of s*^% betray him I'm Red Satoshi so get in you head and leave us alone or I'll have to break you arm
Clemont:Alright alright calm down we give
Cilan:Yeah what he said

Has he drop his hand and let go of Clemont

Red:What you assholes want

Has then Paul came

Paul:For you to stop wasting everyone time and leave your to weak for this tournament
Red:Well sorry to say this but I'm not leaving and the only ones wasting time here is you assholes getting in are way and Paul he nodded that my battle only took 10 seconds so don't say Bulls*^% now if you excuse me and my girlfriend

Has they left with the three traitors with shock faces

All three mind:He has a girlfriend the F*^%#

Now back with Rec and Bea who returned to the vip

Raihan:What took you
Red:Some traitors got in the way but I already finish my argue with them

Has the lovebirds take there sites and wash the rest of the tournament continue(Za Warudo)Has the battle's continued Red was with Bea walking to the forest to see if they could find a good training spot until

Red:Arceus why do I have to suffer like this

In the Hall of Origin

Arceus:Forgive me my chosen one but the Author is the one who controls the course of reality
Author:Indeed I do

Has I petted Arceus in the head has She blushes at the action

Arceus:For me the goddess of Pokémon to be like this is embarrassing
Author:Don't worry about Arceus cheer up okay now let me continue
Arceus:Okay but can you continue to pet me
Author:Of course I can

In the Indigo Plateau Conferences

Has they both thought of ignoring but with what happened in the last encounter they decided to turn around and see Max running to him with Bonnie right behind him has they got to the couple

Red:What you want Max
Max:I challenge you to battle
Red:That all
Max:No if you lose which you will you have to let me replace you in the tournament
Red:When I win you'll leave alone right both of you

If cross fingers

Red:I know your lying so yeah if you win you'll replace me but if I win leave us alone

Has they head to the battlefield

Bea:This is a one on one battle between Red and Max trainers send in your Pokémon
Red:Rapidash I choose you

Has the Galarian Rapidash appears

Max:What kind of Rapidash is that

Has he takes out his pokedex and scans it Rapidash Galarian form type psychic

Max:Psychic well this gonna be more easier than I thought Mightyena Let's go

Has the dark type comes out and growls at Rapidash which she responded with a glare that intimidated Mightyena a little

Bea:Battle begin
Max:Alright Mightyena lets start of with Shadow claw
Red:Use agility and dodge and start running around him

Has she dodges she started to run around the battlefield confusing both Max and Mightyena

Max:Just fire Shadow ball where she is

Has he started to fire it he went crazy firing everyone not able to hit her has she then appears at his left

Red:Psybeam one shot it

Has she fired the attack from her horn it hits Mightyena making it fait

Bea:Mightyena is unable to battle the winner is Red and Rapidash
Max:Impossible best out of three

Then in that moment Red got on Rapidash

Red:Hey Bea get on I got a better way of getting there
Bea:On my way

Has she got on and hold on to Red

Max:Hey we are not do.!
Red:Hey Max can you do me a favor and shut up you little gremlin

He stayed silent then Red look at Bonnie who was almost about to say something

Red:That goes for you too brat

Has she also stayed silent

Red:Okay Rapidash use Agility and take us to the forest
Rapidash:You got it Red

Has in a blink of and eye she disappeared padding by the traitors who saw Max and Bonnie coming out of the battlefield

May:Oh Max Bonnie were you too battling
Bonnie:Max battled Ash
Dawn:And did you win
Bonnie:No he lost without even able to scratch his Pokémon
Clemont:Expected has much

Has they talked one person was listening from the shadows

???:He's here perfect I was expecting to battle him again he's so only person to make a good battle

Has we go back to Red and Bea who found a good place with trees around them,soft grass,few flowers and a lake near them

Bea:It's peaceful
Red:Yeah a good place indeed for us to train

Has he goes a sites in the tree Rapidash just sites beside her master and Bea does the same to site behind his boyfriend Red then put one of his arms in the other shoulder of Bea and put his other hand in Rapidash head petting her has they decided to take a little nape there now with the traitors who were waking around

Brock:So what do you think we should do to him
Iris:I say let him have his fun in the tournament because when he come in contact with one of us he'll be destroyed
Paul:I'll go with that plan

The first day of the tournament had finished Red and Bea were training there physical training for themselves and the Pokémon training with them has Red and Bea were soaring there Pokémon Machoke and Incineroar battle hand to hand after they finish
Red:That was a good spar
Bea:Yeah but a bit exhausting don't you think
Red:Yeah and you two okay
Incineroar:I'm okay buddy
Machoke:I still got my energy

Has he grab his phone he saw he had 6 messages from Leon in the phone

Leon:Red you there
Leon:They already revealed the next battles and your lucky again
Leon:You got yourself another group of traitors Misty and Iris
Leon:So what you think
Leon:Don't need to thank me
Leon:Your actually the second battle
Red:Thanks Leon

Leon:Your welcome

Has he finished

Bea:What happened
Red:Are next opponents are Misty and Iris the other two traitors
Bea:WOW you are very lucky
Red:That's what Leon said but first let's get this three to the center to get a check up

Has they returned the two fighters they hop on Rapidash and Agility out of there arriving at the Pokémon center

Nurse Joy:Oh hello and welcome to the Pokémon how can I help you two
Red:Could you check on this three Pokémon
Nurse Joy:Sure give them to me and I'll check them out

Has they give her the two pokeballs and Rapidash has then Red felt that someone poked him has he look behind him he saw Jeanette,the new guy Mitchel,Tyson and Alain

Jeanette:Good evening Ash Ketchum
Red:Please call me Red Satoshi I left that name behind along time ago
Alain:I know me and Tyson were told by Professor Oak and then I told this two
Red:Oh before I continue guys this my girlfriend Bea
Bea:Nice to meet all of you
Tyson:Same to you
Red:And you are
Mitchel:Im Gold
(okay quick review
Region of origin:Johto
Pokémon:Feraligatr,Crobat,Milotank,Anpheros, Houndoom and Heracross(Mega)
Okay that is all)
Red:Nice to meet you Gold
Gold:You too Red
Red:Who's your partner
Gold:Oh in partner up with the gym leader Whitney
Red:Hope we can battle
Gold:Yeah me too

Has they got there Pokémon back he returned Rapidash and they went back to there apartment had they got in they saw there friends washing tv and pizza

Red:We are back
Kabu:Come in Gordie brought pizza

Has they both took a slice and eat it.The next day we find ourselves in the forest where Red and Bea are taking a morning exercise

Red:Okay well we know Iris is definitely gonna use her Dragonite and Misty gonna use Gyrados
Bea:Dragonite is a Dragon type and Gyrados is water and Flying
Red:I'm pretty sure she's gonna use mega evolution so I'll just go with Bolthund he was trained literally by Pikachu and what he can do Bolthund could copy it
Bea:I'll use Machoke for that Dragonite
Red:Good we got us a game plan
Bea:Yeah we are set
Red:So what now
Bea:Well there nothing else to do so

Has she pushed him to the soft grass she then go on top of him has she began to kiss him in the lips he accepted and they had a passionate kiss few hours later we find ourselves in the battlefield we're both teams are glaring at each other

Misty:You know you can't win against us
Iris:Yeah little kid maybe you should leave
Red:WOW just gonna say out of everyone I hated the most you two were in the top of the list the only thing you two did was waste time fitting and doing nothing and always argue with me for stupid reasons I think I could have done much more without you two taking along so do you want me to keep roasting you b*^%#^ or are we gonna battle
Misty:But we warned you

(You already know what the Ref says)

Red:Just has we thought
Bea:Yeah it was kinda predictable
Red:Right now Bolthund I choose you
Bea:Machoke show them your strength

Has both sides Pokémon appear

Ref:Battle begin
Iris:Dragonite end this in one shot use Dragon rush
Misty:Use Aqua jet Gyrados
Red:Always the first to start
Bea:Always the first to fall
Red:Use nuzzle on Gyrados
Bea:Mega punch on Dragonite

Has Boltund was able to land his attack has just sends Gyrados back and has for Dragonite he got punch straight in the face by mega punch sending him to the wall both Pokémon got back up but they knew does attacks were very strong and it did do damage

Red:Now use electric terrain

Has the floor starts glowing electricity

Iris:Dragonite use Thunder punch on Bolthund
Misty:You do the same and use Hydro pump
Red:Only targeting me well Bea tell Machoke to meet behind Bolthund

Has it does that

Red:Now use protect

Doing that blocking both attacks coming

Bea:Now use Karate shop on Gyrados and then brick break on Dragonite

Has Machoke slam Gyrados to the ground and then punching Dragonite to then crashing him at the ground

Red:Finish it now use Thunderbolt don't hold back

Has he shock both Pokémon has h the dust settled Dragonite fainted

Ref:Dragonite is unable to battle
Iris:What no way that's
Red:Oh stop whining like a little kid and return you Pokémon b**%%%
Audience:Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh shots fired shots fired

Has some of the people laugh even a few traitors couldn't hold there laughter

Misty:Don't worry Iris I'm still in this Gyrados it's time to mega evolve

Has Gyrados transforms into his mega form

Red:Well then let's do this Bea I got this

Has he returned Bolthund the pokeball grew and it Gigantamax

Red:Okay so ready to lose

Few minutes later

Ref:Gyrados is unable to battle the winners are Red and Bea

Red looks at the two traitors Iris just looking down and Misty on her knees with the face of confusion has a smile went on his face they left

Bea:Good idea on the end
Red:Hey if it weren't for your quick thinking of attacking both that would have taken longer
???:Well hello Ash or should I say Red

Has they both look back to see Cynthia

Red:Oh hey Cynthia it's been a awhile you look beautiful as ever
Cynthia:Thank you and your Bea right one of Galar's gym leaders
Bea:Yeah and
Red:She's my girlfriend
Cynthia:Oh really well congrats Red I hope we can battle in this tournament see you around

After that the second battles were done the only traitors in the tournament left are Paul and Gladion has the last battle of round one was ending the next day some of the Galar have been taken out has the only ones left are Leon and Raihan,Melony and Nessa, and Red and Bea has there next and last opponents are Gold and Whitney has they meet next day has the battlefield are the two teams of the trainers and the gym leaders

Red:Ready Gold
Gold:You know it Red
Ref:The battle between trainer Gold and Whitney vs Red the trainer and Bea the gym leader will begin trainers send in your Pokémon
Gold:Feraligatr you got this
Whitney:Milotank lets go

Has both Pokémon appear ready for battle

Red:Are turn Leafeon I choose you
Bea:Hawlucha lets show them are fighting spirit

Has both Pokémon appear has they both stare at there opponents

Gold mind:Shit were at a disadvantage already
Ref:Battle begin
Gold:But it won't stop me Feraligatr Aqua jet
Red:Leafeon Leaf blade
Whitney:Milotank use Rollout
Bea:Hawlucha use Flying press

Has both attack clash and collided with Leafeon and Feraligatr she landed and her tail stop glowing and Feraligatr fell down to the ground fainted and has for Milotank and Hawlucha well he stands has the the cow fall basically it was in faint has both the people in the stands plus Ref and Bea were anime fall to the ground style that they won that fast it hadn't even pass 5 seconds

Ref:Well Feraligatr and Milotank are unable to battle the winners and moving on to round two are Red and Bea

Has Red's Leafeon quickly jumps to her trainer tackling him to the ground and began licking him after that Red and Bea left the battlefield

Red:I think that was to much
Red:Yes I expected I little bit more
Bea:Well they did have a disadvantage and we mostly train all are Pokémon all the time
Red:Yeah I think that's it well better get to the others

Has they entered the vip

Leon:That was fast
Raihan:Yeah no s*^% Sherlock
Opal:Settle down boys was his trying to say is that we think you two may have had to much training

Has that ended the still competitors are in the lobby of the Pokémon center waiting for that screen to show the next battles Red was resting on Bea lap has she petted his hair has then the screen turned on showing Charles

Charles:Well do e for the ones who made it to round two remember now the battles are gonna be three on three so be ready here are the battles

Has the screen shows them Red finds himself his battle number 8 and his up against Sinnoh Frontier brain Dahlia

Red:Who you get
Bea:Master Chuck and you
Red:Frontier brain of Sinnoh Dahlia
Bea:You told me the only one you fought was Palmer who is the strongest I wonder how you'll do against her
Red:Do you believe in me
Bea:Of course
Red:Then with that believe is his I'll win
Bea:You better

Has she gives him a short kiss in the lips has the Galarian head back to there room

Kabu:Well we wish you six good luck
Milo:At this point I think the only ones that might move are Red and Leon or Raihan or even Bea
Melony:And us

Nobody says anything Milo gets beat up by the two girls Red heals him has they got to there room they all headed to the bed rooms has then we see Red and Bea in the bed naked Red looking up

Bea:Can't sleep
Red:No it's just I feel like I'm almost free
Bea:Don't worry you'll be fine after this tournament you won't be afraid of that betrayal ever again
Red:Thabks babe let's go to sleep

Has Red brought her close to his chest they go to sleep next day came Red and the others woke up has Red was waking to the stadium with the others Red spotted that Kukui and Burnet with a kid was on the way

Red:Keep going I'll see over there
Bea:I'll come with you
Red:I'll be fine don't worry I'll catch up

Has they continued walking Bea look back to see Red hugging the three people she smiles now back with him

Kukui:We miss you so much
Burnet:He speaks for both of us
???:Big brother!
Red:I have been missing you'll all to and look at you Ann you have grown
Anna:Yeah Anna growing to be a great trainer like big brother Red
Red:Yeah you will
Kukui:I'm so proud of you look at you fine,strong and even have a girlfriend
Red:Yeah everything's okay with me I'll catch up with you guys later okay
Burnet:Yes we want to heir everything you have done

After that he ran to the stadium has he got to the entrance he saw Bea waiting

Bea:Did you enjoy your reunion
Bea:Then come on slowbro

Has they got to there vip area they watch the matches now it was time for Red to go has he comes out of the tunnel he stares at his female opponent hace they meet by the ref

Dahlia:Let us have and exiting battle red
Red:Yeah let's

Has they shake hands they go back to there spots

Ref:The battle between Dahlia the frontier brain of Sinnoh vs Red the trainer will now begin trainers send in your Pokémon
Dahlia:Togekiss show them your cuteness

Has the flying/Fairy type Pokemon entered the battlefield

Red:Okay then Cinderace you up

Has Cinderace appears in the battlefield with a smile on her face

Ref:Let's the battle begin
Dahlia:let's begin Togekiss useAir slash
Red:Use quick attack to dodge and then strike when to see and opening with flame charge

Has Cinderace dodges the attacks send to her by Togekiss has she then see that she's stoping Dow she jumps straight to her charging with flame charge landing the hit

Red:Now use Double kick
Dahlia:Dodge it

Has Togekiss recovered and dodges the attacks

Dahlia:Now use psychic and push it down
Red mind:S*^##

Has she is toss to the ground but she gets back up

Red:You okay

Has she gives him a thumbs up Red smiles

Red:Time to get serious
Dahlia:I like the sound of that Togekiss use Aura sphere
Red:Counter is with Pyro ball

Has both attacks collided with each other

Dahlia:Bow give another barrage of Air slash
Red:Jump up and use Pyro ball aim for the goal

Has she kicks her flaming ball that went trough all the aire slash lading the hit dropping Togekiss to the ground

Red:Now use flame charge

Has she charge right to her

Dahlia:Got you use Hyper Beam

Has Togekiss fires the attack

Red:Go left and go

Has she was able to dodge if she charges at Togekiss landing the hit has the dust settled Togekiss had fainted and Cinderace was still standing but tired

Ref:Togekiss is unable to battle Dahlia send in your next Pokémon
Red:You okay
Cinderace:Yeah just a bit tired that's all
Red:Okay rest for now

Has he returned her

Dahlia:Alright Medicham it's time for battle

Has the meditating Pokémon appears and with a mega stone on his right hand

Red:This will be good Lucario I choose you

Has now the Aura Pokémon appears has both Pokémon look at each other

Dahlia:Yes this will be fun indeed because it's time for mega evolutions

Has Medicham glows blue and turns into its mega form

Red:Alright Lucario let are bond become even stronger and mega evolve

Has he as well become mega lucario

Ref:Battle begin
Red:Use Bone rush

After that battle of the mega Pokémon Lucario cane on top and now Dahlia was left with one Pokémon

Dahlia:I will say kid your not just cute but strong too
Red:Sorry but I'm already taken
Dahlia:That so to bad I really wanted us to get to know one another
Red:Well how about a bet
Dahlia:I'm in
Red:If you win I'll go on a date with you
Dahlia:And if you win
Red:You could tell me were you got that Pokémon your holding in your hand
Dahlia:Oh so you know my secret weapon
Red:More like I can sense him so do we have a deal
Dahlia:Deal hope you brought yourself a suit
Red:I don't plan on losing sorry
Dahlia:Well time for my trump card Zapdos

Has one of the legendary three appears in front of Red

Red:This will be fun time for a rematch Noivern

Has the Pokémon Red caught seen he was a baby appears he looks around only to see the Pokémon to cause him to evolve in the first place

Ref:Battle begin
Dahlia:Zapdos use Signal beam
Red:Noivern use Dragon pulse

Has both attacks collided with each other making a smoke screen

Red:Now use Boom burst

Has the attack lands the hit Zapdos starts falling but gets back up

Dahlia:That's strong one indeed well then let's get to cutting Zapdos send a barrage of air cutter
Red:Use acrobatics to dodge and then use dragon claw

Has he dodge perfectly all the the cutters and charge at him with the dragon claw

Dahlia:Dodge it and use Thunderbolt

Has he dodges that Zapdos his attack landed shocking Noivern(Like in the battle Naganadel vs Tapu koko but Noivern got back up)

Dahlia:Let's finish this use signal beam
Red:Onay it's time Noivern

Has he gets out his z-ring with the dragon type z-crystal has they both start doing the posses

Dahlia:Now full power
Red:Devastating Drake

Both attacks were fired and where holding on until the z-move was blasting through the signal beam landing the hit has the dust settled Zapdos was found on the ground fainted

Ref:Zapdos is unable to battle the winner is Red

After he and Noivern celebrated later he meet up with Dahlia and they talk telling him about the Zapdos a bit about herself

Red:That was a great battle I hope we can do it again
Dahlia:Yes that would be wonderful

Has both trainers shake hands has they both left Red was walking beside Dahlia

Dahlia:So your the kid Palmer talk about years ago
Red:Oh so he mentioned are battle I see
Dahlia:Yeah he did

Has they continued walking Dahlia pushes Red into the locker room

Dahlia:So you have a girlfriend right
Dahlia:Would you mind if that you kiss me ones
Dahlia:Your a cute boy that is very strong who ever got you was very happy you didn't encounter me first I would taken you at first look
Red:So you want me to kiss you right here seen I'm sure the next time we meet will take a while
Red:Well I really don't like breaking feelings so why not
Dahlia:Good answer

Has they had a passionate kiss that lasted 4 minutes has they separated there lips

Dahlia:~Good bye Red hope we can meet again and do that again~

Has she left Red headed back to his friends has he came in

Bea:What took you
Red:Grab water for all of us
Raihan:Oh thanks man I'm thirsty

After the battles ended Milo was right and Melony was defeated but the others are still in it later Red and Bea went to Kukui room in like the other he's with his family so he has a smaller room

Kukui:Oh Red and Bea come in
Bea:Thanks for having us
Kukui:My pleasure

Has they talk all the night Red and Bea decided to sleep in the coach there together has the next day came has Red and Bea open there eyed to find Bea on top of Red has they smile then Kukui cane in

Kukui:Good Morning you two
Red/Bea:Morning Kukui
Kukui.You two sleep well
Bea:With him always
Kukui:Good to heir that my boy is treating you well Bea
Red:Who are you battling today
Kukui:Oh I'm battling Alder
Red:His not the strongest champion but his not to be mess with
Kukui:Indeed but I just hope I get to battle you
Red:Yeah I hope that too but first I have to defeat Karen elite four of johto
Bea:I heard that she's actually the strongest of the johto elite
Red:That just makes her and even greater opponent
Kukui:Well I'm gonna go make breakfast you sure Galar would be okay
Red:To be real with you they let us go but I'm sure they'll be fine and even Allister knows how cook so I'm sure they'll be fine or there just gonna give each

Later has Red and Bea headed to the stadium behind them is Karen has she see Red

Karen:Maybe I should try what Dahlia did

Has she licks her lips Red then feels the chill and looks behind him to see Karen look at him sexual

Bea:You okay babe
Red:Yeah just felt a chill that something might happen
Bea:Good or bad
Red:Maybe good
Bea:Well your predictions never fails us do they
Red:Yeah let's keep going

Has they continue Red looks one more time back to see she's gone has they got close he noticed the traitors coming from the right side

Trip:Oh look who
Red:Shut up Trip nobody cares about you

Has after just that word he ignored them and got inside

Lana:What just happened
Brock:Trip f*^^%^ up
Trip:..............hey wait

Back with Red and Bea who arrive at the vip room has they got inside nobody was in there

Red:Well I'm sure it'll take them awhile
Red:And this are for to us alone until they come
Red:I'm kissing you right now

Has he brought her close and started to kissing her has they were making out back with the traitors

Trip:That cheap son of b**%%# how dare he
Dawn:I'm just surprised he made you go silent so fast
Serena:I'm interested in who that girl was that is always with Ash
Paul:Oh that's his girlfriend
Cilan:Yeah pretty much
Clemont:He told us after are battle
All of them:What!!
May:That's a surprise to think that little pathetic child got a girlfriend
Misty:Maybe we sh.!
Brock:We shouldn't
Mallow:Why not he doesn't deserve one
Kiewai:Has much has I agree with you guys I rather not die we have only seen six of his Pokémon I'm pretty sure that's not even his strongest team I mean that old man Oak told you he took some his loyal ones we don't know who are they but definitely not just that Noivern we haven't even seen Pikachu which means his holding him has a secret weapon
Paul:Won't lie his right let's not go in like that and also I rather not go to jail
Lillie:Find we won't do anything
Gladion:Great but what about Delia maybe she can help us
Misty:That's a great idea I'll call see you all later

Has he heads of running to the Pokémon center

Brock:Pets just go to sites

Has they got in the stadium back with Misty

Delia:Oh hello Misty how you been
Misty:I'm good
Delia:Sorry to heir that you lost
Misty:Yeah and the one who did it was Ash
Delia:Wait Ash but the battle said Red Satoshi
Misty:That's Ash in disguise
Delia:Okay I'll be there by tomorrow I need stop that kid
Misty:Yeah he's already beaten Clemont and Cilan,Me and Iris and also Max
Delia:Don't you worry Misty that boy is not even gonna reach around three when I get there
Misty:Thanks Delia

Knock knock

Delia:Wait a minute Misty I got someone in the door

Has Delia heads to the door and opens it appearing a hooded man with a mask

Delia:Can I help you

Has the man then appears his silencer hand gun and fires straight Delia killing her has she drop down to the floor dead the man continued to fire and gets out his phone has then we go back to the Galar vip where
(Tiny lemon scene)has he had pin to the wall Bea with his Dick in the vagina has he then heirs his phone his stops but he keeps his object inside her(Lemons scene end)

???:Tango Down
Red:Great job Daniel
Daniel:My pleasure we'll call me if you want another assassination on the traitors
Red:No prob

Has he ended the call

Bea:Was that Daniel
Red:Yeah he took care of Delia so I don't have to worry about her ever again
Bea:Goid now let's continue

Has they continued that back at Pallet town has Daniel was waking out of route one he brings out his Vulpix

Daniel:Don't worry I'm here are jobs done let's go home okay flare

Has he picks her up and they walk away now back with Red and Bea who finished there business has the others come in

Nessa:Oh you two were already here
Red:Yeah the first five battles already began and Raihan up next is already down there
Leon:Yeah he left awhile ago
Red:His opponent is Sabrina this gonna be interesting

Has the battles continued on it was time for Red to battle Karen has they meet each other on the way to the entrance tunnel

Karen:Red right
Red:Yes hello there Karen
Karen:You know Dahlia told me what you did to her
Red:The kiss
Red:What you want the same bet
Karen:Yes only with to changes
Red:And that would mean
Karen:That if I win you and I are having a night alone in my room but if you win you'll just have to kiss my
Red:So in both scenarios you get the benefit
Karen:~Then I'll be seeing you after are battle~

Has she leaves Red blushed a little has they both cane out of the tunnels has they shake hands and headed a kiss to there spots

Ref:This a three on three battle between Karen the elite four member of johto vs Red the trainer of Galar now send in your Pokémon
Karen:Umbreon lets go

Has the dark type evolution comes out

Red:I'll show you what real dark type looks like Corviknight I choose you

Has the dark and steel type appears

Karen:What and interesting one indeed
Red:He sure is now let's see how you'll deal with
Ref:Battle begin

Has there battled continued Corviknight had trouble with Umbreaon but he was able to beat and her second Pokémon Hounchkrow and now it's time to finish this battle has Red returned Corviknight

Karen:Time to shine Houndoom

Has Houndoom appears in the stadium

Red:Cool my turn Absol let's show them a real Dark types

Has the female Absol gets on the battlefield both sides Pokémon death stare at each other waiting for the call of the ref but

Karen:Let is make this battle interesting Red what you say
Red:You read my mind
Karen/Red:Mega evolve

Has both Pokémon transformed into there mega forms has they continued there stare


They got into battle position

Red/Karen:Dark pulse

Has both fired there attacks colliding with each other making and explosion

Red:Now use Shadow claw

Has she comes out of the smoke

Karen:Use Sludge bomb

Has the first two miss but the third one hits her in the face making her blind has Houndoom dodges the attack

Karen:Now use Flamethrower

Has he fires the attack close ranch sending Absol back has she is piss and starts trying to remove the Slugde in her eyes

Red:Absol calm down just calm down

With those words she calms

Red:Use detect and concentrate try to find houndoom and use shadow ball
Karen:Move slowly around her and prepare flamethrower

Has with that Absol stayed still has Houndoom slowly walk around her has arrive to her back then Absol appears a shadow ball

Red:Shadow ball

Has Absol turns around at the Flamethrower and fires it's attack both attacks collided

Red:Now use Psycho cut
Karen:Dodge it

Has she send a barrage of a psycho cuts until then one was able to land to the she sends two more that also make contact has it settled Absol returned to Red has Houndoom got back up Red took off the sludge

Absol:Better now if you excuse me

Has she turns her attention to Houndoom who growls at her she just smiles at the action

Karen:Alright then let us resume use dark pulse
Red:Dodge it and use shadow ball

Has he continued to fire Absol jump,move and went under the attack has she got to houndoom she landed her attack has silent came over the battlefield Houndoom fell to the ground fainted

Ref:Houndoom is unable to battle the winner is Red

Has Absol returned to Red

Red:Perfect has always Absol
Absol:I will never fail

Has he petted her he then returned her and left the battlefield with Karen close behind has like last time Red and Karen were in the locker room

Karen:I'll enjoy this
Red:Don't go crazy

Has they start kissing it was 4 minutes has after that he headed to the vip (Oh if your asking how he never comes out with hickey it's because he always use aura to heal himself)Has he was arriving the traitors got in his way we'll just misty with a smile on her face

Red:Is there a purpose
Misty:Nothing much just gonna say that you mother coming and she's not very happy
Red:Oh you mean Delia Ketchum well atart I'm not her son and I think are fouled
Misty:Why you say that

He gets out his phone and shows a news report saying she's dead

Red:Yeah it seems she died today at when you guys tried to stop me today now I'll leave now

Has he leave Misty has a face of all hope is lost now back with Red who got to his vip

Bea:What happened
Red:The traitor Misty tried to stop me saying Delia was coming but it was revealed today that she's dead
Raihan:Well that sucks for them

Has the battles continue Red and Bea were heading to there training spot until Red sensed something

Red:I know your there

Has they both look behind to see the traitors Paul,Iris,Serena and Kiewai

Bea:What do you people want
Iris:We want to battle you
Red:Well considering Iris you lost to me care in square little kid and Paul lost to my girlfriend I don't see the point in battle also those two weren't even chosen.Serena is a performer not a battle are battle would not even take a minute and Kiewai well he might be interesting warm up but that's just all he is
Iris:Why you
Paul:I wasn't even battling at full strength

Has then Serena was waking straight to Red

Red:Wgat do you want
Serena:I want you back to me Ashy
Red:Red is just Red and I'm sorry but this one here has already taken me so you stop

Has then holds Bea hand

Serena:Come on Ash I'm ten times more beautiful than here and my body more sexy than hers

Has in that instant Serena gets kick and send flying back by Bea

Red:You know I could have aura sphere it it would have made you better
Bea:Yeah but thus felt more satisfying

Has the two take there but before that they heir a noise has they look behind they see Serena holding a revolver has she fires straight at Bea but before it landed it was stop by a shield has the traitors look that it was Red making and Aura shield he then aura speed straight to Serena kicking the gun away from her and then grab her by the neck pulling her up starting to shock her

Iris:Come on Ash drop her please stop

Has the traitors try to help but they can't stop

Kiewai:Aren't you gonna try and stop him
Bea:Nope it was her who started this what she gets
Paul:Plaese tell him to stop

Bea sigh and heads to her loves side has she put her hand in his shoulder

Bea:Come on let's go it's not worth it

Has he drops her

Red:Let this be a lesson assholes

Has they leave a weakened Serena,Angry Paul and Kiewai and worried Iris has then Red and Bea disappeared in the forest.Has the tournament progress so did the battles Red battle on the next one Gladion taking his revenge on him with Lycnaroc beating him then in the last battle of round two he battled Sabrina beating her has we find are hero in the center setting beside Bea waiting for the anniversary has the screen turned on with Charles in it

Charles:this has been a great tournament hasn't now let us revealed the Brave ones that maded to round three
Charles:And now without any delayed here are the battles
1.Palmer vs Tyson
2.Alain vs Leon
3.Cynthia vs Brandon
4.Clair vs Caitlin
5.Red vs Bea
6.Jeanette vs Volkner
7.Brock vs Diantha
8.Malva vs Fantina
Charles:There you go everyone oh and all the battles of round three will done in one day so very ready that is all fare well

Has it finish but Red and Bea look at each other

Red:No heart feelings for who ever wins right

Has in there room Red was sleeping with Bea close to his chest

Bea:Red you awake
Red:Yeah what's up
Bea:Maybe I should forfeit the match
Red:Wait why
Bea:I mean your near your dream and if you lose to me all of this was for nothing to you
Red:Look at me Bea

Has she looks straight at him

Red:Has much has at would want that I do t want you to do that I want you to battle me at full strength no holds bare if I were to win because you forfeit that would be cheating for me so I want you to battle me
Bea:Really even if you lose
Red:My mission here was to show does traitors that I'm not weak and I did even you did me a favor and took out Paul so I thank you for that okay now let's go back to sleep

Has they head to sleep has the next day came it went by the same they talked,eat breakfast,trained in there training spot and arrive at the stadium has the other battles pass it was time for Red and Bea to battle has they meet stare to each other on the battlefield

Ref:The battle between gym leader Bea and Red the trainer from Galar will now begin this a one on one battle now trainers send in your Pokémon
Red:Alright buddy it's time I choose you Pikachu

Has the electric mouse come to the battlefield with a smile on his face

Bea:Machamp battling time

Has her trusted Pokémon also enters the battle with a smile has well

Ref:Battle begin
Red:Pikachu start of using iron tail
Bea:Counter it with Karate shop

Has both attack collide with each other both holding there ground has they break up Pikachu was still in the air

Red:Use electro web
Bea:Use cross shop to cut it

Has Machamp with easy cuts the web and pikachu lands

Red:Charge head with Quick attack
Bea:Now use cross shop

Has ones again the attacks have collided but Machamp sends pikachu back to the air

Bea:Use quick guard

Has the attacks continued but it was block has both sides Pokémon well pikachu landed and Machamp is just standing Red and Bea returned them has there pokeballs grew they summon them back in there Dynamax forms has there battled continued in the end Machamp fell fainted(Sorry that I haven't given and actual Dynamax battle the problem is that well I don't know how the Max moves work)

Ref:Machamp is unable to battle the winner is Red
Red:Good work out there buddy
Bea:You did good Machamp for nod just rest

Has Pikachu go to his shoulder and Machamp got back up Red and Bea meet each other in the middle of the stadium and without thinking they kiss infrobt if everyone until pikachu grab his hat that block one side and Machamp with his buddy blocking the other side has Red pick up Bea bride style and continued to kiss her has they got of the stadium later on has the other battles finish they showed the winners
And now the battles
1.Red vs Cynthia
2.Palmer vs Caitlin
3.Malva vs Volkner
4.Diantha vs Alain
Has we arrive to the next battle between Red and Cynthia has they entered the battlefield

Red:Hey look your wish came true
Cynthia:It has it seems well let's enjoy this battle Red

Has they shake hands they head to there spots

Ref:The battle between Red the trainer of Galar and Cynthia champion of Sinnoh will now begin this will be a one on one battle trainers send in your Pokémon
Red:Goodra I choose you
Cynthia:Garchomp time for battle

Has both dragon types come in the battlefield

Ref:Battle begin
Red/Cynthia:Use dragon pulse

Has both pulses coloded with each other out of the smoke cane out Garchomp who charge straight to Goodra

Cynthia:Use Dragon rush
Red:Stop with your ears

Has she collide with the slim dragon has Goodra stop her dead center

Red:Now use surf

Has a giant wave of water appears from behind garchomp gets taken by it and has it stop she was fine but that did damage

Red:Now use ice beam
Cynthia:Dodge it and use Draco meteor

Has garchomp got up she run around dodging the ice beam until in a moment gets hit in the legs has she gets stop

Red:Quick fire another ice beam straight at garchomp

Has Garchomp charged Draco Meteor but gets stop has she gets completely frost by the ice beam everyone stayed silent until they all see the head part melting has Garchomp freed its head and fired the Draco meteor

Red:No choice use vide

Has the Draco meteors came down sone hit Goodra the area where he was still had smoke but Gachomp saw a shadow in it shining red

Cynthia:Let's crack it up Garchomp mega evolve

Has she becomes mega garchomp and with the sudden roar the smoke cleared showing Goodra still standing but glowing red

Cynthia:Now go at full strength Dragon rush

Has she blasted straight to Goodra

Red:You fell right in my trap use Vide!!

Has he point blank blasted her in the face has the smoke left and everyone saw that Garchomp was not in front of Goodra but has they looked behind Cynthia a broken wall that lead to outside has it's revealed that garchomp has fainted and Goodra is still standing

Ref:Garchomp is unable to battle the winner is Red
Red:Is garchomp okay
Cynthia:Yeah she's fine

Has Cynthia returns garchomp back to its Pokeball

Cynthia:WOW Red you trained your Goodra very well
Red:Thanks I really don't know why they call him the weakest dragon type if he can do this kind of stuff

Has Goodra smiles at the comment then Cynthia petted the Pokémon

Cynthia:Yeah I see your point
Red:Well we are off see ya Cynthia hope we can battle again
Cynthia:So do I

Has he leaves back to the vip to get hug by all his friends

Raihan:Your doing awesome little dude
Milo:Truly shoeing the power of the Galar region
Opal:You are doing excellent
Nessa:Dobt get distracted okay
Melony:We believe in you
Kabu:Let your fire ring spirit shine
Allister:Keep going forward
Bea:Don't let us down specially me
Piers:I got nothing
Gordie:Don't stop
Leon:You winning for us
Red:Yeah thanks guys

(Za Warudo)

Has the tournament progressed the ones that move to round four are
To then the battles being
1.Palmer vs Malva
2.Red vs Alain
Has Palmer and Red were the winners of there battled it was time to end it all

Red:Okay guys you ready
Has he speaks to his team being:Serperior, Crawdaunt,Krokodile,Mewtwo,Lapras and Charizard also pikachu but his not battling his in his shoulder has they nod

Now on Palmer side

Palmer mind:It's been years seen that battle with Red and out of every battle I had that one will always be my favorite that and the one I had with Barry well let's see how much you have grown

Has then both tunnel doors open has both trainers come out

Has both trainers meet each other in the middle of the battlefield

Palmer:With been here before haven't we
Red:Well that was a town tournament this much more serious
Palmer:Well then let's get cracking shall we
Red:I can prepared

Has they shake hands they go to there spots and it that moment all there Pokémon cane out of there Pokémon well in Palmer case only five

But then two Pokémon on Red team shock everyone
even his Galarian friends and Girlfriend has to two figures reveal themselves has

Red:Three legendaries and three Pokémon against three legendary and three Pokémon
Palmer:Just the battle I want

With traitors

Paul:What the F**%%
Trip:How did he get his hands on those two

With the Galarains

Nessa:Bea did you knew about this
Bea:No actually he never says this
Raihan:Damm that kid keeps amazing us time after time

Has they all nod in agreement back at the battlefield
has the people look in amazement at both trainers that have legendary Pokémon

Ref:Alright the final battle between Red and Palmer will now begin this a full six on six battle trainers send in your Pokémon
Palmer:Milotic let show are power
Red:Serperior time to shine

Has both snake Pokémon slider to the battlefield

Ref:Battle begin

And in that instant

Palmer:Aqua tail

Has in that blink of a second you they see Serperior and Milotic already clashing there tails both sides trying to hit the other

Red:Now use mega drain
Palmer:Block it with Hydro pump

Has the green blast crashing in the giant water tornado

Palmer:Now use dragon pulse
Red:Dodge it and use and use vine whip

Has she snakes matrix dodges and then appears her vines that grab hold of Milotic has she slams her to ground and lets go

Palmer:We are not out yet
Red:Neither are we
Red/Palmer:Use hypnosis

Has literally both Pokémon hit each other with hypnosis Red and Palmer fall to the floor anime style

Red:That's something

But then both Pokémon fell to the ground fainted

Ref:Oh well both Pokémon are unable to battle trainers send in your second Pokémon
Red:Krookodile I choose you
Palmer:Rhyperior lets go

Has both Pokémon appear on the battlefield Palmer noticed the glasses on him

Palmer:Cook glasses
Red:He says thanks
Ref:Battle begin
Palmer/Red:Use Crunch!

Has both Pokémon charged at each other colliding there attacks.Has the battle progressed It was another draw from Krookodile and Rhyperior after that Charizard and Dragonite hit the stage both evenly match has they even show there mega form charizard going mega Z

And Dragonite becoming Mega Dragonite

There battle ended Charizard winning has after that battle it was time for the legendaries Zygarde amd Regigigas the first ending in a draw to then Solgaleo and Heatran

Ref:Both Solgaleo and Heatran are unable to battle trainers send in your Pokémon and Palmer send in your last Pokémon
Palmer:Incredible Red this has been the best battle I have ever had
Red:Yeah me too only I'm winning you only got one chance has a have two
Palmer:Will see them ready
Red:Yeah Mewtwo your up
Palmer:Cresselia time to shine in the darkness
Cresselia:With pleasure

Has the two psychic types meet in the middle of the battle field

Mewtwo:We meet again Cresselia
Cresselia:Indeed let us see who truly is the queen of psychic's

Has then they both floated back to there trainers

Red:Then it's time for mega evolution

Palmer:Let this end be magnificent Cresselia let's go
Cresselia:Right master
Palmer:Mega evolve

Ref:The battle of psychic types battle begin!!!!
Palmer:Use Ice beam
Red:Use agility to dodge and then use aura sphere

Has he disappeared in and instant and appears again behind Cresselia which Mewtwo fires the aura sphere landed the hit sending her face forward has she then began to fly again and turned to see Mewtwo straight in front of here

Red:psycho cut
Palmer:Bow use psychic

Has before it hit was stop by Cresselia psychic to then toss to the ground

Palmer:Now use Signal beam to finish this
Red:Mewtwo get out of there with Agility

Has the attack was about to hit Mewtwo move out the way going back to her trainer side Cresselia spotted her and did the same

Red:Well then we are quick a situation it learned signal beam if that hits you your done
Red:Then there's only one option left z-move
Mewtwo:I'm ready

Has Palmer pulls out a curious face

Palmer:Wgat could you be planning Cresselia Fire another Signal beam at my command

Has she starts to charge her attack Red and Mewtwo start doing the psychic type z-move posses has they finish

Red:Scattered Psyche!!
Palmer:Fire now!!

But she was stop by the z-move has she was move around crazy until the hole scattered part has a big explosion happened has the dust settled Mewtwo was on her knees but Cresselia was on the floor fainted

Ref:Cresselia has Fainted and the winner also know has the champion master is Red Satoshi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Has the audience cheer and the important ones except the traitors scream in happiness has Red quickly went to Mewtwo

Red:You okay
Mewtwo:Yeah I'm fine just a bit weak
Red:Your not weak come on I'll help you

Has he help her get up and they head to Palmer

Red:That and awesome battle Palmer
Palmer:It was indeed
Red:Maybe I'll try out the Sinnoh frontier I heard you guys could use a new member
Palmer:Yeah actually we do
Red:Don't worry I'll tell Scott just hop you guys better be ready for when I arrive
Palmer:We will

Has the ceremony ended and Red was the Champion master or Champion of the regions live went on the same way Red and Bea got married,Red also became a Sinnoh frontier Brain leader of the battle mountain,Dahlia and Karen continued to use him has a kissing toy and sex toy but his heart only belong to Bea after years they even started a family of two girls and one boy has they live the rest of his live happy oh and Daniel killed the other traitors


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