Ash betrayal

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Flash Back
Tell me what happens if all sudden all the people you trust tell you to give up on what you want to be only a few stay what would you do show them that there wrong,kill them all or just kill yourself this is what Ash felt in that moment it just seem like a normal day Ash came back after the Unova league and the battle he had with Virgil making it runner up in the tournament has he return back with his (✌🏻✊🏻✌🏻✊🏻)friends Iris and Cilan has along the way the meet up with Clair and then go to Kanto there they pass route one along the way Ash noticed that he's friends were acting stranger then usual Iris didn't say that Ash is a little kid and Cilan didn't speak weird has they got to his house has they go there they say hi to mimey has he got in the house he got a big hug from his mom has Iris and Cilan got in quick Delia tells Ash that his friends were here but they never told her why has he go there he and pikachu go there they see Misty,Brock,Tracy,May,Max,Dawn and well the other two Iris and Cilan after he ask why there here Brock Told him

Brock:Ash we want you to give up on your dream
Ash:Wait why do you say that
Misty:Because you weak you don't even fully evolve your Pokémon I mean look at pikachu he could have done so much if he was a Raichu
May:Because of you we been in danger mist are lives traveling with you I say me and Dawn would have won are master class if you weren't there
Max:Not to mention that you always lose a league
Tracy:And orange and battle frontier don't even count
Ash:What do two think of this
Cilan:Sorry Ash but this for your own good please listen to reason
Iris:Don't be a little kid and just give up

After that Ash remind them who was the person who saved them and help them even find a path Brick tried reasoning with him but he just got a punch in the faces has he ran of Delia not happy about this screamed at the traitors telling them that us because of them her son was never able to achieve his dream has they go after him they get stop by Gary,Ritchie, Drew,Tyson,Paul and Trip stoping them from even getting to Ash that they were disappointed in them has this was all just to steal time for Ash to escape with him he got the nanodex and gathered all his Pokémon who were on his side has he leave a note for his mom and friends has he hop on Charizard and fly away seeing the traitors and his friends plus mom one last time promising that one day he'll return but will be the day he grown stronger than anyone even champions.After that he disappear from the face of the earth no one knew where he go or where he be there have been reports that people see him but when they check the area he was not there he was like a shadow
Flash back end

4 years later on a mysterious island
Has a 19 year old guy comes out of his cabin with no shirt has he is approached by his Raichu has he lowered down and petted it

???:Good morning buddy so how's everyone
Raichu:Everyone doing fine Ash

Has he got back up the man here is Ash the trainer who disappear for 4 years has he then go see all his Pokémon has he go tell Raichu to go get them so they can eat has he waited he gets a shirt in the face

Ash:Hey what was that
???:That was because you didn't wake me up
Ash:What you look beautiful sleeping so I didn't wanted to wake you from your.!

Has he took it if he face he could finish his sentence has he was being kissed he embraced the kiss

???:Your punishment is that you can let go of me
Ash:I feel like is more a reward than a give Georgia

Has they girl in front of him is the dragon buster herself the 20 year old Georgia has he kiss him again until then they see there Pokémon coming
On Ash Pokémon we got

On Georgia Pokémon
Has they approached there trainers Ash have them there food while holding her hand I mean she did say he couldn't let go but then a wild Pidgey appears with two notes has both trainers grab the notes

Ash:There the same
Georgia:Maybe you should open yours first
Ash:Yeah sure

Has he opened he began to read the other Pokémon pay attention to it too

Dear Ash
You have been invited to join the Regions tournament here trainers of all Five regions will be competing against each other and only the strongest battle not just trainers but gym leaders too has the winner will tittles Pokémon master but only if he wins the tournament and beats all six champions of all the six regions we hope you can come and battle.Charles Goodshow

P.S:Ash you f%*#^* idiot you know how long it took me to find you.......look the traitors are going to compete so if you want some payback here's your chance bud hope to see you here

Has he finished reading Georgia check hers and it said the same thing except the P.S has he then look at his Pokémon who had the face of excitement

Ash:Okay looks like we got a tournament to win
Georgia:Don't forget I'll be there too love
Ash:Oh I never forget you

Has he grab her bride style and took her inside there cabin has they continued there kissing;Later on after they got there stuff all set they hop on Chaizard and go to the tournament which said was in the silver conference has they arrive to the island and land on the Pokémon center has they go in

Nurse Joy:Hello there and welcome to the Pokémon center how can I help you two
Ash:We come to register for the region's Tournament
Nurse Joy:Oh then please give me your invites and your Pokedex

Has they give her the things she does the process few seconds pass and gives back the Pokedex

Nurse Joy:There Ash and Georgia you have now been registered good luck
Ash/Georgia:Thank you nurse joy
Nurse Joy:My pleasure
Georgia:You might know if the tournament also gives rooms
Nurse Joy:Yes actually they do have a hotel just go right and straight it is there

Has the three of them leave they head to the center until they heir something

???:Slowdown the Pokémon center is not going anywhere
???:I know but I wanna get some training done before the tournament I must be ready for everything
???:But can you at least go a little slower

Has he then bumped with Ash

???:Hey watch were your going asshole
Ash:I think the asshole would be you Max because you bumped into me dumbass
???:Max what did
Max:May whats...wrong

Has he see who he bumped into and the traitors look at him in nervously

Ash:Long time no see
Iris:Oh look who it is the little kid
Georgia:Say the seventeen year old girl or should I call you jungle freak girl
Iris:Why are you here Georgia
Georgia:Why else I was invited for the tournament
Cilan:What she's asking is why are you with him

Has he brought him to kiss has the traitors look all in shock

Ash:Now if you excuse us we are gonna go get a room see ya idiots
Georgia:Bye hope we never see you again

Has they leave

Dawn:What just happened
Brock:Lucky bastard he got a girlfriend

Has they got there room they settled in and got there stuff set in the apartment

Georgia:At what time is the ceremony
Ash:Just at night at seven thirty wanna see what's on tv

Has they get on the coach one of Georgia pokeballs open revealing a Weavile has she go to Raichu has they play the love birds watch some tv Georgia puts her head on his shoulder has he put his head on hers has they have there quiet couple moment later on they go to the stadium has they go in they look around seeing the other trainers then Ash spotted Tobias who also stare at him has they smile at each other and nod has then

???:Hey Ashy boy

Has he turn to see Gary,Richie,Drew,Tyson,Paul,

Ash:Hey guys is been awhile
Richie:It has and is that Pikachu
Raichu:Rai Rai(Yeah is me long time no see guys)
Paul:So you finally evolved it
Ash:Actually he didn't all himself
Gary:The heck he do that
Ash:Grab the stone in my bag and used it
Drew:That makes sense
Trip:I'll say but Serperior might like a rematch
Paul:Sorry Trip but the only who's going to best him is me
Tyson:Both of you are crazy
Gary:Yeah because I'm the one who's going to beat him
Ash:Oh brother
Georgia:Are they always like this
Ash:Nope first time
Gary:Oh Ashy boy who's this your girlfriend

Has they look in shock

Drew:Well that's something
Trip:Wait I know you you were in the junior cup your the girl who used a Beartic on bitch girl Iris Dragonite
Georgia:Oh yeah your the guy with the Serperior
Tyson:So mind telling the story
Ash:Well it go like this

Flash back 2 years ago
At this moment he was 17 years old and was training in Unova here he was in Nimbasa City and also Raichu was a still a pikachu here has they walk around has he then decided to take rest and sites in a bench


Has he look left to see Georgia

Georgia:Why are you here and aren't you supposed to be with Cilan and jungle girl
Ash:No we already split ways I'm on my own

Has he then look down Georgia noticed something up so she then site beside

Georgia:You know anyone can see something's up so don't try to hide your sadness so tell me what's up
Ash:Fine I'll talk well you see

Has he told her everything of the betrayal and why he's going all over the world

Georgia:I mean I expect Iris to do that but everyone else now that's just mess up
Ash:Yeah for now me and pikachu also my other Pokémon keep getting stronger we find the best places to train so can one day we can beat those guys and maybe more
Georgia:Well I'm sorry for what happened
Ash:Don't worry is fine
???:Well what do I see just when I'm just gonna take a walk a bunch of lovebirds

Has they both look forward to see a black hair woman with yellow clothes Ash quickly recognized her

Elesa:Hey Ash long time no see so like the new look
Ash:Is nice but why black hair
Elesa:Just thought it would look nice so who's this your girlfriend

Has they both blush

Ash:No no no she's just a friend
Georgia:Yeah what he said
Elesa:Okay so Ash what brings you here
Ash:Well I'm just training that's all I'm just stopping by to relax and then I'm gone
Elesa:Oh okay well I'm off see ya love birds
Ash/Georgia:We are not love birds

Has she leave Ash and Georgia look at each releasing they had the faces red and says the same thing they decided to ignore so they head to the Pokémon center has for some coincidental reason they only had one room with one bed it was hesitant but they decided to get it has they go there they open the door to see it wasn't that small

Georgia:Just don't do anything naughty
Ash:I'm not a pervert

Has the day continue they walk around town they had funny moments and some with argument they even battle Ash winning defeating all three Pokémon with just Pikachu has they go back to there room they sleep has they sleep in the monets Ash would have a nightmare but when Georgia hold his hand he calm down has they woke up they freak out but then Georgia told him what happen and he thank her has he hop on Charizard

Ash:Well see ya Georgia
Ash:What's up
Georgia:Is it okay for me to tag along
Ash:Wait what you wanna come with me
Georgia:Yeah is there a problem
Ash:No no is okay hop on-mind:I rather not die out of cold

Has she hop on they fly away
Flash Back end

Has we go back has Ash finish his story

Ash:And then we grew to like each other in time and so here we are
Gary:Lucky man
Tyson:ssshhh Charles gonna speak

Has he appears on the screen

Charles:Hello and welcome trainers to the Region's Tournament now let me go over the battles round one will be a three day battle in tag team si choice your teammate and give your names to nurse joy and I'll be fine round two will be nine day battles of three on three which will then take us to round four and five which are also semi-finals and Finals and who ever wins gets the chance to battle all the champions that if you win you will be tittled Pokémon master now that's done tomorrow battles will be revealed so be ready and good luck

Has he finished talking Ash and Georgia go give there names to nurse joy telling her they are a team has then they go back to there room has they go to sleep peacefully wit there two Pokémon near that being the female Espeon and the male Glaceon.The next day came and are heroes woke up

Ash:Morning Red
Georgia:Morning babe

Has they give each other a morning kiss

Georgia:So what kind of challenge do you think there gonna give us
Ash:Well I say regular people traitors would come more up head and pretty sure they won't even pass even if some have mega evolution I'm sure others will too and that's what will make them lose
Georgia:Fare point now let's go

Has they put there clothes on and leave the room going to eat breakfast has they eat the screen in the center shines Charles

Charles:A very good morning to you all now look closely at the screen because here are the battles

Has then all the battles appear has Ash and Georgia find there names and there opponents are Max and May

Ash:Ah screw it besides who said they weren't regular
Georgia:hehe you make a point

Has they laugh a little after that they headed to the stadium they were the third battle so they they went to the sites to see the first two oh battles has his rivals come

Drew.Got aims space

Has they all site near and the first battle begins has the first battle pass Ash and Georgia are in the tunnel ready for there battle

Georgia:So do you think there gonna get cocky

Has the doors start to open

Ash:Let's beat this guys

Has they kiss and then go in has on the other side we're the brother and sister

May:How about you save of the trouble on this battle and go home seen you don't belong here
Ash:I could say the same coordinator you may know battle but the only thing your good at is showing there cuteness not there fury so stop being so a pussy and give up

People laugh and some said "oh" and "shots fired" May was in fury

Max:Oh calm down May if he wants to be humiliated let's give him that
Georgia:The only ones here who are gonna be
humiliated are you two
May:Just shut up and let's start
Ref:Alright the third tag team battle will now begin each trainer will only be able to use one Now send them in
Max:Gallade let's beat him
May:Blaziken on stage

Has the siblings Pokémon appear on the battlefield

Georgia:Our turn go Mienshao

Has the fighting type enters the battlefield has then the traitors noticed Ash grin and giggle

May:Whats so funny
Ash:Oh nothing just thinking how great this will be now I choose you Entei

Has the legendary dog appears both traitors look in shock at what's in front of them

May:That's impossible
Ref:Battle begin
Max:But no matter we won't lose Gallade use zen Headbutt
May:Blaziken Blaze kick

Has both charged at Entei

Georgia:Block them with quick guard

Has Mienshao blocks the two attacks and send them both back

Ash:Now use Shadow ball two of them

Has he fires two shadow balls that hit the opponents sending them back to there trainers but the Pokémon got back up

May:We are not done Blaziken use Flamethrower on Mienshao
Max:Give her cover distract Entei with X-scissor
Ash:Go to the middle

Has Entei came at the middle Glallade charged and blaziken fired his fire

Ash:Now use Night gaze

Has and energy wave blows all things away when the two Pokémon crashing them to the walls has they faint and Entei began to transform into a Zoroark

Max:It was a zoroark
Ash:Yea and you just lost
Ref:both blaziken and Gallade are unable to battle the winners are Ash and Georgia
Ash:See regular
Georgia:I'll say

Has they leave they reunite with three friends has they see the other battles has in one of the battles the traitors Tracy and Dawn lost there battle against Tobias and Clair has they go to dinner and see the battles on the screen of the restraint

Tyson:I won't lie that battle of yours Ash was something only two attacks
Ash:Well I needed to get them in a fear state that way they would just throw weak attacks without a plan and also Zoroark is much more powerful he only use 5% of his power in that night gaze
Trip:Wow that's power
Ash:That's my reward for training four years
Gary:Well good for you

Has the day went by and the first battles ended the next battle was Ash and Georgia vs Misty and Brock has they appear on the battlefield

Misty:Time to pay up Ash
Brock:Will win for sure compare to the siblings we are much more stronger
Ash:Is that so then let's if that's true
Misty:Don't worry it will Go Starmie
Brock:Steelix break him

Has the two gym leaders summon there Pokémon

Georgia:Glalie let's go
Ash:Garchomp I choose you

Has the lovebirds send there Pokémon has Garchomp appears he does roar that makes the traitors nervous

Ref:Battle begin
Misty:Starmie use Hydro pump
Georgia:Glalie use ice beam
Brock:Steelix use Flash cannon
Ash:Garchomp use Dragon pulse

Has all four attacks collided with each other

Ash:Let's how you'll respond to this Garchomp use Draco meteor

Has the orange balls come down

Misty:Starmie hop on Steelix

Has he jump to his partner back

Brock:And now use Dig

Has they dodge the attack by going under ground

Ash:Like I'll let you Garchomp use Earthquake

Has with one stomp the hole arena began to shake has out of the ground cane the Pokémon

Georgia:Glalie use double team and then Bite on both

Has one clone appears they both land the hits

Ash:Now use Brick break on Steelix

Has he landed the hit sending Steelix to the ground

Misty:Starmie is bubble beam on Garchomp

Has the attacks landed in Garchomp but they didn't do anything

Ash:Take our Steelix use Dragon pulse now

Has he blasted him has Steelix faint

Ref:Steelix is unable to battle
Misty:I'm not out yet Starmie scald on Garchomp
Georgia:Use ice beam

Has both attacks collided but then the ice beam began to freeze the scald has he reach Starmie and freeze him ice solid

Misty:Starmie break free
Georgia:Your up
Ash:And this why I love you now Garchomp let's break them with Brick break

Has he landed the hit sending straight to misty has Starmie crash with her has he faint

Ref:Starmie is unable to battle the winners are Adh and Georgia
Misty:How did we lose
Ash:Because you got cocky,reckless and yours thoughts of me being weak got in your heads a bit to much you never even thought how much I have training I have to get to where I I'm now will you only sit and wait for yours opponents I claimed and pass my limits both my Pokémon and me so try to train more before you challenge me again assholes

Has he was then grab by Georgia and drag back to the tunnel

Georgia:Before you go spiritual again do it when there's no tournament
Ash:Okay but can you let me go your crushing my arm
Georgia:Oh sorry

Has she let go they went outside to have a walk around has they then go to the park and site other a tree resting there

Raichu:is that?
Glaceon:who's that
???:ssshh you'll ruin the surprise
Raichu:Oh okay want me to shock him

Has the figure take a picture of the lovebirds sleeping then give the okay time Raichu has he shock them

Ash:Raichu what the f*%*% I was that for we were having a good dream
???:Oh a good dream then tell me Ash what kind of dream was it
Ash:That voice

Has he turn to his left to see his mother Delia Ketchum


Has he hug her

Delia:Oh how much you've grown my boy and you must be his girlfriend Georgia
Georgia:Yes in honor to finally meet you my.Ketchum
Delia:Please call me Delia

Has they catch up Delia made some comments a bit to much for the two to blush a lot but Ash was able to tell her what his done for the pass four years she even meet all his Pokémon that were now in the full evolution and the new ones has the day was reaching its end at night Ash and Georgia got to there room has they got in

Ash:So tomorrow battle is another group of traitors and the last ones Iris and Cilan I love this tournament
Georgia:Yes it did give us a lot of good things at the start but let see what happens then after we beat them
Ash:Yeah but now let enjoy this
Georgia:What do you mea.!

Has she couldn't finish the sentence after Ash pulled her to a kiss has she embraced it but broke a little

Georgia:How dar are you planning to go
Ash:The naughty parts

(Warning warning lemon scene warning)
Has they continued to kiss passionately has they were at that for 5 minutes until they Broke the kiss

Georgia:Then how about you take your clothes of
Ash:With pleasure

Has they took there clothes of they then look at each other Georgia noticed that his dick was already hard and ready and Ash noticed that her tits were hard and her vagina liquid

Georgia:How about we go main course
Ash:Sure why not

They have done this before 5 times until now six the only reason why they don't have a child is because of Ash aura abilities seen he can change a few things about his semen now back to them has Georgia was looking straight and Ash gets behind her

Ash:Okay I'm going to put it in
Georgia:Stop wasting time and put I ah ah

Has she could not finish her sentence seen Ash put his dick inside her has he move

Georgia:Ah ah oh f^*% oh f*^*^
Ash:Liking it
Georgia:I'm loving it but go faster
Ash:Has you wish

Has he increased his speed pounding faster and harder has they continued after that they change positions Ash going on top of her has they kiss,he continued his movement inside her and his left arm played with her tit has they stayed like that they were like that the hole night has they reach the climax

Georgia:Ash I'm cumming
Ash:Me too let's com together

Has he continued to go faster and then


Has he fell to the bed with Georgia on top of him

Georgia:So ready for round two

Has they had a joy able time
(Lemon scene end)

Has the next day comes and are heroes are in the battlefield ready to face the last traitors

Ash:Just you left well this might be fun
Georgia:Better not lose that easy like the others
Iris:Like we ever lose to you
Ash:That's what misty says and May said too stop saying the same s^%^ and it admit you got cocky
Ref:the battle will now begin this a tag team battle with trainers only having one Pokémon each now send them in
Cilan:Simisage lets go
Iris:Dragonite show them what you got

Has the traitors Pokémon appear on the battlefield

Ash:Well lets end this quick Emboar I choose you
Georgia:Beartic freeze them

Has the lovebirds Pokémon appear on the battlefield

Ref:Battle begin
Cilan:Simisage use leaf storm
Iris:Go threw with Dragon rush
Ash:Stop then both with Flame charge

Has both Pokémon crash Emboar not just stop Dragonite but burn the leafs

Ash:I'll handle grass boy you take care of the child
Georgia:With pleasure Beartic ice punch
Iris:Hey who are you calling a child
Cilan:Iris don't get distracted

Has Beartic lands the hit on Dragonite

Georgia:Let's see you escape this time Beartic use ice beam

Has he start to freeze Dragonite back with Ash

Cilan:Simisage use Drain punch
Ash:Wgats their to drain if they collide Emboar use Fire punch

Has both collided there fist but emboar attack was stronger sending Simisage back

Cilan:Emboar has grown stronger but that won't stop us leech seed
Ash:Burn through it flame charge

Has he burst through tthe pebble

Cilan:Simisage quickly dodge it

Has he was able to dodge the attack

Cilan:Now use Solar beam

Has both collided but ones again Emboar power was much more than Simisage but he hold on back with Georgia Beartic was able to freeze Dragonite but broke free and they continued there battle Beartic landing more hits than Dragonite

Iris:Dragonite Flamethrower
Georgia:Dodge it and use Hammer arm and then ice fang

Has he dodges the attack he hits Dragonite with Hammer arm and then lands the ice fang has Dragonite took a few steps back Georgia look at Ash battle who was overpowering Cilan Simisage didn't even get a good hit and even when he got a drain punch nothing happen

Ash:Okay let's finish this
Ash:Emboar use Fire punch send him to Dragonite
Georgia:Beartic use Ice punch send him to Simisage

Has both Pokémon punch there opponents crashing Dragonite and Simisage we're back to back

Ash:Now flamethrower
Georgia:Ice beam

Has both attacks hit the target has Dragonite and Simisage faint

Ref:Dragonite and Simisage are unable to battle the winners and moving on are Ash and Georgia
Georgia:Yes we did it
Ash:Was there any doubt let's get out of here and leave them to there sad time
Georgia:Okay hey you two let's go

Has Emboar and Beartic go with there masters has they leave the stadium they decided to go get some lunch has they eat

???:Look who we have here

Has ash turn to see

Stephan:Hey Ash hows it going man
Ash:Doing fine
Stephan:Oh and I'm not alone

Has then Virgil,Bianca and Cameron come

Georgia:You guys are here too
Virgil:Well after my win the Unova league and seen I decided to go challenge the elite four I was able to beat two out the four elites so they were impressed and they did invited me
Ash:Good seen I would like a rematch against you pal
Virgil:Bring it on
Cameron:Hey don't forget about me you and I have on finish business Ash
Ash:If I remember I won mostly all are battles counting the league too
Cameron:Yeah but this time me and Lucario are stronger
Georgia:Weren't you defeated all ready
Cameron:Oh yeah dammit
Bianca:I'm so sorry Cameron is all my fault I should have been more strategic in battle
Cameron:Don't worry is fine
Ash:So wanna join the food great here
???:Mind if we join

Has they see his rivals


Has they all eat there the day went by the same the battles pass and the next opponent for Ash is the gym leader that replaced Koga seen he turned elite it was Janine has the day came to and end and a new day came has are heroes woke up

Ash:So who's your opponent of today
Georgia:I'm up against Trip so it should be fun and you
Ash:First battle of the day against Janine
Georgia:Good luck babe you better go far
Ash:Don't worry I will

Has they left for the stadium Ash waited at the tunnel

Ash:So buddy how do you think Janine will be
Raichu:Well I heard she was trained by Koga so she should be good
Ash:How you heard that
Raichu:The author said it
Ash:What author
Raichu:Don't worry about it
Ash mind:Sometimes he creeps me out

Has the doors open they go to the battlefield and on the other side was the ninja Janine

Janine:You must be Ash the boy who master told me had one the nicest hearts in the world
Ash:Well I'm this times that change a little but no matter so let's see if you has great has him
Janine:Master thought me well
Ash:We shall see
Ref:Alright the first battle shall begin this a three on three battle now trainers send in your Pokémon
Janine:Ariados go

Has the bug/poison type Pokémon comes the battlefield

Ash:Arcanine I choose you

Has the fire dog comes to the battlefield

Ref:Battle begin
Ash:Arcanine use Fire fang
Janine:Trap I'm with Electro web

Has Arcanine charge but then saw the web

Ash:Dodge it to the left and change attacks and use Flamethrower
Janine:Dodge the attack and use Struggle bug

Has the spider jump the attack then fired its attack land g the hit

Ash:You okay
Arcanine:Yeah just a scratch
Ash:Okay don't lose yourself out there
Arcanine:Don't worry I won't

Has got back to the battlefield

Ash:Okay let's make it hard use Extreme speed
Janine:Ariados be ready to use Sucker punch

Has he comes and disappears has Arcanine appears all over the stadium

Janine:To your left

Has he strike that way but there was nothing until he go hit from the right by Arcanine

Ash:That ain't call extreme speed for nothing you know now use Flame wheel to finish it

Has he burst into flames and landing the hit dragging the big to the wall has Arcanine step back and the Ref saw the that Areidos has faint

Ref:Ariedos is unable to battle Janine send in your next Pokémon
Janine:Thanks Ariados now take rest
Ash:Will good timing on the sucker punch but Arcanine Extreme speed is one of the best ones on the world

Has he petted his friends

Janine:I'll say well Ash let's see how well I do or how you'll do against my second Pokémon go Werzing

Has circle fart thing(I don't know what it is)comes to the battlefield

Ash:Think you can go on
Arcanine:Yeah I'm gonna go on

Has he goes back to the battlefield

Ref:Battle begin
Janine:Weezing use Thunderbolt
Ash:Counter it with Flamethrower

Has both Attacks collided with each other

Ash:Now go with Fire fang

Has he charge at him

Janine:Use sludge bomb aim at the mount

Has he dodges some of the sludges one of them landed inside his mouth has he coughed after that

Janine:Use thunderbolt

Has he landed the hit sending Arcanine back has he got back up and was a bit cleared of the sludge

Ash:Okay now that was a bit harsh Arcanine use Flame wheel hit him up
Janine:Weezing dodge it

Has he came in a burst of spinning Fire Weezing was not able to dodge has he gets hit and and send up

Ash:Now barrage Extreme speed

Has he hit the Weezing from all directions left,right,up and down has in the end he was attack from above and send crashing down

Ash:Now Fire fang

Has he was falling straight at him has he was reaching

Janine:Hate to this but Weezing use explosion
Ash:F*^* Arcanine!!!

Has the explosion happen and it hit the dog has the dust settled both Pokémon faint

Ref:Weezing and Arcanine are unable to battle the trainers send in your next Pokémon and Janine send in your last Pokémon
Ash:Thanks you my friend you battled well now rest
Janine:Thank you Weezing rest well
Ash:Just gonna day nice move but now use only have one Pokémon why didn't you just use Thunderbolt

Has then the girl was speechless after what he said was right has he got herself in the head

Janine:Thank you for telling me this now I have some more training to do after this battle
Ash:Well then shall we continue
Ash:Good Serperior I choose you

Has both trainers female Pokémon appear in the battlefield

Ref:Battle begin
Ash:Serperior use Leaf blade
Janine:Toxicroak dodge it

Has she dodges Serperior attack

Janine:Now use Poison jab
Ash:Boost yourself away with vine whip

Has she dodges the attack

Janine:Dot let it escape cross shop
Ash:Leaf tornado

Has Toxicroak gets pushed away by the attack

Ash:Now use Leaf blade

Has has lands the hit


Has a frog toy appears

Janine:Now poison jab

Has Toxicroak lands the attacks crashing Serperior to the ground

Janine:This is are victory
Ash:I don't think so Serperior wrap around it's arm and toss it around

Has her body wrap around and toss Toxicroak sending her to the right side of the battlefield

Janine:This should make it easier use Attract

Has the Hearst hit Serperior but did nothing

Janine:Wait what's wrong
Ash:Serperior is a girl
Ash:Yeah well use Dragon pulse

Has the attack hits Toxicroak has she faint

Ref:Toxicroak is unable to battle the winner is Ash

Has Janine returned her Pokémon she approached Ash

Janine:You are one strong trainer Ash you could even have the strength to win it all
Ash:Thanks Janine will you my have your down sides your strong and I hope we can battle again
Janine:That's promise that we will

Has they shake hands and leave to the battlefield.the next day came and Ash next battle was against Fantina has they go to the battlefield

Fantina:Oh Ash it seems fate has brought us to battle again
Ash:It has
Fantina:But unlike the last time this won't be and easy win for you I do have a secret weapon
Ash:Weird so do I but let's focus for now catch up another time
Fantina:Manefic then let us begin
Ref:Alright the battle between Fantina and Ash will now begin each trainer will use three Pokémon each and the battle will be over ones one side Pokémon are all taken out now traibees send in your Pokémon

(Finally I got it right ¿right?)

Fantina:Go my Driftblim

Has the ghost/flying Pokémon appears on the battlefield

Ash:It's been awhile now go Absol

Has the dark type Pokémon appears on the battlefield

Fantina mind:Mhmm a dark type this will be a challenge and even bigger one when Ash is involve
Ref:Battle begin
Fantina:Driftblim use acrobatics
Ash:Absol use protect

Has she counter the attack stoping Driftblim

Ash:Now use Night slash
Fantina:Use psychic to keep your distance

Has he grab her with psychic and toss back to the ground but in a harder way has she came crashing down

Ash:That was something

Has she got back up and shake it out the dust

Absol:But it was nothing
Ash:Okay then now use psycho cut barrage stage
Fantina:Counter then with your barrage of shadow ball

Has a group of psycho cuts all collided with the group of Shadow ball has the dust settled

Ash:Now dark pulse

Has then when the smoke cleared Absol fires the dark pulse landing the hit has Driftblim began to fall

Ash:Now night slash
Fantina:Driftblim quickly use Acrobatics

Has he was about to use us attack Absol already slashed him has he landed on the ground

Ref:Driftblim is unable to battle miss Fantina please send out your next Pokémon
Fantina:Yes go mismagius

Has the ghost type appears on the battlefield

Ref:Battle begin
Ash:Let's not slack of use Dark pulse
Fantina:Counter it with Thunderbolt

Has both attacks collided with each other

Fantina:Now use psychic and bring her close

Has Mismageus brought Absol in front of her

Fantina:Now use confuse Ray

Has she landed the attack Absol began to feel dizzy looking in front her there were three mismagius

Ash:Absol break free with protect

Has she could understand and with strength she had she broke free of the psychic and landed on the ground but was still dizzy

Ash:Keep yourself in protect and don't let it go until you can see better

Has she made the protect

Fantina:We won't let you have a break Mismagius use Shadow ball and don't stop until it breaks and when it cracks use Thunderbolt

Has she fired and fired Shadow ball moments pass and then the protect crack


Has the thunderbolt destroys the protect but Absol regain her state

Ash:Good your back now use Psycho cut

Has the attack hits mismagius but those little

Ash:Okay then go and use psycho cut and don't stop
Fantina:Dodge them

Has Mismagius dodge gracefully all the cuts until Absol got close

Ash:Now use Night slash
Fantina:Mismagius shadow ball

Has Absol cuts the ball and then slash at mismagius

Fantina:Use psychic

Has before it hit it was stop

Fantina:Now let us repeat
Ash:Sorry but no second times Absol use Dark pulse point blank

Has she fired the attack point blank Absol landed on the battlefield but Mismagius fell to the ground has she faint

Ref:Mismagius is unable to battle Fantina send out your last Pokémon
Fantina:WOW this has been a great battle Ash you really have improved over the years not just defeating one Pokémon but two of my Pokémon but now if is time to face your doom go my ghost of darkness it self Giratina

Has Giratina appears on the battlefield

Ash mind:How the f%**% did she get him-Absol I think
Absol:No I can still battle trust me I'll deal has much damage has I can
Ash:Okay but do t over do it
Ref:Battle begin
Ash:Absol use Dark pulse
Fantina:Giratina dodge and use Aura sphere

Has the legendary Pokémon dodge the attack and fires his aura sphere

Ash:Use Protect

Has it didn't do much after the barrage shadow ball has the Aura sphere lands the hit

Fantina:Now use shadow sneak

Has a shadow traps Absol and keeps her still has the shadow attacks hitting her has it finished the shadow returned to Absol has she fell to the ground and faint has Ash and Raichu brought back to there side

Ash:Keep her there buddy
Raichu:Okay but why
Ash:She help me get to this battle I want her to see it to the end

Has then turn his attention to his opponent

Ash:Out if all the things I expected Giratina was not something I expected
Fantina:Don't worry I'll tell the story some day do will you bring out your secret weapon or is there something else you'll try
Ash:Option b I choose you Glalie

Has the ice type enters the battlefield

Ref:Battle begin
Fantina:Giratina use Shadow force

Has he disappeared

Ash mind:This move I have seen it before then he'll come from

Has Giratina began to appear again has he was going to strike

Ash:Glalie behind you use bite

Has he turn to see the creature has both collided there attacks Giratina being pushed back

Ash:Now use Ice beam

Has he landed the attack

Fantina:Okay then let's see how well you'll do with this Giratina use Draco meteor

Has the orange balls come down

Ash:Glalie dodge theme

Has he dodge them but one hit him sending him to the ground

Fantina:Now use Aura sphere

Has the attack was fired it hit too has Glalie later got back to floating

Ash:Okay then Glalie use Giga impact
Fantina:Aura sphere one more time

Has he was about to fire until both attacks collided point blank has Glalie fell to the ground and faint and Giratina stand

Ref:Glalie is unable to battle Ash send in your next Pokémon

Has Ash returned his friend Absol woke

Absol:What happened
Raichu:You were defeated and Glalie has fallen to Ash only has one Pokémon left
Absol:Dang it
Raichu:Don't blame yourself to much Ash still has his greatest Pokémon

Has he pick up a Pokéball and look at it

Ash:It seems I'll need your power here and now I choose you Ho oh

Has the legendary bird appears on the battlefield

Fantina:So it seems you have also had a gift
Ash:You could say that
Ref:Battle begin
Fantina:Giratina use Shadow sneak
Ash:Not now Ho oh burn bright live shadow

Has shined bright and all shadows near were gone

Fantina:Then will go with Aura sphere
Ash:Use Fire blast

Has both attacks collided with each other

Ash:Now use Sacred Fire
Fabtina:Use shadow force

Has he disappeared dodging the attack has moment pass and he reappeared again landing the hit on Ho oh

Ash:Don't give up use Brave bird and end this
Fantina:use Draco meteor

Has the bird dodge the meteor and landed the hit on Giratina has he faint

Ref:Giratina us unable to battle the winner is Ash

Has he jump in hapiness after that he returned his giant friend and then check on his Absol

Ash:Doing okay
Absol:Yeah and what took you so long to use him
Ash:You know as well has Raichu that Ho oh can only be use when it's a struggle battle

Has then he was approached by Fantina

Fantina.Magnific that was Ash I hope I get to battle you again
Ash:Yeah me too but I think we need to leave the battlefield
Fantina:Right yes let us leave and tell you my story in favor you tell me yours
Ash:Deal let's move on the tournament continues

She tells Ash her story Georgia was still asleep and her battle was one of the last ones so he took Fantina to somewhere to eat she told me her story and he told his saying "Arceus send Ho oh that it was a reward for the good things I done for theme and a gift for me after the betrayal" has the day went down and Ash enjoyed his time with Fantina He told her that he had a relationship but before they split path Fantina kiss the boy in the lips has they had a passionate kiss

Fantina:Good night Ash

Has she left

Raichu:That was something
Ash:Do not tell this to Georgia
Raichu:Okay at least she know your already in a relationship so she understands she can't be with you
Ash:Yeah well let's go the tournament still on and Georgia battle will happen
Raichu:Right lets go

Has they go back to the stadium

(Za Warudo)

Has the tournament progressed the battle we're hard but not completely after the epic battle he had with Fantina after that his next battle was against Tyson he using Meowth,Metagross and Sceptile has Ash used Espeon for the first two she defeating Meowth and Sceptile has Typhlosion battles the Psychic/Steel type with Ash getting the win.After that battle his fourth battle was against Clair Ash defeated all her Pokémon just using Krokodile from Clair Kindre to Druddigon and at the end Dragonite Krokodile May have ended in a draw at the last battle but Ash still had two Pokémon so he took the win.In the fifth battle his opponent was Drayden has ones again defeat another dragon master using two Pokémon Blatoise and Toterra has Has Drayden used Druddigon,Flygon and his Haxuros ; Blatoise defeated the first two and was taken down by Haxuros but then he use Toterra defeating it has Ash takes the win ones again.In the time after battles he go hag out with his friends and in private times have moments with Georgia and even catch up a little with his mom one time she ask if they did it and we'll they said yes but then Ash explained his Aurora abilities and to say it short he said this "basically I
can have sex with you any time and you won't be pregnant" this made the mother surprised and even ask how many times they did it they said six and let's just say this may have gotten the mother's attention and someone else after going back to rest Ash keep walking to the room and Delia and Georgia kept getting to know each other has then Ash was approached again by the French girl actress gym leader Fantina and well she had a wild day with Ash the s🥰🥰 kind of wild time but don't worry that was just Fantina saying that it was the only thing she wanted so he accept and well they had s🥰🥰 and then back to the fights Ash sixth battle was against
Skyla this battle was a true sky battle Ash using three of his flying types Pidgeot,Unfezant and Swellow has each of them defeated Skyla's Swanna,Unfezant and Swoobat has he takes another win.has then seventh battle comes Ash battles Paul and use Infernape, Gliscor and Staraptor and Paul uses Electrivire, Drapion and Honchkrow has the first two battles ended in draws Infernape took the win and got Ash to the next battle.the eighth battle was Volkner has Ash used Donphan to defeat his Jolteon and Electrivire but his Luxray beats Donphan has he send out Tyranitar has he takes the win and now the last battle of three on three for Ash was him vs Georgia has he used Torkoal against her Glaceon defeating her had she then use Bisharp has she takes the win there Ash next Pokémon was Samurott has he battled the female Bisharp which may have gotten a little in the head of the samurai but he won the battle and defeated Georgia Beartic has he move on to semi finals with Tobias,Virgil and Sabrina has in the SF Ash battled Virgil using his Unova Pokémon Gigalith,Seismitoad,Leavanny,Scrafty and Meganium has Virgil use his eevolutions and even introducing Ash to a new one Sylveon the Fairy type but even with a new Pokémon Virgil was defeated and Ash move on to finals has he was seeing the battle of Tobias vs Sabrina has expected Tobias defeated five of Sabrina Pokémon has it seems she also had a legendary a female Mewtwo who defeated Darkrai but was defeated by Tobias Latias has he goes to the battle the finals begins the battle began it was a rematch between Darkrai and Sceptile has the lizard mind was stronger this time and his bond with his trainer grew that even dark void can stop him has he beats Darkrai ones again Tobias brought out his Latias and Ash got our Raichu not planning to end in a draw the two had massive explosions and waves were sent throw the whole battlefield both Pokémon given there all at the end it was a Volk tackle vs Giga impact at the end Raichu was still standing and took the win but was very damage has Tobias brought his third Pokémon Entei Ash shock he actually expected a different one but even so he remembered that he battle one along time ago against a fake one but even so it was powerful so he brings out charizard to the battle flame burst on the battlefield both Pokémon were strong has the last attack was flamethrower vs Flamethrower has it exploded point blank but out the smoke Charizard comes out and has the dust settled Entei was defeated has there battle continued Tobias using his last three Pokémon Gallade,Golerk and his starter Empoleon has Ash used Lucario, Milotic and Crawdaunt has Ash wins the battle has they shake hands and promise to battle again has at the ceremony

Charles:Well done Ash here is your trophy for winning
Ash:Thank you Charles

Has he grab it and raised it up has the people cheer

Charles:But your not done yet there still one more challenge

Has in the middle of the battlefield and elevator appears

Charles:The champions Wait for you there and the battles will be one on one
Ash:Okay well I'll go

Has he go in the elevator it closed and he go down has the doors open again he in a dark but big area has then the elevator close behind him and the lights turn on revealing Lance

Lance:Ash welcome to your test to become the Pokémon master
Ash:Hey Lance and yes my dream is here and I need go through you to make
Lance:Indeed but let's see how well you'll do against my dragons go Dragonite

Has the dragon type of Kanto appears

Ash:I choose you Snorlax

Has the sleeping normal type appears

Lance:Let is begjn Dragonite use Hyper beam
Ash:Yeah Snorlax use your hyper beam

Has both attacks collided has outside in the stadium people see through the the two screens the battle

Paul:So how do you think he'll do
Gary:Well his Snorlax is one of his strongest Pokémon so he'll do fine but Lance is strong opponent so I don't know
Tyson:Will just have to wait and see
Georgia mind:Come on Ash you can do it

Back at the battle both Pokémon collided attacks

Ash:Now use Mega punch again

Has he lands the hit sending Dragonite back

Ash:Now giga impact
Lance:Use safe guard

Has he blocks the attack

Lance:Now use Fire blast

Has he hits Snorlax sending him back

Ash:We are not done yet use Ice beam
Lance:Use safe guard again

Has the safe guard stops the Ice beam

Ash:Now giga impact
Lance:Use Outrage

Has both Pokémon clash has both hold on

Ash:Change attack use Mega punch
Lance:Counter it with your Outrage

Has both clash fist but Dragonite counties his attack Snorlax going in a blocking position has Dragonite slash at him

Ash:Break of and use Hyper beam

Has Snorlax slap the hands away and fired the hyper beam hitting him sending him back

Ash:Now use ice beam
Lance:Use Fire blast

Has both attacks collided but then the ice beam broke through the attack

Lance:How use safe guard

Has he block the attack

Ash:Don't stop seal him in the safe guard

Has the ice beam began to freeze the front part of the shield until in block Dragonite and Lance vision

Ash:Now giga impact

Has he charge at them braking through the ice and landing the hit sending Dragonite to the wall has he faint

Lance:You defeated me
Ash:Are you gonna check him
Lance:Oh right thank you Dragonite now take a good rest
Ash:Good work Snorlax
Snorlax:Yeah we did it

Has he hug his trainer then Lance approach him

Lance:That was a great battle Ash
Ash:Yeah it was
Lance:Your Snorlax is strong I will say that
Ash:His not my strongest but his number five the real strong one are Ho oh,Charizard,Raichu and Sceptile and then him
Lance:Well looks like you have made a good team well I wish Good luck against Wallace
Ash:Right we'll see ya lance return Snorlax you did good now rest let's go Raichu

Has he returns his friend they head down has they enter another area with a water battlefield and on the other side was Wallace

Wallace:welcome Ash to your second battle
Ash:Is been awhile Wallace last time I saw you was in the Wallace cup
Wallace:Yes will you may not have won you preformed wonderfully now let's see how well you will perform now
Ash:Yes we shall and I got the Pokémon for the battle I choose you Floatzel

Has he appears in the water battlefield

Wallace:The water Pokémon you show it skills in the cup
Ash:Yes his been wanting to battle you and your Milotic ever seen we meet in the cup
Wallace:Then let me make its wish come true go my Milotic and show your beauty

Has his Milotic appears on the water battlefield

Wallace:Now we begin Milotic use Dragon pulse
Ash:Dodge it

Has he dodge the attack

Ash:Now use focus blast
Wallace dodge it and send him out with hydro pump

Has she dodge the blast and fired here attack kicking him out Floatzel of the water

Ash:You okay
Floatzel:Yeah I'm fine this nothing
Wallace:Now use blizzard
Ash:Use Aqua jet you know what to do
Floatzel:Been awhile seen I did this

Has charge with Aqua jet has the blizzard freeze him but he continued

Ash:Now go with ice aqua jet

Has he landed the hit sending Milotic to the wall behind the man has Fllatzel return to Ash and Milotic got back up

Wallace:Incredible Ash that is something new what you just did but we are not don't yet go on Milotic
Ash;Back to the sea Floatzel

Has both water types go back to the water

Wallace:Now use twister

Has she began to spin dragging Floatzel in the giant vortex of water

Ash:Don't lose yourself use Aqua jet again and go the opposite direction

Has Floatzel go the other way but could not move that fast even using its tail to boost himself

Wallace:What will you do now Ash
Ash:This Floatzel come out in top and use iron tail

Has he boost up getting out of the twister has he then fall using iron tail to land the hit slamming Milotic yo the ground has the water cam down on them

Ash:Now are turn use whirlpool

Has then he made a water tornado dragging Milotic on it has she was feeling dizzy Floatzel came out of the water battlefield and toss the water to the outside has crash at the ground has the water melted down Milotic was spotted and has she faint

Wallace:I have lost
Floatzel:Your stradegies never fail Ash
Raichu:Tgey haven't failed us yet have they
Ash:Yeah well we had are pref time

Has they fist pump Wallace retuned his Pokémon and cane to Ash

Wallace:What a great battle that was
Ash:It was wasn't it
Wallace:Just gonna day maybe you should try the Wallace cup again see how you'll do this time J mean your Milotic is amazing and she shines beautifully
Ash:I'll think about see ya Wallace
Wallace:May you have the strength against Cynthia my friend

Has he return Floatzel and head down to the next battlefield which was against Cynthia

Cynthia:We are each other again Ash
Ash:Yeah and this time I'm here to beat you
Cynthia:Oh is that so then let us see if you have learned from are battle before Go Garchomp

Has the land shark appears in the battlefield

Ash:I have a Pokémon here who like to retry his battle I choose you Glalie

Has the ice type appears on the battlefield

Cynthia:Then let are battle begin Garchomp use Flamethrower
Ash:Dodge it and use Ice shard

Has he dodge the attack he fired the ice shard has they hit Garchomp who was in a protective position

Ash:Now use bite
Cynthia:Use giga impact

Has Garchomp go through the bite landing the hit sending it down

Cynthia:Bow use Earth quake

Has with that it pushed Glalie up

Cynthia:Now Dragon rush
Ash:Use Double team

Has Garchomp hit two of the clones he then was surround by them

Ash:Now use Ice beam
Cynthia:Burn then all with Flamethrower

Has Garchomp destroyed the clones has then the real one came out of the fire and fired the ice beam again but landing the hit freezing Garchomp left side

Ash:Now use Bite

Has he landed the hit sending Garchomp back

Ash:Ice shard
Cynthia:Ignore the pebbles and use Giga impact

Has Garchomp go through the attacks charging at Glalie

Ash: Double team again

Has the same happens

Ash:Now ice shard

Had the barrage of Ice shards all hit Garchonp has she was still standing

Ash:WOW Cynthia your Garchomp is amazing I'll say is even better than my own
Cynthia:Thank you Ash but I'm flattered but that battle still on us Flamethrower at the one behind you

Has she hits the real one sending him back

Cynthia : Finish it Dragon rush
Ash:Ice beam

Has the attacks collided has both give all the power but then the ice beam began to freeze Garchomp until she was stock

Cynthia:Garchomp use Flamethrower to break out

Has the ice began to melt and then she free herself

Ash:Game over use Ice shard

Has the barrage hit Garchomp has the last one hit she fell to the ground has Garchomp faint

Cynthia:Well it seems I have lost
Ash:You did it
Raichu:Yes just one more
Glalie:We won and we won

Has Ash and Raichu hug there floating head has Cynthia appears to him

Cynthia:What great battle that was would you agree
Ash:Yeah it was awesome but now there's only one more to go
Cynthia:Yes Alder I wish good luck

Has he return his Pokémon and he and his partner go down has he comes to the last battlefield there he see his opponent sitting there sleeping until he woke up

Alder:Oh Ash you've come
Ash:What expected that I would lose sooner
Alder:Don't take this wrong but yes but I'm impressed
Ash:Well thanks but now your left will you use Bouffalant or will you battle all out
Alder:So you want my best
Ash:That what I ask because I'm going strong too my dream is right behind you and this battle I will win it with his I began I choose you Raichu

Has the electric type entered the battlefield

Alder:Raichu and you have gone far and now is your time go Volcarona

Has the fire/bug appears

Alder:Let is begin Volcarona use quiver dance

Has he increased his special attacks

Ash:Let's go use Thunderbolt
Alder:Dodge it and Bug buzz

Has Volacarona dodge the thunderbolt and fires the bug buzz

Ash:Dodge it and use electro ball

Has he dodge the opponents attack and fires the electro ball which made contact

Ash:Alright now use Thunder punch
Alder:Is not over yet Volcarona dodge it and use Hyper beam

Has he dodge Raichu Thunder punch and flew behind him to fire the Hyper beam


Has both attacks collided has both sides hold there ground but then Hyper beam began to push through has it landed on Raichu

Alder:This battle is over

Has the dust began to settle

Ash:That's what you think use Eletro web

Has put the smoke can the web that lands on Volcarona trapping it in the wall has Raichu is damage but still stands

Ash:Now use Thunderbolt again

Has he hit the web making it explode has Volcarona comes out but damage

Alder:We are not gonna be defeated use overheat full power
Ash:Think your up for a Volk tackle
Raichu:I'll make it don't worry
Ash:Okay then use Volk tackle

Has both Pokémon charge there attacks Volarona appearing a giant flaming ball and Raichu sparking yellow all over

Ash:Go full power
Alder:This the end

Has both Pokémon fired/rush there attacks has they collided has the overheat began to burst through Raichu hold on until

Ash:Come on Raichu you can do it don't hold back I know this not your best release all of it release all your lightning

Has then the burst of lightning grew bigger has Raichu go through the attack running through it until it hit Volcarona there was a big explosion everyone outside waited to see what happened has then the screen shot down

Richie:What happened
Delia:What happen to Ash
Georgia mind:Please tell me he won

Back at the battlefield both Pokémon were on the ground has then Raichu with a weakened body gets back up has Volcarona faint

Ash:We won
Alder:Yes you did hahahahah well done Ash

Has he put his hand in his shoulder

Ash:Thanks alder for the battle but let's check on them
Alder:Yes your right here

Has he gave him a berry they go check on there Pokémon has Alder retune his Ash gave the berry to Raichu who was feeling better in seconds

Ash:Oh thank Arceus your alive
Raichu:Hey what I say I'll make it

Has then in the elevator cane out the other three champions and Charles

Charles:Has the boy won
Lance:Ash follow us

Has they go to a small room in the front there was a screen and a desk in the desk there was something they use to put Pokémon but there were 46 holes

Cynthia:Place all your Pokémon there
Ash:Wait this is
Wallace:Yes the hall of fame we're all the Pokémon master will be shown
Ash:How the heck did you guys know how many Pokémon I have
Lance:Don't worry we have are ways

Has he place all his 46 Pokémon has he then put Raichu ball the screen behind the desk reveal and image with Ash and all his Pokémon

Charles:congratulations Ash you are now the first ever Pokémon master the only trainers that can battle you are the champions and the winners of this tournament I'm thinking of pointing elite four and Frontier brains next year
Ash:Sound cool well let's go out

Has outside in the stadium everyone see that the elevator open with Ash and the champions coming out has Alder grabs Ash arm

Alder:Ladies and Gentlemen I give you your Pokémon Master Ash Ketchum!!!!

Has the people cheer and scream out in hapiness the the rivals all smile and his mother brings out happy tears.After that the celebrated his victory and May have all gotten drunk has the time pass Ash was a Pokémon master and years pass and he and Georgia get married and have two girls his mother died 4 years later the traitors well some tried to get payback on Ash but he just defeat them and toss them to jail then the other three regions came Kalos,Alola and Galar has he got new Pokémon,mega evolution,z-move and Gigantamax has he battle the champions of those regions but Ash remains has the Pokémon master sadly Raichu died after Arceus went dark but Ash didn't stop he would continue being The Pokémon master for Raichu until he died it would go by until he got a new Pikachu at first it was hard but then the pikachu grew stronger and decided to stay like a pikachu like it's Raichu before him.Has a trainer comes to the battlefield this boy name is Sam

Sam:Hello anyone here
???:Yes here

Ash:Welcome trainer now let us begin


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