Law Trouble

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Officer Jenny: Ash Ketchum and Serena Yevvone Freeze! You sre under arrest for Pokemon On Human Love!

Ash: NOW!

Ash teleports them out

Ash: Woah! I learned teleport!

Serena: Where are we?

Ash: Looks like Mays house!

Ash knocks on the door and Ms. Petalburg open the door

Ash: G' Morning Mrs. Maple, its Ash!

Ms Maple: Oh hey ash!

Ash: Im kinda in trouble with the law right now so i need a place to get off my feet, is it okay if i stay

Ms. Maple: Just Make sure you explain everything, i dont see how a good boy like you could be in trouble with the law...

In the living room with May and Max

Ash: So, firs-

Norman bursts in


A lot of explaining later


Max: Y..your a pokemon?!

Norman: I never have really liked that law! Its cruel to cases like yours where the pokemon and human really love each other!

Suddenly the cops break down the door and Ash and Serena teleport away

At dawns place

This time Dawn answers the door

Ash: Dawn! We need help!

Dawn: I already heard! Theres a warent! Come in, quick!


Dawn: Ash, why didnt you tell us before?

Ash; I was afraid of the pokemon leage found out, i couldnt be a trainer anymore...

Dawn: That makes sense...

Suddenly the police come in

Ash: Gotta go!

Ash and Serena teleport away

Alot of teleportation later

Ash: Brock! HELP!

Brock: I already heard, come in!

Brock: Why Ash? Why did you keep it a secret?

Ash: Well, If the pokemon leage found out, they could have took away my trainers lisence...

Brock: Oh...

Serena: Hey Ash, the police are coming this way!

Ash: Gotta go brock!

They teleport away

On mountsilver

Ash: Theres reds place!

They hurry inside reds place



They hug

Red: Its been so long bro! So what ya need?

Ash: Well, im not on good terms with the police because of this CRUEL AS CRAP law...

Red: What do you mean?

Ash: Well, i have had this secret that i need to tell you first...

Red: Okay...

Ash reverts back to his Zorua form

Red gasps

Red:, why? Why didnt you tell us?

Ash: I was afraid if mom found out she would freak and be angry that it was all a lie basicly...

Red hugs Ash

Serena: So after this next explanation, can you answer why red calls you orange?

Ash: Okay, so... Red is his actual name and so we had a group of friends and our code names were colors and mine was orange...

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