Ch. 26 Puerto Maldonado

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Galactic's Peruvian Starxource plant was situated near the southeastern city of Puerto Maldonado, a jungle town in the Amazon Basin. It was the largest of the Galactic's compounds and built on a twenty-five-thousand-acre ranch hemmed in by jungle on all sides. Cyrus and his team had selected the city for three reasons: First, it was remote, many miles away from curious eyes. Second, there was plenty of water, as the Rio Madre de Dios, a tributary of the Amazon River, passed through the town; and third, it had an abundance of labor. Puerto Maldonado had once been a thriving logging and gold-mining camp, but both the gold and lumber were long gone, leaving few employment opportunities for the natives and guaranteeing an abundant workforce.

The compound had three main structures. The largest building was Starxource power plant, called el bol by the natives, or "the bowl." The bowl was massive, redbrick building with stainless steel casings the bulged out in the middle. Most said the bowl looked like a flying saucer had crushed into it. Just east of the building were three smaller buildings: the water house, the ranch house, and a food production plant.

West of the bowl was the Galactic Reeducation Center, or "Re-Ed," as it was known by the guards, a rectangular building without windows used to rehabilitate uncooperative employees.

Connected to the Re-Ed by a brick corridor was the assembly hall, a massive building that could house more than two thousand people and served as both a cafeteria and an educational facility.

North of the assembly hall was residential housing, three long, rectangular buildings where the guards, scientists, and employees slept. Cyrus, the electric children, and the Elite Guard—twelve men personally selected by Cyrus to oversee the Galactic security force—had their own housing facilities on the west side of the Re-Ed.

The bus passes through two checkpoints during the drive into the compound, and even through the bus entered the gates only ten minutes from the airfield, it took a little more than thirty-five minutes for them to reach their housing facilities.

The youths were each assigned a guard and two personal assistants, all Peruvians who spoke English. While the assistants prepared their suites and oversaw the delivery of their luggage, the teens ate lunch in their private dining room. Afterward they gathered in the lobby of their new home, where Dr. Cyrus was waiting for them.

"I know it's not Beverly Hills," Cyrus said. "But I trust your suites are satisfactory."

All of them agreed that their Peruvian accommodations were as luxurious as the academy in Pasadena.

"Then it will be my pleasure to give you a tour of your new home. I think you will be rather impressed with we're built in the jungle. I know I am." Cyrus ushered them outside to a twelve-seat golf cart with a flashing amber light on top. The driver was a guard dressed in the standard uniform, except for a bright red patch featuring a condor, symbolic of the Chasqui, a special Galactic military order in Peru.

The teens boarded the cart and Cyrus climbed up front with the driver and took the microphone. "Everything you'll see on this tour is C9."

The difference between C9 and C10 was that C9 could be discussed with other Galactic associates while in a secure Galactic facility. Unlawful disclosure, however, carried the same punishment as C10.

"Onward," Cyrus said.

The cart made a sharp U-turn, then glided silently down the smooth, resin-coated cement floor past the Re-Ed and toward the Starxource plant. Two guards stood at attention as they approached, and the metal doors behind the guards opened.

The inside of the building looked similar to the lower laboratory of the Pasadena academy, only on a much larger scale. The building was more than a thousand yards from the end to end, the length of a football field. The corridors were lit with bluish-white indirect lighting, giving the hallways a futuristic, eerie look. It took several minutes for the cart to reach their destination—the elevator to the bowl's observation deck.

As they approached the room Cyrus said, "What you are about to see is the heart of the Starxource program—the very core of our power and our future." A grim smile crossed his face. "I guarantee you won't soon forget it."

The elevator opened to reveal a sealed door guarded by two Galactic guards dressed in black with red armbands. The guards stood stiffly at attention and saluted as Cyrus stepped from the cart. One of the guards opened the door, and the kids filed in after Cyrus.

Kiawe was the first to comment on what they saw. "No way!" he shouted.


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