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Read the title first :D
You and misty were becoming really good friends. The bad thing is that she started to like ash.
And you can say you have started to develop some feelings for him too. Of course you never said that, you didn't want a boy to ruin your friendship.
"Hey ash where are we going?" Misty called out. Ash huffed and fell to the ground. "I don't even know anymore." He said dramatically.
You and misty both rolled your eyes at the same time." We should eat." You began, " I'm getting tired of sandwiches." You finished.
Misty and ash nodded in agreement. " okay then let's go to ( favorite arcade place)!!!!" You yelled giving ash a knowing smile.
"NO!!!" Ash screamed. Ash coughed. " I mean no." He said sternly.
"Please, you'll have misty to talk to." Ash paused for a minute. "Fine." He sighed.



You, ash and misty were at your favorite arcade place and you were playing your favorite arcade game while all the guys were drooling over you. Ash and Misty sat down eating pizza together. Misty happily talked to ash but he focused his attention on you.
While you were playing a boy stood right next to you and kissed your cheek.
Oh my glob.
You stopped playing. Ash rushed to your side. " don't ever do that!!" Ash yelled at the boy.
He then dragged you out of the arcade place. " wow, jelous much." You muttered.
Ash glanced over to you. " okay maybe I was jelous! Maybe I was jelous because I liked you yn!!!"
He looked at you flustered. Then with out thinking he pinned you to the wall and started kissing you.
Oh my glob again.
You blushed and tried to get out of Ash's grasp but he wouldn't let go-


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