Fourth Round Rumble

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Fourth Round Rumble

The gang were watching Gary's match in the Rock Field with his opponent Melissa

"Gary & Melissa are both down to one Pokémon, whoever wins this battle wins the match." The announcer said

"Do you think Gary is gonna win?" Misty asked

"I don't know, Melissa is pretty tough." Brock said

"Nidoking, Horn Attack." Gary said. Nidoking charged at Golem with his horn glowing white

"Golem, Seismic Toss." Melissa said. Golem grabbed Nidoking's horn, jumped into the air & slammed him on the ground causing him to faint

"NO!" Gary shouted

"Nidoking is unable to battle, Golem wins." The referee declared "So the match goes to Melissa."

"It can't be, how could I lose?" Gary said shockingly

After the match, the gang were outside

"I can't believe it." Misty said

"The competition here sure is tough, Ash." Brock said

"How could you lose?" A voice said

The gang peeked from the corner & saw Gary with his cheerleader

"This is the second time you lost a match!" Cheerleader 1 scolded

"Yeah, we thought you were unbeatable." Cheerleader 2 said in outrage

"Ladies relax, I'll get them next time, I promise." Gary said nervously

"Oh please, next thing we know, you'll be losing against Ash." Cheerleader 3 said

"You know what, Gary, we're done with you." Cheerleader 1 said

"Yeah, this has been a complete waste of our time." Cheerleader 4 said

"Girls, are you seriously gonna ditch me like this, I thought we were friends." Gary said

"Friends? Will you wake up & smell the coffee, we were only your friends because you're Professor Oak's grandson." Cheerleader 2 said

"That's right, & we only became your cheerleaders & traveled with you because the mayor of Pallet Town paid us to." Cheerleader 5 said

"W-what?" Gary said shockingly with wide eyes

"Come on, girls, let's go home." Cheerleader 3 said

"& I thought Ash was a loser." Cheerleader 4 said

Gary was silent as he fell to his knees in shock while the gang were surprised, well, except for Ash.

"Wow, that was pretty brutal." Misty said

"Why would the mayor of Pallet Town hire those girls to be his cheerleaders?" Brock said confusingly

"That's because the mayor is Gary's granduncle." Ash said

"Really?" Brock said surprisingly

"Yeah, & I'm not surprised that Gary's cheerleaders would abandon him like that after he lost the league." Ash said

"What do you mean, Ash?" Misty asked

"You say that like you somehow knew that was gonna happen." Brock said

"Well, back in Pallet Town when I was little, Gary & I used to be childhood best friends until a lot of kids wanted to be his friends just because he's Professor Oak's grandson. Gary let his popularity go to his head & became arrogant & egocentric while I was casted aside & was considered a loser. He didn't stand up for me, as a matter of fact, he acknowledged it & agreed with them." Ash explained

"You were betrayed by your own best friend, that's very sad." Misty said sympathetically

"Ash, I think I've figured out why you wanted to beat Gary." Brock said "It's because you wanted to prove to most of the people of Pallet Town that you're a better Trainer than him & you want to gain their respect, am I right?"

"...Yeah." Ash said

"Does your mom know about it?" Misty asked

"No, I never told her or Professor Oak about it." Ash said

"Well, you gotta open up to them about it." Misty said "You shouldn't keep something like that a secret."

"That's right, if you talk to them about it, they might give you some words to make you feel better" Brock said

"I hope you're right" Ash said

"Come on, let's get you to the Grass Field." Misty said

Later, on the Grass Field.

"Our next Trainers are coming onto the Grass Field for the fourth round. The Green Trainer is Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town." The announcer said as Ash came to the Grass Field

"Hey Brock, who's Ash battling against?" Misty asked

"According to the program, her name is Jeanette Fisher." Brock said "She must be a pretty tough trainer to make it this far."

"& the Red Trainer is Jeanette Fisher of Crimson City." The announcer said as Jeanette came to the Grass Field.

"Bulbasaur, I choose you!" Ash said as he sent out Bulbasaur

"Bulbasaur!" Bulbasaur said

"Beedrill Go!" Jeanette said as she sent out her Beedrill

"Bee!" Beedrill buzzed

"Battle begin!" The referee said


"Bulbasaur, let's start things off with Sunny Day." Ash said

"Bulba!" Bulbasaur said as he released a bright flash of light from his bulb causing the sun to become brighter.

"Why did Ash have Bulbasaur use Sunny Day?" Misty asked

"Probably because he's gonna have him use Solar Beam later, but we'll see." Brock said

"Beedrill, use Aerial Ace." Jeanette said. Beedrill became surrounded by white streaks & charged at Bulbasaur

"Protect now." Ash said.

"Bulbasaur." Bulbasaur said as he summoned a turquoise force field & protected himself

"Now, Razor Leaf." Ash said. Bulbasaur fired multiple green glowing leaves from his bulb

"Use Agility." Jeanette said as Beedrill dodged the attack at fast speed

"Now Twineedle."

Beedrill's stingers glowed bright blue & charged at Bulbasaur

"Bulbasaur, Grass Knot." Ash said

"Saur." Bulbasaur said as his eyes glowed light green & summoned two green glowing vines which tied up Beedrill

"No!" Jeanette gasped

"Alright, time for Weather Ball." Ash said. Bulbasaur fired an orange ball with fire streams around it from his bulb & hit Beedrill causing it to faint.

"Beedrill is unable to battle, Bulbasaur wins." The referee declared

"Wow, that was amazing." Misty said surprisingly

"Now I know why Ash had Bulbasaur use Sunny Day." Brock said "You see, Weather Ball is a Normal Type move but it changes its Type depending on the weather. For Example, Sunny Day changes Weather Ball into a Fire Type move."

"Oh, & Bug Types are weak against Fire Type moves." Misty realized "Ash must've planned that from the start."

"Beedrill return." Jeanette said as she returned Beedrill "My next Pokémon won't be so easy. Go Scyther!"

Jeanette sent out a Scyther

"Scyther!" Scyther said

"Scyther, use Wing Attack." Jeanette said. Scyther's wings glowed light blue & hit Bulbasaur

"Bulbasaur, Razor Leaf" Ash said as Bulbasaur fired Razor Leaf

"Use Silver Wind." Jeanette said. Scyther's wings glowed white released a silvery wind from them which blew away the Razor Leaf & hit Bulbasaur

"Now, let's cut its attacks down to size. Use Double Team."

"Scyther." Scyther said as it glowed white & create multiple copies of itself

"You'll lose twice as fast against Scyther's Double Team." Jeanette said

"That's what you think, Bulbasaur, use Magical Leaf." Ash said. Bulbasaur released multiple light green glowing leaves from its bulb & hit Scyther & its copies.

"Hm, Scyther, finish it up with X-Scissor." Jeanette said. Scyther's arms glowed light green, crossed them in an X formation & charged at Bulbasaur

"Bulbasaur, Solar Beam, now." Ash said. Bulbasaur's bulb glowed faint yellow & fired a yellow beam of energy.

Scyther cut through the Solar Beam & hit Bulbasaur which caused an explosion. When the smoke cleared, both Pokémon had fainted

"Both Pokémon are unable to battle, it's a draw." The referee declared.

"Return." Ash & Jeanette said as they returned their Pokémon

"Vulpix, I choose you!" Ash said as he sent out Vulpix

"Vulpix." Vulpix said

"Go Bellsprout!" Jeanette said as she sent out a Bellsprout

"Bellsprout." Bellsprout said

"Huh?/Vul?" Ash & Vulpix said confusingly

"A Bellsprout? Why would she save a Bellsprout for last? Did she run out of strong Pokémon?" Ash said to himself "Vulpix, use Flame Charge."

Vulpix became surrounded by red flames & charged at Bellsprout

"Bellsprout." Bellsprout said as it dodged the attack

"Huh? Alright, we'll use Flamethrower." Ash said

"Vul!" Vulpix said as she shot fire from her mouth

"Sprout." Bellsprout said as it dodged Flamethrower as well

"This is gonna be trickier than I thought, use Quick Attack." Ash said. Vulpix became surrounded by light blue aura & charged at Bellsprout

"Bellsprout, use Slam." Jeanette said. Bellsprout grabbed Vulpix & slammed her on the ground

"Use Iron Tail." Ash said. Vulpix's tails glowed white & charged at Bellsprout

"Stun Spore." Jeanette said. Bellsprout released orange sparkling powder from its mouth which paralyzed Vulpix

"Now, finish it."

Bellsprout drop kicked Vulpix on the head which caused her to faint

"Vulpix is unable to battle, Bellsprout wins." The referee declared

"I can't believe that Bellsprout outmatched Vulpix." Misty said

"Jeanette sure knows how to pick out her Pokémon." Brock said

"But what Pokémon will Ash use to defeat her Bellsprout?" Misty said

"Sorry we're late." A voice said

Misty & Brock looked & saw Oak & Delia.

"Professor Oak, Mrs. Ketchum." Misty said

"Hello there, Misty, Brock, we came to cheer Ash on." Oak said

"Did you know that Gary lost?" Brock said

"Yes, I'm aware." Oak said

"Okay, but there's something else you should know." Brock said

"Oh? What's that?" Oak asked curiously

"You can tell us about it, later." Delia said "For now, let's focus on the match."

"Vulpix, are you alright?" Ash said as he picked up Vulpix

"Vul." Vulpix apologized

"Don't worry about it, I'll save you for another match, promise." Ash said as he return her to her Poké Ball & went back to his stand

"Now Ash is down to his last Pokémon, but which Pokémon will he choose to win against Jeanette's Bellsprout?" The announcer said

"Exeggutor, I choose you!" Ash said as he sent out his Alolan Exeggutor

"Exeggutor." Alolan Exeggutor said

"& Ash sends out his Exeggutor, but not just any Exeggutor, an Alolan Exeggutor." The announcer said as everyone became shocked, surprised, & amazed

"I didn't know Ash brought his Alolan Exeggutor to the competition." Misty said

"Since Ash was gonna be on the Grass Field, he thought he might give his Alolan Exeggutor a chance to compete." Oak explained

"Tor." Alolan Exeggutor smirked

"Bell." Bellsprout said nervously

"Don't let your guard down, Bellsprout." Jeanette said "Use Energy Ball."

Bellsprout fired fired an orb of light green energy from its mouth & hit Alolan Exeggutor, but he seemed unharmed by the attack

"Huh?" Jeanette said confusingly

"That Energy Ball looked like it didn't do a thing." Misty said

"That's because Grass Type attacks have very low damage against Alolan Exeggutor since he's a Grass & Dragon Type." Oak said "So, Ash planned ahead."

"Bellsprout, Power Whip." Jeanette said. Bellsprout's leaf glowed light green & grew larger as it charged towards Alolan Exeggutor

"Exeggutor, use Flamethrower." Ash said

"Tor!" Alolan Exeggutor said as he shot fire from his mouth & hit Bellsprout which caused it to stumble back

"What!?" Jeanette exclaimed shockingly

"Incredible, this is the first time anyone has ever seen a Grass Type use a Fire Type move." The announcer said amazingly as everyone was even more shocked & surprised

"I forgot that Ash's Alolan Exeggutor knew Flamethrower." Misty said

"Ash has become so smart." Delia smiled

"Indeed he has." Oak agreed

"Use Bullet Seed." Ash said. Alolan Exeggutor fired multiple light green seeds from his mouth

"Dodge it." Jeanette said as Bellsprout dodged the attack

"Guess it's time for our secret weapon, Exeggutor." Ash said

"Tor." Alolan Exeggutor nodded

"Use Draco Meteor." Ash said.

"Exeggutor!" Alolan Exeggutor roared as a sphere of bright orange energy forms inside of his mouth & fired it into the sky. The sphere exploded & released several meteors which rained down towards Bellsprout

"Bellsprout!" Bellsprout exclaimed in panic as it tried to dodged the attack, but got hit by a few of the meteors which caused an explosion

"Bellsprout!" Jeanette cried

When the smoke cleared, Bellsprout had fainted

"Bellsprout is unable to battle, Alolan Exeggutor wins." The referee declared "So the match goes to Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town."

"Ash won all four fields." Misty said

"That's my boy." Delia said proudly

"That's possibly one of his best matches." Brock said

"We did it, Exeggutor." Ash said

"Tor." Alolan Exeggutor smiled as it bent over & licked Ash in affection

After the match, the gang were in the locker room with Delia & Oak

"Congratulations on winning all four rounds, Ash." Delia said "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks Mom." Ash said

"Ash, do you have something to say to them?" Misty hinted

"Huh? Oh yeah, Mom, Professor, there's something I want to talk to you about?" Ash said

"Hm? What's that, my boy?" Oak asked curiously

"Well, there's a reason why I wanted to beat Gary." Ash sad

"What reason is that?" Delia said

Ash told them the reason why he wanted to beat Gary & what happened when he was little. Oak & Delia were shocked.

"That's why I wanted to beat Gary, I wanted to prove that I'm not a loser & that I'm a better trainer than him. I just wanted to gain most of Pallet Town's respect." Ash said

"Oh Ash, you don't have to prove that you're a better Trainer than Gary, because you are a better Trainer than him." Delia said

"She's right, you take good care of your Pokémon, you have a kind heart, you're helpful & very friendly." Oak said "Also, you don't have to do that to earn their respect, if they don't respect you then that's their problem. They're not worth the trouble, Ash, & you shouldn't let them get to you like that."

"...You're right, I shouldn't worry about that." Ash smiled

"How come you never told us about it before?" Delia asked

"Because I was afraid & I didn't wanna worry you." Ash said

"Oh honey, there's no need to be afraid of telling me." Delia said "If you ever have any problems, come talk to me, okay?"

"Okay." Ash said

"You know Ash, I thought Gary was teasing you in a friendly rivalry way, I didn't think he meant all those things he said about you." Oak said

"You must be really getting old." Ash mumbled as he rolled his eyes

"Ash." Delia scolded

"No Delia, he's right, I was blind enough to not see it & it's my fault, I should've talked some sense into my grandson." Oak said "I'm sorry, Ash."

"It's okay, I'm sorry for what I just said about you." Ash said

"That's alright, my boy." Oak smiled "Believe me, Gary is gonna get what's coming to him, I promise you that."

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