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Ash, Misty, Brock, & Delia had left the theater

"Well, that movie was certainly something." Delia said

"Could've been better." Ash mumbled

"RAAAAAA!" a cry called out

"What was that?" Misty said

"Sounded like a Pokémon in trouble." Brock said.

They followed the source of the cry to an alleyway, where they saw a baby Rattata cornered by a horde of Meowth & a cream colored cat-like Pokémon with a red gem in the center of its forehead.

"Who's that Pokémon?" Ash said as he pulled out his Pokédex

Persian, The Classy Cat Pokémon, & the evolved form of Meowth. It has a vicious temperament. If it raises its tail straight up, it is a signal that it is about to pounce and bite.

"Per." Persian said as he stepped closer towards the baby Rattata

"Rat..." Rattata said fearfully

"They're gonna attack that baby Rattata." Brock said

"Meow!" A female Meowth said as it got in front of Persian & the Meowth horde

"Per?" Persian said

"Meow Meow Meow." the female Meowth said

"It looks like that Meowth is trying to protect Rattata." Delia said

"Per Persian." Persian said

"Meowth Meow Meow." The female Meowth refused

"Per." Persian growled "Persian!"

"Meowth!" The Meowth horde said as they pounced at the female Meowth & Rattata

"Meow." The female Meowth said as she closed her eyes shut

"Pikachu, Use Thunderbolt!" Ash said

"Pika CHUUUUUUU!" Pikachu said as he fired a bolt of yellow electricity.

"MEOOOOOOOWTH!" The Meowth horde screamed as they became shocked

"Meow?" The female Meowth said as she opened her eyes

"Leave those two alone!" Ash demanded

"Pika Pika." Pikachu said as he went to the female Meowth's & Rattata's aid

"Per." Persian growled angrily, then it pounced at Pikachu with its claw glowing white

"Pikachu, use Agility." Ash said. Pikachu dodged the attack & ran around Persian at fast speed

"Per? Per?" Persian said as it tried to keep up with Pikachu

"Now, Thunder." Ash said

"CHUUUUU!" Pikachu said as he fired a powerful blast of yellow electricity & hit Persian

"Persian!" Persian yelled in pain

"Meow..." the female Meowth stared in awe

"Per...Persian..." Persian groaned as it became surrounded by static electricity

"Has it given up?" Misty said

"Persian!" Persian pounced at Pikachu only to be hit by a light blue ball of energy

"Whoa, was that a move?" Ash said surprisingly

"Yes, that was Hidden Power." Brock said

"But where did it come from?" Misty said

Everyone looked as saw a Raticate with two other baby Rattata

"That must be the baby Rattata's mother." Misty said

"Rat." Raticate snarled

"Per?" Persian said as it looked at Raticate

"Raticate!" Raticate said as its eyes glowed red & a shadow of its face appeared

"Persian!" Persian yelped as it ran away in fright with the Meowth horde

"Rattata." Rattata said as it ran to its mother

"Raticate." Raticate said as she nuzzled its baby & turned to Ash, Pikachu, & the female Meowth "Raticate Raticate."

"She's thanking you for helping one of her babies." Delia said

"You're welcome, always happy to help." Ash said

After Raticate & her babies left.

"Meow." The female Meowth sighed in relief

"Hey Meowth." Ash said

"Meowth?" The female Meowth said

"That was a brave thing you did for that baby Rattata." Ash said

"Pika Pi." Pikachu said

"Meow." The female Meowth blushed

"Ash, we have to get going now." Delia said "you still need to train for the Indigo League."

"Oh yeah, that's right." Ash said as he turned to the female Meowth "Sorry Meowth, but we have to leave. You take care of yourself."

When the gang left, the female Meowth stared at them as they were leaving.

"Meowth!" She said as she went after them

"Hm?" Ash said as he turned & saw her "What's wrong, Meowth?"

"Meow Meow Meowth." Meowth said timidly

"I'm guessing you have nowhere to go, do you?" Ash asked

"Meowth." Meowth said sadly

"Well, in that case, why don't you come with us?" Ash said

"Meow." Meowth said happily as she nodded

"Alright, Go Poké Ball!" Ash said as he threw the Poké Ball & caught the female Meowth "Awesome, I caught a Meowth!"

"Congratulations Ash." Misty congratulated

Ash decided to use his Pokédex to check on his newly caught Meowth's summary

Type: Normal

Gender: Female

Ability: Pickup

Hidden Ability: Unnerve

Known Moves: Fake Out, Scratch, Feint, Growl, Pay Day, Bite, Screech, Fury Swipes, Taunt, & Charm

"Not bad, come on out!" Ash said as he sent out Meowth

"Meowth." Meowth said

"Hey Ash, how about giving it a nickname?" Delia said

"Hm, let's about Meowzie?" Ash said

"Meow Meow." Meowth said happily

"I guess she really likes that name." Brock said

"Welcome to the team, Meowzie." Ash said

"Meow." Meowzie smiled as she climbed up on Ash's other shoulder

So with a new Pokémon, the gang head back to Pallet Town for the Indigo League

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