Ash's back

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Kanto Region saffron city
We find a girl has she sites in a bench looking up at the sky this girls name is Sabrina she's well one of the gym leaders of Kanto one of the strongest ones and she's psychic

Sabrina mind:It's been three years seen he left some of just hope he comeback but people like Paul he getting stronger on his journey but we all know he didn't just go to train he's looking for him at first when I meet him I saw him has a friend a good one at that but then after he freed me from my darkest moments I have been having feelings for him why Ash why did you have to leave us why you had to leave me the next time I see you I'm not letting you go

Has then Sabrina dad comes

SD:Doimg okay Sabrina
Sabrina:Yeah I'm fine so are we gonna get ice cream or what
SD:Yes but I'm not paying
Sabrina:Sadly that's not your choice is your turn
SD:Wait really

Has they talk

Sabrina mind:Ash please where ever you are please be safe so I can see you again

In the Kanto region pallet town
Has we see are heroes companion on his house given company to Delia Ketchum who has been feeling very down seen Ash left

Delia:Thank you all for staying here with me while my son is training hard
Brock:He would have wanted us to do that so is the list we can do
Max:Also seen your gonna cheer for us in the tournament we wanted to cheer you here
Delia:a Thank you Max

Things have gotten peaceful in the region now on covering four new regions Unova,Kalos,Alola and Galar after the cases that have been heard that all the evil teams have been destroyed nor just that they been killed even the bosses after that thing have been very peaceful in all the region

Misty:Do you think Ash stop them
Tracy:Stoped then he can but kill them do you think Ash would go that low
Misty:Yeah your right what I'm I thinking

Everyone has maded to there dream
Brock has finally become a doctor but he's also the gym leader,Misty still a gym leader but was named one the best water type trainers,Tracy continues he's work with Professor Oak,May has become a top coordinator in Hoenn and so has Dawn in Sinnoh and Max has started his journey making it into top 8 in the Hoenn league seen he was defeated by Harrison

Dawn:What do you think his doing right now
Brock:Probably training or something or maybe he's sleeping
Misty:That sounds like him

Has they laugh

Delia:So when is it going to be
May:Oh tomorrow we already pack are things what about you
Delia:I'm all set
Brock:Then let's get a move on

Has they all stand up they grab there bags and leave the house

Unknown location
Has a 17 year old boy comes out of his cabin and see his Tauros pass by

???:Morning Taorus
All of them:Morning Sargent

Has they keep running the boy keeps walking around saying hi to his Pokémon has he see his Raichu playing with a Boltund

Raichu:Oh good morning sleepy head
???:Sorry so anything new
???:So same day huh

Has he looks back to his lucario

???:Whats wrong Lucario
Lucario:Feraligatr found a Pidgey says he's looking for you
???:Get the others and I'll go there you two also get anyone and if you see Snorlax tell him I'll give him my Tostitos if he wakes up

Has they split he guy heads has he arrive he see some of his Pokémon there Venasaur,Feraligatr, Swellow,Pidgeot,Muk and Greninja

Greninja:The Pidgey was flying around until Feraligatr saw him so he thought it was a threat
???:My arceus Feraligatr
Feraligatr:What I thought this was secret and I'm hungry
???:Just let go of the bird and I'll give you something to eat

Has he let it go

???:So my friend what brings you here
Pidgey:Are you Ash Ketchum

Has the person stands up revealing Ash Ketchum

Ash:So the note
Pidgey:Yeah here you go

Has he is handed the note the Pidgey flies away after that they left back to the cabin after Ash give them food he sites in the later of the front door has Espeon and Glaceon join him has they nuzzled there heads to his legs

Ash:Morning you two
Espeon:So whats that
Ash:Give me sec

Has he opens the note

Dear Ash
You have been invited to the tournament of champions we're only the strongest battle in it.In this tournament you will battle the strongest trainers but not just that gym leaders,Elite four,Frontier Brains and Champions are competing even the Kahunas are you ready to test your strength then come the tournament will be tomorrow so I recommend you come quick and it will be in the Sinnoh league that was three years ago.Charles Goodshow

P.S:Ash you bastard you know how long it took me to find you three f#^% years you child.I hope you okay man everyone misses you a lot so please comeback and if you want to know how I found you come if not I'm telling Brandon and Palmer to bring you back by force

Has he finished reading

Ash:Tournament of champions were all eight regions compete and maybe he will be there too and maybe I can see her again okay everyone listen up

Has all his Pokémon look at him

Ash:I have good news they have given us a chance to show are strength

Has they all stand

Ash:The tournament of Champions were only the strongest battle and maybe he will be there
Sceptile:You mean
Ash:Yes Tobias the guy we have been thinking of beating seen day one of are training and with are strength,Mega evolution,z-moves and Dynamax we will win or will be defeat in humiliated but that's not what we want right
All of them:Yeah!
Ash:Then let's eat and then will go there and show the world who Ash Ketchum really is why don't we

Has he went inside Raichu followed

Raichu:Do you plan on telling them about the kills
Ash:What we did Raichu was for the greater good and you know it
Raichu:But do you plan to tell them
Ash:Maybe when the time comes and I just do t want to come back and say hey did you know I killed the evil teams that would just make me sound psychotic
Raichu:Fare point so ready
Ash:As I'll ever be

Has the minutes pass Ash returned all his Pokémon and put them in the bag pack has Raichu holds on to his shoulder and he hops in Pidgeot

Ash:Alright girl seen your the fastest you'll be the ride there ready
Ash:Then let's give you a boost Pidgeot let are bond become even stronger and mega evolve

Has she transforms into her mega form and they fly away has hours pass they finally arrive to the island has they landed beat the Pokémon center Ash returned Pidgeot and head in

Nurse Joy:Hello there and welcome to the Pokémon center how can I help you
Ash:Here to sing go the tournament
Nurse Joy:Oh okay give me your Pokedex and invite and you'll be registered

Has he hands her the two things

Ash:Question is it possible that I can change my name
Nurse:Sure but your real name will be announced in the second round
Ash:Is fine
Nurse Joy:Okay then what is the stand in name
Ash:Shadow call me shadow
Nurse Joy:Okay Wait a few seconds and done here you go and good luck mister Shadow
Shadow(Ash):Thank you

Has he takes his Pokédex he leave the center

Shadow(Ash):What would you choice
Raichu:Not something so dark
Shadow(Ash):Oh shut up like you could have come up with a better name
Raichu:Fare point

Has he hops on his shoulder

Raichu:So where too
Shadow(Ash):Let's get a room then find a spot to train
Raichu:Why not the old spot
Shadow(Ash):That seems like not a bad idea let's get a room and will see where will train I want everyone in top shape

Has they walk around has they heard someone they looked forward to see his friends

May:Max slow down the Pokémon Center not going anywhere
Max:I know but I want to go train quick so I rather register quick

Has without looking he bumped into Ash and fell has he look up to see the mask man

Shadow(Ash):Need help

Has the guy give his hand Max accepted the help and got back up

May:See what you did I'm so sorry that my brother bumped into you
Shadow(Ash):It was and accident don't is okay are you all competing
Misty:Just is two and the kid
Max:Hey I'm eleven
Misty:Still means your a kid
Shadow(Ash):Well I'll see you around I'm off
Brock:Wait what's your name
Shadow(Ash):My real name will come in the tournament but for now call me Shadow
Max:WOW who's this Pokémon
Shadow(Ash):Oh that's Raichu Alola form
Tracy:You from a Alola
Shadow(Ash):No we'll see ya

Has the two leaves the friends also move has Misty noticed Delia looking at Ash

Misty:Something wrong
Delia:Is nothing

Has they go to the center back with Ash

Shadow(Ash):That was close
Raichu:I'll say good thing I evolve into Alola Raichu seen is fast it kinda goes with me
Shadow(Ash):Let's just go get are room

Has they arrived to the hotel they got there room but before he head there

???:Shadow creative but why
Shadow(Ash):What gave me away Scott
Scott:Not much just that your the only one with a fake name
Shadow(Ash):Good to see you
Scott:You too
Shadow(Ash): So mind telling me how you found me
Scott:Well at first I thought you were in mount silver but we already sent Spencer there and your not there so we go through all regions until we found a mysterious island so it was a hunch so we send a drone and what we see a boy training all his Pokémon
Shadow(Ash):Okay we'll see you around
Scott:Yeah don't come late to the ceremony okay
Shadow(Ash):Yeah yeah

Has he continues to his room until along the way he passes someone he knows

Shadow(Ash) mind:Sabrina
Sabrina:Good evening
Shadow(Ash):Oh right good evening are you competing in the tournament
Sabrina:Yes I I'm a gym leader after all and you
Ash:Yeah pretty much
Sabrina:Cute Raichu
Raichu:Rai rai(Thank you wow I see why you fell for her Ash hope she has the same for you)
Shadow (Ash):Shut up
Sabrina:Wait you can understand Pokémon
Sabrina:How your not psychic
Sabrina:You can use Aura
Shadow(Ash):Yea actually even you could learn it Aura is something that is around all of us so even you could learn how to use it
Sabrina:WOW right forgot to do introduction my name is Sabrina
Shadow(Ash):My real name will come in the tournament but for now call me Shadow
Sabrina:Okay Shadow I'm gonna join a friend of mine wanna come
Ash:Well I'm first gonna check my room and I think I can go want give me company

Has they arrive Ash opens the door to see a one bed,kitchen,one bathroom,tv and a coach room has he puts his bags down

Shadow(Ash):Your gonna stay here
Raichu:Yeah I'll stay have fun and don't get your mask off

Has he closes the door the two went down

Sabrina:So why you call yourself shadow and not your real name
Shadow(Ash):Is complicated
Sabrina:And the mask
Shadow(Ash):That is also complicated but don't worry all your answer will be revealed in the tournament
Sabrina:Oh okay
Shadow(Ash):You know with Aura I'm able to seen people's feelings and emotions and yours is a bit sad something up
Sabrina:Is just three years ago a good friend of mine disappeared and I'm just hoping he comes here
Shadow(Ash):Is there something you want to tell this person
Sabrina:Yes how I feel at first I saw him a friend but now I truly feel love for him
Shadow(Ash):Those the guy have name
Sabrina:Ash Ash Ketchum

Has Ash blush at her saying his name knowing that there feeling are the same for each other has they got out of the hotel they see the others

Misty :Oh Sabrina and Shadow?
Shadow(Ash):She invites me if there's no problem
Brock:No is fine you can come

Has they walk around they talk then Ash noticed that he was being watch has he looked around to see Paul has he went to the bench he is

Shadow(Ash):Call me Shadow for now until round two
Paul:Interesting so I'm I the only one
Shadow(Ash):You,Scott and maybe the battle frontier
Paul:Oh so you ready for me to defeat you
Shadow(Ash):I'll like to see you try

Has he got up and went back to his friends

(Za Warudo)

Has later on in the stadium all the computers were in the battlefield has Ash look around until he found the guy his been training to beat Tobias has then another guy approached him

???:If your gonna at least put a full mask I'm your childhood friend so you can't hide from Ashy-Boy

Has he give him a hug

Gary:Don't disappear like that you idiot I wasn't even there
Shadow(Ash):Sorry but in places like this call me Shadow
Gary:Alright Shadow-Boy
Shadow(Ash):I hate you

Has then Charles comes

Charles:Alright everyone welcome to the first ever Tournament of Champions were only strong battle here you'll battle the best of g tv e best now let me explain how this will go the first round using a shuffling machine we will randomly choice you a partner for the first round which is a tag team which are three battles then will move on to round two which are one on one battles that are 4 round three are three on three battles that are five battles round four a the Semi finals which are Full six on six and the same for round five which is finals alright everyone that ya all now let us show your partner look at the screen

Has they all look atcirvthe teams were chosen Ash look around until he found his name his partner is Sabrina has she approached

Shadow(Ash):Trying to read my mind Sabrina
Sabrina:Maybe well I hope are partnership will work Shadow
Shadow(Ash):Me too

Has they shake hands Ash and everyone walk back to there rooms had the day ended the next day came and are hero wake up

Shadow(Ash):Dang this bed very soft
Raichu:Yeah I kinda wish we can take it to the island
Shadow(Ash): Hey get those thoughts of your head we are assassins not robbers
Raichu:Right sorry
Espeon:Whats with all the noise some of us still need sleep
Shadow(Ash):Sorry Espeon but this how will wake up every day
Lucario:Good morning master
Shadow(Ash):Good morning Lucario
Lucario:So what now
Shadow(Ash):The good news is that I gave you guys the food that would make you not get hungry for a week so that's good but for now let's get some breakfast

Has he put on his clothes and his mask they get out of the room has at the same time Zoey comes out in front of him

Sabrina:Oh good morning Shadow you ready for are battles
Shadow(Ash):Morning and yeah
Sabrina:Are this three your Pokémon
Shadow(Ash):Yeah Lucario,Espeon and Glaceon
Sabrina:Well I'm off to get breakfast for me and my friend in the room
Shadow(Ash):Well I'm just gonna go eat and will meet up later
Sabrina:Fine then let's go

Has they go there Sabrina got the food and left back to her room has Ash gave his Pokémon and sites down but then Paul and Gary site with him

Shadow(Ash):Morning you two
Gary:Morning Shadow
Paul:So who's you're partner
Shadow(Ash):My partner Sabrina
Gary:Wait do you can tell her but not us
Shadow(Ash):She's psychic idiot
Paul:Well for me I got Cynthia
Gary:And I was able to get Misty yes
Shadow(Ash):Well I'm sure Paul's moving but I don't know about you Gary
Gary:What you guys think I won't make it to round two
Gary:O hate you guys

Has Misty and the gang come

Gary:Oh hey Misty what's up
Misty:Are battles the first one and we are up against Gym leader Ramos and the trainer Jeanette
Gary:Oh shit okay

Has he quickly finishes the food and leaves with Misty

Shadow(Ash):Well that was something and good morning guys
Brock:Morning Shadow so do you know your opponent
Shadow(Ash):No I'll check that out with Sabrina ones we are done and you Paul who's your opponent
Paul:A guy named Tyson and Richie
Shadow(Ash):Tyson and Richie well that's gonna be a fun one to watch

Has they finish breakfast they headed the stadium Sabrina appeared along the way

Shadow(Ash):Hello there partner so do you know are opponent
Sabrina:No that's why I'm here with you so we can check it
Shadow(Ash):Okay then to the center

Has they go there Ash noticed something

Shadow(Ash):You know my Aura is stoping your psychic attempts to read my mind
Sabrina:Your Good your abilities are even greater than mine
Shadow(Ash):Yeah but why do you want to know who I really I'm that badly
Sabrina:I just don't like secrets
Shadow(Ash):Neither do I but just hold on for a little
Sabrina:Fine but you better tell me sooner or later or I might do it by force

Has they go in the center the look at the battles and they find there opponents Max and Bugsy

Sabrina:So Max and Bugsy who is a gym leader that uses bug type
Shadow(Ash):Don't worry I'm sure will do something about him follow me I got good plays to train

Has they go to a nice spot with trees around them do no one could see them a lake near by and soft grass

Sabrina:This place is nice
Shadow(Ash):Yeah well here will see who we are using do you know what's mega evolution
Sabrina:Of course and z-moves I got both one mega stone for my Alakazam and a psychic type z-move for my Pokémon
Shadow(Ash):Perfect then this who I'll use

Has his Gardevoir appears Sabrina in amazement floated around the Pokémon admiring it

Shadow(Ash):Like what you see
Sabrina:I I'm a psychic type trainer so it is expected of me to react like this
Shadow(Ash):Fare point then let us train this two seen they be the ones we use in the tournament
Sabrina:What not gonna change
Shadow:This way opponents won't know how many Pokémon I have and which ones do I have
Shadow(Ash):Okay let's start training are battle is later after lunch anyways so we go time

Time passes as they trained there team work Ash feeling happy that he was trying with the person he love now battles pass by has it was time for Ash and Sabrina battle has they go in the battlefield on the other side Max and Bugsy

Max:Get ready for lose Shadow
Shadow(Ash):That over confidence of your will be your downfall here Max
Bugsy:Even so we got the advantage on Sabrina with the Pokémon we use we can take her out fast then you easy that
Sabrina:I see we have two over confident children here
Shadow(Ash):Yeah how about we put them in there place
Ref:Alright this will be a tag team battle one Pokémon each now send them in
Shadow(Ash):Gardevoir shoe then your power
Sabrina:Go Alakazam

The two psychic types appear on the battlefield

Max:Yeah this gonna be easy go Mightyena

The bug and dark enter the battlefield

Ref:Alright battle begin
Bugsy:Heracross end this now with megahorn
Max:Mightyena you two with Shadow claw

Has both charge at there opponents

Shadow(Ash)/Sabrina:Use teleport

Has they dodge they are seen through all the battlefield teleporting every were

Max:Use shadow ball to attack
Bugsy:Follow one with Mega Horn

Has Heracross followed Alakazam Mightyena kept firing at Gardevoir neither are able to hit the other until they go close to each in that moment the two psychics teleport back to there trainers and Mightyena Shadow ball hits heracross

Shadow(Ash)/Sabrina:Now use Psybeam on Mightyena

Has both fired there attacks landing the hit

Bugsy:Heracross use Stone edge
Shadow(Ash):Grab Mightyena with psychic and toss him to the attack

Has Gardevoir grabs him with psychic and was put in front of the attack taking the hit has the dust settled Mightyena had fainted

Ref:Mightyena is unable to battle
Bugsy:Don't worry Max I got this
Shadow(Ash):Sure let's finish this attack with Dazzling gleam
Bugsy:Charge with Mega Horn

Both Pokémon clash there attack neither getting weak

Shadow(Ash):Sabrina now
Sabrina:Right Alakazam use Thunder punch

Has he appears be side Heracross and lands the hit sending him to the ground defeated

Ref:Heracross is unable to battle the winners are Shadow and Sabrina

Has the two winners congratulated there Pokémon Max and Bugsy returned there's and went to the trainers

Bugsy:Dang you two are something else
Max:I'll say even with a disadvantage you two won
Shadow(Ash):You could have won if you plan your attacks better
Sabrina:Well now we should leave the area the next battles is coming

Has they left the battlefield in the tunnel leaving Ash passes Tobias and Argenta

Shadow(Ash):Good luck out there
Tobias:You have grown Ash can't wait for are battle

Has Ash and Sabrina left in the vip were all eight champions are

Diantha:That boy and his Gardevoir are has great has me and my Gardevoir
Lance:And there teamwork was even greater
Iris:They were truly in sync even knowing Shsdow being such a kid by hitting his face and not showing his true name
Kukui:I wouldn't mind battling that guy
Leon:He looks strong maybe even stronger but I still remain in defeated
Cynthia:Will see about that in this tournament Leon the kids right getting to over confident will lead you too defeat
Wallace:Well who ever battles him is very lucky

Back with Ash and Sabrina who already got ther Pokémon check up

Shadow(Ash):So what you gonna do now
Sabrina:Well the next battles will be decided later so we got time to take rest
Shadow(Ash):Then I'll be heading to my room now
Sabrina:I will go too

Has they go to the hotel they head to there rooms

Shadow(Ash):Raichu I'm back
Raichu:Did you win
Shadow(Ash):Yep beat Max and Bugsy I'm easy style but I wonder who's my next opponent and

Has he tosses himself to the bed

Shadow(Ash):If I should tell her
Raichu:Wait she still doesn't is you
Shadow(Ash):My mental Aura shield look to be stronger than her psychic abilities well if she got more serious she could break through but she would destroy this place and she knows that I'm thinking of telling her after the last battle of tag team
Raichu:Sound like plan and when do I battle
Shadow(Ash):Round two or three I'm gonna turn on the tv see what battles going on now

Has he see the battle between Nessa and Elesa vs Argenta and Tobias has he see his Darkrai defeating Drednaw and Zebstriker has Argenta Dragonite also is in the battle

Shadow(Ash):Well I cant wait for are battle Tobias

Has he smiles so those Raichu later on after dinner Ash goes to the center to see who is he batting next

Shadow(Ash):Who I'm I battling now
???:Oh Shadow your here

Has he look back to see misty

Shadow(Ash):Yeah just here to see who's my opponent and you

Has he found his name he and Sabrina next battle was against Fantina and Dahlia and also misty next battle was against Tobias and Argenta

Shadow(Ash):That's gonna be a hard battle of your
Misty:Yeah but I know me and Gary can do it I believe in us in are Pokémon
Shadow(Ash):Well good luck and good night

Has he leaves

Misty:Why does he remind me a little of Ash

Back with him has he got to his room he knock on Sabrina's first has she opened the door

Sabrina:Oh shadow is there something wrong
Shadow(Ash):Nothing just here to tell you who are next opponent are
Sabrina:Oh and who are they
Shadow(Ash):Gym leader Fantina and Frontier Brain Dahlia of Sinnoh
Sabrina:Now that will be a challenge when will it happen
Shadow:We are the fourth battle
Sabrina:Oh okay then good night Shadow
Shadow(Ash):Night Sabrina

Has they he headed to his room

Shadow(Ash):Yep I'm telling her the last battle

Has he headed to sleep the next day came has the battles progressed it was time for Ash and Sabrina to battle Fantina and Dahlia has all four trainers enter the battlefield

Dahlia:Shadow considering your name I thought you use Ghost or Dark Pokémon
Shadow(Ash):Shadow not my real name but I see where your going with this
Fantina:This will be amazing battle indeed
Sabrina:Then let's not keep the audience waiting
Ref:This will be a tag team battle one Pokémon each trainer now bring them out
Dahlia:Go my cute Togekiss
Fantina:Shine Drifblim

Both Pokémon appear on the battlefield

Shadow(Ash):Are turn Gardevoir
Sabrina:go Alakazam

Both psychic types appear on the battlefield

Ref:Battle begin
Fantina:Drifblim use shadow ball
Dahlia:Togekiss use Aura sphere

Has blast were fired

Sabrina:Use psychic to send them to opposite directions

With that the attacks miss

Shadow(Ash):Now use Dazzling gleam on Drifblim

Has Fardevoir appears out of the the smoke and charges at the Ballon Pokémon

Fantina:Counter it with Acrobatics

Has both Pokémon collided there attacks

Dahlia:Use Air slash on Gardevoir
Sabrina:Cover Gardevoir with Psybeam

Has the attacks gets stop by Alakazam and the two Pokémon clashing back it off

Fantina:Now use Thunder
Shadow(Ash):Teleport go dodge get behind and use Psybeam

Has she appears behind the Pokémon and lands the hit sending the ballon to the ground only for it to get back up has on the other side Sabrina continues her battle against Dahlia

Shadow(Ash):Let's change partners
Sabrina:Sure Alakazam use Teleport and tinder punch on Drifblim
Shadow(Ash):Gardevoir use psychic to bring Togekiss down

Has they change Drifblim was hit by the attack and Togekiss was send to the ground

Dahlia:Last dish effort use Hyper beam
Shadow(Ash):Teleport and Psybeam

Has she dodged the attack appears behind Togekiss and fires her attack landing the hit has Togekiss had faint and on Sabrina battle Fantina's Drifblim also faint

Ref:Both Togekiss and Drifblim are unable to battle the winner are Shadow and Sabrina
Sabrina:Were doing it

Has they high five and leave the stadium later on with Ash and Sabrina

Shadow(Ash):Tomorrow is the last battle of are team up
Sabrina:Yeah you better continue in the tournament
Shadow(Ash):Don't worry I will
Sabrina:Good now come with me to training spot I'm gonna ask you something in private

Has they head to there spot they arrive and Sabrina starts staring at Ash

Sabrina:When were you plaining on telling me
Shadow(Ash):What do you mean
Sabrina:I know is you Ash take of the mask
Shadow(Ash):Well fine

Has he takes of the hood and then the mask revealing Ash

Ash:Look I wa.!

Has he couldn't finish his sentence seen Sabrina brought him to a kiss at first Ash was confused but then embraced her after a few minutes of kissing the break it up

Ash:How you knew
Sabrina:You know I'm psychic right I can understand Pokémon and Raichu who if I know is Pikachu is right now a electric psychic
Ash mind:Fuck Raichu si shit of this secrecy
Sabrina:Heard that but we're you even plaining on telling me
Ash:Sabrina I was gonna tell you tomorrow after are last battle but look like that ruins the surprise
Sabrina:Oh then are you gonna tell why you killed the evil teams or what
Ash:You read my mind again didn't you
Ash:Can we at least kiss a little more
Sabrina:Oh come her

Has they continue kissing after awhile they were resting in a tree

Ash:After my disappearance I noticed that the evil teams have been making havoc in the regions and so I made it my mission to stop them and after we stop Giovanni and send him to jail we went back to train but he escape and continued havoc so I knew that just setting them to jail won't be enough also Giovanni piss me of so I killed him at first I regretted it but then I began to understand that it was for the greater good
Sabrina:I get it but was it necessary I mean couldn't one of your Pokémon do it
Ash:Well I only killed Gio and the others were my Pokémon
Sabrina:Okay but please don't go dark on me
Ash:Don't worry I won't

Has the give a nuzzled hug

Sabrina:So when are you telling them who you are
Ash:My real name will appear in the first battle of round two and I'll be announced after the last battle of tomorrow
Sabrina:Ph then prepare for the haunt I'm very positive your friends and family will be searching for you
Ash:I'm not ready yet I need to concentrate on the battle so I'll have to see them after the first battle of round two
Sabrina:Okay you know I fight to ask how do you like my new look
Ash:Is nice beautiful and I like what you did to your hair
Sabrina:Thanks babe so wanna go back to the rooms
Ash:Yeah but if it's okay with you wanna crash in my room and then tomorrow I'll crash in yours
Sabrina:That sounds nice

Has they kiss one more time and got back up has they got to his room

Raichu:Oh welcome back and whys Sabrina here
Ash:She can understand Pokémon and better even psychic types which is what you are
Raichu:She knows
Ash:Yes but that's good thing because I was finally able to reveal my feelings
Raichu:Well then happy for you buddy
Ash:Also she's sleeping with me today
Raichu:Wait what really
Sabrina:Pikachu there's someone here I want you to meet

Has out of her pokeball comes and Espeon

Raichu:Oh hello there
Espeon:Hi who are you
Raichu:I'm Raichu Alola form I'm a psychic type like you

Has they chit chat Ash and Sabrina go to the bed

Ash:Good night psychic queen
Sabrina:Good night champion of mine

Has they go to sleep

The next day comes has Ash and Sabrina final battle is against Brock and Olivia and they were the last battle has the day progressed Ash and Sabrina well they trained,eat and make out has they gI through the tunnel

Shadow(Ash):Lat battle huh well let's move on
Sabrina:Agreed we are battling a gym leader who is your friend and elite four who is also a Kahuna what opponents we have
Shadow(Ash):Well lets go there

Has they come out of the tunnel on the other side the other trainers come to the stadium

Shadow(Ash):Don't you dare hold back on me Brock I want battle you at your fullest and those hoes double fir you elite
Brock:We weren't even plaining on holding
Ref:The final battle of tag team is about to begin this trainers send in your
Brock:Steelix let's go
Olivia:Go Lycnaroc

Has the Steelix and Lycnaroc midnight form appear on the battlefield

Shadow(Ash):You know who will use but let's change Raichu come out of there

Has the Alola Raichu appears out if the tunnel

Sabrina:Go Espeon

Has the eevolution psychic type appears

Ref:Battle begin
Brock/Olivia:Use Stone edge
Shadow(Ash):Raichu grab Espeon and dodge

Has he grabs espeon they fly up dodging has he let her go high(but don't worry is not that high)

Sabrina:Now use Signal beam

Has Espeon fires the attack

Brock/Olivia:Dodge it

Has both dodge the attack sliding them up

Brock:Was there even a plan there
Shadow(Ash):You I have been seeing your battles very closely and I have noticed that you like to battle together a lot let's see how you do divided
Olivia:Dang his good
Shadow(Ash):Let's see how you'll do alone Brock Raichu use Agility

Has he fly around Steelix back with Sabrina

Sabrina:Espeon use Signal beam again
Olivia:Lycnaroc dodge it again

Has he dodge the attack

Olivia:Now use Brick Break
Sabrina:Don't let it come close use Psyshock

Has a barrage of blast aim straight to Lycnaroc

Olivia:Form a wall with stone edge

Has a bigger stone edge appears blocking the attack back with Ash

Brock:Steelix use dig

Has he went under

Shadow(Ash):Sabrina switch
Sabrina:Right espeon use Calm mind and then sense Steelix our to then bring him out of the ground
Shadow(Ash):Raichu Thunder punch on Lycnaroc

Has they split Raichu charge at Lycnaroc

Olivia:Now use Counter

Has Raichu was about to get in the trap of Counter they grin has Raichu change areas from in front of him to his left

Shadow(Ash):Sorry but shit don't work on us go now

Has Raichu lands the hit sending Lycnaroc to her Olivia feet but he gets up

Olivia:Brock keep Steelix on the ground for a little while I think is time

Has she brings out her z-ring with the rock type z-crystal has she does the z-move

Olivia:Now use continental crush

Has a giant rock appears has it is toss to the two Pokémon Ash grins

Shadow(Ash):Sabrina now
Sabrina:Espeon bring him out

Has out of the ground Steelix comes out and is toss to the rock

Shadow(Ash):Raichu use Agility and grab Espeon

Has the two psychic types get out of there has Steelix is crushed by the attack(get it seen it's called continental crush🤣🤣 oh yeah forgot to say this version of Brock never got the mega stone neither did Misty)but out of it Steelix comes out but not defeated but weakened

Shadow(Ash):Well I actually thought that would defeat Steelix
Brock:Sorry but are love and believe of are Pokémon is the hardest thing ever
Olivia:That's right
Shadow(Ash):That so then let's me show you how I believe

Has he takes out a z-ring with a electric type z-crystal

Shadow(Ash):I'm my Pokémon

Has he does the z-move

Sabrina:Espeon hold them with psychic

Has they are not able to move

Olivia:Lycnaroc break free
Shadow(Ash):too late Raichu use Gigavolt havoc

Has a giant ball of electricity is fired hitting both Pokémon has the dust settled both Pokémon were defeated

Ref:Steelix and Lycnaroc are unable to battle the winners and moving on to round two are Ash and Sabrina

Has they congratulated there Pokémon there opponents headed to them

Olivia:That was and amazing battle you two smart move showing up Steelix
Brock:Yeah Sabrina I really thought you didn't had Steelix
Shadow(Ash):Well just to make this clear that was the plan the hole time but if she would not use her z-move I would have use Surf on you guys
Olivia:So we were destined to be defeated from the beginning
Sabrina:You could say that
Shadow(Ash):Well we are off see you guys later

Has Ash and Sabrina left the announcer spoke

Announcer:Oh my arceus Ladies and gentlemen that was amazing one of the most incredible battles I have ever seen in my twenty years of being and announcer but I'm also here to say that are mysterious trainer Shadow I will reveal his name

Has everyone in the stadium shut up

Announcer:Right here I have the man behind the mask and hood who has only shown his Gardevoir and Alola Raichu keep your heir on people because Shadow's real name is

Silence broke down the stadium no one spoke all waiting to heir egos this great trainer

Announcer:Ash Ketchum!!! Yes ladies and gentlemen is the Ash Ketchum the trainer who went missing three years ago,champion of the orange league and the one conquered the battle frontier of Hoenn yes his back and where is he

Has everyone look at the stadium we're only Olivia and a Shock face Brock were


has he look at the tunnel where no one was


Has he runs through where he pass in the stands with his friends

Max:Ash was Shadow the hole time
May:I'm at lost for words
Dawn:Your not the only one
Misty:When I get my hands on him come in to three let's go get are friend
The three:Right

Has they also ran

Delia:My son Ash he's back my baby has grown

Has she also stands and start to leave they spend the rest of the day looking for him from looking through the hole island to then waiting in the center has they finish there search and decided to go get him the next day and with Ash well he was making out with Sabrina in there room oh and Raichu and Espeon are having(s🥰x)has they continued kissing

(Warning warning lemon scene warning)
Has they continued kissing with psychic Sabrina started to remove Ash pants Ash noticed

Ash:You sure
Sabrina:Hey we cant let those two have fun
Ash:Fare point then let's take of are clothes

Has they both took of there clothes

Sabrina:I have been waiting for this

Has they continued kissing growing themselves to the bed has they kiss Sabrina stroke his dick has Ash kiss her and with his left hand punch her tits has she then move to her knees

Sabrina:How those it feel
Ash:Great keep doing it it's feels good

Has she continued she then began to lick and suck his dick has she then change to putting her tits around his dick has she squeeze his dick and sucked it and then Ash grab her head giving force

Ash:Sabrina I'm cumming

Has he cum inside Sabrina mouth

Ash:How those it taste
Sabrina:Sticky but delicious let's keep going
Ash:Then come here is your turn

Has he began to lick her vagina has she continued to suck his dig both giving pleasure to each other has moments pass
they both cum

Sabrina:How's mine
Ash:is Perfect
Sabrina:Then how about we go to the real part

Has look front Ash behind her and puts his dick in her vagina beginning to move has moments pass

Sabrina:Ah ah ah ah oh oh faster Ash faster go faster
Ash:Faster okay

Has he increased his speed with Aura thrusting harder has they enjoy there moment they change position has Sabrina puts her back on top of Ash has he suck her tits and his dig still inside of Sabrina

Sabrina:That's it Ash keep sucking them there all yours

Has they continued they change again to then Sabrina going on top of him but they are floating

Sabrina:Just making things interesting

Has they continued they reached there climax

Sabrina:Ash I'm coming
Ash:Has I'm I get ready I'm coming inside you

Has they cum


Has they finished they rest in the bed naked has Raichu and Espeon also has there fun

Sabrina:I hope no one heard us
Ash:Don't worry I put a Aura shield that doesn't all sound inside the shield go out now let's sleep it seems I'm battling first
Sabrina:Okay Good night

Has they head to sleep
(Lemon scene end)

Has the next day comes Ash and Sabrina wake up giving of each a morning kiss has they left the room
Ash thinks of his next opponent Leon the champion of Galar is said his undefeated that his the strongest out of all the champions has Ash was waking down the tunnel with Raichu


Has he here's the voice of his mother he doesn't look back

Guard1:Miss this for battles only
Delia:That's my son right there
Guard1:I know but we can't let you pass

Has she tried to push the guards out of the way his friends also help but they keep them back too


Has he stops he look back and took off his mask smiling at her mother to then putting back on his mask and continued to walk to the battlefield back with Delia who was trying to pass until she gets pulled back Sabrina

Misty:Sabrina what are you doing
Sabrina:No the question is what are you doing
Delia:I'm trying to see my son what else
Sabrina:But have you thought of hat he doesn't want to see you now because this might distract him
Delia:Your point
Sabrina:This tournament is the very reason his been training all his life because he was preparing for this this is his only chance on making it to his dream and if you get to him that would just distract him now even worse seen his opponent is one of the strongest champions

Until Brock puts his hand in her shoulder

Brock:She's right Delia this might be your chance only chance at making it to his dream
Sabrina:Good now come with me
May:Sabrina why are you carrying even for Ash
Sabrina:Because his my boyfriend

Has they all had shock faces even Delia back with Ash who just got out of the tunnel

Leon:Yes Good that I was chosen to battle you Ash
Ash:I have seen your battles Leon your a strong trainers with Dynamax but when your not using Dynamax I will say you need a little help
Leon:Oh you think I need a lesson
Ash:You could say that you may be undefeated but there always a first lost
Leon:And what you think your that person
Ash:I don't think I know
Leon:Oh them fighting words
Ref:Alright the one on one battle between Leon the champion of Galar and the trainer Ash will now begin trainers send in your Pokémon
Leon:Charizard Lets go

Has the fire/flying Pokémon appears on the battlefield

Ash:Has much has I would want to see who's charizard better I got other plans for him forward so for now here's your opponent the light in the darkness the ultra beast Necrozma

Has the dragon/Rock Pokémon appears on the battle field in his ultra form

Leon:What is that Pokémon
Ash:This is necrozma and ultra beast and the strongest one so are we gonna do this or are you gonna forfeit
Leon:No has a champion I must faces all kinds of opponents even kind like this so I won't back down from a battle
Ref:Charizard vs necrozma battle begin
Leon:Charizard use Fire blast
Ash:Take it

Has he just takes the attack has the dust flew away Necrozma was un damage

Ash:Forgot to say that necrozma is a dragon and rock
Ash:Use Dragon Dance
Leon:Charizard use Ancient power
Ash:Now use dragon pulse

Has both collided there attacks

Ash:Now use Rock blast
Leon:Dodge it

Has Charizard dodges the attacks and flew behind Necrozma

Leon:Now use Air slash

Has the barrage of Aur slash hit necrozma only scratching it

Ash:Use outrage
Leon:Charge up Solar beam

Has he followed him around the arena Faye they reach the ground

Leon:Now Fire Solar beam

Has he lands the hit but it does nothing has Necrozma comes out hitting Charizard after the barrage of attacks and tossing it to the ground

Leon:Charizard are you okay

Has he check on his friend he then looks at Ash who was actually petting necrozma

Leon:We can't lose there only one thing to do right buddy

Has the dragon nud and got back up Ash and Necrozma noticed and he got back into fighting them Leon returned Charizard until then the pokeball grew bigger

Leon:Is time for Dynamax

Has Dynamax Charizard appears

Ash:Yes now this my kind of battle
Leon:Getting excited
Ash:Of course I I'm so are we gonna talk or are we gonna battle
Leon:Is on

Has there battle progressed Leon getting better hits this time has the battles was reaching its climax has Ash use the z-move

Ash:Light that burns the sky

Has the giant green ball appears and gets fired Dynamax a charizard fires his flaming wings has both attacks collided but the z-move went through Charizard attack landing the hit has Charizard faint

Ref:Charizard is unable to battle the winner is Ash and Necrozma

Has sone were shock other cheer for the trainers victory Leon a bit confused

Leon:I lost

Has he look down feeling sad but ignored the feeling and congratulated Ash and shake hands with him has Ash left the tunnel he gets hug by his mom

Ash:Mom can't breathe
Delia:No not this time I'm not letting you go
Ash:I know but can you a least stop squeezing me I need to breathe
Delia:Oh right

Has she let Ash go and then he gets hug by his three female companions

Three of them:Ash!!
Ash:Why Sabrina help

Has with that the girls were moved aside by psychic has he hi five Max and give a bro hug to Brock

Misty:Wait Ash is that Raichu

Has the Raichu jump to the water type trainer giving her a hug

Misty:WOW you evolved
Ash:Yeah but he went with Alola Raichu which increased his speed a lot so it was perfect for him
Brock:I see and what about your other Pokémon
Ash:I'll show them to you guys tomorrow you have already seen three of my Pokémon
Delia:So when were you gonna tell me that you had a girlfriend
Ash:Oh that well yeah mom guys my girlfriend Sabrina
Delia:My baby boy is growing up and almost feel like I'm gonna be a grandmother
May:Also where's your hat
Ash:Ov that well I left it that was the old Ash this the new one so I stop wearing it
Misty:At least you're finally growing up
Ash:Hey what's that suppose to mean
Misty:Oh nothing
Ash:Well seen I finished my battle abs you guys don't have any battles for some reason
Max:Well me and Brock lost to you so is okay but misty lost to Tobias and Argenta
Misty:Hey they were a lot stronger than I thought and don't get me started on you Max you lost to Ash and you didn't even land a single hit unless you count when you hit your on teammate
Max:Oh yeah
Ash:Well I'm gonna go get Necrozma check out you guys coming and then we can catch up

Has they head to the center Delia see her son holding hands with Sabrina she smiles seeing her son all grown up

Delia mind:Are you seeing this Red are son are baby boy has grown

(Za Warudo)

Has time progressed Ash told his adventures in the other four regions from battling Alder after his title of champion was taking,to helping the three legendary Pokémon of kalos destroy vines,relaxing on Alola while helping Lusamine with the ultra beast has had the end of that Necrozma and another ultra beast joined him and at the end traveling through Galar battling Bea the gym leader and stoping Eternatus but he wants gonna tell the evil teams part
has he goes with his love and friends to the center to see there next battle has Ash Sabrina look they found there names

Sabrina:So I'm up against Argenta and you

Has they went back to there rooms Ash and Sabrina got to there's has they got in the bed

Ash:Good night Sabrina
Sabrina:Good night Ashy

Has they head to sleep the next day came and the battles happen has it was now Ash turn has he entered the battle field

Valerie:Oh so you must be Ash I have heard a lot about you from the other gym leaders special your love one
Ash:Oh is that so then you must know that I'm not and easy one to beat
Valerie:Indeed so let us start
Ref:The battle between gym leader Valerie and Ash will now begin this is a one on one battle now trainers send out your Pokémon
Valerie:Sylveon come out
Ash:Glaceon I choose you

Has both eevolutions appear on the battlefield on the stands with his friends

May:WOW he has a Glaceon too
Brock:From a Gardevoir,to necrozma and now a Glaceon what Pokémon Ash has
Max:We will know later

Back at the battlefield we're the battle has already begun

Ash:Use ice beam on the ground

Has she fired the attack at the ground making and Ice battle field making sylveon slip has just Glaceon move around normally

Valerie:Sylveon use disarming voice

Has Sylveon screamed making Glaceon hurt has Ash just ignores the sound

Valerie:Now use moonblast
Ash:Use shadow ball

Has with that both attacks collided with each other but Sylveon could not move yet

Ash:Use icy wind freeze Sylveon

Has with that she fired the gust of wind has Sylveon was slowly getting stuck on ice

Valerie:Sylveon you must break free

Has Sylveon tried but she wasn't strong enough has the process was completed and Sylveon was stuck on Ice has moments pass Sylveon was stuck

Ref:Sylveon is unable to battle the winners are Ash and Glaceon
Ash:Good work
Glaceon:Thank you
Ash:Okay let's go help them

Has he walk to Sylveon in ice he takes out his toarkoal

Ash:Hey toarkoal could you free sylveon here

Has he melts the ice with a weak flamethrower the melting presses was done Sylveon had frost bite and could not move

Ash:I think you should take her to the center she's okay but she can barely move
Valerie:Yes thank you for melting her out

Has Valerie returned her Pokémon and left the battlefield Ash returned Toarkoal and left with Raichu and Glaceon has they got out of the battlefield Paul comes

Paul:Well that's one way
Ash:Either that or shadow ball
Paul:Well I'll be going to my battle
Ash:Who you battling
Paul:Frontier Brain Lucy
Ash:Well good luck with that

Has they split Ash reunited with Sabrina and his friends has they go to there training spot

Ash:Okay everyone come out

Has Ash reveals all his Pokémon(which you can know who they are when you see his profile that I made)

Brock:They all evolve
Max:WOW wow Ash you have so many and Wait are those three
Misty:And is that
Ash:Yes guys I give you three of my legendaries Latias,Suicune and Shiny Cresselia
May:I'm at lost for words
Dawn:You and me both
Brock:Wait are those two the same
Ash:Yes Latias and Suicune are the ones we meet in johto and this shiny cutie here I found her
Delia:WOW wait but where's necrozma
Ash:Yeah he might be to big for this area so I keep in the pokeball and speaking of ultra beast that's the other one so talk about

Has he points at the thing the red and muscular Pokémon

Ash:Guys I give you Buzzwhole the bug and fighting ultra beast

Has they spent of the day knowing Ash Pokémon has the next day comes Ash,Sabrina,Paul,Gary and his friends are eating breakfast

Paul:So Ash who's you're opponent for today
Ash:I'm up against Elite four member Lorelei
Gary:Now that's gonna be a struggle
Ash:Maybe or maybe not I'll see in my battle
Sabrina:Even so be careful out there
Ash:I know
Brock:You have beaten champion Leon but Lorelei is no laughing considering your last battle against her this might be different
Ash:She well I'm not planning on losing

Has they finished eating the tournament began Sabrina and Paul winning there battles now it was Ash turn has he and Raichu enter the battlefield

Lorelei:Ash we meet again
Ash:Ot has been awhile seen I saw you on the islands and battled you but this time I'm gonna defeat you
Lorelei:Such confidence I should freeze it
Ash:You'll try but you won't make it
Ref:The one on one battle between Elite four member Lorelei and Ash will now begin trainers send in your Pokémon
Lorelei:Go my lapras

Has the water and ice Pokémon appears

Ash:I choose you Boltund

Has the electric type Pokémon appears on the battlefield

Lorelei:Not Raichu
Ash:He already got his shot let's see how you'll do against another electric type
Ref:Battle begin
Ash:Boltund let's give them a hard one use electric terrain

Has the ground began to glow yellow

Lorelei:Electric terrain that won't mean anything use Ice beam
Ash:Use Thunderbolt

Has both attacks collided with each other the ice beam spreading out through the stadium has the attack ended

Ash:Use Thunder fang

Has he charged at Lapras

Lorelei:Now jump and use body slam

Dodging that attack has lapras fell

Ash:Use agility to dodge it

Has he boosted himself out of that event running around the battlefield

Ash:Now Thunder fang

Has he landed the hit thus time

Ash:Don't let up use Wild charge

Has he charge at the Pokémon landing the hit again sending back lapras has Boltund returned to his trainer has Ash petted the Pokémon quick until it turns it attention to the battle

Lorelei mind:He grown strong seen the last time I battled him if his Boltund is this powerful I image how powerful is Raichu but even so I'm not giving up
Ash:Boltund use Agility again

Has the Pokémon move around it's opponent

Lorelei:Now lapras use Ice beam on the battlefield

Has Lapras freezes the battlefield has Boltund slip at the new battlefield trying to get up he

Lorelei:Now use Confused Ray

Has the attack hits and Boltund move around dizzy or I should slip dizzy

Lorelei:Now is time to end this charge up hyper beam

Has he was doing that

Ash:We cape prepared Boltund use Thunder fang on yourself bite your leg

Has everyone look shock at the trainers order Boltund did has he said and used Thunder fang on himself has he snap out of the confusion

Ash:Okay looks like there's no other choice use Attract

Has they attract works on Lapras has she slide away to Boltund

Lorelei:Wait Lapras
Ash:Alright now use Thunderbolt

Has with that attack Lapras had faint

Ref:Lapras is unable to battle the winners are Ash and Boltund
Ash: Is that's a good girl
Boltund:I did it

Has Ash congratulated his Pokémon Lorelei returns her Pokémon and approached are hero

Lorelei:Great battle Ash that was very good strategy
Ash:Thanks I enjoyed are battle
Lorelei:While that move you pulled was reckless but it somehow work

Has they shakes hands Ash returned his Pokémon and left the battlefield

Ash:But I'm just getting started

Has the days pass the tournament progressed
then the last battle of round 2 he battled Iris facing his strong dragon Haxorus vs Ash's Buzzwhole using the fighting type z-move to defeat them,Has he moved on to round three the trainers that had progressed had one day off so Ash and Sabrina mostly make out and had a date,then at the start of round three Ash first battle was with Paul giving Staraptor a rematch against Paul Honchkrow has there battle ended in a draw then it was mega Aggron vs Mega garchomp has Garchomp was the victorious one there and there last battle was Electrivire vs Infernape ending the battle with Gigavolt havoc and inferno overdrive has Infernape won the battle,Ash second battle was with the Alola champion Kukui using Swellow and Lycnaroc(Dusk form) against kukui's Ninetailes(Alola form) and Lycnaroc(Midday form) and at the end a battle of fire Ash's Typhlosion vs Kukui's Incineroar Typhlosion won the battle,Ash third battle was against Frontier Brain Palmer has Palmer revealed his legendary Pokémon Ash did the same defeating Palmer legendary Pokémon with his but now Tobias knew that Ash was prepared for him, Ash fourth battle in round three was Bea has Ash defeated her first two Pokémon with mega Lucario and then defeating her Dynamax Machamp with his Dynamax Rillaboom,has then the last battle of round three was with Cynthia has the first two battles Milotic vs Lapras and Lucario vs Salazzle ended in a draw it was up too Mega garchomp vs Mega pidgeot Ash getting the dub in that battle has he move to semi finals,Has there Ash,Tobias,Sabrina and Diantha are the ones that move on,Ash semi final battle was against Sabrina both battled well(But to keep it short here's a how it go
Espeon vs Espeon-Raichu but he was returned back
Arcanine vs Jynx-Arcanine
Gallade vs Arcanine-Gallade
Greninja vs Gallade-Draw
Noctowl vs Sigilyph-draw
Mega Absol vs Metagross-Absol
Mega Alakazam vs Mega Absol-Absol
Has Ash defeated her and the here relationship was revealed when Sabrina and Ash kissed in front if everyone has we move to the last battle Ash bs Tobias has it goes like this
Shiny Cresselia vs Darkrai-Draw
Mega Latias vs Mega Latios-Draw
Suicune vs Entei-Suicune
Suicune vs Spiritomb-Spiritomb
Muk vs Spiritomb-Draw
Mega Charizard x vs Mega Aerodactyl-Draw
Has there Pokémon fall to the ground both returned there Pokémon

Tobias:This battle has been amazing Ash just amazing
Ash:Yeah I'll say both with one Pokémon each well this something
Tobias:Yes it is U never expected this to happen but look how much we've done

Has he look around the destroyed stadium and the audience looking at them closely

Ash:Then are you ready to end this
Tobias:Yes let's finish this

Both smile at each other

Ash:Raichu I choose you
Tobias:Lucario is time for you to battle

Has both Pokémon enter the stadium on the right side Ash with his starter and best friend Raichu Alola form and on the left side Tobias with his starter Lucario

Ref:Lucario vs Raichu battle begin
Tobias:Lucario use Flash Cannon

Has both attacks collided with each other

Ash:Thunder punch
Tobias:Counter it with Close combat

Has both collided there fist

Ash:Don't let up keep using Thunder punch
Tobias:Dint let land a hit Close combat

Both Pokémon collide it there attacks neither are able to hit the other until then Raichu and Lucario hit each other at the same time both sending each other

Ash:Raichu you okay
Raichu:Yeah I'm fine it will take more than this to defeat me
Ash:That's the spirit

Has Raichu gets back up

Tobias:You okay my friend

Lucario nod

Tobias:Good lets not give up either

Has Lucario gets back up

Tobias:Now use Extreme speed
Ash:Dodge it with Agility

Has Both Pokémon collided with each other moving around at very fast speed clashing with each other every second until they send each other back again

Tobias:Dodge it and then use Aura sphere

Has he dodge the attack sending out his aura sphere landing the hit

Ash:Now use Surf

Has out of the smoke came out Raichu with a giant wave behind him had the water devoured Lucario has it disappeared to the ground Lucario stands

Ash:This has been very fun right Tobias
Tobias:Yes this the second time we battle and it is already exciting
Ash:Yeah the path to me dream is right pass you so I'm not giving up
Tobias:Good neither I'm I
Ash/Tobias:Thunder punch/Close combat

Has Raichu charge at him both clashing there fist ones again both giving power to see he hits first

Ash:Now use Thundervolt

Has in point blank he hits him sending him flying back but gets back up

Tobias:Use extreme speed

Has the trainer smile so do the Pokémon clashing in there attacks has they go back to there trainers

Ash:Having fun

Raichu nod with hapiness

Tobias:Are you enjoying yourself

Lucario also nod it happily

Ash:Tobias ready to finish this
Tobias:Yeah let's end this

Has he takes out a z-ring but with a very dark blue z-crystal Ash noticed it

Ash:Is that a
Tobias:Yes the z-move I'd Lucario a Lucarium z

Has he crosses his arms and so those lucario but with Ash his z-crystal changes form to showing the lightning strike

Raichu:It appears again

Has Ash smiles has he grab something out of his bag pack his hat has he took of the hood and the mask and put the hat on Raichu head

Ash:Let's do this

Has they also cross there arms both trainer and Pokémon do the z-move

Tobias:Now reveal your full power and use Absolute Aura!!!!!
Ash:10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt!!!!

Has the giant Aura sphere appears with smaller balls around it and the barrage of thunder bolts collided with each both trainer extended there arms being push by the wave of energy has the people look in amazement of what's happening

Tobias:Is over

Has the Absolute Aura started to go through the electric attack but gets stop

Ash:Now is not I'm not losing again this what with trainers for so I'm not giving up we are not giving up full power Aahhhhhh!!!!!!!

Has the 10,000,000 volt thunder destroyed the Absolute Aura


Has the blast hit Lucario full force has the dust settled Raichu was on his knees had was Ash but still breathing Ash in Tobias side lucario had Fainted

Ref:Lucario is unable to battle the winner and champion of all the regions is Ash Ketchum!!!

Has the people scream and cheer

Ash:We won
Raichu:We won we Won

Has Raichu flew too his trainer has the to hug in happiness Tobias was carrying his friend has they approached Ash

Tobias:Ash that was the most incredible battle I had ever had in my live
Ash:Me too Tobias it was awesome battling you again
Tobias:I hope we can battle again some day
Ash:Me too

Has the two trainers the two trainers shake hands and there Pokémon fist pump has in the ceremony

Charles:I tittle you Ash Ketchum the champion of all the regions
Ash:Thank you Charles

Has the people cheer and all and I mean all of Ash Pokémon were behind him has they all roar in happiness

Charles:With it the only people that can challenge you are champion,Elite four,Frontier brains, Kahunas and gym leaders

Has the ceremony ended the had a big party were Ash,Sabrina,his rivals,friends,mother, champions, elite four,frontier brain,Kahunas and gym leaders we're all there celebrating his victory

15 years later at the Regions champion island
A girl gets out of here house this girls name is Elaine Ketchum daughter of Ash and Sabrina has this was the day she get her first Pokémon


The man in front of her is the champion of all the regions Ash Ketchum beside him was one of his Pokémon Suicune

Ash:Hey sweetie are you ready to meet your partner
Elaine:Sure I'm
Ash:Then hop on

Has they get on Suicune he gets them to and area on the island has they see Elaine mother Sabrina the champion of Kanto

Sabrina:Honey and sweetie
Elaine:Hey mom
Sabrina:Are you ready
Elaine:I I'm
Ash:Raichu bring her out

Has Ash trusted Pokémon and best friend appears with and Eevee by his side

Ash:Elaine this is Eevee she's gonna be your starter Pokémon
Elaine:WOW really
Sabrina:Yep you and Eevee have been best friends seen both of you were born so we decided she should be your first Pokémon
Elaine:WOW thanks mom and Dad
Ash/Sabrina:Your welcome

Has he lived the rest of his life in peace

The end
(This Daniel J.Melendez and it's good to be back on Fanfics)

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