Chapter 10 Cortondo Gym Battle

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When we get to the top of the bakery, we find the Gym Leader Katy who is feeding cupcakes to a Vivillon. "Eat up, my cute little Vivillon!"

Vivillon finishes the cupcake and it flies away, and Katy turns to us. "Oh? What a lovely Trainer you are. Thank you very much for your skillful olive rolling. It was quite impressive."

"No problem." I say. "So you must be Katy, the Gym Leader, right?"

"Yes, and I am the owner here at Patisserie Soapberry. Oh? That's right, I'm not in my shop - I'm on duty as leader of the Cortondo Gym right now! Forgive me. Ahem. My name is Katy, and I am the Gym Leader here in Cortondo."

What a weird person, she really doesn't need to do the introductions again. "My main line of work is crafting sweets as a pastry chef. Little sweets that bring happiness with just one bite, Bug-type Pokemon hiding in foliage... Both are small and yet very powerful. You may be the World Monarch, but don't let your guard down unless you would like to find yourself knocked off your feet!"

"So I assume you know me as well..." I say.

"Every Gym Leader has heard of your arrival and they have been training very hard. I'm glad to be your first one." Katy says.

The staff member from before is now acting as the referee, and he says, "The battle between the Cortondo Gym Leader Katy and the challenger Ash Ketchum is about to begin. Each trainer will be using 6 Pokemon, and when one loses all 6 Pokemon, the other trainer wins." The referee says.

"Six Pokemon already?" Lillie asks in confusion.

"So this is what you mean... I assume that all of the Gym Leaders are going to face me in 6-on-6 battles..." I say.

"Of course, I hope you don't chicken out because of it." Katy says. "My first Pokemon will be Lokix!"

When the Grasshopper Pokemon appears on the field, I don't think I have seen this Pokemon before, but it has to be a Bug Type. "I'll go with Talonflame!"

When Talonflame appears on the field, the battle begins.

"Don't take my Bug-Type Pokemon lightly. You will be in a world of pain if you do! Now let's get started with Lunge!" Katy says.

"Dodge it, Talonflame!" I command.

Lokix charges at Talonflame, and much to my delight, Talonflame manages to dodge the attack. "Now use Steel Wing!"

Talonflame strengthens the wings and attacks, and it manages to deal some damage.

"Now use Fire Blast!" "Bounce!" Lokix jumps high into the air and causes the attack to miss, and it also lands on Talonflame to deal a lot of damage and even get it paralyzed.

"No, Talonflame!" I yell in horror.

"Let me show you its true power! Axe Kick!" Lokix jumps into the air and continues to kick Talonflame.

"Katy seems to be so strong..." Lillie mutters. "But Ash can do it."

"Time to finish it, Sucker Punch!" Katy says as Lokix starts to charge the attack.

"Talonflame! Don't let it hit by using Roost!" I yell and Talonflame recovers its health, and Sucker Punch also fails because of it.

"Now finish with Brave Bird!" I command, and Talonflame manages to defeat the Lokix in the end.

"Alright, that is the first win." I say.

"You did great, Lokix." Katy recalls her Pokemon and says, "Here goes nothing. I guess it is time for the real deal. Forretress! Come on out!"

I was confused as to why she would send out a Bug and Steel Type to the field. I mean, Talonflame might be paralyzed, but a Fire Move is 4 times more effective against it, right?

"Talonflame, use Fire Blast!" I decide to attack, but Katy just smiles and says, "Use Stone Edge!"

I gulp, so this is what she wants, and unfortunately, Talonflame can't dodge the attack because of the paralysis, and eventually it is knocked out.

"Talonflame, take a rest." I say after recalling the Pokemon. "Skeledirge! I choose you!"

My next Pokemon is Skeledirge, and it seems to be ready to attack.

"Forretress, let's start off with the Curse!" Katy says.

Forretress decides to lower its speed to raise its stats, and I yell, "Use Torch Song!"

Skeledirge breathes out fire and blasts at the Pokemon, and it manages to hit Forretress and raises the Special Attack.

"Are you okay? Forretress?" Katy asks as Forretress nods. "Good."

"One more time, Skeledirge!" Ash says as Skeledirge uses Torch Song again.

"Use Gyro Ball!" Katy says, and much to my shock, when it turns into a ball, with the speed lowered and the boost of Attack stat, it deals much more damage to Skeledirge.

"Oh no. Use Shadow Ball!" I yell, and Skeledirge tries to attack with the Ghost Type Move, but the continuous rolling dodges the attack.

"And now finish it with Stone Edge!" I try to let Skeledirge dodge the attack, but eventually, it is hit and Skeledirge is defeated.

"Looks like Skeledirge is not enough to defeat Forretress..." Drandon says.

"But Forretress is weak now." Lillie says.

"Skeledirge. I am sorry, please take a rest." I look at the field and say, "I need a Pokemon that can handle the Stone Edge... Quaquaval, I choose you!"

When I send out the dancer Pokemon, Katy says, "So you're using a Fighting Type, nice choice. However, it takes more to defeat me. Curse again!"

"Not this time. Liquidation!" The Pokemon is blasted by the attack and it is getting weaker.

Then Forretress tries to use Gyro Ball again, but this time I have Quaquaval use Counter, knocking it out.

Drandon says, "Well, Ash's style is unique."

"I know." Lillie says, "That is what makes the battle interesting."

Katy sends out her third Pokemon, a Vespiquen. It starts to build defense by using Defense Order.

"Well, its defense raises, Quaquaval, let's do Aqua Steps." Ash says As Quaquaval starts to dance while attacking.

"Well, Vespiqueen, use Attack Order and Defense Order!"

Vespiqueen has some small bee-like things surrounding it, then the battle begins to be like a tug-out war.

"I Katy trying to tire Quaquaval out?" Lillie says.

As Vespiqueen uses Heal Order, Quaquaval keeps using its raised speed to deal more damage. After a long battle, the two Pokemon faint due to fatigue.

Ash says, "I never thought it will end like this."

"Me too." Katy says, "You really are a remarkable trainer. Now here comes this Pokemon. Spidops!"

Spidops is good at defense, so I decide to go with Pikachu. And Pikachu is really excited to do this battle.

"Alright Pikachu, use Thunderbolt" Pikachu then charges and fires at Spidops. "Block with Silk Trap!"

The protection causes the electric attack to miss, and Katy says, "Skitter Smack!"

"Quick Attack!" I yell. I know this move from the Isle of Armor, it lowers the Special Attack stat once it hits. Both attacks manage to hit and Pikachu does get his stat lowered. "Use Wild Charge!"

Pikachu smirks and then hits Spidops before it can set up the Silk Trap, causing it to step back.

"Alright." Katy says, "Brick Break!"

Spidops uses the chance to deal a Fighting move on Pikachu, and Lillie starts to get worried about me.

"Pikachu, I know you can do it. We have a lot of strategies to use. Now use Quick Attack and Double Team at the same time!"

Pikachu then does it and then duplicates and moves fast.

"What?" Katy and Spidops are surprised to see this, they can't find the real one to use the Silk Trap.

"Finish it off with Volt Tackle!" Ash says as the rest of the copies hit Spidops, causing him to faint.

"Thanks, Spidops, take a nice rest. Huh, I'm impressed you managed to pull that off." Katy said.

"Thanks, now it's time to beat your other Pokémon." I declare.

"Don't think it'll be that easy. Go Heracross." Katy then releases her next Pokémon and continues.

"Return, Pikachu. Jumpluff, you are next!" I decide to use Jumpluff because why not? It's a Flying Type.

"Now Ash still has 3 more Pokemon while Katy has 2." Lillie says. "He can win this! I know for sure."

"Looks like someone is excited." Drandon teases, causing her to blush.

"Alright, Jumpluff use Arcobatics." I command and Jumpluff starts to charge at Heracross.

"Dodge it." Heracross dodges the attack and I yell, "Use Stun Spore!"

I decide to return the favor by making Heracross paralyzed, and Katy yells, "Megahorn!"

And just great... I forgot that Jumpluff is a Grass Type, so Bug Moves are going to do normal damage. I have Jumpluff use Leech Seed, trying to absorb the power of Heracross.

"Now use Stone Edge!" Again?! This guy also uses the Rock move and deals a lot of damage to Jumpluff. She really is not holding back.

And when it goes for Night Slash, I know that Jumpluff might be a lost cause, so I decide to do this. "Memento!"

Using the rest of the health, I decide to lower Heracross' Attack stats, but Jumpluff is also knocked out.

"Knowing you're going to lose, you decide to do Memento, that is something." Katy says.

"Pikachu, I guess I need you out again." I have Pikachu on the field again, and Heracross goes for Close Combat, which deals a lot of damage to Pikachu. But Pikachu still survives and I know that it is my chance to win.

"Use Thunderbolt!" And much to my delight, just one move and Heracross is down to the ground fainted.

"Now one left." I say.

"Indeed. You're quite good, aren't you? How should I roll things out from here? I'll use Ursaring!" Lillie and I are surprised since I know for sure that Ursaring is not a Bug Type... unless...

"Now time to break free from your cocoon and come into your own!" Katy yells and she terastallizes the Ursaring, and it becomes a Bug Type by having two Beautifly antennas on top of it.

"Pikachu, you can do this. Use Floaty Fall!" I say, I decide to use a Flying Type move with this, but just as Ursaring takes the hit, Katy says, "Let's see how you can handle this. High Horsepower!"

Damn it... Pikachu can't take this attack, and he also faints in the end.

"Pikachu!" I rush to him and bring him to Lillie. "I'm sorry, Pikachu."

After giving the Pokemon to Lillie, I sigh and send out my final Pokemon. "Greedent! I choose you!"

Now everyone is surprised at my final decision, and I also decide to Terastallize it. I know that this guy's Tera Type is Rock, so when it terastallize, it has a rock colosseum on top of it.

"Ah, a Rock Type, I see...Feast your eyes on my shining bug decoration! Though this one is not so sweet! Fury Cutter!"

It tries to attack with the Bug Type move, but I have Greedent use Rollout to dodge the attack and continuously hit the Bug Type Ursaring.

"Rollout gets stronger each time, and let's see how Ursaring can handle this." I say.

"Play Rough!" Ursaring tries to stop the attack, but I'm not letting him attack my Pokemon.

"Use Psychic Fangs! Now!" I yell, and the attack eventually causes Ursaring a lot of pain, but when Ursaring goes for Crunch, I let it take the attack until I say, "Counter!"

The attack eventually defeats Ursaring, knocking him out of the battle.

"Ursaring is unable to battle, Greedent is the winner, which means the match goes to Ash Ketchum!"

"We did it, Greedent!" I say as I hug the Pokemon, and he is probably hungry because of the battle.

Katy recalls her Ursaring and says, "Your strength rose during our battle like a nice bread in the oven. I feel that I may need to work on my own strength as well! Congratulations! You passed! As proof of your victory against me—the Gym Leader—allow me to present you with this Gym Badge. I hope you'll enjoy it alongside a heaping serving of some of my deluxe handmade treats!"

Katy then gives me the Bug Badge, and not only that, Rotom decides to take a picture for the two of us as she is giving me and my Pokemon some cupcakes.

"I wish you luck in your future adventures. May they be as sweet and lovely as a good dessert. Off you go, then. Until we meet again!" Katy says.

The next day, it's Lillie's turn to do the Gym battle, she only needs to defeat her Lokix, Spidops, and Ursaring. I guess maybe because I'm the World Monarch after all. And once we finish the gym battle, Nemona is calling to me.

"Hey, Ash! Just had to tell you - my Pokemon are learning some pretty cool new moves! Be ready! How'd it go at the gym, by the way?" Nemona asks.

"Both Lillie and I pass the battle, we both get the badge." I say.

"I'm so glad I encouraged you to take on the Gyms. Nice job, past me! I'm training hard too, by the way - day and night! Going all over the place to boot! Thank goodness we've got the map app. It helps a ton with figuring out where to go next - especially in a huge place like Paldea. After all, the path to getting stronger usually has some strange stops and detours!"

"Yeah, speaking of going strange places, I wonder what Arven's up to..." I sigh. "I hope he isn't mad that I didn't do his Titan search for this week..."

"I'm sure he'll understand." Lillie says to me as we end Nemona's call and explore the rest of the town.

And here is a new chapter, this marks the end of the Gym battle. For Ash, I decide to let Katy use the rematch team with one addition. I hope you like this chapter.

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