Chapter 18 Open Sky Titan

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We just walk past Cortondo City as we are heading to the Open Sky Titan. While on our way, Luke asks me, "Open Sky Titan surely has to be a Flying Type Pokemon. Although I wonder what are your thoughts about the Flying Type Pokemon?"

"Flying Type Pokemon is actually a type that I use a lot." I say. "Especially in Kalos, I use 3 Flying Type Pokemon for the League."

"Yeah, and you also have a bunch of awesome Pokemon with Flying Types, like Oricorio, you have all four of them from each island, and then you have a Noivern, and even Gliscor, and a shiny Noctowl."

"Shiny Noctowl? That sounds really cool!" Luke says. "And what about the Z Move?"

"Supersonic Skydive. This one is really hard to find, I accidentally find the Z Crystal and the Totem in Ten Carat Hill. Kahuna Hala didn't even know that there is a Totem there." I say.

"Yeah..." Lillie sweatdrops a little.

When we walk at the West Province Area 1, we stop as we get a call from Arven.

"Hey, Ash, Lillie, and Luke! So from what I gather, seems like the Open Sky Titan lives somewhere up on this mountain... But there are all these crazy boulders raining down from the mountain, too! It's gonna be a little tricky to stand around and look for the Titan while dodging all those. I think you'll be sent flying if you get hit by a falling boulder - but maybe you could power your way through atop that brute of yours!"

"Wait, what do you mean crazy boulders raining down from the mountain?" I ask, but Arven just ends the call.

Lillie says, "For some reason, I think there is probably something dangerous up ahead..."

When we continue, we hear some strange noises, and when we look up the mountain, we pale as we see boulders coming from the sky and falling towards us.

"Are you kidding me? Where did these boulders come from?" Luke asks.

"So this is what Arven means crazy boulders raining down from the mountain... but we need to climb up the mountain as well!" I say.

"I guess that was the Titan that keeps throwing the boulders!" Lillie yells as we notice the giant bird on top of the mountain.

"I have to guess that it is a Bombirdier!" Luke says, and I quickly check the Pokedex, it is a bird with a giant white apron that it uses to hold in its beak.

"Lillie, no matter what happened, I will protect you. Just stay close to me and we'll try to get close to the top of the mountain and that Bombirdier." I say.

Lillie nods as we all get on Koraidon and Miraidon, then we start to move forward and dodge the falling boulders. It is a good thing that the road is wide enough, but what is going on here? I thought this is supposed to happen in a game that we used to play in the dorm, something like a man with a red cap trying to collect some star-shaped things.

Once we reach the top of the mountain, the Bombirdier is now in front of us as we send out Lycanroc, Luxray, and Colossal to battle. "Lycanroc! Accelrock!"

I decide to start the attack, and it manages to hit the bird Pokemon, but the bird Pokemon uses Rock Throw, hitting three of the Pokemon.

"Luxray! Discharge!" Lillie commands, and the attack hits all of our Pokemon, Lycanroc, and Coalossal manage to hang on as Colossal uses Tar Shot to make it weak to Fire Moves and lower the speed stat.

"Good, now we're going into it." Then Bombirdier goes for Wing Attack, but Lycanroc uses Fire Fang, causing the giant bird to be in pain until it starts to fly into the air, it shakes off Lycanroc, and Lycanroc bumps into me as we fall to the ground.

"Ash!" Lillie yells.

"I'm fine!" I slowly stand back up and see that Bombirdier breaks a rock and takes the Herba Mystica. "Not again!" I yell.

Arven arrives and says, "You managed to get to the Titan somehow, huh? So that's the Open Sky Titan... Wait, is this Titan what's been dropping all these boulders?!"

"Yeah." Lillie says. "But how did you get up here?"

"I was lucky enough to be able to sneak up here because it had all its attention on you." Arven says. "It looks like it's trying to power itself up. Like with some kinda mystical Meal power or something! So we've better go all out!"

He sends out Nacli to help us, and he says, "Trying to drop rocks on folks is dangerous! Let's give this thing a good taste of defeat!"

Then the three of us Terastallize our Pokemon, Lycanroc's Tera Type is Rock, Coalossal is Fire, and Luxray is Electric. And we start to deliver our attacks by using Stone Edge, Rock Throw, Wild Charge, and Flamethrower. Eventually, Bombirdier is no match for us as it is defeated in the end. Lillie uses the chance to capture the Pokemon.

Bombirdier: The Item Drop Pokemon: Flying and Dark Type. It gathers things up in an apron made from shed feathers added to the Pokémon's chest feathers, then drops those things from high places for fun.

"Yeah... but it's not fun..." I mutter.

Arven says, "Yess! Way to go, guys! Looks like we don't have to worry about any more boulders falling on us now, huh?"

Luke stares at the gate and says, "There has to be more of that Herba Mystica it ate in here."

We enter the cave and this time we see a lot of Herba Mystica in front of us. This time the plants are green-colored.

"It really is here! This is one of the herbs, make no mistake!" Arven says.

I grab one and take a bite, but I spit it out and say, "Geez... this is bitter..."

"Woo-hoo! We did it! Now then, let's see... What does the book have to say?" Arven looks at the book and says, "Bitter Herba Mystica's great for your circulation! It really gets the blood flowing! And it warms you right up, nice and toasty, even boosting the immune system! Or so it says."

After closing the book, he says, "If I can just slip this into a tasty sandwich and get him to eat some..."

"Him?" I ask, but Arven says, "Ah, nothing. Well, what are we waiting for? It's time to dig in! Let's whip something up for us."

Then we start to make the sandwiches, and eventually, we made the sandwiches. "Here you go! My special, whimsical, herb-filled super sandwich! And it comes with a side of... Titan Badge! As a token of my gratitude, 'course!"

And we get the fourth badge, the Flying Badge, and Rotom has to take a picture of us gulping at the sandwich we made.

"I just hope it is not that bitter after we made this..." I say as we all take a bite of the sandwich, and it is actually not bad.

"Wow... although there is bitterness in the sandwich, I think it is not bad to eat." I say.

"You're right." Lillie says.

Koraidon and Miraidon appear from our Pokeballs again, and Arven groans, "Oh, come on! You again?!"

We share the sandwiches with them, and they turn to Arven. "Hmph. Are they trying to say thanks or something? Well, good thing we made extras. You're helping me out a whole bunch with the hard stuff, so it's only fair that you get more."

"Thanks." Lillie says.

"I definitely, absolutely did not make extra so that Koraidon and Miraidon could have a sandwich, OK?!" Arven glares at the two Pokemon.

"Sure." Luke says sarcastically.

And after finishing the sandwich, we see that Koraidon and Miraidon are able to change their forms. Arven says, "Did they grow stronger again? Man, these Herba Mystica really do pack a punch, don't they?"

"Though I wonder what kind of form is this..." Lillie says as we all look at the two Pokemon.

Arven walks towards the table and says, "I mean... they'd better. Or else I'm really up the creek."

When there is only one more sandwich left, Koraidon is still hungry as it tries to get to it, but Arven yells, "Don't you dare touch that! That isn't for you!"

"Hey! Why are you so rude to Koraidon? And if it isn't for him, then who are you giving that sandwich to?" Lillie asks.

"Oh, uh... sorry. I shouldn't have shouted like that..." Arven lowers his head. "I guess I should at least tell you the full story."

He takes out a Pokeball and mutters, "Come on out, bud..." After throwing the Pokeball, it was a grey dog, and for some reason, I get flashbacks of Litten and Stoutland. The dog here is acting the same as the Stountland before he passed away.

"This is Mabosstiff. My partner." Arven frowns.

Lillie says, "It looks so weak..."

Arven takes the sandwich and says, "Here you go, bud. Eat up. This sandwich should help you feel better."

The Mabosstiff slowly munches on the sandwich, and Arven says, "Slowly now. Take your time. Small bites are fine. Just chew nice and slow..."

I smile since he really deeply cares about his Pokemon. But I wonder why Mabosstiff is in that kind of state.

"So how did this happen?" Luke asks.

Arven stands up and says, "My buddy here was... hurt pretty bad a while ago. Real bad, in fact. He never really recovered."

"What about the Pokemon Center, or maybe using Potions or medicines?" Lillie asks.

Just then, Arven starts to burst into tears and says, "N-nothing seems to help. Not Potions, not Pokemon Centers... Nothing."

We feel sad for him, and he continues, "Mabosstiff here is the only thing in the world I care about. The only thing... So I promised that I'd make him better - whatever it takes. I searched online, I read books, I looked all over, and tried every cure and remedy I could find. But nothing really worked. I'd almost given up hope... That's when I found out about the Herba Mystica!"

"The book you have there, right?" I ask.

"I found it in my mom's lab. It's this book full of crazy stories and legends and things - stuff nobody'd usually believe. But I believe it! I think what it says is true! And according to this book, eating all five Herba Mystica can cure anything that ails you! Case in point, Mabosstiff's paws were cold as ice before he ate that last herb. But they've warmed up a little now - I'm sure they have!"

So the herbs really are helpful for the Pokemon... if only we had these for the Stoutland back then...

"Oh! You've done eating, bud?" Arven asks.

The dog Pokemon slowly stands up and his eyes are starting to open, Arven gasps, "H-hey! Mabosstiff! Can... can you see? Are your eyes open?!"

"Wait, he was blind?" I ask.

"Yes! I did it!" Arven cheers. "It... It's been so long since he was able to open his eyes! I was so worried...Oh man, I-! I'm so-! I'm so glad!"

"He kneels again, and smiles, "Heh... Ehehehehe... Aw, look at him. Those fiery orange little eyes... Hard to even tell if they're open or not, but I know the difference! The power of these herbs is amazing! I knew the book wasn't lying! I'm gonna bring Mabosstiff back to full health, I swear it!"

"So that's your story... so we need to find three more herbs to cure it." Lilllie says as we also nod.

Once we get out of the cave, we got a call from Professor Turo this time. "Hello, Ash and Lillie. This is Turo. We detect that both Koraidon and Miraidon have regained more of their original power. While riding upon them, they seem you should now be able to move across water."

"So that form was their swimming form?" I ask in shock.

"We're relying on you to continue taking good care of Koraidon and Miraidon." Once he ends the call, we didn't get to ask about their relationship with the Aether Family.

"Well, looks like he's gone already..." Luke sighs. "So are we heading back to school?"

"On second thought, I think we should camp here... the Dark Type Team Star Base is actually around the corner." I say.

"I see... then we should do Cassiopeia's task tomorrow." Lillie says.

And unknown to them, inside a room of the dorm, someone is watching Ash and Lillie, she mutters a smile, "Finally..."

And here is a new chapter, this marks the second Titan and I hope you like this chapter, the next chapter will be the Team Star Dark Type Base.

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