Chapter 21 Giacomo's Past

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When I come to the school, I join the department of Music in the school, I like music that I've been working hard to get into this university, and I'm not going to let this chance be wasted.

I had a lot of good friends at school, but my best friend has to be Gladion Aether. We have been battling together for a long time, and although he was in a different department than I, we still hang out often as brothers along with some of our friends.

When the third year has come, I never saw him again in school, there is a plague, and the number of students coming to school decreased.

"So you were going to stay at the Alola Region?" I ask him on the phone. "You won't be able to come here anymore?"

"I'm sorry." Gladion says with a slightly guilty tone. "My mother thinks that it is dangerous to go back to Paldea because of this plague, so I was forced to stay here at the Alola Region. But it will be fine for me... It has been a long time since I met my sister and she had been worried about me for a long time."

"I see..." I frown. "Well, but anyway, I was nominated to be the Student Council, I am not sure if I can actually be one..."

Gladion looks at me and says, "Congratulations, you have always been some sort of leader, I'm sure that you're perfect to become the president of the Student Council."

"You think so?" I smile a little. "I mean, that really means a lot... Being the president of the student council seems to be a big job... Thanks for the vote of confidence, bro."

"Anytime." After Gladion ends the call, I decide to work hard so I can actually become the president of the Student Council.

During the time before the election started, I have been looking around the university to see what can be improved. Whenever someone needs help, I will also help them out. Such as their Pokemon stuck on the tree, I would climb up and bring the Pokemon down safely, or give out some potions for injured Pokemon on the way. Everyone seems to like my helpfulness and eventually, I was elected to be the president of the student council.

"I finally did it... I'm now the president of the Student Council..." I smile as I look at the sky. "I'm going to change the school better, and I'm not going to give up!"

And now that I have become the president, I remember that my slogan is to help as much as we can, so I decided to put a suggestion box so that those who have suggestions will be able to speak to us.

Day after day, I find that there are a lot of suggestions in the box, a lot of the suggestions aren't actually related to school, something like can we eat ice cream in class or something else. Sometimes I have to stay up late to look through every single one of the suggestions, and when Friday comes, I decide to list the new rules that I want to add into our school rules.

"Male students' hair must stray no further than 1.8 inches below the nape? What kind of rule is that?" One of the council members asks.

I say in a tired tone, "Some students suggest that because they just want to differentiate the gender so that they won't be treated as gay or something..."

"And what about this? Ice Cream stands shouldn't be established in the food court. This is not what we are supposed to change!" Another member says.

"It is because some people waiting in line for the ice creams that cause them to come to school late, and the teachers are annoyed that the students aren't paying attention to class because they're busy eating their ice creams."

And ever since I become the school council president, the argument with the other council members have been getting more and more, and in the suggestion boxes, complaints about the changed school rules are becoming more often. I have been stressed because no matter what I do, it is always not right.

When I was about to get into the council room, I hear the rest of the council members talking to each other.

"At first I thought our president Giacomo can help us change the school for the better, but all of his policies are getting out of hand..."

"And it is tiring to keep changing the school rules every week. Some of the rules are actually unintuitive and strict! If he continues to become the president of the School Council, then the whole school is going to suffer!"

"For the sake of our school, we have to let Giacomo resign." I flinch as I can't believe what I'm hearing. "He has to leave the school council."

"Then who are we going to pick as the new president?"

"How about Nemona? She just joined a month and everyone has been liking her a lot. Maybe she can become a better president than Giacomo..."

I feel a tear dropping from my face, so this is what they think of me, huh... and just as I expected, after another week, I was being kicked out from the school council, not just the president, and Nemona is my successor.

After some days, whenever I come to school, I have been mocked by other students for being kicked out of the school council. I tried to contact my best friend Gladion, but he never answered my calls...

"If it isn't the failure School Council president?" "Serves him right for leaving the school council, all he did was keep making stupid rules."

And there are some times, I was even beaten up by those students, I didn't resist, and I was threatened not to tell the teachers about it. But when they broke my headphones... it was actually the last straw... my heart wandered in the darkness because of that.

"Hey..." It is then a girl walks towards me, picks up my headphones, and asks, "If you want to, I can help you fix it..."

I stare at her and ask, "Why do you want to help me? I'm just a failure... I couldn't change the school for the better..."

The girl says, "It is not your fault. If anything, those people take your kindness for granted, I know that you really want to help them a lot. It is not just you, I've seen people like you in school, and they all felt weak and helpless...that's why I can't stand by and watch them suffer."

I am surprised to see the girl, she was just like an angel from the heavens, and after she manages to fix my headphones, she asks, "Giacomo, do you want to help me? Together, we can help the other students that are suffering the same fate as you. We will get our revenge against those people and become the bright star instead."

I stare at her and then my fixed headphones, then I also think of my bad past and show determination. "I'll help you, I am not going to let people suffer like me."

The girl smiles at me and says, "Then let's go."

"Wait, you haven't given me your name..." I say to the girl in front of me, and she turns around and says, "My name is Cassiopeia."

After that, Cassiopeia and I decide to make Team Star together. However, Cassiopeia is a shy person and she prefers working in the shadows, so I was the one who gathers people to help us out. I start by finding four people who suffer the same fate as me, and then the five of us create our own squads and we start to gather volunteers.

Time flies really fast, after making Team Star, we have been getting a lot of students to join in. So Cassiopeia and I have chatted a lot about the plans that we're going to set for our revenge.

"Guess that's that..." I sigh as I look into my laptop, and I see my four buddies walking towards me. Ortega, Mela, Eri, and Atticus.

"What's up, Giacomo? Did something happen?" Ortega asks with concern.

"The big boss just wanted my take on some stuff... So we had a chat and settled on a few plans." I say to them, while my eyes are still focusing on the track that I'm making.

"A few plans...? Like, for what?" Mela asks.

"Operation Star, first of all. And also... a new code of conduct for the team." I say. "You know how tons of new members have joined up recently? Well, we figure we gotta make some team rules - like a code - so we'll all be on the same page."

"Nice! You'll come up with a great code for us, won't you, Giacomo?" Eri asks.

I flinch as I accidentally deleted the line that I was making, but it's a good thing I can just press the return button. I look at him with a wry laugh, "Hah, no thanks. Waaay too much pressure. I mean, yeah, I used to be president of the student council. but you know everyone ended up hating me after that, right?"

"'Course we know. You forced a ton of stuffy rules on everyone, and they wouldn't take it." Mela says. "We got some other nerd to replace you after, like, five minutes."

"Hey! Not five minutes, five weeks!" I yell back at her.

"I can't help but concur..." Atticus says. ""Male students' hair must stray no further than 1.8 inches below the nape" and so forth... Your rules were vexation made manifest!"

Damn... the last thing I want is Atticus to say that to me. It just brings back some bad memories that make me depressed, I mutter, "My point exactly! So you'll all agree that I shouldn't be let anywhere near this new code."

"But you always know what's best for the team, Giacomo! You look out for us!" Ortega says, trying to cheer me up.

"You've earned our trust many times over. Without you, Team Star just wouldn't work." Eri says.

"That stuck-up student council prez isn't who you are anymore, man." Mela says, much to my surprise. "A code written by the Giacomo I'm lookin' at now... I'd follow that any day."

"As would I!" Atticus says.

Am I hearing this right? All four of them are willing to give my rules a try? For some reason, I feel so touched and I have another inspiration for the music track. I smile and say, "OK, OK, thanks for the ego boost, everyone. I'll do it... I'll write up the darn code."

Despite my saying that I don't want to do it, I actually smile that the four of my friends really respect my decision. With the model of the School Rules, I made up our own Team Star rules. Since we don't want to become a monopoly, I also added a rule that everyone has to follow:

The Bosses of Team Star must accept the challenge for the title, and when the boss loses the title, they should give up the badge and the role as the leader.

And here is a new chapter, this is basically Giacomo's POV Chapter, besides the last part being a part of the game, everything is actually made up by me. It is not just Giacomo, every squad leader will have their own story like this. I hope you like this chapter and we'll be back to Ash's POV in the next chapter.

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