Chapter 23 Hide-and-Seek

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Reisa is now coming with the two of us this time, and she will also come in next week, much to our delight. The three of us manage to arrive at Levincia City, and it is also a modern place with a lot of ads and buildings.

"Look at this place... it is charged up with electricity..." Lillie says.

"Reminds me of Lumiose and Sunyshore." I chuckle. "But anyway, places with Electric Type Gym often look like this."

"By the way, I have to assume that Electric Type is your favorite type?" Reisa asks, "Since Pikachu is an Electric Type after all."

"Maybe, though I admit that I use Pikachu more often than my other Electric Types. But I think that Luxray is powerful with its X-Ray eyes, and also Eelektross, which has no weakness because of its ability, and also some great Pokemon like Toxtricity, only that it is loud."

"And I still remember the day when you get the Electrium-Z from Tapu Koko on the first day of school." Lillie says.

"Yeah... and Kahuna Hala gave two 2 Z-Crystals instead of one because the Electrium-Z was broken." I add.

After heading inside the gym, we get a call from Nemona. "Hey, Ash, Lillie! It's meee! How's the Gym journey? Which one are you going for now?"

"The Lavincia Gym." I say.

"Wait, seriously? I'm close by! Hang on, I'll come say hi." And just after 5 minutes, Nemona manages to rush into the gym building, and we all jump.

"Hey hey! There you are!" Nemona says.

"You scared the hell out of us..." Lillie says.

"So this is the Gym you chose to be number three, huh? Well, you're up to the challenge for sure! But, like, just to be safe... you probably better have a pre-Gym warm-up battle with me!"

"Seriously, Nemona? We have been battling in school for who knows how many times!" Lillie says.

"That was before, and you probably held back. Now let's go! C'mon, the field of battle awaits!" Nemona grabs my hand and rush off, causing the other two to follow.

When we arrive at the large plaza in the middle of the city, I notice that it is also surrounded by water. "Before you take on a Gym, it's good to see if you can find the battle court in town and check it out. It helps to see where the court is, what it's made of - stuff like that. Those things might affect how the battle goes!"

"So this is where the Gym Leader is going to fight us?" I ask in surprise. "It sure is a good place for the Electric Types."

"Y'know, Ash, one look at your face, and it's obvious that you're getting even stronger! So are you ready for it?"

I sigh, she might be our senior, but she has been battling me and Lillie for a lot of time, and this time she is using Meowscarada, Midday Lycanroc, and Pawmot to battle, but all three of them are easily defeated by my Pokemon.

"Yup, your skills are ripening quick!" Nemona says. "Man, you sure battle like someone with more than two Gym Badges! Well, that was a great battle! Fruitful for sure!"

"I still think it was useless..." I mutter, but at least she gives us some Full Heals as compensation. "I'd challenge you again literally right now... but Champions have to be understanding. So I'll hang back and respect your time! Keep on collecting badges for now, and let's battle next time we run into each other at a Gym!"

"Geez..." Lillie mutters after seeing Nemona leaves. "Now Ash has to heal his Pokemon again."

Reisa says, "Just let her do what she wants. She's the school's prez after all."

When we head back to the Gym, we go to the counter. The staff says, "Welcome to the Levincia Gym! Let me register you as a challenger. Your name is Ash Ketchum, yes?"

"Of course." I let the Rotom Phone register my ID and the applications, and then the staff says, "Great! Now, in order to face Gym Leader Iono, you'll first need to pass the Gym test. Here at the Levincia Gym, that means starring in one of Iono's streams!"

"Wait, we're going to be a part of the streams?" I ask.

"Iono's a streamer as well as a Gym Leader, so we want you to dazzle her audience with your skills and rack up those subscriptions! Just head outside, and you'll soon find out what you need to do. Now head out there and have fun!"

Reisa says, "That's cool, to be able to take part in the stream..."

"I guess I'm going to do the same thing tomorrow..." I say.

And just as we head outside of the building, we are surprised to see a lot of cameras in front of us. A person is pressing something from the laptop and we hear the voice. "Ladies aaand gentlemens! It's time for the Iono Zone!"

Lillie quickly opens up the Rotom Phone and says, "Hey! It's us! We're on screen..."

"Maybe we should get out of here since Ash is the one doing the mission right now." Reisa says as the two girls quickly leave, much to my dismay.

Inside the Rotom Phone, Iono appears at the bottom left screen of the stream, and she says, "Hey, hey, heyyy! Your eyeballs are MINE—caught in my Electroweb! Whosawhatsit? Iono! I'm the Gym Leader here! 'Ello, 'ello, hola! Ciao and bonjour!"

"The Gym Leader?" Since I'm not watching the Rotom phone, so I don't see anyone around here.

"Indeedy-doo! I kick it as Gym Leader when I'm not producin' sweet content on the internet as an influencer to bring dreams to the masses!" Iono says. "And, uh...I hope this doesn't come as too much of a surprise, but you're bein' broadcast live to the world right now! Smile!"

"I guess so." I say with a slight smile.

"Anywho, World Monarch Ash! Thanks for coming out to the Levincia Gym to see me! I'm super happy you're here, but I'm also a bit of a celeb, ya know? I'm all kiiinds of busy! So I can't collab with you unless I know you can bring in those sweet, sweet viewer numb— Er, I mean, I gotta make sure you can bring some real passion to my stream! Nyohoho!"

Really? She already said that I'm the World Monarch and she doesn't trust me to bring in the viewers?

"And! So! If you wanna battle me, you're gonna have to help me make this Livestream a viral hit first! Got it? I can tell you just can't wait to get started! Well, well, WELL then! Allow me to explain the plan! Come on out, Mr. Walksabout!"

When I turn around, I open my mouth wide as Director Clavell is now in front of me. Is this guy really stalking me? He appeared last week as Clive, and now he comes here as well?

"Oh, Ash. What a coincidence, meeting you here." Clavell says.

"Say whaaat?! D'you guys know each other or somethin'?" Iono gasps. "This here dude had a real aura about him when he was walkin' down the street, so I snatched him up for my dealio here!"

"You are, er, too kind. Ha ha ha..." Clavell says.

"Well anywho, Ash! Since you're today's challenger, I'mma have you play hide-and-seek with Mr. Walksabout here! Look for the good gentleman using the street surveillance cameras! Find 'im three times, and you can consider this Gym Test passed! We need a better name for this challenge, though! I'll call it... "Where in Levincia Is Mr. Walksabout?"!"

I am still in shock, for some reason I think this name sounds kinda familiar...

"Y'think that title's safe? There's nothing iffy about it or anything, right? Eh, whatevs! I 'unno 'bout you, but I'm ready to go! Get ready to hide, Mr. Walksabout!" Iono says.

"I feel that I owe the Pokemon League for many a past favor, so I am more than happy to help." Clavell says. "Do bear with me as I try my best in my allocated role."

"Sure..." I mutter.

At the sides, Lillie and Reisa are watching as Reisa says, "Looks like the director is going to join this as well..."

"Though I wonder if he's also stalking us as well... he did show up on our treasure hunt last week..." Lillie mutters.

After Clavell walks off, I was taken by one of Iono's staff to the computer, and there I can also see that Iono is standing in front of some sort of green screen. "Mayhap our dapper gentleman is ready?! Heyyy, Mr. Walksabout! You good to go?"

"Yes, I am." Clavell says, and then the staff shows me a video feed. "Nyohoho! Ready he be! Mr. Walksabout is hiding somewhere in this video feed, friendo! Open those eyes wide like a Magnemite and get to searchin'! Ready or not, here our challenger comes!"

As I look into the picture, I already find that Director Clavell is sitting at the table on the right side of the picture. I use the arrow on the laptop to point out the direction of Clavell, and it seems that everyone can see the arrow, including Clavell and Iono.

"Oh dear. It seems you've found me." Clavell says.

"Our challenger has found Mr. Walksabout! Wowzah! You did it! You're one cool kid! WELL THEN...before we move on to the next round, let's make things a little more interesting. You get to have a battle with one of my fans! Get out here, ya silly Poké Maniac!"

Then I have to battle the gym trainer as he sends out Luxio to battle me, I go for Garchomp since I intend to sweep the Electric Type Pokemon, and I use just a Mud Bomb to defeat it.

"Aaand you win! Well done, challenger friendo!" Iono cheers. "Time for a change of scenery!"

Then I was taken back to the laptop again, and they are giving me a second video feed. "Here we go! The next stage for my totally rad test! Everybody loves it—it's the Pokémon Center! Mr. Walksabout is once again hidin' in the feed somewheres! Panic! Ahhh! Find 'im quick!"

I can see that this is getting harder, but seriously... why would Nurse Joy let Clavell stand in her position? What if a Pokemon needs to be treated? After pointing him, he says, "Oh? And here I thought I had blended into my surroundings quite well."

"Mr. Walksabout's been found once again! Yesss! I knew you were somethin' special! Let's spice things up again before movin' on to ye olde next round! That's right—iiit's another Pokémon battle! Get out here, Poké Maniac pal!"

This one is using a Tynamo, and much to my annoyance, this Pokemon has Levitate! But it's a good thing that Garchomp has Dragon moves, and I decide to defeat it with Dragon Claw. His second Pokemon is a Flaaffy, and it is also defeated by Mud Bomb.

"Aaand you win! Well done, challenger friendo!" Iono cheers. "There's no stoppin' ya! Master of seekin' and master of battlin'! You're the real deal! Allllll righty, then. Time for a change of scenery!"

And the last video feed is the worst, since people are like Applins on the video feed, I can't actually see people's faces in this one.

"Ze last stage will be this place right here— the battle court, where battles are a-ragin'! Can you find our Mr. Walksabout among these randos?! Let's find out! Readyyy? GO!"

Now I have to take some time finding, and I don't want to make any mistakes. And eventually, I finally find that Clavell is actually sitting on the boat on the right side of the picture.

"My, my. Admirably done." Clavell says after I point the arrow at him. Really? "I hope you will find your treasure in your independent study with just as much ease."

"Woo! My subscriber numbers are on the rise like a super-fast Eelektross crawlin' out of the ocean! Err, I mean congratulations on passing my Gym Test! Hot diggity dang! What a good time, huh? You had people on the edge of their seats worldwide! I bet I could have some suuuper rad streams by collabing with you, Ash! So heyyy, when you're ready, just hit up my lobby staff! They'll get you all set up to collab with me lickety-split! I'll be ready to go whenevs!"

And after that, the Gym Mission is done and the stream ends. Lillie and Reisa walk towards me and Lillie says, "That was a show... but to think that Director Clavell can play hide-and-seek..."

"Yeah... never knew he's that kind of man." I say as we all head inside the gym building.

"I see Iono gave your performance the thumbs-up. Amazing job, Ash!" The staff says. "Well done clearing the Gym Test. You've now earned the right to challenge the Gym Leader. Best of luck!"

Since we know where Iono is going to be, so we didn't ask for directions from the staff this time and headed there as soon as possible.

And here is a new chapter, this chapter is probably the funniest to write, and I hope you like this chapter as the next chapter will be the battle with Iono.

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