Chapter 35 Navi Squad Raid Part 1

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Reisa, Lillie, and I are now at the Pokemon Center in the East Province Area 3, and we're going to fight the Poison Type Boss of the Team Star.

"So the Poison Type base is located in a place known as Tagtree Thicket." Lillie says. "This forest is also home to a lot of Pokemon like Grafaiai."

"Yeah... it is also said that this place has Pokemon that we can actually find in the forest near our Alola School as well." I say.

"Anyway, the base should be in the south." Reisa says as we head to the base, and much like before, director Clavell, disguised as Clive, appears in front of us.

"Ash, Lillie, and Reisa!" He greets us, and in the disguise, he still doesn't refer to us as Master or Miss again.

"Director Clavell... what's the matter?" I ask.

"As I've told you, the name's Clive. Please don't forget it." Clive seems to be annoyed at the fact that I'm always exposing his disguise, and I don't why, it is very funny to me.

"Now, let's pick up our conversation from where we left off before. As I mentioned, I joined Operation Starfall to resolve a sticky situation and to find out the reasons behind Team Star's odd behavior. Above all, I want to know why the students in Team Star have stopped coming to school. And, just like Cassiopeia, I want the team to disband for good."

"We're going to disband the team of course." I nod.

"Since joining Operation Starfall with you, I've already had some success in opening up a dialogue with Team Star. And I think I'm starting to understand things more clearly. But I don't have enough information just yet. That's why I want to speak with students from Team Star's other squads as well."

"I see..." Lillie says.

"If you intend to take on another base, know that you can count on me for backup." Clive says while tidying his hair again. Why would he go with that hairstyle anyway? "Till then, see you around, Ash, Lillie, and Reisa."

After he leaves, we find the gate of the base and see a student arguing with a Team Star member.

"Do me a favor and go home already, will ya?" The grunt frowns.

"NO! I wanna see the boss of the Navi Squad! Take me to Don Atticus!" The student yells.

"Like I said, kid, the boss told me not to let any outsiders past these gates! That includes you!" The grunt says.

"I don't care! I'm not leaving till you let me talk to Don Atticus!"

"Gimme a break, you little doofus..." The grunt notices our arrival and he groans, "Oh great. Here come other randos to ruin my day. I didn't think grunt work for Team Star newbies would be this much of a chore..."

The student notices us and says, "Hold on, Mr. Grunt! I think these people might be Ash and Lillie!"

"Wait... Ash and Lillie? Those kids who picked a fight with Team Star?" The grunt asks.

"Yeah, that's us, so are we going to battle or not?" I ask.

"I knew it!" The student says.

"Hoo-boy, this ain't good!" The grunt frowns. "Everyone else in the base is still asleep since we were up all last night playing video games..."

"Leave them to me, Mr. Grunt! I'll buy some time for you to go wake up the others!"

We are surprised that the student wants to help Team Star. The grunt asks, "Yeah? And what's in it for you?"

"Don Atticus will be in danger if no one's here to defend the base! I owe that man my life. He's my dear compadre! And when crisis calls, one has no choice but to rally to those dear to him - no matter the cost!"

"Yeah, I have no idea what you're on about, kid. But thanks for the big assist!" The grunt says.

Seriously, what is with this kid? I know that he wants to return the flavor, but I'm sure that he is not going to be a fair match for us.

"All right, you villain! If you're after Don Atticus, be prepared to face my wrath!" The boy yells.

"Sure, bring it on." I sigh, I really don't want to fight this kid, and I think I kinda remember him from the Drama Club as well, though he didn't show up most of the time and president Elline seems to be furious about it. His name I think is Youssef.

He sends out Gulpin and Shroodle to battle, so he is also a Poison Type Trainer... good to know. I go for Ursaluna to battle, and by using Headlong Rush, both Pokemon are defeated with ease. Although I guess that he flinches during the middle of the battle because he has no idea what he's facing.

"I talk big, but I'm no warrior..." He mutters. "Don Atticus... I'm sorry I failed you..."

Clive walks towards us and asks, "Are you all right?"

"We're fine, it wasn't even a fair match, to begin with." I sigh. "Where are you?"

"I was standing watch when I heard a ruckus all of a sudden." Clive says.

"Argh... No fair! You had backup this whole time!" Youssef yells.

"Is this boy one of the university's students? He doesn't look like he's from Team Star..." Clive says.

"You're right - I'm not a member of Team Star... but Don Atticus is my compadre! I have to see him no matter what!"

"Well, clearly you have your reasons for being here. Ash, Lillie, Reisa... I'd like to ask this boy some questions. You go ahead and get started on the base." Clive turns to Youssef, "Might I borrow you for a chat, my, ah... my man? Don't worry - I won't bite."

After the two of them leave, Cassiopeia calls us once again. "Nice work dealing with the guard."

"Forgot that you are able to track my location with just hacking and see what I'm doing..." I say, "So why did you call?"

"Within that base lies Team Star's Poison crew... the Navi Squad. Their boss, Atticus, designs the outfits for the team - you could say he has clever hands. The guy's also... a bit of an eccentric. You can never tell what he's going to do next. So since it's beyond us to predict how he'll respond to our declaration of war... just take out as many of the squad's Pokemon as you can until Atticus shows his face."

"I see..." I say, basically everything is the same, no matter how she tries to differentiate them.

"Ring the bell on the gates once you're ready to kick off this phase of the operation." Cassiopeia says. "Time to wipe the Navi Squad off the map!"

After the call ends, Reisa says, "So what was that Pokemon you have there? I don't think I have seen it before."

"Ursaluna is the evolution of Ursaring." I say. "By evolving it under a full moon with the Peat Block. Its move Headlong Rush was like a Close Combat but a Ground Type move."

"Peat Block? I have never heard of that item before..." Lillie says.

"Because they don't exist in this world. Ursaluna is considered an ancient Pokemon in the Sinnoh Region. They were supposed to be extinct and I don't mean they are like Aerodactyl who turned into fossils. I only get this because of Arceus' help by sending me to the past."

"Really... so you were sent back to the past before?" Reisa asks.

"Just to solve some problems and then get back without influencing the timeline." I sigh. "It is not that easy, to begin with."

"So you're going to use it on the battle this time." Lillie says.

"Might as well do it." I say. "By the way... the Poison Type... I do remember one Poison Type Gym Battle that I use all six Pokemon just to fight her three Pokemon."

"3-6 wasn't fair to begin with, you say that you have to use 6 Pokemon to defeat her three?" Reisa asks.

"Yeah... The Virbank City Gym Leader, Roxie, is strong." I say. "But for the Pokemon, most of the Poison Type comes from Kanto. I know that Team Rocket likes to use this type a lot."

"That's true." Lillie says. "But I think that Poison Type like Nidoqueen or Nidoking is strong. I wonder why those two Pokemon are unbreedable..."

"If you want to breed a Nidoran, you will need to breed it or Nidorina or Nidorino." I say. "Besides them, there is also Garbodor, its Gigantamax is something else, and probably the only Unova Pokemon that can do that."

Reisa says, "Though I really like Toxtricity, the way that they use their chests as guitars are really amazing."

"Yeah, Toxtricity basically has two forms that depend on nature, and there is also Pokemon like Roserade which is beautiful." I say.

"What about the Z Move?" Reisa asks.

"It was such a pain to find that specific Z Crystal, to begin with. I accidentally found it at Malie City by defeating a Totem Muk who was lurking at the garbage dump. And the kahuna Nanu also doesn't seem to care if a new Totem appears."

"I don't think he actually cares about something. That poor man..." Lillie says.

"I did remember you saying that you have to threaten him to give you the Z Crystal for Dark Type. But why would he act like that?" Reisa asks.

"Being an International Police and having his family dead by the attacks with only Acerola as the only one survived." I say. "It's a sad story."

"Really..." Reisa says. "But anyway. We should try to get into the base, should we?"

"Yeah... Reisa, do you have enough Antitodes with you?" I ask.

"I also have the Full Heals with me as well, since we're facing Poison Types after all." Reisa says.

When we press on the button to open the gate, the speaker is saying again. "Seems the folks behind Operation Star-FOOL are finally making a move against our base! You know what that means, gang! Time for us to shine bright and avenge our teammates! And hey, little intruders, just so you know... If you've got the skills to defeat 30 of our Pokemon in 10 minutes, our boss might deem you worthy to meet in person! Heh, break a leg!"

"Yeah, we know already..." I mutter.

But this time they have a lot of Pokemon like Venonat, Venomoth, Foongus, Amoonguss, Shroodle, Grafaiai, Gulpin, Swalot, Wooper, Clodsire, Grimer, Seviper, Gastly, and some Varoom. There are a lot of Pokemon here, but none of them are matches for Farigiraf, Wyrdeer, and Slowbro.

"And what was that Pokemon you have there?" Reisa asks while we continue to battle the grunts.

"That's a Wyrdeer, the evolved form of Stantler, to evolve it, you need to have Stantler use Psyshield Bash 20 times."

"Interesting." Reisa says.

We always finish it under 2 minutes, and the grunts are also terrified at our victories.

"He's way above our level! We've gotta get the boss!" The grunt yells.

"Really? Is that what they think after being defeated by us?" I roll my eyes.

"I guess so." Lillie says as we prepare to wait for the Starmobile to appear.

And here is a new chapter, so we're going into the Poison Base, and this time they're facing someone who Diantha knows from the past. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be the battle with Atticus and his Poison Type Pokemon.

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