Chapter 39 Hoenn Fair Part 2

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During the Art Class, we are surprised that Professor Hassel brings Brassius, the Grass Type Gym Leader from Artazon, to the class as a special guest, he told us about how Professor Hassel saved him while he was in depression with his art style, and he also told us what the Surrendering Sunflora means, it is the fact that he was surrendering all hope that he had that made the art. At first, he did art because he wants fame and fortune, and eventually it causes him to be ill, and gave up hope until meeting with Professor Hassel. Professor Hassel is also touched at the story and I can see a lot of classmates here are feeling the same way.

And after class, we notice that a woman is trying to find Professor Hassel. It turns out that Professor Hassel is also from a Dragon Clan, and his family wants him to quit his job as a teacher to be the head of the clan. After asking our opinions, he decides to refuse the family and continues being the teacher in school, much to our delight. But after that incident, I start to wonder how strong is Professor Hassel, I know it won't be possible to battle the teachers because they are already busy with school work, but he has to be so strong if he is the strongest Elite Four in the Paldea Region... speaking of Elite Four, I also wonder what type is Rita, the one we met back at Cascarrafa Gym. And not just those two, I wonder who are the other two Elite Four members as well.

And when the Hoenn Fair continues, Luke and Reisa's family also arrive at the fair as they are here for the speech and also to see how their children are doing. We get to see Steven first since Wallace and the others are still on their way.

"It sure has been a while since our last meeting, Ash." Steven says.

"Same here. I remember that our last meeting was at the Wydon Stadium where we face each other at the Master's 8, I can't believe it has been months since then." I say.

"Indeed. You're Pikachu really gives my Metagross a nice battle. Though I was quite surprised that you've become a student here at this Narauva University, not to mention you're also Luke's classmate."

Luke says, "It sure is a small world after all. But Ash and Lillie are good friends and we did have a lot of fun together while searching for our treasures. And by the way, how are the research of the Tera Shards that I sent to you?"

"After searching them, we get to know more about Terastallization. And it will be possible to create our own Tera Orb and use it in the other regions like Mega Evolutions."

"I see..." Luke says.

And after a while, we also get to see Reisa's family, I still remember the last time I met Wallace was at the Lilycove City as I battle him with a three-on-three. Although that caused me to miss Chloe and Serena's Contest that day.

"It is nice to see you again, Ash. I hope this time you didn't forget about me." Wallace says to me.

"Of course not, I was in a hurry last time. Besides, you are Reisa's father, so I won't forget about that." I say with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Though I heard you battled against Ash again, Wallace. How was the battle?" Steven asks.

"It was a fair match, I lost. But you also lost to him in the Masters 8 back then." Wallace smiles.

Reisa is now chatting with her cousin Lisia, and I think I remember her being a contest idol with Serena and May. Speaking of May, Lisia also informs me that May will actually come to visit tomorrow with her family, because her father is the Normal Type Gym Leader, of course, I'm excited since it is nice to see old friends again.

"By the way, Ash. I heard from May that you sometimes have taken part in the Contests, I wonder why you didn't want to aim for the Top Coordinator title?" When Lisia asks me that question, I flinch a little.

"I was told by my friends in Sinnoh that I focused more on battling instead of coordinating with my Pokemon, and I was not suitable to take part in the Contests." I say. "I only attend some of them because my Pokemon wants to. Like Ambipom and Floatzel."

"You mean the same Floatzel that my Dad asks you to use in his special Contest?" Reisa asks.

"But I think that your battling style might be able to help you win the contests. They are very unique and some of your moves are flashy in my opinion." Lisia says.

Lillie says, "I think Lisia is right, Ash. Maybe you can also become a Top Coordinator someday. I think that there are some Coordinating classes that we can take the next semester, right?"

Nemona says, "Of course, they are also interesting, I did take some, but I just couldn't do those moves. So I decided to withdraw from the classes..."

"I'm sorry to hear about that." I say with a slight frown. "You did tell us that you withdraw a lot of classes before, that's why we've been in some of the same classes together despite you being a senior to us."

"Yeah..." Nemona blushes a little. "I feel like getting in the same class as you will be able to make me motivated."

"Is that so..." Lillie says while we chuckle a little.


And for the Home Education class, Professor Saguaro decides to show us all kinds of meal powers in the Paldea Region, and both Lillie and I can't believe that different meals have different powers. And each of them is unique.

Reisa and Luke's families are still at the fair with us, since they want to spend more time with their children. I got a call from May and Max, apparently, they know that I'm in Paldea because of the Livestream Iono Zone... that Gym Battle is worldwide and Serena did warn us that everyone sees our battle.

We met up in front of Go-For-Broke Grill, and we also share lunch together. Max says, "So even though you're a university student, you're still challenging the Gyms here in the Paldea Region?"

"Lillie and I are going to challenge the next gym tomorrow. If I remember correctly, this is going to be our fifth gym and it is a Normal Type Gym located in a city called Medali." I say.

"Normal Type Gym as the fifth gym?" May says, "You did challenge our Dad's gym as the fifth gym back in Hoenn as well."

"Really..." Lillie says. "How strong was your father?"

Ash says, "The team I faced against him is the Slakoth evolution line, all three of them. The last one, which is Slaking, is actually hard to beat due to its stats and also the power it has. And I still remember that someone refuses to let me have the badge after I defeated his father."

Max groans a little and says, "It was a lot of years ago. I know that losing is as important as winning a battle. And it is also because of those losses that make you stronger."

May says, "Although I was surprised that Iono would challenge you for a six-on-six battle in her stream, and that was your third gym, right?"

"It seems like every Gym Leader in the Paldea Region is not holding back on me because of my World Monarch status." I say. "And that is not actually a good thing because you know me, I like to use new Pokemon in a new region. Doing so makes me have to use my old Pokemon."

"And what is wrong with that? I'm sure that some Pokemon like Charizard and Sceptile will definitely want to battle again." Reisa says.

"And speaking of battles, Ash! Can we have a one-on-one Gym Battle? I know I won't be able to win this, but I want to try it out." Max asks.

"Sure, I can give you a battle." I say. "But just so you know I'm not going to hold back."

And we decide to use our School Court for the battle, and Max decides to go with Slaking.

"Tauros! I need your help." I decide to go with my Aqua Breed Tauros to battle. Max says, "Was that your original Tauros? It looks different now..."

"This is not my original Tauros, it is a Paldean Tauros, and it is also Aqua Breed. As for the 29 original Tauros, I just trade away for some other Pokemon because I don't know if I'll be able to use them in battling." I say.

"I see... Slaking! Let's go with Hammer Arm!" Max says, and Slaking decides to go for the attack, and I say, "Tauros! Dodge it and then use Aqua Jet!"

My Tauros forms the water around him and starts to attack the Slaking, hitting it hard. Max says, "So this is also a Water Type... I have to play it smart. Use Swagger!"

It tries to make my Tauros confused, but I smirk as I already have Tauros holding the Persim Berry, and it consumes the berry and recovers from the Confusion.

"Nice try, but I have some other moves. Thrash!" When I have Tauros deal a lot of damage on Slaking, Max is confident that it won't hurt that much, and when Tauros is confused again, it just recovers.

"What? I know you have consumed the berry the first time, but how come it gets rid of the Confusion that easily for the second time?" Max asks.

"My Tauros' ability is Cud Chew." I say. "That means I can use the same berry next turn."

Max groans a little and I decide to have Tauros go for Raging Bull, this is actually a move that all forms of Tauros can use, but since my Tauros is an Aqua Breed, the move becomes Water Type.

"Hang in there, Slaking!" Max yells, "Mega Kick!"

"Close Combat!" I decide to go for the finishing move, and eventually, Slaking is defeated and I win the match.

Max says, "You really are good at this, how long did you actually have this Tauros?"

"I got it on Monday, so it is four days." I say.

"Four days?" May asks. "Just four days and he can train the Tauros this strong?"

Luke says, "This is also the first time I see it battle, and I'm also surprised to see how strong it is."

"Cud Chew is supposed to be Tauros' hidden ability, but it is also great to use as well." Reisa says.

"And that battle really gives out a lot of new inspirations for the Contests, don't you think, May?" Lisia asks.

"Of course, Lisia." May says with a smile.

"Your Slaking is very strong, Max. I'm glad to have a battle with you." I say.

"Thanks, Ash. That means a lot." Max says to me.

And after that day, we decide to show them around Mesagoza City as we go shopping and also learning Pokemon, we also bring them to our dorms so we can also play some games, and eventually, time flies so fast and it is time for them to leave.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, May and Max made a return and I have Ash battle Max in a one-on-one in the end. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be the Medali Gym battle against the Normal Type Gym Leader.

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