Chapter 45 Montenevera Gym Battle

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When we go back outside, we see someone is challenging Ryme with the Rap Battle, and the beat is also going really hard as well.

"Yo, yo! This is MY time, and this is MY day! You're not gonna stand in my way! Listen up, Ryme - your reign ends here! You're gonna get rung up by this pro cashier!" The challenger says.

Ryme smirks and raps, "Pro cashier? Well, I'm about to check out. Musta got your rhymes on deep discount! Please - you think you can step to my game? Fool, I got "rhyme" right there in my name! I'm a specter from which there is no protector, and victory unto me you will render when the crowd sees you're a mere pretender! You wanna end my reign? Yeah - keep dreamin'. Buy a book of rhymes, kid, and start readin'!"

Just then, the challenger is scared and he says, "I'm done - you won! My rhymes totally whiffed! But I'll be back - maybe after my next shift!"

Just then, everyone widens their eyes in shock as the show is already over, and Ryme is also angry, "Hold up! Where you goin'? That's all you got?! "After my next shift"? Seriously? Bars over jokes, come on!"

And it is then, MC Sledge brings me to the stage, as I hear Ryme muttering, "That was over way too fast. It gets boring wearin' the crown if no one makes me fight to keep it."

When I walk to the stage, she notices me and says, "Hey, my opener's back! You here for a rap battle or a Gym battle?"

"Although I'm here for a Gym battle, I can also do raps to make you rattle." What am I doing, I am no match against the gym leader... "That is if you want me to do rap, maybe the audience will like to have a clap."

"Hah! You got jokes! We both know why you're REALLY here." Ryme smirks. "You were captivated by that show I put on, huh? I rap what's in my soul, baby. Weavin' words into a symphony of poetry."

Then the beat is back again and she says, "Don't try it with me—you won't last one round. I'm like Sableye: my Mean Look'll lock you down! Like that! You feel me?"

"Let's see if you can really scare me, because I'm not gonna treat this easy. I might be a World Monarch, I will tell you that my battles not all bark."

"Oh?" Ryme smirks. "My music's not all that tops the charts—my skills with Ghost types are the best of their parts!"

Reisa says, "Ash is really stepping into the game..."

"But the way he rap battles with Ryme is so cool..." Nemona says as she and Lillie are fangirling.

Then we all stand to the side of the battlefield as MC Sledge says, "The Double Battle between the Montenevera Gym Leader Ryme and the challenger Ash Ketchum is about to begin. Each trainer will be using 6 Pokemon, and when one loses all 6 Pokemon, the other trainer wins."

"Lest you forget it, the name is Ryme. The MC of RIP is mine. Dead or alive, let's make this a vibe!" Then she goes for Mimikyu and Banette at the same time.

"Do as you want, I don't mind. But just so you know, I'm not that kind. And here's what you get so go behind!" Then I send out Polteageist and Honchkrow to battle.

"We don't mess around in Monenevera. On my stage we Double Battle - don't let it scare ya!" Then she decides to end the rap as we begin the battle.

"Show us an awesome battle, Ryme! And you too, World Champion!"

Ryme goes with the Sucker Punch on Polteageist to deal with a lot of damage before it can go for Shadow Ball, and Mimikyu also sets up the Light Screen.

"Let's break the Disguise with the Hex!" I yell as Honchkrow attacks the Mimikyu and breaks the disguise. Then I have Polteageist use Strength Sap to recover and lower Banette's Attack Stat.

"Nice! He totally nailed that Pokemon's weakness without batting an eye!" Much to my surprise, my Pokemon's Attack and Special Attack stats all raise.

"Use Shadow Ball on that Mimikyu! Honchkrow go for the Night Slash!" I command, and Banette goes for the Icy Wind, which lowers the Pokemon's speed, and Mimikyu goes for the Play Rough on Honchkrow, and in the end, Banette is defeated by Honchkrow's attack, but Honchkrow itself is also defeated.

"One of Ryme's Pokemon went down! Woo! This is so exciting!"

"Well, well, well... one down, but let's not frown. Spiritomb!" Ryme's third Pokemon is the Spiritomb, which sends me a lot of shivers. "Klefki! I choose you!"

My third Pokemn is Klefki, and Spiritomb goes for Will-o-Wisp, burning the Polteageist. "Polteageist, be the sacrifice... Memento!"

I decide to let Polteageist sacrifice itself, but thanks to the stats lowered, Spiritomb is not going to hurt a lot. I go for Brambleghast as my fourth Pokemon. And Mimikyu itself is also defeated by Klefki's Flash Cannon.

"Let's go! Gholdengo!" I was surprised to see that Ryme sends out a Pokemon that is basically made of gold.

"Gholdengo?" I ask with surprise. "I've never seen this Pokemon before..."

"Sucker Punch!" The Spiritomb tries to attack Brambleghast, but thanks to the Memento, it doesn't do much, but it goes for the Curse, cutting all of the health to set the curse, and because of the curse, Klefki is also losing some health.

"Houndstone! You're up next!" And the next Pokemon is also one I've never seen before. But I think it's the evolution of Greavard. It goes for Ice Fang, which is super effective against Brambleghast.

"Brambleghast! Infestation!" I decide to plant the attack on Gholdengo, so it is being bound. But Gholdengo goes for the Substitute, creating a copy to take the Play Rough attack.

"Let's see you like this! Make it Rain!" Ryme yells.

Just then, Gholdengo creates the rain and showers on Klefki, knocking it out of the battle.

"What the... was that move similar to Pay Day?" Reisa asks.

"I've never seen a Gholdengo before... but I guess so... and look at that power. Its base power must have been over 100." Nemona says.

My fifth Pokemon is going to be my buddy, and I have Pikachu go for the Thunderbolt, hitting the Houndstone. Houndstone goes for Crunch, dealing a lot of damage to Brambleghast.

"Brambleghast! Pain Split!" I decide to let the Gholdengo share the pain with Brambleghast, and I decide to go with the combo of Pikachu's Electro Ball and Shadow Ball, finishing the Gholdengo for good.

"Your youthful power's a real threat! But the party's still goin'—I haven't lost yet!" Ryme yells.

And much to my surprise, the last Pokemon of Ryme is Toxtricity, the Low-Key form to be percise.

"That wasn't even the Ghost Type... but Power Whip!" I yell, and Brambleghast goes for the attack that hits Toxtricity, but it doesn't seem to do that much. But much to my shock, Houndstone's surprising Phantom Force causes my Brambleghast to be knocked out.

"Cacturne, I choose you!" My final Pokemon is the Dark Type Cacturne, and the crowd is also cheering.

"He's holding out against Ryme's offensive! Come on! You can do it!"

Ryme says, "Kick back, relax, and enjoy this last track. Turn it up for a grave-rattlin' good time!"

And much to everyone's surprise, Houndstones start to rise from the ground around the stage, Reisa asks, "What's going on here?"

"Houndstones! They are everywhere!" Lillie says.

And on the speaker, a Greavard is grooving to the beat, and Ryme yells, "When I'm on the mic, even the dead rise up! DJ G-Rave over there's sure feelin' it!"

Then she takes out the Tera Orb and sets it on top of Toxtricity, making it Ghost Type. I do the same thing by Terastalizing Pikachu, and this time it is pure Electric Type.

"Okay, that's perfect for Pikachu." I say.

"Put your SOUL into it, Toxtricity! Let's bring the power!" She commands Toxtricity to use Hex on Pikachu, but Pikachu dodges the attack. Cacturne goes for the Sucker Punch, finally defeating Houndstone.

"Now Toxtricity is the last one." I say. "Thunderbolt!"

Pikachu fires the attack, and it is deflected by the Overdrive. Cacturne goes for Needle Arm, which damages more than before.

"Hyper Voice!" Ryme yells, and the attack hits both Pokemon, but in the end, I have Pikachu and Cacturne use Electro Ball and the Energy Ball fusion, defeating the Toxtricity.

"Toxtricity is unable to battle! Pikachu and Cacturne win! Which means the victory goes to Ash Ketchum!"

I smile as I hug both Pokemon, even though Cacturne's thorns are kinda hurting me.

"Givin' up the ghost's not really my style. I'll let you have this one, though, baby." Ryme says as she recalls Toxtricity. "Hah! Great battle—chilling AND thrilling! You've got spirit, kid. You earned my Gym Badge, all right! And how about a VIP pass for my next show, too?"

Then she lets me go down the stage so I can take a selfie with her using the Rotom Phone, and she also gives me the Ghost Badge.

"Too bad it's over! Make your way back to my stage sometime. Maybe next time, we rap battle instead. Who knows? I'm sure you've got some scary-good adventures ahead. I'll be cheerin' for ya! Later!" Ryme says.

"That was hard, Ash." Lillie says.

"Indeed. And also amazing." Nemona says.

"As expected from the World Monarch himself." Reisa smiles.

"Thanks guys." I say, and I'm glad that I'm not going to do those raps again because it is tiring to think about those words.

After the next day, Lillie also gets to battle Ryme. Despite not going with the rap approach like I did, she still beats her Mimikyu, Banette, Houndstone, and Toxtricity in the end.

And once we get into the Gym building, we are surprised to find Professor Hassel there.

"Greetings once more, Ash and Lillie. And to you two as well, Reisa, Nemona." Hassel says.

"Professor Hassel?" I ask.

"I was watching your battle with the Gym Leader from the sidelines, and I must say... I thought it was simply excellent! Full marks! Gold star! Extra credit, even!"

We sweatdrop at the teacher's thoughts. "Hardly had you sent out Vulpix before you launched into your strategy. The unrelenting offensive! That flurry of attacks! What an efficient way to corner the opponent! And what artfully trained Pokemon! Such a vibrant palette of moves!"

"Thanks?" Lillie asks.

"Ah! I do beg your pardon. I didn't mean to let my emotions run amok like that. Ahem! In summary, I simply wanted to say that you seem to have gotten even stronger. I must admit I'm eager for all of you to gather all the Gym Badges. As a member of the Elite Four, I await the day you come to face me with great anticipation!"

"That's good to know." I say.

After Hassel leaves, Nemona says, "To be held in high regard by Professor Hassel and even La Primera is something else, you two."

"I guess so..." I say as we all head back to school so we can rest.

And here is a new chapter, this is the sixth gym battle, and both Ash and Lillie have gotten their 12th badge. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter is going to be the Kanto Fair this time.

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