Chapter 58 Glaseado Gym Battle

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When we get to the battlefield, we are waiting for the Gym Leader to show up. And just then, we find a white Pokemon walking toward us. Lillie asks, "What's that?"

"It's a Cetoddle." Drandon says. "It is an Ice Type Pokemon."

The Pokemon is jumping in front of me, and I was confused. Just then, a blue-haired man with a scarf covering his mouth and wearing a white coat walks towards the Cetoddle and says, "There you are!"

He shivers a little and says, "Brrrr... I'm freezing..." He turns to me and says, "I take it you're a challenger? Ash Ketchum, the World Monarch?"

"So you're Grusha? The Gym Leader?" I ask.

"My name's Grusha. I'm a snowboarder. Used to be pro, actually." He says. "Now I'm a Gym Leader. I saw you on the slopes. Your skills... Yeah, they were pretty cool."

"Thanks?" I ask.

"But don't let that go to your head. Winter mountains are dangerous. They can throw your life right off course, easy as that." Grusha says to me.

"Yeah, I think I've already had some experience with that." I wince a little.

"Same thing with Pokémon battles, really... It's always the most dangerous when you're just starting to get the hang of things. Today's not a great day to face me, you know... You're better off giving up. You sure you want to battle me?"

"Give up? Like hell, I'm going to give up!" I yell, for some reason, I don't like this Gym leader.

"Still tryin' to act cool, huh? That's too bad. Well, this is my job don't take what I'm about to do personally."

So he is just like Pryce from the Johto Region, huh... no matter, I'm going to win this battle for sure. The staff comes and says, "The Battle between the Glaseado Gym Leader Grusha and the challenger Ash Ketchum is about to begin. Each trainer will be using 6 Pokemon, and when one loses all 6 Pokemon, the other trainer wins."

"Get ready to feel the icy bite of reality. Frosmoth!" His first Pokemon is Frosmoth, huh? Then it will be perfect if I go for a Rock Type.

"Stonjourner, I choose you!" I decide to go with Stonjourner first.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. Not my fault if you get overwhelmed." Grusha sighs. "Tailwind!"

He is going to set up the Tailwind, huh... I sigh as I say, "Stonjourner! Let's set up Stealth Rocks!"

I also decide to go with the move and create a lot of invisible rocks, Grusha says, "Quiver Dance and go for Bug Buzz!"

Frosmoth gets a power boost and it lands the attack on Stonjourner, but I have Stonjourner use Heavy Slam to hit back, dealing some damage.

"Now let's go with Stone Edge!" I yell, and once the Stone Edge hits, Frosmoth is getting a lot of damage.

Lillie says, "Nice... Frosmoth is going to take that much damage.

"Use Blizzard!" I have Stonjourner use Wide Guard to protect against the damage, and eventually, I defeat the Frosmoth with Stone Edge again.

"Looks like you do have some skills as rumors say." Grusha says as he sends out his second Pokemon, a Beartic. Beartic goes for the Aqua Jet, dealing a lot of damage to Stonjourner.

"Stonjourner! Use Body Slam!" I decide to have Stonjourner use the move, and it makes Beartic paralyzed, but Beartic goes for the Earthquake, defeating the Stonjourner.

"You did a good job." I recall Stonjourner and decide to go with my second Pokemon. "Hawlucha, I choose you!"

When Hawlucha is sent out, I decide to have it go with the Karate Chop, but Beartic goes for Icicle Crash and it deals a lot of damage to Hawlucha.

"Hang in there, Hawlucha!" I say. "Flying Press!"

"Protect." Grusha says as Beartic manages to protect itself, and then it goes for another Icicle Crash, but this time Hawlucha manages to dodge the attack.

"Hawlucha is part Flying... Ice Type is still going to hurt a lot." Lillie is showing concern.

"But this is Ash we're talking about, I'm sure he'll be fine." Drandon says.

Then I have Hawlucha go for the Flying Press again, and this time it manages to defeat Beartic, giving him the victory.

"Nice work, Hawlucha!" Hawlucha is doing some victory poses like usual.

"He sure is interesting, don't you think?" The next Pokemon that Grusha sends out is a white whale Pokemon that I've never seen before, but I have to guess that it's the evolution of Cetoddle.

"Cetitan, Ice Spinner!" I was confused by the new move, and just then, it deals a lot of damage to Hawlucha.

"Hawlucha! Hang in there and use High Jump Kick!" I try to take a gamble, and much to my horror, Cetitan manages to dodge the attack by using Bounce, and Hawlucha also hurt himself. Then the Bounce manages to finish Hawlucha off.

"If this is the strength of the World Monarch, then I'm disappointed." Grusha sighs.

"Hey, just so you know I can show you more." I say while sending out my next Pokemon, Tyranitar. Tyranitar's Sand Stream causes the Sandstorm to come, and I have Tyranitar use Rock Slide, defeating the Cetitan with ease.

"Well, if you want a Persudo Legendary, I can also give you one." Grusha says as he sends out a Pokemon that I've never seen before, but it is a large dragon with something on its back.

"That's Baxcalibur!" Drandon says. "The Persudo Legendary Pokemon of the Paldea Region!"

"So that means it has 600 base stats as well?" Lillie asks with surprise.

"Brick Break." Grusha says, and Tyranitar is getting a lot of damage by the attack. I say, "I can't give up right now. Tyranitar! Use Fire Fang!"

"Wait, Ash! Don't do it!" Drandon yells, but it is too late, Baxcalibur takes the Fire Type attack, but I can see that its Attack stat is boosting.

"Baxcalibur has the ability Thermal Exchange, and now you're finished. Glaive Rush!"

When Baxcalibur attacks Tyranitar with the powerful Dragon Move, I can see that Tyranitar is finished. I frown a little and says, "Tyranitar... I'm sorry."

I recall my Tyranitar and Pikachu wanting to jump into the battlefield. "Okay, Pikachu. I trust you buddy."

When Pikachu is in the field, I yell, "Let's do Brick Break!"

Pikachu goes for the attack, and much to my surprise, the attack manages to deal more damage to Baxcalibur than I expected.

Lillie asks, "What's going on here? That sure is a lot of damage..."

"Glaive Rush might be powerful, but after using it, the opponent's next move will always hit and becomes double the damage." Drandon says.

I smirk as I find a chance to continue. "Pikachu! Let's go with Draco Spark!"

Pikachu smirks as he goes for its Dragon move, and Grusha tries to have Baxcalibur blocks it with Dragon Claw, but it fails as the attack hits and knocks the Persudo Legendary out.

"I have to admit that your Pikachu is something else. Weavile is my fifth Pokemon."

After Weavile appears, I have Pikachu use Brick Break, but Weavile manages to dodge the attack and goes for the Night Slash, hitting Pikachu.

"Thunderbolt!" I have Pikachu use the attack, but Weavile blocks it with the X-Scissor, and then deals the Ice Punch on Pikachu, knocking it out.

"Pikachu... I'm sorry again." I sigh, Pikachu has been losing a lot in the gym battles recently. After giving the Pokemon to Lillie, I decide to use Hatterene next.

"A Fairy Type... I see... however, will it be able to withstand the Shadow Claw?"

I quickly have Hatterene use Dazzling Gleam to blind the Dark Type Pokemon. Then I have it use Mystical Fire, dealing a lot of damage.

"Hatterene, use Dazzling Gleam again!" "Night Slash!"

Both attacks are hitting each other, but in the end, Hatterene overpowers Weavile and defeats it. Meaning that Grusha has only one Pokemon left.

"You're not just talk, I see. But you're still one false step from a steep fall!" Grusha says.

His final Pokemon is an Altaria, a Pokemon that I'm not expecting. But I have Hatterene use Dazzling Gleam before it can Terastallize, but Altaria just defeats my Hatterene with just a Hurricane and the Confusion effect.

"Here goes nothing." I send out my final Pokemon, which is Lucario.

"Battles are like mountains in winter—the situation can change in a heartbeat." Grusha says.

The two of us Terastallize our Pokemon, my Lucario is Steel Type and Altaria is Ice Type.

"You're always just one step away from devastation... The cold will leave you shaking."

He has Altaria use Ice Beam on Lucario, but Lucario dodges the attack and goes for the Flash Cannon, dealing a lot of damage. Then Altaria goes for Hurricane, making Lucario confused, but Lucario manages to calm himself and use Aura Sphere, eventually defeating the Altaria in the end.

"Altaria is unable to battle, Lucario wins. Which means the victory goes to Ash Ketchum!"

"Nice work." I shake hands with Lucario, since hugging might not be the best choice because of the spike on his chest.

Grusha recalls Altaria and says, "You melted straight through my ice, just like it used to be..."

"Did you say something?" I ask.

"Oh, never mind. I should give you your Gym Badge." He gives me the Ice Badge, and when Rotom tries to take a picture of us, Grusha asks, "Huh? You want a photo together to commemorate your win...? C-come on, that's...that's so uncool. I don't usually do that sort of thing, but... OK, fine. Special occasion."

Grusha reluctantly takes a photo with me, and he mutters, "Feel free to stop by again... If you don't mind the cold, that is."

Lillie is doing the gym battle the next day, and we finally find Nemona and Geeta watching her battle. After winning against Frosmoth, Beartic, Cetitan, and Altaria, Lillie also gets her final badge.

Back in the Gym building, Nemona says, "Ash! Lillie! You did it! Aaah, I'm so happy for you! This is the best! I know I said I wasn't worried, but my heart was still pounding the whole time!"

"Most impressive, Ash and Lillie. A shining display of talent, I must admit."

"Seriously. Pat yourself on the back - you beat every single Gym!" Nemona says. "Which means..."

"Indeed. Now that you've gathered eight Gym Badges... all that's left is to take on the Pokemon League!" Geeta says. "If you hope to stand alongside Nemona as a fellow Champion... head to the Pokemon League. That is where you can take on the Champion Assessment."

"I see." I say.

"Yeah - hurry up and get to my rank! I'm itching for a battle of equals!" Nemona says. "I've gotta take the time while you're facing the Pokemon League to fine-tune my Pokemon's moves and revamp all my tactics!"

"But you do remember that we still have other things to do." Lillie sighs.

Geeta says, "It's unusual for me to see her so excited - though perhaps not for you. She must really be happy that she finally has friends who can keep pace with her own talents. There's a special kind of strength that can only be reached by competing with a good rival... Count me among those eager to see how far you three can go! In any case, I'll be waiting for you at the Pokemon League, northwest of Mesagoza."

"Yeah. Once the semester is over, we'll make sure to go there." I say.

After that, we leave the gym and all head back to the school to rest.

Here is a new chapter, and as you can see, Ash and Lillie get all 8 Gym badges, but the quests are not done yet. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will begin the Unova Fair.

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