Chapter 73 Director Clavell's Request

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That night, the six of us are heading to the Courtyard where Cassiopeia is waiting, and just before we're getting there, we find Clive standing in front of the school gate waiting for us.

"'Sup, guys." Clive says.

"Clive?" I ask, since we're in a public area, and I'm sure there are still a few students around. He probably doesn't want to reveal his true identity to us.

"Yup! That's my name. Actually... no. It's time for me to bring this little performance to an end. Allow me to reveal my true identity!" Then Clive takes off his wig and his jacket, revealing himself as Director Clavell we knew.

"I do apologize for deceiving you with my disguise. In truth, the boy you knew as Clive was none other than the director of Narauva University... Mr. Clavell!"

"Yeah, we already know that." Lillie sighs, as we all nod.

"I thought my disguise was perfect, but then again, you guys are also sharp." Clavell says. "Regardless, there is still one more astonishing truth I must reveal to you. The true identity of Cassiopeia, the big boss of Team Star... was ME all along!"

Now, this causes the six of us to get surprised, Director Clavell is the boss of Team Star? This is not true, right? But if he's not Cassiopeia, why would he lie about it?

"Honest to goodness! When you heard Cassiopeia over the phone, that was actually a prerecorded voice." Clavell says.

No, that is definitely not a recorded voice, and it is also a good thing that not every one of us is buying this lie.

"I pulled it off using, er... you know, one of those... high-tech gizmos! Oh yes, it was very clever!" Director Clavell says.

Just great, that just gives away that he is not Cassiopeia. He is making everything up, but the only question in our minds is why.

"So Master Ash and Miss Lillie! Now you know I'm the big boss! That means there is just one thing left to do! Face me in one final showdown to decide it all!"

Then he sends out Oranguru in front of the schoolyard. Nemona says, "Is it really it? I mean... Director Clavell really is Cassiopeia?"

"Of course, I'm not believing this whole thing. But one thing is for sure, we're going to battle the director right here right now." I say. "Lillie, Cassiopeia's battle goes to you, I'll battle Director Clavell here."

"Me?" Lillie is surprised as I give her the role, and I send out Kingambit, ready to battle the director.

"I am Cassiopeia of Team Star! With this battle, I will finally bring Operation Starfall to an end!" Director Clavell says. "Let's set up with Reflect!"

Oranguru goes for the shield to lower the damage of Physical Attacks, and I yell, "Kingambit! Kowtow Cleave!"

I have Kingambit slash at the Oranguru, dealing some damage to it. But Oranguru uses Yawn, causing Kingambit to get sleepy.

"Kingambit! Night Slash!" I have the Pokemon slash at the Pokemon, and knock the Pokemon out in the end. But Kingambit also falls asleep, much to our dismay.

The next Pokemon for Director Clavell is Houndoom, and it keeps using Thunder Fang and Fire Blast while Kingambit is sleeping, defeating the Pokemon in the end.

"Dachsbun! I need your help!" Sending out the Pokemon is quite risky, but I'm betting it because of its ability Well-Baked Body. Houndoom uses Sludge Bomb, and it deals a lot of damage to Dachsbun, but Dachsbun goes for the Play Rough, dealing a lot of damage, and then it goes for Mud Shot, defeating Houndoom in the end.

"So far so good... Ash has defeated Director Clavell's two Pokemon." Luke says.

"But still, isn't it against the rules to battle here in front of the school? Why would he do such a thing?" Reisa asks.

"Let's just hope that none of the teachers or students are reporting this to the chairwoman of the school board." Nemona says.

The third Pokemon for Director Clavell is Abomasnow, this Pokemon immediately sets up the snow with the Snow Warning ability, and it goes for Wood Hammer, knocking out my Dachsbun in the end.

"Armarouge! I choose you!" My third Pokemon is a Fire Type, and I intend to make it an easy battle. Abomasnow sets up Aurora Veil and raises the defenses.

"Use Armor Cannon!" And much to my dismay, the attack doesn't finish the Pokemon off, and it manages to land a Wood Hammer on my Pokemon, dealing a lot of damage. But the good thing about it is that Abomasnow is eventually defeated by the recoil damage.

"Aurora Veil sure is troublesome..." Lillie says. "But it is also a good thing that Abomasnow is down."

The fourth Pokemon for Director Clavell is Polteageist, it goes for a Sucker Punch, dealing a lot of damage to Armarouge, but Armarouge is still standing and it goes for Psyshock, trying to deal as much damage as it can before it is knocked out by the Shadow Ball.

"Looks like the weather effect is gone." Nemona says as the hail stops.

"But I wonder how Ash will deal with Polteageist..." Lillie says with concern.

"Annihilape! I choose you!" I decide to take the risk and send out a Ghost Type Pokemon. Polteageist goes for the Shell Smash, lowering the defenses but raising the other stats, and it goes for Will-o-Wisp to make Annihilape burned.

"Use Rage Fist!" Annihilape throws fists at the Polteageist, and after several hits, the Pokemon is also knocked out.

The fifth Pokemon is Amoonguss, and since my Annihilape is burned, it immediately goes for the move Hex. I have Annihilape goes for Outrage, but after striking a lot of damage, it is still defeated because of the Confusion and Amoonguss' Giga Drain.

"Revavroom! I choose you!" My fifth Pokemon is Revavroom, and Amoonguss tries to use Spore to make this Pokemon fall asleep. Not only that, it continues to attack with Hex. But when Revavroom wakes up, I have it use Zen Headbutt and Overheat, knocking the Amoonguss out.

"Heh. To think that I, Cassiopeia, would be backed into a corner like this." Director Clavell says, and we are still not going to believe it. His final Pokemon is Quaquaval, the Water Type final evolution of the Starter Pokemon in Paldea.

"Aqua Step!" Director Clavell says, and Quaquaval raises its speed and attacks Revavroom with full power. I have Revavroom use Zen Headbutt, but the damage is not enough, as Quaquaval defeats Revavroom with Brick Break.

"Pikachu! You're my final hope!" I say as I send out my final Pokemon.

"Very well... It seems I shall have to Terastallize my Pokemon." Director Clavell says as he Terastallize his Quaquaval, making it pure Water Type.

"I'll do the same thing." I also use the Tera Orb, and Pikachu becomes a Dragon-Type this time.

"A Dragon-Type Pikachu!" Drandon says. "Not really ideal against a Water Type, but Aqua Step is not going to deal a lot of damage to Pikachu now."

"Ice Spinner!" I wasn't expecting that Quaquaval has an Ice Type move, and it deals a lot of damage to Pikachu.

"Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!" Pikachu jumps into the air and fires the electric attack, but Quaquaval dodges the attack with quick speed. It goes for Aerial Ace, striking Pikachu time after time, but I have Pikachu use Draco Meteor, finishing the Quaquaval once and for all.

"How strong you have grown..." Director Clavell says with a smile before recalling his Pokemon. "Well now, Master Ash... It seems you have grown quite splendidly over the course of your Treasure Hunt."

"Okay, Director Clavell. Why did you lie to us? You're not Cassiopeia, right?" I ask.

"And here, once again, I must apologize - Though Clive and myself being the same person was no lie, mind you... Cassiopeia's true identity remains hidden. But I believe I can hazard a guess as to who they may be." Clavell says. "That's why I sought to spare you from having to confront them in battle. Their sorrows... should not be yours to bear."

"But we have to, all of them used to be our friends." Lillie says. "No, it is not just us, but my brother and Ash's sister as well!"

"Indeed. We're doing this for them as well, it is not just our selfish reasons." I say.

"I see... However, Cassiopeia has settled on a course of action and is determined to see it through. I do not imagine any ordinary student could hope to stand against them and win. So I challenge you to a battle to test your skill. If you had lost, it would have fallen to me to bring down Cassiopeia. Such was my resolve. But it turns out you are as strong as you are kind. If anyone has a chance at saving that poor child, it is surely you."

We nod, so this is why the director wants to battle us... "As an educator, it shames me to burden one of my students with such a task..."

Much to our surprise, Director Clavell bows to me. "But please... defeat Cassiopeia! Take on the big boss of Team Star and win!"

"Of course, sir." I say. "We will end Team Star."

"Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I leave this in your hands." Director Clavell nods, but much to our surprise, Professor Tyme has been standing behind Director Clavell and she doesn't seem to be happy.

"You there! What do you think you're doing?!" Professor Tyme asks.

We realize that Professor Tyme must have found out about the battle, I wonder who was the one that gave away the battle to her and have her rush here to scold us?

"Ah! Ms. Tyme, a pleasure to see you." Director Clavell says.

"It's no pleasure at all, Mr. Clavell! I come here to investigate reports of an illicit battle on school grounds, and what do I find? Why, the director of the university himself! Facing of against one of our students, no less! What were you thinking?"

"Ah, no, if I could just explain. You see, it is a rather sad tale..." Now Director Clavell is sweating. Never know that he's scared of Professor Tyme.

"Oh, spare me! Your excuses reek worse than a Stunky's behind!" Professor Tyme continues to glare at him.

A Stunky's b-B-behind?" Clavell asks with shock. "Ahem!"

He turns to us, "Remember - the big boss asked us to meet them in the schoolyard after dark. I'm counting on you."

"You'll write a letter of apology to the students and faculty at once! And I'll be reporting this to the chairwoman of the school board, make no mistake!" Professor Tyme then leaves.

"Good gracious, no! A-anything but that, I implore you..." Director Clavell chases after her, and we are all sweatdropping.

Nemona says, "Never knew Director Clavell was acting like that."

"Yeah... but Lillie, just like I said, the battle with Cassiopeia is in your hands." I say. "My Pokemon is already tired and I'm sure that you can handle her in the end."

"Ash..." She is probably touched at how much I trust her with the upcoming battle that determines the fate of Team Star, she says, "You're right. I can't lose! I will do it."

I smile at her before we all head to the Courtyard, waiting for Cassiopeia to show up.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, Director Clavell is trying to challenge Ash to a battle to see if they can really fight against Cassiopeia. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter is going to be the battle against Cassiopeia.

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