Chapter 89 Stop the Robots

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Now the robot Professors are against us, and they each send out the Ancient and Future Volcarona: Slither Wing and Iron Moth.

"1 d0'n7 kn0w wh0 j00 7h1nk J00 4r3, 8u7 |'m n07 480u7 70 l37 4ny0n3 g37 |n 7h3 w4Y 0f mY G04l5." The fact that the two robots are saying the same thing creeps us out, but both of us decide to go for Noivern and Krookodile to battle.

"Noivern, use Acrobatics!" I yell, and Noivern strikes the attack toward Slither Wing. "Krookodile! Use Stone Edge!" Lillie commands, and Krookodile throws the stones at Iron Moth.

"N0w, 7h12 12 1n73r3s71n'... ch1ld, d0 J00 4c7u4lly und3rs74nd 4nc13n7 P0k3m0n'2 w34kn3ss32?" Both Professors say at the same time.

Iron Moth goes for the discharge, damaging Noivern, and Slither Wing uses Leech Life, taking Krookodile's health to recover itself.

"7h12 12 7h3 p0w3r 7h3 4nc13n7 p457/d1574n7 phu7ur3 h0ld2. 5pl3nd1d, 12n'7 17?" Both robots continue to say.

I have Noivern use Boomburst, with Slither Wing dodging the attack, and Iron Moth is taken the damage instead. Then Krookodile sets up the Sandstorm, creating the weather that damages all of the Pokemon except itself.

"Now finish with Rock Slide!" Lillie yells, and both attacks hit the two Pokemon and cause them to be knocked out.

"Good, we manage to stop the first one." I say.

Scream Tail and Iron Bundle are their next Pokemon, Iron Bundle goes for the Snowscape to change the weather, and knocks out Krookodile with the Freeze-Dry.

"Ice Type is not something we're good at..." Lillie mutters as she recalls Kroodile, sending out Lucario instead.

Scream Tail uses Play Rough and Ice Punch, also defeating Noivern with those two attacks.

"You did a good job, Noivern. Take a rest." I recall the Pokemon and send out Corviknight as my second Pokemon.

"Corviknight, use Steel Wing!" I yell, and the attack hits Scream Tail, but Scream Tail uses Drain Punch on Lucario to recover some health.

"Lucario! Use Aura Sphere!" Lillie has Lucario use the Fighting attack on the Future Delibird, but Iron Bundle uses Water Pulse to hit Corviknight and make it confused.

"Corviknight, calm yourself and use Body Press on Delibird!" "Lucario! Let's go with the Flash Cannon!" Both of us command our Pokemon and we manage to defeat both Iron Bundle and Scream Tail in the end.

Brute Bonnet and Iron Hands are the next ones, Iron Hands uses Fake Out to make Corviknight flinch, and eventually knocks it out with the Thunder Punch. Brute Bonnet hits Lucario with the Sucker Punch and also defeats Lucario with the Earthquake.

"Those two again... they sure bring us a lot of trouble..." I say as I send out Heracross and Lillie sends out Chi-Yu. We lower the Pokemon's Special Defense using Chi-Yu's Beads of Ruin ability. Heracross goes for Bug Buzz, hitting Brute Bonnet with the super-effective move. Iron Hands try to Drain Punch Chi-Yu, but Chi-Yu dodges the attack and lands the Lava Plume on Brute Bonnet, knocking it out. As for Iron Hands, Heracross goes for Earthquake, which accidentally hits Chi-Yu as well, but knocks out the Future Hariyama in the end.

The fourth Pokemon for them are Flutter Mane and Iron Jugulis. With the Ruination, both Pokemon have their HPs halved. But Iron Jugulis goes for Air Slash, defeating Heracross, while Flutter Mane uses Power Gem, knocking out Chi-Yu.

"Chi-Yu is a Legendary Pokemon... and they just defeat it with ease?" Lillie asks.

"We can't underestimate them... they probably have the same base stats." I say.

We go for Ting-Lu and Chien-Pao, and they lower the Special Attack with Vessel of Ruin and Defense with Swords of Ruin. Then we use Ruination to lower their HP to a quarter of their health, and we also aim for Rock Slide and Icicle Crash, knocking both Pokemon out of the battle.

Their fifth Pokemon are Sandy Shocks and Iron Thorns. Both of them are Electric Types, and an Earthquake from Ting-Lu deals a lot of damage to both of them. But Iron Thorns goes for Brick Break, defeating Ting-Lu, and Sandy Shocks goes for Flash Cannon to knock out Chien-Pao.

"Those Paradox Pokemon really have the same base stats as the Treasure of Ruin..." I mutter.

"And we only have Wo-Chien left." Lillie says as I send out the Pokemon, Lillie goes for Gardevoir, hoping to deal some damage to them.

Wo-Chien uses Power Whip and Leech Seed, taking the Ancient Magneton's health, and Gardevoir uses Energy Ball, striking the Paradox Tyranitar. In the end, both Pokemon are defeated by another Power Whip and Gardevoir's Moonblast.

"3v3ryTh1n' 12 proc33d1n' w1th1n my 3xp3ct4t1on2. 1'm 4fr41d th3 pro8481l1ty of Joo w1nn1n' 12 23ro." Both Professors yell at the same time, and they send out their final Pokemon: Roaring Moon and Iron Valiant.

Both of them are holding the Booster Energy, and their ability Protosynthesis and Quark Drive let their Attack and Special Attack raised. Roaring Moon uses Night Slash, and Iron Valiant uses Spirit Break, defeating both Pokemon with just one move.

"This is bad..." I say.

"I agree with you." We only have Pikachu and Snowy left, and they have to fight their way through the two Pokemon. We Terastallize our Pokemon, making them both Fairy Type Tera Type.

"Dazzling Gleam!" Lillie yells, and Snowy's Dazzling Gleam is dealing a lot of damage to both of the Pokemon. Especially Roaring Moon.

"I guess Fairy Type really is the only way to defeat them." I say as I have Pikachu use Play Rough on Iron Valiant, while Lillie continues to attack by having Snowy use Blizzard, and both Roaring Moon and Iron Valiant defeat the two Pokemon with ease.

"I-impossible!" Both robot professors' bodies are smoking, I wonder what's about to happen then.

The platform is lowered and the crystals turn dark. Both professors are returning back to normal with the code now failed.

"Ash! Lillie!" At the same time, six of our friends rush in. Penny asks, "What's this?"

"Did you already beat all the baddies without us?!" Nemona asks.

"OK, out with it, you..." Arven steps in front of his robot parents. "Who are you, really?"

"Th-thank you... for everything..." Professor Turo says. "The time machine... has finally... They have... finally... been stopped..."

"You're really not... my mom and dad, are you?" Arven demands.

"Oh... Look... how big you've grown..." Professor Sada says. "So... p-proud of you... my..."

" were alone s-so... long... Arve-" Before Professor Turo can finish, the crystals around us start to become scarlet and violet all of a sudden.

"Mom? Dad?" Arven asks with confusion, and we hear the robotic words again, "Security system failure! Security system failure! Threat to time machine detected! Threat to time machine detected!"

"Wait, what's going on now?" Drandon asks.

"Is another army of Pokemon on their way here?!" Reisa asks.

"It... cannot be-!" Professor Sada gasps.

"An obstacle is preventing the time machine from performing as intended. Activating Paradise Protection Protocol to remove the offending obstacle..."

"Wha-?! Was keeping the time machine running truly all the professors cared about?!" Professor Turo asks with shock.

"Locking all Poke Balls except those registered to Sada and Turo's ID."

"Wait, what?" Nemona asks with shock.

"Program initializing... Gathering Terastal energy..." Just then, both Professor Sada and Professor Turo's eyes are blinking again, and this time their bodies are terastallizing.

"I'm sorry...children... This is too much for you..." Professor Sada says.

"You must run!" Professor Turo yells. Arven tries to reach them, but they all go into sleep mode before waking up with their eyes glowing bright.

"AI Sada and Turo disabled. Paradise Protection Protocol initialized."

The platforms are rising again, and both Professor Sada and Turo yell, "j00'r3 n0t 93tT1n' 1n my w4y!"

And they throw the Pokeballs to reveal Koraidon and Miraidon. I say, "This is bad... Lillie, let's do it."

"Right!" We throw the Pokeballs with Noivern and Gardevoir to the ground, but much to our shock, the balls have chains surrounding them.

"We can't send out our Pokemon?" Lillie yells in horror.

"Not just you! Our Pokeballs won't work! How are we even supposed to battle?" Luke says.

Penny tries to hack into the Rotom Phone, and she says, "Gyah! Some crazy electrical signal is jamming our Pokeballs! Even I can't get them open!"

"That's totally cheating! And you call yourself an adult?" Arven yells.

"They are robots, they're not actually adults..." I say. "Pikachu, Snowy... can you two still battle?"

Both of them have been injured because of Roaring Moon and Iron Valiant. Their Terastallization is gone, but they strike the Pokemon with Dazzling Gleam and Play Rough, but Koraidon uses Flamethrower on Snowy, and Miraidon uses Power Gem, knocking both Pikachu and Snowy to the ground.

"Damn it... Pikachu and Snowy will only get injured if they keep going on..." Lillie frowns.

I grit my teeth, is there no other way we can do? If Pikachu and Snowy continue to take the hit, I'm sure that they can't continue... Arceus appears beside me and says, "Ash... send out Koraidon and Miraidon now."

Arceus... if only he has his full body with me instead of just a soul... he would be able to fight both Pokemon on his own... wait, what did he just say? I widen my eyes in surprise, that's right. Koraidon and Miraidon... they aren't our Pokemon... they're still Professor Sada and Professor Turo's Pokemon. I throw the two Pokeballs and both Koraidon and Miraidon appear.

"Koraidon, Miraidon. You can do it!" I say, and just then, both Koraidon and Miraidon start to transform, finally get into their Battle forms.

"Nice!" Lillie cheers as we decide to check out the Pokedex.

Koraidon: The Paradox Pokemon: Fighting and Dragon Type. This seems to be the Winged King mentioned in an old expedition journal. It was said to have split the land with its bare fists.

Miraidon: The Paradox Pokemon: Electric and Dragon Type. This seems to be the Iron Serpent mentioned in an old book. The Iron Serpent is said to have turned the land to ash with its lightning.

Koraidon has the ability Orichalcum Pulse, it turns the sunlight harsh when the Pokémon enters a battle. The ancient pulse thrumming through the Pokémon also boosts its Attack stat in harsh sunlight. While Miraidon has the ability Hadron Engine, it turns the ground into Electric Terrain when the Pokémon enters a battle. The futuristic engine within the Pokémon also boosts its Sp. Atk stat on Electric Terrain.

Both Pokemon are roaring with each other, and then they start to attack. Lillie says, "Koraidon! Use Collision Course!"

Koraidon transforms into Sprinting Mode and crashes to the ground, causing a massive prehistoric explosion. If only we're facing a Pokemon that Fighting is super effective against, then this move will deal more damage.

"Miraidon! Use Electro Drift!" I yell.

Miraidon races forward at ultrafast speeds, piercing its target with futuristic electricity. Like Koraidon this move will do more damage if it is used as a super effective move.

"They changed into their battle form! They got this!" Nemona cheers.

"U w1ll fall h3r3, w17h1b 7h12 9ard3n parad123 - and ach13v3 n07h1n' 1n 7h3 3nd!" Then they go for Flamethrower and Power Gem again, but we have both Pokemon take the hit as they don't do that much.

"J00 w1LL n07 8e 4ll0wed 70 de57r0y 0ur p4r4d12e. 08574cle2 70 0ur 904l2 W1LL 8e el1m1n47ed!"

Then they start to Bulk Up and Charge, raising their stats.

"Th-this looks like it could be worse! Hang in there!" Luke says.

"7he d474 s4y 1 m 7he super10r. F4ll, 4nd 8ec0me 4 f0und4710n up0n wh1ch my dre4m m4y 8e 8u1L7." Then they all go for the Giga Impact and Hyper Beam.

"Endure now!" We yell at the same time, and all of them manage to endure the hit.

Arven cheers, "You took that hit like a champ! You can do this! I know you can!"

And now, both Pokemon need to be recharged, and we use the chance to heal both Pokemon up.

Reisa notices Nemona's concern and asks, "What's wrong?"

"I wonder if they can pull off a win here? If they take another Giga Impact or Hyper Beam, then it is a no-go..."

Just then, our Tera Orbs are glowing, and we notice them and take them out. I say, "Of course... the crystals here are filled with crystals... that means we can Terastalllize once more."

Lillie says, "Let's do it!" We both Terastallize our Koraidon and Miraidon, and they both become Dragon Types.

"Tera Blast!" We yell in unison, and the blast creates a giant explosion that blasts the Koraidon and the Miraidon, knocking them out. Both Professors' crystals start to break as well, as they kneel on the ground.

"YOU DID IT!" Nemona hugs both of us and cheers.

"It... it's not going berserk anymore?!" Penny asks.

"How...How very astounding!" Professor Sada says. "To think that you would manage to defy even the original professor's final protections!"

"Are you back to normal?" Arven asks.

"Yes... A completely unforeseen outcome, even for an AI possessing the most sophisticated technology ever conceived. Even on the brink of despair, you children did not give in and instead proved your worthiness: showing the wisdom to think for yourselves, the courage to hold faith in your friends, and the fortitude to do what had to be done." Professor Turo says.

"No matter how difficult your own pasts may have been... I believe you will be capable of walking whatever paths you choose for yourselves now. With pride. I thank you, Ash and Lillie. I thank all of you children." Professor Sada says.

"But I am afraid that the time machine cannot be put to a complete stop so long as we are here." Professor Turo says. "It appears we ourselves are part of the system that ensures the machine reboots when stopped." Professor Turo says.

"Huh? Wh-what does that mean?" Drandon asks.

"I am sorry. You know, when we were watching you all on your adventures from down here, we felt a sense of...jealousy. We envied you your freedom. The way you came together, working in league with your fellows and caring for them... The way that you sought strength and to better yourself, throwing all you are into your battles... The way that you would face down even the greatest enemies to save that which you loved... The way that you never ceased to seek - nor to fight for - a treasure all your own..."

When Koraidon and Miraidon roar, Professor Turo says, "Ah, and the way that you soared free through the very skies on those wings of yours. We wish that we, too, might be as free as you all - free to seek out that which we might treasure above all else. Not... bound."

"Your own treasure..." I mutter.

"As long as we remain here, the time machine will not stop - for we are inextricably connected to it. So we've made a decision. We will use the time machine to journey to the world of the ancient past and the distant future that we have dreamed of." Professor Sada says.

We all gasp in shock, and Nemona says, "What?! You can't just leave now - right when we finally reached you!"

"We are not going only so that the time machine can be stopped. We also cannot deny my desire to see that ancient and future world for ourselves." Professor Turo says. "Is this what it feels like to have your heart race with the thrill of adventure...?"

"Arven. We are sorry that we kept the truth from you for so long. We inherited all the thoughts and wishes of the professors, and so we understand better than any... Your parents truly loved you." Professor Sada says.

"You... you can't..." Arven says with tears in his eyes. "You can't just go and say things like that now!"

"No? I suppose you're right. We're sorry." Professor Turo says. "It's a little sad, but we're afraid this is good-bye."

Just then, the time machine is moving, and both of them say, "Farewell, my free adventurers! I bid you adieu!"

"Mom! Dad!" Arven yells, trying to reach them, but Ash and Lillie stop him, knowing that it's probably too late.

After the time machine is finally closed, Arven yells, "How could you just... go? Mom... Dad..."

"Arven... You OK?" Lillie asks with concern.

"Yeah. Somewhere deep down, I... kind of already knew it. I knew those things were fake... but they... When they said my name, using their voice and wearing their faces... Even if they were fake, they... felt real, you know. And so I just... I... Sorry... I don't know what I'm saying..."

"That's OK." Penny says.

When Koraidon and Miraidon frown, I say, "I guess Koraidon and Miraidon are sad, too..."

"Oh, but those battle forms! How cool is that? They're so strong!" Nemona says.

"If either of them tries to nudge at me for a belly rub while they're huge like this... I seriously think I'm gonna die." Penny mutters.

"Hey now, let's not skip over the big win here! Ash, Lillie, Koraidon, and Miraidon just saved all of Paldea!" Luke says.

"That's right! You both did amazing!" Drandon says.

"That's Ash and Lillie for you." Reisa says.

"You know, Arven... Um... Even though the professors are gone... I bit they're finally having a real fun adventure of their own in the past or the future." Lillie says.

"Yeah... Thanks, Guys." Arven says.

Then we all decide to leave Area Zero and head back to the school, finishing our adventure in the end.

"Let's take the long road home... and get a little more fun out of this adventure!" Nemona says.

"I don't really..." Arven frowns.

"Sounds great! If we can load up on snacks first, I'm in." Penny says.

We all nod as we go after Nemona and Penny. "Hey, Ash and Lillie! Not you, too!" Arven yells.

Both Koraidon and Miraidon nudge Arven to move forward. "Oh, all right, FINE! I guess we're doing this..."

Then the 8 of us and 4 Pokemon are walking in the beautiful lands of Paldea, trying to enjoy everything we can.

Here is the new chapter, and sadly, the next chapter is going to be the Epilogue. I am having a lot of fun in this story, but all things are going to an end. I hope you like this chapter.

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