Chapter 1

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Alice, Reisa, Mark, Minami, and I are now back in the Kanto Region, and we arrive at Viridian City. "Viridian City sure is a busy place." Alice says.

"Yeah, that means we're almost back at Pallet Town." Mark says.

When we notice the gym is rebuilt, we rush forward and I say, "The Viridian Gym! It looks brand new!"

"Yeah, but I wonder who will be the new Viridian Gym Leader..." Minami says.

Just then, a car stops in front of us, and we see a man in an Alolan outfit appear in front of us. "Hey there, pal, are you Pokemon trainers?"

"Yes?" We ask.

"Hi. I'm Scott. You must be here for a Gym battle, what's your name?" The man named Scott asks us.

After we introduce ourselves, I say, "I already have this gym's badge."

"Then you must be very good. Maybe you are qualified for the Battle Frontier." He says.

"Battle Frontier?" We are confused by this term, and I ask, "What are you talking about?"

"I'm glad you ask-" Before we can ask some more, we hear a scream and find Ms. Agatha falling off the bike.

"Ms. Agatha!" We try to help her up, and she says, "Thank you, Ash. I guess I got my turn a little too fast. At least I didn't land on the tomatoes."

Mark says, "If you want to, we can help you carry those bags."

"And I'll help you with your bike." Alice says as we help, and Agatha says, "Thank you, just help me put inside the gym."

"Wait, Ms. Agatha, you're working at the Viridian Gym? But you're an Elite Four..."

"Yeah, I've been working several months already as a gym leader." Agatha says.

After we enter the gym, we find that the place is looking different compared to before. Agatha asks, "How's business going, Scott? Find any good trainers on Seafoam Islands?"

"I can tell you, but then I have to sign a release form." Scott says.

"You and all your top-secret shenanigans." Agatha says. "And you, Ash. I heard from Aurora that you won the Hoenn League as well, congratulations."

"Thanks." I say as Scott asks if I want a rematch with Ms. Agatha, and I agree to battle. Agatha brings out Gengar while I go with Pikachu.

"So instead of using Absol, he goes for Pikachu..." Minami says.

"Ash wants to show how strong it is since last time." Alice says.

Pikachu starts out with Quick Attack which completely misses Gengar since it is a Ghost-type Pokémon. Agatha says, "Using a Normal Move on Gengar, did you forget the basics of the type match-ups?"

"Of course not. Now use Thunderbolt now!" Ash yells, but Gengar flattens its body to move under Pikachu and dodge the attack.

Gengar uses Shadow Ball as Pikachu dodges. Gengar tries to use another Shadow Ball but Pikachu jumps on top of it and then uses Iron Tail to hit Gengar, sending it to the ceiling. Pikachu tries to use another Iron Tail but Gengar uses Double Team to completely surround Pikachu. Gengar uses Shadow Ball as Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to hit all the fakes and the real ones. Gengar uses Shadow Ball again as Pikachu dodges before using Iron Tail to land another hit. Pikachu finishes it off with Thunder.

"Very well. I see you get a lot stronger." Agatha says in awe.

"Thanks. Ms Agatha." Ash says. "But I still want to know why are you here being a gym leader?"

"The official gym leader of this gym hasn't arrived yet. So I'm filling in." Agatha says as we nod.

Now that the battle is over, Scott asks, "Are you still interested in the Battle Frontier that I mentioned before? I should probably warn you that the trainers there are every bit as strong as the Elite Four in Kanto."

"Sounds good to me." I say.

"Okay, I'll explain how it works. The Battle Frontier is made out of 7 different Battle Facilities speed out across Kanto. Each of the seven sites has its own Frontier Brain. Basically the same as a gym leader but very powerful. Challengers have to battle and defeat the Frontier Brains, in order to win that site's Frontier Symbol."

"What's a Frontier Symbol?" Reisa asks.

"Sort of like a Gym Badge for that Frontier, but there's a catch. You'll be given a location for the final facility if you get all six of the Frontier Symbols." Scott says.

"Hey! That's sounds pretty cool to me." I say. "I'll do it."

Just then, a mechanical grabber appears and it is aiming for Pikachu, but Absol, who was able to sense danger quickly, pushes it out of the way but is caught instead.

"Absol!" I yell.

"Who did this?" Minami says.

"Prepare for trouble from the skies!" "From beyond the stars, a nasty surprise!"

"An evil as old as the galaxy..." "...sent here to fulfill our destiny!" "Plus, there is me!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!" "To extend our reach to the stars above!"

"Jessie!" "James!" "And Meowth's the name!"

Anywhere there's peace in the universe..." "...Team Rocket..." "...Will be there..."

"To make everything worse!" "Wobbuffet!"

Seriously? They change their motto? And just as we thought we're finally getting rid of them since they didn't show up after the League, we groan as we have to see them back in Kanto once more.

"We miss the Pikachu, but we still got the Absol." Jessie says.

"And we will show you how improved we are." James says.

They try to get away, but Agatha's Golbat uses Air Cutter to cut the grabber's rope, freeing Absol.

"Pokemon thieves aren't welcome here. You should probably leave while you can." Agatha says.

"And you should think twice before you threaten us!" Jessie says.

Jessie brings out Seviper while James brings out Cacnea to attack. Seviper uses Bite while Pikachu uses Quick Attack to dodge and grab onto Seviper's tail to throw it. Absol uses Shadow Ball to send Seviper flying back into the balloon. Cacnea uses Pin Missile while Golbat uses Supersonic to send it back at Team Rocket. Golbat uses Air Cutter while Absol uses Dark Pulse to send Team Rocket blasting off.

"Why is new Team Rocket ended up the same old way?" "It's good to know that the more things change, the more things stay the way..."

After they leave, Scott decides to leave and he says that he'll be contacting me soon. Then we bid farewell to Scott and hit the road once more.

After we're finally home, we enter the house and we hear my Mom's voice, "Welcome home!"

But much to our surprise, we see both Serena and Misty in the house too. "It's been a long time, Ash." Misty says.

"Serena? Misty?" We gasp in surprise. "This is a surprise, Misty, Serena."

"Professor Oak told me that you're coming home, so we came to say hi." Misty says.

"And how are you, guys?" We are also surprised to see Brock and Professor Oak.

"Brock? Professor Oak? You're also here?" I ask.

"Yeah, I was also helping Ms. Ketchum prepare the meal. We prepared a lot of your favorite foods." Brock says.

"That's so nice of you." Mark says.

Just then, an Azurill appears and I gasp, "Wow! An Azurill!"

"Isn't it the cutest? Tracy give it to me when it was just an egg. I brought it along so that Professor Oak can see." Misty says.

Alice says, "It is so cute."

"Yeah." Reisa says.

And at the same time, my Dad also comes with Eve and another boy that we've not met before. Alice says, "Eve! You're here as well?"

"Why of course, I'm still working with Professor Oak." Eve says. "Nice to see you safe and sound. And is that an Absol you have there?"

Alice says, "Yeah, Absol is similar to Pikachu, he doesn't like to be in the Pokeball."

My Dad says, "And that reminds me, we should introduce you to a new member of the family. This is Emerald, Aurora and I adopted him from an orphanage."

Minami asks, "How many people are you going to adopt? First Leaf, then Molly, and now Emerald?"

"Minami! That's not nice. What's wrong with having another new family member?" I ask and I greet the boy, who slowly nods at me. "Hello."

"I'm Ash, and it seems that I'm your brother." I say, and Emerald says, "I'm Emerald... nice to meet you."

"So how about you all tell us your travel stories in Hoenn?" Misty asks.

"Of course, we can tell you, but first we should eat." I say as my Pokemon agrees with us.

Just then, the doorbell rings, and when we open the door, we are surprised to see Professor Birch and Max.

"Max and Professor Birch?!" Mark asks. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I ask Professor Birch to come! And he agrees." Max says.

"That's nice. We sure have a lot of seats for the guests." Then we all have their dinner in front of the table.

Since Emerald is now sharing a room with me, I decide to ask about his backstory. Emerald tells me that he dislikes people calling him short, and he also tells me that he wants to travel with me.

"Of course, you can travel with me if you want to. I have to guess that you already have your Starter Pokemon?"

"I only have this one." Emerald shows me a Sceptile with a Mega Stone, and I say, "A Mega Sceptile! That is a cool Pokemon you have there."

Emerald seems to be happy talking to me, and we discuss a lot more about Pokemon. The next day, we also head to Professor Oak's Lab, since we promise to show Max the Kanto Starter Pokemon. But when we stay there, we are surprised to see May also coming as well.

"Hi, there. May!" I say, and then May thanks Professor Birch for bringing Max here, although my Muk seems to like Professor Birch and he's giving him a slimy hug.

Serena says, "Muk! Stop that right now."

I say, "Why do you have Muk with you in the first place..."

Then after we sit together, I decide to explain. "The Battle Frontier?" May asks.

"Yeah, it is a challenge that is set across Kanto, with several different Frontier Brains to battle against, each one giving over a Frontier Symbol if you beat them, much like Gym Leaders hand out Badges when defeated."

"I guess that can be fun." Serena says.

My Mom says, "And since you're also doing Contests as well. Just so you know, the Kanto Contests are starting this month."

"Really?" I say. "If that's the case, I'll also attend the Contests as well. Then how about we travel together again?"

"Sure, Ash. I love too." May says.

"Hey, guys! Can I come, please?" Max asks.

"Maybe, but only if Mom and Dad say it's okay with them." May says.

"Don't worry about it. We'll ask Norman together." I say as Max is delighted.

Then we decide to go to the lab, and we try to show some Pokemon to the others. Serena has brought Snorlax with her, so she sends it out so we can see.

"Wow, so this is your Snorlax..." Max says as the Pokemon wakes up and waves at them.

"That is so cool." She sends out all her Pokemon, but I notice that Beautifly and Skitty are missing.

"Where is Beautifly and Skitty?" I ask.

"You see, Beautifly is with my mother, while Skitty settled into Dad's greenhouse and was more than happy just to stay there." May says.

"May! You're here as well!" Then Reisa, Mark, Minami, Alice, Eve, Brock, and Emerald come. May says, "Guys! Nice to see you again!"

After telling them about the Kanto Contest circuits, and Mark says, "That's great. However, as much as we want to travel with you, we can't."

"Why not?" May and Max are confused. Mark says, "Alice, Eve, Minami, and I are going to Kalos since we are going to do some training of our own."

Alice says, "Besides, I think it is Serena's turn to travel with Ash."

Serena says, "Yeah, but to think that we're going to travel around Kanto again..."

"It's fine, we travel to Kanto for a different reason after all." I say to her.

Reisa says, "And I just want to relax for a while, so I can also come as well."

I say, "And there is Emerald, he's going to come with me as well."

Emerald greets them with a shy tone, and the others all greet him nicely. Then I decide to show the Pokemon with me. There are Milotic, Glalie, Salamence, Gardevoir, Torkoal, Sceptile, Swellow, Crawdaunt, Meganium, and Latias.

"Wow... look at all the Pokemon..." The others are delighted to see our Pokemon, and Serena also brings Persian, Donphan, Eevee, and Venusaur. Donphan likes to play with Pikachu's electricity, while my Venusaur greets May's Venusaur.

Just then, Team Rocket comes and they try to steal our Pokemon. "Team Rocket!" I groan.

"I can see you three haven't changed a bit..." Misty says.

"Talk about it. This is the 764th time they annoy us." I say. Then we have Sceptile free us from the net. Then they try to use the robot to attack, but we have Snorlax breaks the robot and Venusaur use Solar Beam to send their Pokemon flying.

When Team Rocket tries to escape, Brock says, "Hold it right here. These habitats are for the Pokemon!"

"You won't get away by coming here and messing things up!" Misty says.

And then we all attack Team Rocket at the same time, and we send them flying. Before we leave, the Squirtle from the lab decides to join May, and May also decides to leave Venusaur with my Dad so that she can learn things from my Venusaur.

The next day, Misty decides to come with us until we arrive at Cerulean City, and both Persian and Donphan want to come along with us as well. "Now let's get going." Then we bid farewell to everyone as we start our journey for the Contests and the Battle Frontier.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, aside from May and Emerald, none of the others are going to catch new Pokemon, so we'll not show what Pokemon they have. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be a different region.

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