Chapter 10

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On the road, we get a letter and is from a man named Dr. Yung. He wants to invite us to the Mirage Mansion to test the new battle system. When we get there, we find Professor Oak and Misty there as well.

"Misty, Professor Oak? What are you doing here?"

"We got a letter here since we have been invited to come." Oak says.

"The same goes to us..." Serena says.

Yung arrives and introduces himself, then demonstrates his system to us — using numerous dome-shaped generators located all over his laboratory, Yung creates a number of holographic Pokémon, including Kabutops, Omastar, and Armaldo.

"These are the Mirage Pokemon, my Mirage System can generate any Pokemon using raw data, no matter if it is extinct or exceedingly rare."

He then erases the Mirage Pokémon and rewrites the code into a Mirage Aggron, he asks, "So care to have a battle with it?"

"Sure." Misty says as she sends out her Staryu against it. Misty has Staryu try a number of attacks on Aggron, but none of them have any effect, and Aggron defeats Staryu using unusual attacks including Thunder Wave and Bullet Seed.

"Aggron can use Thunder Wave or Bullet Seed?" Max asks.

"You see, my Mirage System can create Pokemon with the capability to use any move, no matter what limits usually exist."

"Cool, then I would like to try out myself." I say as I go with Meowsie, but right as we get started, the system crashes and Aggron freezes mid-charge; when Yung tries to fix the problem, the controller for the system explodes in his hands and Aggron vanishes.

"What's going on?" Dr. Yung is surprised, and then the system suddenly reactivates and recreates the fossil Pokémon from earlier, with the addition of two Aerodactyls.

"I have been taken control of the Mirage System." We see a masked man standing on the balcony overlooking the battlefield. I demand, "Who are you?"

"I am the Mirage Master. Attack them." The Mirage Master says as he sends Mirage Pokemon to attack the group and capture Yung and Oak. We try to go save them, but we are blocked outside the Mirage Field inside the laboratory's walls.

With a group of Mirage Pokémon guarding the entrance, we hatch a plan to infiltrate the castle from beneath while May, Max, Emerald, and Reisa stand watch. Serena decided to contact my Mom for this matter.

Misty and I infiltrate the castle with the aid of Milotic and Staryu, only to encounter Team Rocket, who are sneaking around in the castle's basement. Just then, the Mirage Pokemon appear and they send Team Rocket flying while capturing Pikachu and Absol. I am knocked out and I don't know what happened to Misty.

When I wake up, I find a Mirage Mew. It is injured after landing on a damaged Mirage System generator. I free it and say, "It's a Mirage Pokemon... but it is different from the other ones..."

Then after I get out, I meet up with others as we get to the room where the Mirage Master is holding Oak hostage. Mirage Master says, "Welcome, now you should witness the birth of the strongest Pokemon the world has ever seen." He turns around and yells, "Now awake!"

The energy from the Mirage System comes together in the machine, creating a Mirage Mewtwo.

"Mewtwo?" I gasp in shock.

"This isn't the same Mewtwo that you have." The Mirage Master says and then demonstrates its power by having it destroy all of the other Mirage Pokémon in a single attack. He then turns Mewtwo against his enemies, but Professor Oak sends out a Dragonite to defend us. "I am not being able to save Yung, but you have to go."

After we flee, we find Max, Reisa, and Emerald at the castle gate, but moments later, dozens of rockets shoot out of the castle's towers and land all over the surrounding area before opening up to activate Mirage System generators. This spreads the Mirage Field to the outside world, and the Mirage Master steps out with Mewtwo at his side.

"Now it is time for the world to bow down to me." Then he summons forth a Mirage Entei, Zapdos, and Articuno. "These creations are the result of all my years of hard work."

"Oh, yeah?" I say as I already know his true identity. He's no other than Dr. Yung himself. "Dr. Yung?"

"What?" This causes the others to be surprised. Yung discards his mask and I say, "The first appearance of the Mirage Master was itself a mirage. And your motive is revenge on the PLA for expelling you after we deemed your Mirage System experiments cruel to Pokémon."

Yung activates Entei, Articuno, and Zapdos and sends them after the group. Reisa, Emerald, Misty, and May send out Feraligatr, Sceptile, Gyarados, and Blaziken to assist Pikachu and Dragonite in battling the Mirage Pokémon, but they are easily outmatched. Oak has Dragonite shoot a Hyper Beam at Mewtwo, but Mewtwo catches it and smacks Dragonite to the ground with its tail.

"Now goodbye, Professor Oak." Yung says as Mewtwo's hand morphs into the shape of an Arcanine's head, allowing it to shoot a Flamethrower at the professor.

Absol saves Oak by trying to intercept the Flamethrower with Dark Pulse, only to end up badly injured instead. Yung calls for a Hyper Beam of his own, which Mewtwo fires by morphing its hand into Rayquaza's head. However, Mew blocks the attack and saves Absol, causing Yung to fly into a rage and order Mewtwo to destroy it. Mewtwo batters Mew with its tail then throws it up into the air with the force of its Mega Punch before morphing both of its hands into Tropius's head to hit Mew with a double Solar Beam. Mew dissolves back into raw code and returns to the Mirage System, horrifying Ash and the others.

"Such a flawed specimen, good riddance..." Yung says, and it causes me to get angry. "How could you say that, she is just a being as well."

"You sure need to be taught a lesson." He activates another function of the Mirage System. Entei, Articuno, and Zapdos dissolve into code, which is absorbed into Mewtwo's body along with the code of the entire Mirage System database. Now having reached the height of its power, Mewtwo screams out as the heads of numerous Pokémon morph and emerge from its body. Using them, Mewtwo carries out multiple simultaneous attacks, an act that the combined effort of all the group's Pokémon is unable to counter. Gyarados lands near Team Rocket, sending them blasting off once again.

"Absol, Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" As they shoot out the attack, Mewtwo uses Quick Attack and headbutts two of them back before using Mega Punch. However, Mewtwo is suddenly seized by an unseen force as it tries to carry out Yung's order, and Mew reappears, having resurfaced from the data inside Mewtwo's body in order to save Pikachu and Absol.

"Maybe Mew's return from within the Mirage System means that it and its soul were a part of the Mirage System all along."

"No! You are still a flawed specimen and your soul is a weakness! Mewtwo, destroy it again!" But the Mirage System freezes up and locks out his commands.

"Ash, the only way to stop Mewtwo is to attack it while Mew still has a hold over it." Oak says. "But then Mew will die..." I frown.

Then he sees Mewtwo beginning to free itself, I decide to yell, "Pikachu! Use Volt Tackle!" The explosion that results when Pikachu strikes Mewtwo destroys it. Mew fades away shortly thereafter, but not before sharing a tearful farewell with its friends.

"No..." Yung watches in horror as the Mirage System generators explode all around him and inside his laboratory, causing his castle to erupt into flames.

Serena, Meowsie, and my Mom arrive and my Mom says, "Dr. Yung, your plans are failed and now surrender now."

"No! I have a lot of work still to do on my Mirage System!" Yung walks into the burning castle, but when Oak pursues him, rubble falls and blocks the way. Several hours later, Officer Jenny and a team of firefighters search the castle's remains but are unable to find any sign of Yung.

"So Mew has a true soul despite seemingly being just data from the Mirage System..." Serena says.

"Yeah, one day we will be able to see her again." I say.

As we continue moving, we are blocked by Mr. Mime, and Emerald decides to use the E Shooter to calm it down and capture it. And once we're done, we finally arrive at Battle Dome.

But much to our surprise, when we approach the place, we are swarmed by the reporters.

"Isn't it true that you're Ash? The one who beat Lance and Wallace?" "How does it feel to come all the way to the Battle Dome?"

And as we don't know what to do, Scott arrives and says, "Save the questions for the press conference."

"Press Conference?" I ask.

"Right, better get ready, kid." Scott says.

Then we are somehow sitting in a room, and I am somehow sitting beside Scott as the reporters are all sitting in front of us. Scott says, "If you have a question, raise your hand."

As they all raise their hands, I know that this is going to take a while. May says, "I've never seen a Press Conference before... this is weird."

"As a Pokemon Trainer who's already earned two Frontier Symbols and is currently attracting quite a lot of attention." The reporter says. "Would you mind sharing the secret of your success with us, then?"

I say, "There is no secret about it. Both of my parents are Champions and they give us some strict pointers and learning when it comes to Pokemon Training. Sometimes I really like the best defense is offense, but that might not work every time. I just like to have my Pokemon give their all."

"Now that's kind of the honest and non-nonsense answer that we're looking for." The reporter says.

"If I may, I want to get your expression about Tucker, our Dome Ace." Another reporter asks.

I say, "About Tucker, I can't tell you all because all I know is that he's a Frontier Brain and a Mega Superstar. But my goal is simple, I'm only here to win, and losing is not an option."

This causes the reporters are look at me with surprise. And after some questions about myself, the press is finally over.

"You know, some of those reporters are rude..." Serena says, "How dare they say you being the supportive character for a main star like Tucker..."

Reisa says, "You'll have to show who's the main star in the Dome, Ash."

"I know, but I really want to know what kind of battle is this one..." I say.

Scott says, "You'll be surprised."

And much to our surprise, we see a lot of people swarming and May asks, "What's going on here?"

Scott says, "There is going to be a humongous audience crowd for this battle after all. Some of them are other trainers who'd like to challenge the Battle Dome as well, after all... The Battle Dome is a Tournament-based facility."

"Tournament-based facility?" Emerald says, "That sounds tough..."

"Each tournament starts off with 16 trainers, winning one means you win one round, and if you want to battle Tucker, he'll be showing in the 10th set."

"10?" This causes others to gasp in surprise. I say, "So that means I have to win a total of at least 36 battles before I can face Tucker... and perhaps I wouldn't have a chance to face him in the 10th tournament because he might be defeated by the other trainers up there?"

"Not to mention the amount of the matches in a tournament... there are 15 matches for each one after all..." Max says.

As I start my first tournament, the three Pokemon that I choose are Crobat, Gardevoir, and Meowsie. I am also given the Battle Card, a card that displays the information of my opponent. Scott says, "The theme of the Battle Dome is Tactics. The key to victory here is one's ability to come up with the right 'tactics' to deal with the opponent based on the information on hand."

"So that's what the press conference was for? So they can display my tactic on the battle card for my opponent... interesting." I say.

I can only choose two of the three Pokemon in battle, and after I defeat my opponent, I can see my next opponent and I can also change my tactics by switching the Pokemon. And after my ninth tournament is done, it is finally my 10th turn.

Reisa says, "Watching all those battles is actually tiring..."

"Yeah, but finally Tucker is going to show on the stage." Serena adds.

And in the tenth tournament, Tucker is on the other side, meaning that I will have to face him in the finals, which is not a problem for me as I battle through three opponents until reach him.

In the 40th match of mine, the lights dim within the arena as a nearby screen illuminates, displaying various information about me and my achievements in the Indigo, Johto, and Hoenn Leagues. A giant plume of smoke and dust erupts in the arena as I make my appearance. The arena lightens with various colors of light as Tucker, the Frontier Brain, makes his appearance. Landing majestically atop the adjacent platform, the crowd goes hysterical.

"I'm here to have a good time! Tell me, how about you?" The crowd goes wild after his words, and May says, "You know Dad should learn from him, don't you think?"

Max thinks before replying, "I don't think we should go from there..."

"Ahahah! Do you hear it? This crowd! They're all itching to see our match! Ahahah! I bet you're twitching all over from the tension of getting to battle me! But don't worry about anything! I'm the no. 1 star of the Battle Dome! I, Tucker the Dome Ace, will bathe you in a brilliant glow! Your strategy! Let's see it! The final match! Ash versus the Dome Ace, Tucker! Let the battle begin!"

"You bet and I'm ready!"

So he has a team of Swampert, Salamence, and Charizard... I wonder what he's going to choose. Then he says, "Our fighting theme for today will be the heart of cool fusion of Fire and Water!"

So he chooses Charizard and Swampert. "Your opponents will be the fiery veil and Swampert, the water and ground champion!"

And since it is a Double Battle tournament, I say, "Sounds good to me. I'll choose Gardevoir and Crobat!"

The battle quickly goes underway with Crobat launching into a devastating Quick Attack toward Swampert. Charizard quickly flies into the air reaches a high velocity and collides with Crobat knocking it backward.

"Quick, Gardevoir! Get in there and help Crobat! Use Disarming Voice on Arcanine!" I command, and Swampert then jumps in front of Charizard to shield themselves from the attack with Protect.

"That Charizard sure is fast." Max says.

"I think that Tucker using Charizard to attack and Swampert as a backup is a brilliant idea." Reisa says.

"Perhaps, but you can't say Ash's attack strategy is a bad one." Scott says.

"Combining Quick Attack and Disarming Voice has a strong point, but you'll have to do much better than that here. So Ash! Show me your power!"

"Don't worry, you're going to see plenty of that." I say.

Crobat goes for another attack flying around to reach a high speed with Charizard also going with Aerial Ace like Swellow, and the two attacks collide thrusting Crobat backwards and forcing Charizard to the ground unable to stop himself from the fall. Gardevoir sees the opening and goes for the attack with Psyshock while Swampert launches a Mud Shot attack right behind Charizard. Just before Charizard and Gardevoir make contact, Charizard dodges Swampert's attack with Gardevoir taking direct damage and slamming into the nearby wall.

"Hey! You guys okay?" I gasp as they are trying to get back up. "That was an amazing combination he used..."

"Tucker really knows what he's doing for sure." Serena says, "But Ash had the right idea to attack right after Charizard made its move."

"I get Tucker just gets more experience..." May says.

"He likes to force their opponents to make their strongest attack, and then he counters them. That's always been Tucker's style. But it is possible to beat Tucker, and you can get a good read on it and have a flexible response to what he's doing." Scott says.

Tucker then says, "Now that's what I called first-class spirit. And that's what keeps me inspired! Now! Swampert! Water Gun!"

Both Crobat and Gardevoir dodge this attack with Gardevoir thrusting toward Swampert with Zen Headbutt. Swampert retaliates with a Dynamic Punch as both attacks collide in an explosion of light and color. Charizard flaps its wings as he's about to perform another aerial attack, while Crobat comes forward for the Crunch, Charizard launches a strategic Flamethrower towards Crobat, but the attack is avoided with Double Team. Charizard then increases its firepower with Fire Blast, hitting Crobat.

"There's gotta be a way to beat him..." I mutter.

"He changes Flamethrower into a Fire Blast..." Emerald says.

"Unbelievable. Like watching a contest battle." May says.

"There's never a moment to waste his attacks..." Reisa says. "A real battler."

"The trick for Ash is to find the hole in Tucker's attacks."

Meanwhile, Swampert is controlling the water from the air and shaping it with a Water Pulse attack. "What's that?"

"Let me show you, my Swampert can collect the moisture into the air and transform into a powerful water attack. A perfect example of true water entertainment." Tucker says.

I decide to have Crobat attack with Poison Fang, but Charizard goes for Flare Blitz. Crobat dodges the attack and launches towards Charizard once more with the second attack making contact creating a gigantic explosion. Gardevoir goes for an opening with Moonblast as Swampert forces the nearby Water Pulse towards Crobat and Gardevoir, which collides creating a structure formed of water and ice. Arcanine launches a devastating Fire Blast within the structure rotating around creating a fusion of fire and water, Tucker's greatest of tactics.

"No!" I gasp.

"This is the foundation of my craft. The best part of everything I do is to build this. The imposing attacks will cause maximum damage: Fire and Water Fusion!"

Both Crobat and Gardevoir are suspended within this structure as a gigantic explosion takes place between the two forces and both Pokémon are forced towards the ground.

"This is bad..." Max says.

"That attack is overwhelming!" Serena says.

"Ash, you have my respect. Your courage makes me use my greatest of tactics. I can't remember a more enjoyable challenge." Tucker says.

Just then, both Pokemon revive with a fighting spirit greater than ever. "You two are awesome! Thanks, guys! We're going to think deeply if we want to win against Tucker and his team. I know you can do it!" I say.

Both Charizard and Swampert launch a Flamethrower and Water Gun towards Gardevoir. Both attacks are diverted by Gardevoir's Dazzling Gleam attack. Crobat thrusts towards with a Poison Fang as Swampert uses Dynamic Punch, and just as Charizard goes for the opening, Crobat dodges forcing Charizard into Swampert for a direct hit. A giant plume of smoke and dust engulfs the arena.

"First rate. My kind of tactics! Arcanine! Use Fire Blast!" Arcanine launches another Fire Blast attack but this is again diverted by another Dazzling Gleam attack. Visibility is lowered by a great amount of fog lingering within the arena.

Both Charizard and Swampert are confused about Crobat's exact location and fly towards Gardevoir and Crobat. Just as both attacks are to make contact, Crobat floats to the left and flies from the bottom making a direct hit with Gardevoir's Zen Headbutt and Crobat's Aerial Ace. Both Charizard and Swampert are now unable to continue after taking the hits, granting me the win.

"He knocked them both out at the same time..." Tucker gasps.

Most of the female crowd is disappointed with Tucker's loss, I hug Gardevoir and then Crobat. Both of them are working really hard. Tucker claps and says, "You show a great gasp of tactics with remarkable flexibility. You're a top-notch technician!"

As the crowd cheers wildly, Tucker says, "I sorely underestimate you. I won't make the same mistake next time. Thank you, Ash, for battle that is entertaining far beyond words. Good luck my friend, wherever you go."

As everyone comes to my side, they congratulate me. And Tucker asks the crowd to give me another round of applause. And as Tucker is about to leave, I say, "Wait, Tucker... you forgot about the symbol."

"It's right on top of your head." Tucker says.

I am confused, as I take my hat off, I find the symbol really is there. When did he put it? But I'm glad to get my third symbol.

Here is a new chapter, this marks the Mastermind of Mirage Pokemon special and the third Frontier. I hope you like this chapter.

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