Chapter 12

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When we reach the Cycling Road once more, we find that it's temporarily closed. When Pikachu, Meowsie, and Absol suddenly run into the forest, we try to give chase only to be stopped by a ranger named Solana. After telling her our Pokemon's in there, she lets us through and shows us the reason why the Cycling Road is closed, the vines have sprouted everywhere.

Reisa and I know the vines very well, it is similar to the one that Celebi made, so we rush to find Celebi and help it recover, however, Team Rocket tries to capture Celebi in a robot, but Ranger Solana shows her Ranger skills and frees Celebi. They are now making another forest fire, and Celebi quickly intervenes to save the forest once again. With its job done, it returns home, wherever—or whenever—that may be.

We arrive at Fuchsia City, Squirtle runs off, and May chases after her and disappears for a long time. Once she gets back, it is also the time when her egg hatches into an Eevee. She tells us that she has time-traveled and met the younger versions of the daycare couple, which is surprising to us.

"Hey look, the Fuchsia Contest is holding." I say as we see the poster.

"Well, you go participate. I am going to watch." May asks as she hugs Eevee. "Since I want Eevee to watch the contest so she would know how Contests work.

"Oh, so you are being a chicken?" Everyone is surprised to see Harley sneaking up on us again. May is getting angry at him and she yells, "I am not giving up, I just want Ash to win only!"

"Sure, whatever you say." Harley turns to me. "And I will defeat you."

"Go on. I see you try." I taunt.

Since I want to show off to Eevee, I send out Espeon first. Espeon uses some Psychic and shadow Ball combo to win one of the 4 spots. Harley also uses his Banette to spook the crowd, letting him also get one of the 4 spots.

At the battle rounds, Harley and I face each other in the finals. I guess this is actually our first time facing each other... I go with Umbreon while he goes for Cacturne.

"Don't even try to think of cheating." I taunt, making Harley fume in anger. He then lets Cacturne do some dirty tricks on Umbreon, but he miraculously dodges it.

"How about I return the favor." I ask as I have Umbreon do the Moonlight to recover itself and go with Double Kick, which knocks out Cacturne.

"How can I lose to this twerp!" Harley angrily storms off, as I get my third ribbon.

"Look Eevee, this is the contests." May says happily to Eevee, whose eyes have stars on them as she enjoys the Contests.

We finally arrive at the Battle Pike, Max and Emerald are trying to find May while the three of us go ahead. It turns out that the Battle Pike we enter is fake, Team Rocket traps us in the nets while taking our Pokemon again.

I try to have my Pokemon attack the cage, but they have made some preparations. It is then a girl rushes to us and throws some kind of pin at the balloon, breaking it. The cages fall as we all grab them.

"Pikachu, Meowsie, Absol, are you okay?" I ask as they all nod.

"Is everybody in one peace?" Scott arrives with the others, but I realize that Brock is also here as well.

"Yeah, we're fine. But what is Brock doing here?" I ask.

Brock says, "We should talk about it later, those guys still try to capture your Pokemon?"

"You bet they won't give up after almost 800 times." Serena sighs.

"By the way, that's the Frontier Brain and her name's Lucy!" May says.

"So that's Pike Queen Lucy?" I gasp.

When Jessie sends out Seviper to fight, I try to fight as well until Lucy stops me. "Hold on. When there is a problem, I prefer to handle it myself."

Then she also sends out Seviper and the trainers behind us say, "Lucy's Seviper is stronger than hers."

Jessie tells Seviper to use Poison Tail and Lucy orders her to do the same. The two clash, though Lucy's Seviper sends its opponent back towards Team Rocket. To finish them off, Lucy's Seviper uses Flamethrower, sending Team Rocket blasting off.

"She's strong... no wonder she's a Frontier Brain..." I gasp. "Lucy, thanks for helping us back there."

"It's Queen Lucy!" When the girls behind her yell at me, Lucy just stops her.

"So you must be Ash, I have heard a lot about you from Brock." Lucy says.

"How did you know Brock?" Serena asks her.

Brock says, "Believe it or not, she is my girlfriend." This causes them to get shocked. I gasp, "You have a girlfriend? Congratulations."

"Thanks." Brock says. "I am lucky to have her as my girlfriend."

Lucy blushes a little before saying, "Although the Battle Pike is closed today, it will be always open for good friends. A good friend of Brock is also a good friend of mine."

As we arrive at the Battle Pike, Scott says, "The Battle Pike is a facility that tests your luck. The challenger has to take on this facility with three Pokemon on hand. And you will enter a series of halls with three doors, to progress, you must go through one of the doors until you arrive at the final door. Each door opens into a room, there are eight events you must trigger by going through the doors, ranging from recovery events to battle events. The events are random, so it all depends on the challenger's luck."

So Luck is the theme of this facility... I see. Brock says, "One set consists of six halls and seven rooms. The challenger is only able to battle against Lucy in the final room of the 10th set, which is the 129th room. Also, if all the challenger's Pokemon collapses before the final room, the challenger will have to start from the first room, regardless of how many rooms he has already gone through."

"That's good to me." I say as I start my challenge. I've met a room with a double battle against a Dusclops and a Kirlia, but they have status effects to make my Magmar fall frozen and Electabuzz asleep. But Magma uses Flame Wheel to free itself from the ice, and I already have Electabuzz use Lum Berry to heal the status moves. After going to a hall, I pick another door and it turns out to be an NPC who just leaves.

Brock says, "In this Battle Pike, the events that the challengers are facing are Single Battle, Double Battle, Hard Single Battle and healing, Wild Pokémon, Conversation only, and status conditions, and many others. In extreme cases, if one manages to advance by choosing only the 'healing' and 'conversation' rooms, they'd be able to reach Luc without a scratch."

"But on the other hand, if the challenger keeps choosing rooms with battle events, he'd be all worn out before he even reaches Lucy..." Scott says.

"And since there is no way of cheating... that means Ash is going to get a hard time..." Serena says.

It is actually fine for me, since after my 13th room, I can try switching my Pokemon for the next round, and in my 42nd room, I face a wild Milotic, and instead of engaging in a battle, I decide to run away and that also works. And for how I choose my room, let's say there are hints that I can get from the maid in every hall.

In my 129th room, I ask the maid which door I should go to, and she replies, "All three doors will lead you to a terrifying event, yes, a horrible one."

"I've never heard of this one before... that means this one is Pike Queen Lucy. We've finally made it."

Once we get to the end of the room, Lucy says, "For I am the Pike Queen. You already know it, but to advance, you must defeat me. I'm not one for idle chatter. Hurry. Come on... Your luck, I hope you didn't use it all up here."

"Of course, I am going to use Luck." I say back.

The battle this time is a 3 on 3, and Lucy calls out Seviper while I go with Magmar.

"Magmar against Seviper." May says.

"This is going to be an interesting match." Brock says.

Magmar starts the battle by using the Feint Attack, and Seviper defends itself with Poison Tail. Lucy commands Seviper to use Bite, but Magmar quickly uses Smokescreen to make Seviper lose sight. Magmar uses Flame Wheel, causing Seviper to take damage. Magmar uses Flame Wheel again, but Seviper dodges and lands a Poison Tail from behind.

"Magmar use Flame Charge to raise your speed!" I say.

Lucy closes her eyes, bewildering Ash and his supporters. "She's just standing there?" Reisa asks.

"She is. It is her style." Brock says.

Much to their surprise, Seviper uses Flamethrower at the exact moment Lucy tells it to, knocking Magmar down.

"Magmar, can you keep it up?" I ask, he just shakes before nodding at me. Magmar uses Flamethrower to hit Seviper, who uses Poison Tail to hit it back and uses Poison Fang. Magmar uses Thunder Punch, hitting Seviper and knocking it out before it could attack.

"Great job, Magmar. You did it." I say.

"That's it for Seviper..." The lady trainers with Lucy are sad at the loss. "Don't forget that Lucy's just getting started."

"She's right. You can do it, Lucy. I know you can!" Brock says.

"Is Brock cheering for Lucy rather than Ash?" Max asks.

"One is his best friend and one is his girlfriend, considering how many times he fails to get a girlfriend before her..." Serena says.

Lucy then sends out her second Pokemon, which is a Shuckle. It goes for the Toxic to make my Magmar poisoned, and with the low HP it has, Magmar is then defeated in the end.

"If that's the case, I choose you! Donphan!" I decided to go with Donphan, and much to my surprise, this Shcukle doesn't have any attack moves. It uses Protect and Rest every time I use Rollout on it, and it has been using Toxic to stall.

"This is ridiculous... Toxic, Sandstorm, Protect, and Rest? What kind of moveset is that?" Emerald asks.

"Ash has to play this smart if he wants to win. Not to mention Shuckle's ability is Sturdy, one shot is not going to work." Serena says.

"If that's the case, use Fire Fang!" I say, and much to my delight, Shuckle finally get the burn. And after another Rollout, Shuckle is finally out of the battle.

Lucy then sends out her final Pokemon, a Milotic, which I have a disadvantage. I have Donphan go for Take Down, but Lucy smiles and orders Milotic use Hydro Pump, knocking Donphan out with one hit.

"Considering how much poison damage Donphan has from Shuckle..."

I then send out my final Pokemon, the Electabuzz. When Electabuzz uses Thunderbolt on Milotic, Lucy lets the attack hit, much to my surprise. Milotic disperses the attack with its tail and hits Electabuzz with a Hydro Pump.

"You see, Lucy prefers offense moves rather than defensive moves." Scott replies.

"Wow, that is amazing." Max says.

Impressed at her battle skills, I have Electabuzz use Low Kick but is pushed away by Milotic's Iron Tail attack. Electabuzz then used Wild Charge, but Milotic used Twister and Hydro Pump consecutively, repelling Electabuzz.

As Milotic is about to use Iron Tail again, Electabuzz uses Thunder Punch to land a direct hit.

Lucy commands Milotic to use Twister once again, so I order Electabuzz to head directly into it and use Wild Charge at maximum power. Electabuzz rushes through the Twister and collides with Milotic's tail, causing an explosion. Milotic falls to the ground, surrounded by paralysis, and knocked out.

"Milotic is unable to battle, the victory goes to Ash." The referee says.

"We did it, Electabuzz!" I say.

Lucy shakes my hand and says, "You just display great strength. You deserve such good friends. Here, your proof of winning at the Battle Pike. The Lucky Symbol."

I take the symbol and now I have four. Scott says, "Remember, Ash. Your next challenge is going to take place in the Battle Palace."

"That's on Metallica Island which is past Seafoam Islands." Max says.

"Wow, it has been a while since they last traveled across water." May says.

"I totally agree." Reisa says.

Then we all bid farewell to Brock, Scott, and Lucy while they go to the Pokemon Center to rest.

Here is the fourth Battle Frontier, Battle Pike. I hope you like this chapter.

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