Chapter 14

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The six of us arrive at Potpourri Island. When we go to the Pokemon Center, we hear a group of kids pass by discussing the upcoming Pokemon Orienteering event.

"What is Pokemon Orienteering?" I'm confused as well as the others.

Nurse Joy says, "It is a cross-country race in which competitors use a map and compass to find their way through unfamiliar territory. Together with a partner Pokémon, Trainers must navigate their way around the island and attempt to find five checkpoints, and the winner will be given the Pokémon Teamwork Medal and also a sample of Potpourri Island's famous fruits."

"I see, it sounds interesting." Max says.

"I want to be part of it." May says.

Night falls and everyone gathers at a table in the Pokémon Center to discuss Pokémon Orienteering. I decide to participate with Pikachu, while May chooses Eevee, Serena goes with Absol, Reisa goes with Politoed, Emerald goes with Mr. Mime, and Max borrows May's Munchlax.

The next day, the participants gather for the Pokémon Orienteering event as Nurse Joy explains the rules. She hands each trainer and Pokemon team a map and a compass of the surrounding area. Nurse Joy says, "Now let the event...Start!"

Everyone dashes off into the distance and spreads out to the five checkpoints after Nurse Joy yells the word. Pikachu and I carefully walk across a log located high above a river when a faint wind knocks us both off-balance, but we manage to grasp onto the underside of the log and eventually reach the other side.

After searching for the stamp, we find the first checkpoint near a waterfall called Rainbow Falls. Remoraid begins squirting water in arcs over the short path to the slab as I go over to get his map stamped.

Then I also found one checkpoint near a 300-year-old gigantic tree with the Pineco Stamp, as we continue forward, I notice a trap in front of me and I sigh, "Pikachu, there is a trap in front of us, count to three and we will jump."

Pikachu nods as we all jump, leaving Jessie and Meowth to be angry. So James is participating in the competition... figures. I mock, "Sorry, cheaters, cheating doesn't work on us."

We arrive at the third one near two rocky spires rising up from the ocean with the Kingler Stamp, and after a while, Pikachu and I decide to take a rest while eating the food. "Pikachu, we're going to win this, right?"

Pikachu nods as he continues to consume the food. But after a while, we hear a scream. "It's May!" I rush towards the direction where the voices are from, and Serena, Reisa, and Emerald also hear the voices as we meet up.

We find May and Max falling off the cliff as we grab onto the bridge together.

"Hang on you guys!" "We're going to pull you up!" The six of us then pull the bridge back up and Serena asks, "Are you alright?"

"We're fine." May says. "But what could've caused the bridge to collapse like that?"

"Team Rocket. They probably cut the bridge." I frown. "They try to trick me into falling into a pitfall."

Reisa says, "And they also try to catch me in a net. Those guys sure like to play dirty."

Just then, Gardevoir and Meowsie come and Gardevoir says, "Ash, Team Rocket has attacked the Pokemon Center, they tried to take us."

"What?" We gasp in shock as we rush to the Pokemon Center, and we find Jessie and Meowth. As they are trying to do the motto, May, Max, Serena, Emerald, and Reisa calmly reclaim the food prize and free the Pokémon.

"It does get better." Max says.

"Hey!" Team Rocket turns around to see their mistake and so Jessie releases Dustox to battle, who is challenged by Donphan. Dustox Tackles Donphan forcefully, but it retaliates with Take Down sending Dustox back into Jessie and Meowth. Donphan finishes them off with a Hyper Beam that sends the three blasting off again.

In the end, James and his Mime Jr. win the race, and he is presented with the medal. Nurse Joy asks, "So Jameson, since our Pokemon Center was attacked and these trainers helped me defend it, so would you consider giving the food prize to them?"

"I agree." James says, causing Jessie and Meowth to be surprised and angry.

We are happy to get the fruits, and at the same time, we hear from Nurse Joy that there is a Contest on this island, it's on Wisteria Town, which is not far from here.

After a short walk, we arrive at Wisteria Town, where May will compete in the Wisteria Contest to try to win her third Ribbon. She practices with her Munchlax by throwing a ball into the air and having Munchlax use Focus Punch to break it, dropping confetti everywhere.

"Looking good there, Munchlax. Not to mention it's cute." Reisa says.

"Thanks." May says. "Now it's time for your first contest."

"I've never seen Munchlax so pumped up before." Max says.

Eevee goes up to May and indicates that it wants to be in the Contest, but May tells it they need more practice first.

"So are you going to use Munchlax in both rounds?" Serena asks.

"Well, I will go with Wartortle in the appeal rounds and Munchlax in the battle round." May says. "That way Wartortle will have more experience."

"Hey, Ash!" We see Ariel who is waving to us. She rushes to us and asks, "So are you here for the contest?"

"Well, I want to let May go this round." I reply.

"Now it is your time to chicken off?" Harley appears, much to the group's shock and dislike.

"Oh no... he's back..." Emerald says.

"You again?" I say in annoyance. "What do you want this time?"

"Nothing, just thinking that you are afraid to lose to May, which is why you didn't partake in this one." Harley says.

I'm now getting angry at the words, he says, "Oh yeah? So how many ribbons do you have now?"

Harley shows that he also gets three ribbon, and May is now depressed while I feel angry. I can't let this guy get ahead of me. I say, "Well, today, I'm going to get four ribbons to beat you!"

I turn to May after Harley leaves, "May, you won't mind if I participate in beating this guy?"

"I don't mind at all. even if I lose to you, I will want to see him lose." May says.

Ariel asks in confusion, "Um... so what is the problem?"

"That is Harley, he tries to taunt Ash and May every time they battle." Reisa sighs. "And he also uses some dirty tricks as well."

"Sounds very evil." Ariel says.

In the appeal rounds, May brings out her Wartortle for the appeals round. Wartortle uses Rapid Spin to spin across the floor horizontally and upright, following it up with a Bubble attack that spins around in the air as Wartortle spins around. Wartortle uses Ice Beam to break the bubbles and then creates a frozen fountain surrounded by frozen water.

I decide to go with Piloswine to make the sand fly and use the Icy Wind to make it glow, then He jumps around the flying stepping stones and finishes it off with a powerful jump. Ariel uses Weavile, she also uses the ground to make rocks fly and shows her claws to carve a statue.

Harley takes the stage and brings out his Ariados, who appears with his back to the audience. Ariados uses Spider Web to take over the whole stage and starts climbing and crawling around on it. Ariados bungee jumps from the top with the string attached to its abdomen. It spins itself around while wrapping itself with string and uses Scary Face to scare everyone.

Before finishing off its last move, a Wobbuffet falls from the ceiling and crashes onto the ground. "What in the world is that?" Lilian is surprised.

Ariados uses Scary Face to scare Wobbuffet and it runs away. "How did he get here?"

I think something is fishy and both Ariel and I decide to check out what's going on. And it is also a good thing that Ariel and I are facing each other in the battle round while May and Harley are fighting each other.

"Team Rocket!" I say.

"You guys again..." Ariel says.

"It's the twerp and the boss' daughter!" The trio gasp, mentioning Giovanni is getting Ariel angry.

They try to trick us for helping May to win against Harley, but they can't fool us when there is a box of Pokemon behind them. So Piloswine and Weavile use Icy Wind to send them flying.

The first battle of the Battle Round begins. Harley brings out Octillery while May releases Munchlax. Munchlax uses Focus Punch and Octillery jumps high in the air, lands on top of Munchlax, and uses Constrict. Munchlax tries to use Focus Punch to knock Octillery off of it, but it fails and Octillery uses a powerful Octazooka at point-blank. Munchlax uses Solar Beam, but Octillery's Sludge Bomb hits first and causes an explosion. Near the end of her rope, May takes a risk and has Munchlax use Metronome, which at first appears to do nothing. Harley and Octillery begin to laugh at the failed move, but suddenly a powerful Thunder drops down onto Octillery. Even after this lucky break, May is still way behind. Octillery uses Rest to fully heal, alarming May's friends, who tell her to attack before Octillery wakes up in full health. Munchlax uses Tackle, Focus Punch, and another Tackle, but it isn't enough. Octillery awakens and knocks Munchlax out with Octazooka.

"I...lost to Harley..." May says in shock. And I say, "Don't worry, either one of us will avenge you."

"We are not going to let him win this contest after all." Ariel adds.

Then in the second round, I decide to go with Cosplay Pikachu against Ariel's Houndoom. Houndoom gives me a tough challenge, but in the end, I win against Ariel and advance to the next round.

Ariel says, "Got beaten by you again... I wonder when I can actually beat you?"

"I don't know, but now I'm going against Harley." I say.

And in the match with Harley, Octillery tries to use Octazooka to cover Pikachu's face, but she dodges and uses Meteor Mash.

"Hey, Pikachu can't learn that move!" He yells.

"Sorry, but my Pikachu is a cosplay Pikachu. In her rock star form, she can use it." In the end, Harley is defeated and I am awarded with the fourth ribbon.

"No, this is impossible!" He yells once more and runs off.

"And this should teach him a lesson." May says.

"I agree." Ariel says while turning to me. "Congratulations on your new evolution. But next time I am not going to lose to you."

"I'll see you try about that." I say as we bid farewell to each other.

Lilian comes up to May and hands her a flier about the next Contest which will be held on Chrysanthemum Island.

"By the way, here is something that is told to give you." May receives an envelope and a rose. Reisa says, "Do you think it is from Drew?"

"But why did he send me this?" May opens the envelope and reads the letter. The sender says that he or she looks forward to seeing her again at the Chrysanthemum Contest.

"So Drew will be there?" Emerald asks.

"That will be fine. He'll be there to see me winning my third ribbon." May says with confidence.

Here is another new chapter, and this chapter marks Ash's fourth ribbon. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be the Battle Palace and May's third ribbon.

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