Chapter 1

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(Dawn's POV)

Today is finally the day that I can go to Professor Rowan and start my journey. I have been very excited since my brothers Lucas and Tox already started their journeys and I haven't. It is not just them, my other friends as well... especially Ash, he already has 3 Ribbon Cups! I'm not going to fall behind to become the best Top Coordinator.

"Dawn! Are you up?" The door opens, revealing my Mom Johana, who is also a Top Coordinator.

"Good morning, Mom." I say.

"I have a feeling that you woke up early today." Johana says.

"Yeah, I'm finally going to get my Starter Pokemon and start my journey." I say while kneeling to say hello to my mom's Glameow.

While having breakfast, I ask, "So where is Dad, Lucas, or Tox?"

"Tox is still working on his studies, while your father and Lucas are now at the lab in Sandgem Town. So have you packed your stuff yet?"

"Of course, I did it yesterday." I say.

"So have you decided what kind of Pokemon you're going to choose?" Johana asks.

"Not yet... they're all so cute... the thing is, I'm sure that any of them will make an awesome partner. Though I have to be smart, though... I want to be a Top Coordinator like you and Ash."

"Then first stop you have to become a great Pokemon Trainer, and a Breeder too. All winning Coordinators start out as Pokemon trainers." My Mom says.

"You're right, Mom. That's what I'll do." I say.

"That reminds me, Barry came calling for you a little while ago. I don't know what it was about, but he said it was an emergency."

That Barry... he has been a very good friend of Lucas, but I couldn't stand the fact that he's a little annoying with those finings.

At first, I am going to leave with a huge luggage with my clothes, but my Mom just decide to put them all in a backpack instead... well, I guess it is time to meet Barry and see what he's up to before I can get my Starter Pokemon. My Mom also gives me her first ribbon, which will be my good luck charm.

When I arrive at Barry's door, he suddenly rushes out of the house and bumps into me. "What was that about?! Oh, hey, Dawn! Hey! I'm going to the lake! You come too! And be quick about it! OK, Dawn? I'm fining you 1 million dollars if you're late! Oh, jeez! Forgot something!"

Then he rushes back into the room and comes out, "...I'd better take my Bag and Journal, too... Oh, hey, Dawn! We're going to the lake! I'll be waiting for you on the road! It's a 10 million dollars fine if you're late!"

When I chase him at Route 201, I ask, "Shouldn't we go to Sandgem Town to get our Starter first?"

"We can do that later. You saw that news report that was on TV, right? You know, "Search for the Red Gyarados! The mysterious appearance of the furious Pokémon in a lake!" That show got me thinking. I'll bet our local lake has a Pokémon like that in it, too! So, that's what we're gonna do. We'll go find a Pokémon like that!"

"A Red Gyarados?" I gasp. "That will be amazing if we find it."

We all head to Lake Verity, and much to my delight, we find my brother Lucas and Professor Rowan there. It sure has been a while since usually, my Dad is the one that manages the lab.

"Professor, there's nothing out of the ordinary on the other side, either!" My brother says.

"Hmm... I may have been mistaken... Something appears to be different than it was before, but... Fine! It's enough that we have seen the lake. Lucas, we're leaving."

Lucas nods and asks, "Professor, you've been gone for four years now. How are you enjoying being back in Sinnoh?"

"...Hm. There is one thing I can say. There are many rare kinds of Pokémon in Sinnoh. The region should serve us very well in regard to our studies." Professor Rowan says.

Then they notice us and Lucas asks, "Dawn! Barry! What are you doing here? It's too dangerous for you to come here without a Pokemon, shouldn't you be going to Sandgem Town waiting for us?"

I say, "Sorry, it's just that both of us want to see if we can find the Red Gyarados in the lake."

"Sorry to say that there is nothing like that in the lake." Professor Rowan says. "So you must be Dawn and Barry, the new trainers who are going to receive the Starter Pokemon."

"Yes!" We all say, and Professor Rowan decides to bring us back to the lab in Sandgem Town. But just when we arrive at the lab, we can see that Dad is panicking.

"Professor Rowan, we are so sorry about this, but we have a slight problem a Chimchar and a Piplup have gone into a fight and they're missing."

Barry says, "Then Dawn and I should look for them! Let's go, Dawn!"

"But Barry, Dawn..." Before Lucas can say something, Professor Rowan says, "Very well, you two should remember to get into their eye level, that will get them to calm down."

"Okay, we'll do that." Then the two of us run off and Barry says, "That Professor Rowan is a really nice guy."

Then we find the two Pokemon fighting each other, and they all run off. "Hey! You two, wait up!" We chase after the two Pokemon, and eventually, they are all out of our sight.

Barry says, "Dawn, you look over there and I'll look here."

"Right!" We decide to separate for now, and I find Piplup tied onto an Ariados' web, and there is also the Pokemon that it captured in the web. The Ariados tries to attack me, so I decide to lure him away by standing in front of the web, and when Araidos attacks, I dodge the attack in time so the web is destroyed. I manage to catch Piplup in time, but we fall into the ledge and I say, "You're safe now, Piplup. My name is Dawn, how are you?"

Just then, Piplup attacks me with a Peck attack, and then he starts to yell at me. I wish I could be like Ash, Serena, or others... to be able to understand what they're saying...

"Hey! You're the one who got caught!" I say, but then I realize that Piplup is actually hungry, so I decided to share some Pokemon food with him, but he refuses. I think he has an attitude problem.

Just then, the Ariados is back, and they try to trap us with String Shot. More Ariados' appears, and we try to dodge the Poison Sting. We try to distract them by using Pokemon food, but the String Shot caught my leg.

"Piplup! Get out of here! I'll be fine!" But then Piplup decides to go with the Bide attack, and it sends back the attack to them. "That sure is an amazing Bide... Piplup, thank you so much."

Just then, Piplup falls to the ground fainted, and at the same time, Barry arrives with Chimchar in his hands. I notice Barry having scratch cuts and I ask, "What happened to you?"

"Just a scratch, but hey. You also got Piplup as well." Barry says. "I think my Chimchar was way stronger than yours."

"Oh yeah? This guy used Bide to chase away 9 Ariados at the same time." I say with a proud tone.

Barry sighs before saying, "I know we have to go return these Pokémon. They're not ours. But I want to spend just a little more time with this little guy..."

"Me too." I say. Then we head back to the Lab, and Professor Rowan says, "It seems you two really bring back the Pokemon."

"We got into some trouble, but we're fine now." Barry says.

"Let me see." My Dad decides to look at our bruises and scratches, and then he helps us apply medicine to our wounds. Then Professor Rowan says, "These Pokemon seem to be really happy. All righty then! I'll give those two Pokemon to you as a gift."

"Really? Thank you so much!" We both cheer as we finally get our first Pokemon. My Dad says, "From what we can see, there is a growing bond between you and those Pokemon, though they're still young. That's why Professor Rowan would like to entrust you with those two Pokemon."

"Boy, am I glad you're kind toward Pokémon. If you weren't, well... I don't even want to think about it." Lucas says.

Rowan coughs before saying, "Let's move on to the main topic. There is something I want you to do for me. First of all, I want to know exactly what kinds of Pokemon live in the Sinnoh Region. To do so, it is necessary to collect data using the Pokedex. This is what I wish to ask you. I want to entrust you with this Pokedex. Will you use it to record data on all the Pokemon in Sinnoh for me?"

"That sounds fun." I say. And then Barry and I have the Pokedex app in our Rotom Phones, "They will automatically record data on every kind of Pokemon you encounter. I ask that you go everywhere and meet every kind of Pokemon in this region!"

Lucas says, "I've got the same kind of Pokédex as you."

"Really." I say.

"When you walked up to Route 201 with your Pokemon, what did you feel?" When Professor Rowan asks us, Barry says, "Well... it is actually fun."

"Yeah, I mean, we did get into some trouble, but everything's worth it." I say.

"I've lived for 60 long years. Even now, I get a thrill when I'm with a Pokemon. Now you should know that there are countless Pokemon in this world. That means there are just as many thrills waiting for you out there! No go! Your adventure begins right now!"

"The professor asked me to help, so I'm going to go out and fill the Pokédex pages, too. That makes us comrades working toward the same goal. I'll teach you stuff later, OK?" Lucas says.

"No need to worry, I can do it all by myself." I say.

"Same here." Barry says.

Then we decide to bid farewell to them and leave for Route 202.

"So that's the Sinnoh Region!" I say as Lillie is by my side, and the ones on the deck are Togetic, Absol, and Pikachu. "Think of all the Pokemon here... we're going to make a lot of new friends and I'm going to become the Sinnoh Champion."

Lillie says, "But first, we have to tell our parents that we have arrived at Sinnoh."

Then we decide to do the phone call, and while we're talking with Dad, a mechanical hand suddenly grabs Pikachu.

"Pikachu!" I frown, it's Team Rocket again.

"Seriously? Team Rocket is still following you all the way to Sinnoh?" Lillie asks.

"That's 792 times now..." I mutter. "Togetic! Moonblast! Absol! Dark Pulse!"

When both Pokemon attack Team Rocket, they are sent flying, but Pikachu has fallen into who knows where.

We have Togetic, Butterfree, Murkrow, and Yanma searching in the air for Pikachu, and Aipom is on the tree a look out. I ask, "Hey, Aipom! Did you see any sign of Team Rocket or Pikachu anywhere?"

Aipom comes down from the tree and shakes her head. I frown, "Man... I want to find those guys and they all disappear..."

"Yeah, I sure hope Pikachu's okay..." Lillie says. "According to the map, we're at Lake Verity right now..."

Just then, the lake ripples, and we can see a mysterious figure appearing in front of us. "What the..."

And after it's gone, we hear a voice, "Hey, is anything all right over there?"

We turn around and find Officer Jenny. We decide to tell her everything. "You're saying that Team Rocket is in Sinnoh?"

"Yeah, we have to find those guys first because they took our Pikachu." I say.

"But Sinnoh is a big place, instead of running around trying to find them all by yourself, why don't you leave that to me? I'll take you to Professor Rowan's lab so you can say hello."

When we arrive at the lab, we greet Professor Rowan and Professor Berlitz. Professor Berlitz and his family are also members of Team Alpha. "Ash, Lillie. It is nice to see you again." Professor Berlitz says.

"It sure is." I say.

"Professor Oak says a lot of deal about you." Professor Rowan says.

"Glad to hear that. So where is Lucas, Tox, or Dawn?" Lillie asks.

"Lucas and Tox are doing some homework of their own, while Dawn just manages to start her journey and now she's heading to Jubilife Town. She did mention that she found Pikachu from Team Rocket, which is surprising since we never knew they're still active here in Sinnoh..."

"That's my Pikachu!" I gasp. "You're saying that Dawn found them and saved my Pikachu?"

Lillie says, "Team Rocket is supposed not to be active, but those three are really persistent and they have been annoying Ash here almost 800 times without giving up."

Then we decide to call Nurse Joy, only to find that Dawn has already left to find us. We decide to leave and Professor Rowan asks, "Wait, where are you going?"

"I'm going to find Dawn! I know the Pokemon Center is closeby so that means she's gotta be close by too." Then we decide to find Dawn since we're also childhood friends, so we know what she looks like.

(Dawn's POV)

"I've been trying to reach you." When Professor Rowan gives me a call, I ask, "So you know the Pikachu's trainer?"

"Yes, that's Ash Ketchum's Pikachu, and he was just here." Wait, Ash Ketchum's Pikachu? And Ash is here? Is he here to enter the Pokemon Contest as well? Oh no... will I be able to beat him considering he has 3 Ribbon Cups! No need to worry, beginners' luck is important.

"Ash and Lillie are now here and they're trying to catch up to you." Rowan says.

"So problem. So all I have to do is retrace my steps and run into them." Then I frown as I remember how Pikachu fried my bike, "I sure hope that my bike wasn't in a crisp..."

I'm still running until I bump into a person and fall down. "Oww..." The boy says.

"I am sorry...wait, Tox?" I am surprised to see my childhood friend here, "Wait, Ash? Is that you?"

We share a friendly hug and I ask, "What are you doing here?"

"We are going to travel the Sinnoh Region of course." Tox says.

"Who are we?" I ask. Just then, we see Daniel and Gladion rushing up to us. Wait, Gladion and Daniel? They're here in Sinnoh too? Daniel says, "There you are...wait, Ash? Is that you?"

"Ash... you should have waited for us... Brother?!" Lillie arrives with Togetic and Absol, but she is shocked to see her brother also here. After the sibling hug, she says, "What are you doing here? I thought you were going back to Aether with Mother."

Gladion says, "I was dragged by Tox and Daniel since they want me to accompany them on the journey."

"But where is your Pikachu?" Tox asks. "Why didn't we see him?"

"Team Rocket stole my Pikachu for the 793rd time. But we heard from your Dad that Dawn saved him from them and we're trying to locate her."

"Wait, you mean Dawn has your Pikachu right now?" Tox asks with surprise.

Daniel says, "You don't mind if we also come with you, right?"

"Of course." I say as we all rush forward. But Aipom bumps into a Starly and they have a fight. "Knock it out, Aipom! This is not the time for you to pick up a fight!" I say.

"Shouldn't you capture it because it's a Flying Type and is easier to search in the sky?"

"We do have some Flying Types with us, but it won't be bad to capture another one for the Pokedex." I say while I have Aipom use Swift on Starly, but Starly goes for Whirlwind, good thing that Aipom is at a higher level compared to Starly, and then it goes for Focus Punch, but the Quick Attack and Wing Attack are causing it to lose focus.

"Aipom! Use Focus Punch again!" This time, Aipom hits the Pokemon and I throw the Pokeball at the same time, capturing the Starly.

Starly: The Starling Pokemon: Normal and Flying Type. Usually with a large flock, it is barely noticeable when alone. Its cries are very strident.

"We did it, Aipom." I say, then we use it to find Pikachu. As we continue searching, we find an electric attack in the distance. We rush there and find that it is only a trainer using Elekid to capture Starly.

"I think you and your Pokemon should stay out of our way." He's quite rude, and I say, "I don't know anyone is here except us."

"It must have been that Elekid that's launching the attack." Daniel says.

"Anyway, have you seen a girl with a Pikachu out here?" Gladion asks.

"No, you really think that Starly is good enough?" The boy asks me, and I am confused. "Don't you think it is better to capture the best one instead?"

"You can tell which one's the strongest?" Lillie demands, and he shows three Starly, by scanning them with the Pokedex app on the Rotom Phone, he decides to release two Starly.

"That is a weird way to treat a Pokemon..." I say.

"The only attacks those two new were Tackle and Sand Attack. So they won't be much use anyway." The boy replies.

"You know what I think? All Pokemon can be strong when you train them." Lillie says.

"So you want to battle?" The boy asks, "We're using three Pokemon. Three-on-three is the best way to find out what kind of balance a trainer's team has."

"As much as we want to, but we're trying to find Pikachu." Then we find another Electric Attack in the distance. Tox says, "What about that?"

"I think that's Pikachu's Volt Tackle!" We rush towards the attack, and I hear the boy muttering, "That's a Volt Tackle, huh?"

When we get there, we see that Team Rocket is using another machine to grab Pikachu as well as attacking Dawn and her Piplup. I yell, "Aipom, Swift! Starly, Whirlwind! Togetic, Fairy Wind! Absol, Psycho Cut!"

When the four attacks hit the machine, Jessie says, "It is the old twerp and the twerpette."

"And they have three new partners, but Pikachu is already ours." Meowth says as he uses the machine to hit me, and I use Protect to stop the attack.

"Team Rocket, give back my Pikachu!"

"Listen, is that a voice I hear?" "It's speaking to me loud and clear."

"On the wind!" "Past the stars!" "In your ear!"

"Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace." "Dashing hope, putting fear in its place."

"A rose by any other name is just as sweet." "When everything's worse, our work is complete."

"Jessie!" "And it's James!" "And Meowth, now that's a name."

"Putting the do-gooders in their place..." "...we're Team Rocket..." " your face!"

Lillie groans and Daniel asks, "Did they seriously need to do that?"

Lillie says, "Tell me about it, we have to hear those stupid mottos whenever we meet again. Though it is the new one this time."

"Are you saying that our mottos are stupid?" The trio yells in anger, and I decide to climb a tree and jump into the machine's arm, climbing up to get Pikachu.

I try to force the hand open and the machine begins to malfunction. Tox yells, "Hurry! I think it's going to blow! Get down!"

Everyone gets down as Team Rocket is sent flying once more. After a while, I climb out of the rubble with Pikachu. I hug him and say, "Pikachu! You're okay!"

Our other Pokemon also rush to Pikachu, and I say, "Right, you haven't met yet. This is Starly, he's our very first Pokemon here in the Sinnoh Region. He also helps us find you."

Lillie says, "Dawn, thanks for saving our Pikachu."

"No problem. But what are you doing here, Tox? Dad said that you're working with some medics...'

"Yeah, but we decide to go on a journey, so I call Daniel and Gladion to come. We found Ash and Lillie on the way and we decide to join the travel.

Piplup suddenly falls down to the ground and Tox says, "Obviously Piplup is not fine. Let me handle this."

Then as he heals the Pokemon, he sighs, "Dawn, you have to remember that our dad is also a doctor other than a Professor, so it is important to know about the condition of the Pokemon."

"I'm sorry, Piplup..." Then after Tox heals Piplup, he goes to help my Pikachu. Then we decide to call Professor Rowan and tell him that Pikachu's okay. And Professor Rowan also tells me that he got a package from my Mom, so we should head to the lab.

On the way, we find Officer Jenny and she is happy that we get Pikachu back, and after that, we all head to Sandgem Town as soon as possible.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, it is the beginning of the Sinnoh journey and I hope you like it.

Ash + Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Magneton, Lickitung, Rhydon, Tangela, Electabuzz, Magmar, Lapras, Meganium, Togetic, Aipom, Yanma, Espeon, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Gligar, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Piloswine, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Nosepass, Milotic, Dusclops, Absol, Starly

Dawn's Pokemon:


Tox's Pokemon:


Gladion's Pokemon:


Daniel's Pokemon:


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