Chapter 36

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When we get to the gym the next day, the gym guide says, "Hey, there! How's it going, Champ-to-be? Do you see the big snowballs placed here and there? You need to slide on the ice with enough momentum to crush them. The Gym Leader is a user of Ice-type Pokémon. Melt her defenses with scorching-hot Fire-type moves! It's all about focus with this Gym! Bear down and focus!"

Just like other Ice Type gyms, we have to slide on ice, but this time we also have to break the snowballs. The first trainer is Ace Trainer Anton. "We spend all our time battling in the blizzards of Snowpoint City. We'll show you how it's toughened us up!"

He uses a Snover and a Glalie, and I decide to go with Magmortar to defeat the Pokemon with ease. "What's with your toughness?"

The second trainer is an Ace Trainer named Alicia. "Are you feeling the chill of fatigue? A good Trainer goes for the win no matter what their condition is!"

She uses a Sneasel and a Tentacruel, so I guess the gym trainers aren't going to use all Ice Types. I go for Pikachu and have it defeat them with Iron Tail and Thunderbolt. "That's right. A good Trainer will win, no matter what the situation may be."

When we slide from above, the momentum will get us break the snowballs and land to the other sides, but the stairs will stop our sliding, which is good to know. The third trainer is an Ace Trainer Savannah. "Is this Gym's trick floor making you a little hot under the collar? If you can't maintain your cool in battle, you'll freeze up."

She uses Pelipper, Golduck, and Glalie, so I go with Electivire for these three and defeat them with the Discharge. "You were surprisingly cool... At least I have my warm boots."

The fourth Ace trainer is Sergio, and he says, "It's too cold. I can't even feel my t-tongue."

He uses a team of Buizel, Snover, and Sneasel, so I go with Magnezone this time and defeat all three with Magnet Bomb and Zap Cannon. "This result... It's cold. Bitter cold."

The fifth Ace Trainer is Brenna, and she says, "I've only been involved with Pokemon for a short time. I managed to get this far because skilled friends toughened me up!"

She uses a Sneasel, a Snorunt, and a Snover, so I go with Riolu who is itching for a battle, and Riolu defeats them with Counter and Vacuum Wave. "I can't believe how tough you are!"

And the final Pokemon is Isaiah. He says, "My willpower was shaped and tempered by howling blizzards. I'll bring it to bear on you!"

He uses Quagsire and Piloswine, so I go for Snover since this is also his first time. After defeating both of them, he says, "You weren't even fazed...

When we finally reach Candice, she says, "You want to challenge Candice? Sure thing! I was waiting for someone tough! But I should tell you, I'm tough because I know how to focus. Pokémon, fashion, romance... It's all about focus! I'll show you just what I mean. Get ready to lose!"

"I wonder what Ash's strategy is against Ms. Senior." Zoey says, also wanting to see our gym battle.

Candice says, "Let's show him some real keen eye! Sneasel!"

I decide to use Steelix, and when it roars, Zoey says, "I've never seen a Steelix like this before..."

"Mine is Crystal Steelix." I say.

"I don't know what your strategy is, but that sounds a lot of fun." Candice says.

I have Steelix use Dragon breath, but Sneasel dodges and literally skates across the ice field, getting in close and hitting Steelix with Icy Wind. Sneasel circle-strafes Steelix with Icy Wind as Steelix falters only slightly.

"Sneasel! Use Fury Swipes!" When it tries to get close, I yell, "Steelix! Rock Blast!"

Sneasel is sent back, and I say, "That's great, use Rock Climb!" Steelix uses Rock Climb allowing him to easily run across the ice. Sneasel fires Icy Wind but Steelix pushes forward, runs straight up the boulder, and rams Sneasel, sending it flying and creating a crater in the ice where it fell, knocking it out.

"All right!" Dawn says.

"While waiting for an opportunity to strike, Steelix takes it to counter it in the end." Tox says. "That is just like what Paul's Torterra teaches Ash's.

"Now this is the battle I like, Medicham, show your Keen eye!"

So the second one is not an Ice Type. I decided to recall Steelix and send out Staraptor.

Staraptor launches a Quick Attack, but Medicham's Confusion stops the attack and sends Staraptor crashing into the ground. I know that a Psychic Type is also hard to beat.

Staraptor gets back up and launches Aerial Ace, but Medicham stops it by catching it by the beak, just shy of hitting. Quickly, Staraptor switches to Close Combat and hits. Medicham hits back with Fire Punch, and both are thrown down.

"Staraptor! Use Brave Bird!" I command, and it uses Brave Bird before Medicham can recover, crushing it into another crater, and knocking it out.

"That was awesome, Staraptor." I decide to recall Staraptor, and Dawn says, "That's two straight wins for Ash!"

"His quick thinking of using Close Combat got it that win." Daniel says.

"That was awesome, but from now on it is not going to be easy for you. Snover!" When Snover is next, I decide to think before sending out Riolu to battle.

"Ready or not, here I come! Snover, Razor Leaf! Riolu dodges the attack and goes for Force Palm, causing super-effective damage.

"Not bad! Use Ice beam!" Riolu is hit by the attack and when it goes for another Ice Beam, Riolu dodges it. "Force Palm again!" I say.

However, Snover's Bullet Seed barrage stops Riolu before an Icy Wind sends Riolu slamming into the wall, leaving it to faint while sitting in its crater.

"Oh no..." Lillie says.

"She's not a gym leader for nothing." Gladion says.

"Ms. Senior is not messing around anymore." Zoey says.

I recall Riolu and sending out Monferno. Monferno jumps across the ice boulders, dodging an Ice Beam and firing a Flamethrower, but an Icy Wind stops the attack and creates a steam cover, something Candice planned on when facing Fire types.

Monferno glances in all directions, trying to spot Snover's eventual sneak attack, I say, "Stay calm, Monferno. Snover will definitely make its first move. Use Flamethrower to sense where it is."

Monferno closes his eyes and listens until Snover's approach disturbs Monferno's tail flame, and Monferno looks up right where Snover comes out of the steam. Snover takes a swing at Monferno, but Monferno dodges and blasts Snover's back with Flamethrower until it crashes front-first into an ice boulder, knocking it out.

"Monferno is great!" Lillie cheers.

"Show them what you get! Abomasnow!" The final Pokemon is Abomasnow. Monferno fires Flamethrower, but Abomasnow simply stays put and fires a powerful Blizzard, not only stopping the attack but overcoming Flamethrower and knocking Monferno into an ice boulder.

"Monferno! Return!" I recall him and decide to use Staraptor. Hoping to utilize its speed and use Aerial Ace to take out Abomasnow in one hit. Staraptor goes into Aerial Ace, but Candice has Abomasnow use Ice Punch which not only slows, then stops the attack but throws back Staraptor, leaving it to fall to the ground and knocking it out with one hit.

"No way... They took Staraptor down with just one move." Gladion says.

I decide to bring back Steelix, and it goes for Iron Tail. However, Candice has Abomasnow use Wood Hammer. Using its entire body weight, Abomasnow punches Steelix's head straight down into the ice, knocking him out instantly.

"Seriously? Not even a Steel Type?" Daniel says.

"It is also a part Ground Type." Lillie says.

I can only send Monferno back out since he's my final Pokemon. Monferno launches a Flamethrower, but Blizzard once again stops that offense. Monferno dodges the oncoming Blizzard and then hops backward to put an ice boulder at its back.

"Ice Shard!" An Ice Shard destroys the ice boulder as Monferno leaps forward to dodge. Monferno continues to dodge Abomasnow's onslaught, throwing up chunks of ice everywhere.

We can't defeat it with force, so we have to do it with speed. But Staraptor is not good enough... that's when I notice Abomasnow crushing a chunk of ice underfoot after trying to hit Monferno, and I also remember Sneasel's skating.

"Monferno, jump on top of the ice boulders!" I say, and although Chimchar is surprised, he trusts me and obeys. Monferno leaps from boulder to boulder until Abomasnow destroys one with a punch, sending chunks skittering across the ice field.

"Now get on that ice shard!" Monferno jumps on it wobbly at first, but it gains control and uses intact ice boulders as half-pipe walls to maintain speed. He skates around Abomasnow, dodging attacks and launching Flamethrower attacks into Abomasnow's flank.

"Look at those moves! It's like Ash's Contest battles!" Zoey says.

Abomasnow eventually gets frustrated as Monferno jumps off the ice board and over Abomasnow's head, letting Abomasnow get close.

"Finish it with Flame Wheel!" Monferno charges forward quickly and hits Abomasnow's chest dead center. It continues to spin forward as Abomasnow goes flying backward, its feet sliding across the field.

Abomasnow regains its footing and grabs the Flame Wheel, creating a huge steam cloud. Through the steam, Monferno sees Abomasnow and prepares for another attack... but there's no need as Abomasnow has been knocked out. When the steam clears, Abomasnow tips forward and hits the ground.

"Wow! You're great! You've earned my respect! I think your focus will bowl us over totally. Oh, that's right! I'm supposed to give you this!" Then I receive the Icicle Badge. "That Icicle Badge I just gave you? Because you have it, you can use the hidden move Rock Climb anytime, even when you're not in a battle."

And now it's Lillie's turn, the first Pokemon is also Sneasel, and Lillie uses Bastiodon to defeat it. But this time Candice decides to go for Piloswine instead.

"Piloswine, huh..." It goes for Earthquake to defeat Bastiodon, so Lillie goes for Bibarel, using its Hyper Fang and Water Pulse to defeat Piloswine with ease. The third one is Froslass, and even though Bibarel wants to heal with Rest, a Wake Up Slap from Froslass manages to take it down. Lillie goes for her own Froslass, and uses Shadow Ball to knock it out.

The final is obviously Abomasnow, Lillie decides to go with Lopunny using the same trick as mine to defeat him. "Wow, my hat's off to you. That was fun." Canidce says as she also gives Lillie the Icicle Badge.

And just when we are about to leave the gym, we find Paul and he asks, "So you must be Candice the gym leader?"

"Yes?" Candice asks.

"I challenge you to a gym battle." Paul says.

"I'm sure you must have come a long way for this, but I just battled Ash and Lillie, and I like to get my gang to rest."

"Okay, tomorrow it is." Paul says.

We try to show Paul the seventh badge, but when we ask how many badges he has, he gives us a reply that's none of our business. Then Zoey asks who he is, and we decide to tell her everything.

But just before it's nighttime, we decide to rush to Lake Acuity because we still need to find Uxie, and we also find that Uxie is nowhere in sight and Barry is losing to Jupiter in the battle.

"Ah! You're not getting away with this, Team Galactic!" Barry yells.

"Oh? Are you finished already?" Jupiter asks. "Your Pokémon aren't bad, but you're laughably weak. You honestly thought you could save the Pokémon of the lake? And become the Pokémon Champion? Dream on, little kid. But, eww, it's so cold here. Let's go back to the Veilstone HQ."

Then Jupiter notices us and says, "Listen. Team Galactic is going to do something huge for everyone's sake. That's why you should keep out of Team Galactic's way. Don't come whining about poor Pokémon and other trivial junk like that. Don't waste your time coming to our HQ in Veilstone. Now, if you'll excuse me."

After she leaves, we rush to Barry. "Barry, are you alright?"

".. ... Yeah, that's right! I couldn't do anything against Team Galactic! That Pokémon is called Uxie... It was suffering... I'm going to get tougher... It's not about winning or losing... That's not good enough... I have to be stronger..."

"So you must have seen Uxie's silhouette, right?" I ask.

"Of course, so what about others?" Barry asks.

"Gone, they got all three lake Pokemon." I say.

"And who is this?" Zoey asks.

"This is Barry, and he's my childhood friend." Dawn says. "He's also trying to challenge the gyms as well."

"Yeah, and it's obviously that I'm not strong enough to beat that woman." Barry says. "I'll see you later."

After he leaves, we decide to head back to the Pokemon Center, Zoey is surprised to find Monferno used to be his Pokemon. Lillie and I decide to find Paul, and in the end causing Zoey to argue with him.

"He has no right talking like that." Zoey says. "I just hope that tomorrow Ms. Senior will destroy him."

The next day, we also find Reggie as well. After meeting him, we also show them that we have 7 badges, and Reggie says, "Hey, hear that, Paul? Won't you mind I watch your battle?"

"Whatever." Paul says.

"He might be the total opposite of Ash, but he's nothing like his brother either." Zoey says.

Just then, the ground is shaking and we look up, we see the Battle Pyramid flying over us. I gasp, "That's the Battle Pyramid!"

Reggie is surprised and asks, "You guys know about that thing?"

"Yeah, I battled the facility with a full six-on-six and I won in the end." I say.

"What? You beat it?" Paul is shocked.

"Of course, and even Brandon himself is very impressed with him as well." Scott then arrives with his SUV. "Hello to you again."

"Scott? You are here as well?" Reggie is surprised to see an old friend. I say, "So Scott, what is Brandon doing here?"

"You'll know once we meet him, let's go." But since none of us wants to ride in his SUV, so we decide to ride in Reggie's van.

"So what's the Battle Pyramid?" Dawn asks.

"That is actually the final Battle Frontier Facility in the Kanto Region. Just like how I only need one more facility to win." I say. "That reminds me, Reggie, have you challenged him, too? I remember you having the Frontier symbols in your house."

"Yeah, but I never got the Brave Symbol." Reggie says.

"Then why do you stop battling?" Gladion asks.

"Because I learn one thing. I've a lot more to learn." Reggie says.

When we find Brandon and Scott, Brandon says, "What a nice surprise. Great to see so many familiar faces. I hear that you're also challenging the Sinnoh Battle Frontier as well, Ash."

"Yeah, just need one more to win all of them." I say while showing four prints.

"And you must be Reggie's brother Paul, right?" Brandon asks.

"Yes, I want to challenge you to a Gym battle, right here, right now." Paul says.

"So Brandon, why are you here?" I ask.

Scott says, "Brandon is going to transfer Battle Pyramid into Sinnoh Battle Frontier. And he is here to investigate the Snowpoint Temple."

"Really? Does that mean I need to battle you again in order to complete the Sinnoh one?"

"You already beat me, there is no need to do that." Brandon says.

Brandon then introduces the temple maiden, Maria, and then he agrees to battle Paul.

Paul asks for a full battle without substitutions, and then Reggie tells the gang, including Zoey and Candice about everything.

Reggie recalls the match, he had defeated the other six Frontier Brains, and defeating Brandon would allow him to become a Frontier Brain candidate. Paul has just started his Pokémon journey with Turtwig and took time out from his first journey through Sinnoh to travel to Kanto in order to watch Reggie's battle. Despite his best efforts, Brandon defeated Reggie without losing a Pokémon. Paul and his Turtwig were both shocked that Reggie lost to Brandon and was unable to defeat any of his Pokémon. Brandon harshly tells Reggie that while it was an enjoyable battle, there was nothing special or unique about Reggie's battle style, and Brandon finishes by asking Reggie where his inner strength is. Paul took these words to heart, vowing to find his inner strength with his Turtwig being just as determined as well.

"Yes, this is what happened when Reggie challenges." Scott says.

"I had the same question after I completed 70 floors of a maze. I figure out my own answer and that's how I manage to win against him." I say.

Faced with Brandon's Regirock, Paul swaps his Magmar out for Hariyama, but Regirock easily defeats Hariyama and then Electabuzz. Brandon sends in Registeel so Paul sends in Magmar, but Magmar isn't even making a dent in Registeel. Paul switches in Nidoking instead, and Registeel scores an easy win.

Paul is quickly losing his cool; once Brandon's Regice wipes the floor with Paul's Lairon and then paralyzes Paul's Ursaring, Paul gives up and lets Brandon's Regirock knock his Ursaring out. Magmar is all Paul has left, but Regirock easily defeats Magmar too.

"Wow, a complete loss..." I say.

Brandon says, "You and your Pokemon fought well, but is that your true battle? You have let your emotions betray you. I will battle you once again."

Paul bows to him and tries to leave. Reggie asks, "Ash, how about you and Paul have a full battle at the Lake Acuity?"

"Sure, I am okay with that." I say. Paul just gives a whatever look and leaves.

Suddenly, we get a report that Hunter E is targeting the Snowpoint Temple, Candice asks, "Hunter E? Who is she?"

"She is Elena's Dark Phase." After explaining, they assume that Hunter E is actually trying to get Regigigas who sleeps in there. Hunter E already sends henchmen to attack the Battle Pyramid with Skarmory and Metang, but we switch into the motor and rush into the temple.

When we find Hunter E, Brandon yells, "Stop this at once!"

"You guys again." Hunter E growls. "You are the ones who killed my sister! Metagross! Hyper Beam!"

They try to attack us, and Maria says, "You mustn't waken Regigigas!"

"All you can do now is stand and watch." E says, and when Regigigas awakes from the slumbers, it is angry at being awake, so he starts to destroy everything.

We rush outside of the temple and Brandon sends out 3 Regi Golems to help. Brandon takes out the Master Ball and tries to capture him, but E and her Durant come and tie us up with String Shot.

"Nice work and I'll be taking Regigigas!" But Regigias confuses both Regirock, Regice, and Registeel to help destroy the area. "What the..." E is shocked at the sudden attack and she starts to fall off, it is then Dia and Elena shows up. "Bisharp! Cut them off!"

Elena's Bisharp manages to cut through our bindings, and she says, "Guillotine!"

And after that Hunter E is now gone forever because of that hit. Dia says, "Guys, are you alright?"

"We're fine, what about Hunter E?" Gladion asks.

"Gone." I say. "I finally destroy the self that needs to be destroyed."

Dia says, "Ash, I know that this is going to happen. Use this to help you."

He hands me the Pokeball and I nod. "Thanks, Dia."

I throw the Pokeball out and it turns out to be another Regigigas. "We found it at the Island Cave where you caught Regice, so use it to your advantage."

"Thanks." I say as we see two Regigigas facing each other, and after a Body Press, the other Regigigas turns back into the sphere.

Regigigas: The Colossal Pokemon: Normal Type. There is an enduring legend that states this Pokémon towed continents with ropes.

Brandon picks up the sphere and says, "We're going to restore the temple so Regigigas will never be disturbed again." Then he decides to protect the temple with the 3 Legendary Golems.

Dia says, "Now that reminds me, Ash. I heard that Team Galactic also got their hands on Uxie, right?"

"They have three of them now. But we know their hideout! It's in Veilstone City." I say.

"I see. Then once you're ready, we'll go there." Then they all leave so we can go to Lake Acuity for my battle against Paul.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, Ash and Lillie get their seventh gym badge and I hope you like it.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Tangela, Lapras, Meganium, Togetic, Espeon, Murkrow, Steelix (Crystal), Sneasel, Mantine, Porygon2, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Torterra, Monferno, Empoleon, Staraptor, Bibarel, Kricketune, Luxray, Roserade, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Wormadam x3 (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, Vespiquen, Pachirisu (Shiny), Floatzel, Cherrim, Gatsrodon x2 (East, West), Ambipom, Drifblim, Lopunny, Mismagius, Glameow, Skuntank, Bronzong, Spiritomb, Gabite, Riolu, Hippowdon, Skorupi, Croagunk, Carnivine, Lumineon, Snover, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Electivire, Magmortar, Yanmega, Leafeon, Glaceon, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Gallade, Probopass, Dusknoir, Froslass x2, Rotom, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai

Dawn's Pokemon:

Rapidash, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherrim, Lopunny, Piloswine

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Skuntank, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzong

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