Chapter 41

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We are back in Vilestone City because it is time for us to take down Team Galactic. We find the Team Galactic grunt, who yells, "Hey! It's you! I bet you don't remember me, but I sure remember you! Because of you, they took my Clefairy away... My partner called it quits and went back to his hometown... I don't know anything about any Storage Key!"

He tries to run away, but he drops the Storage Key on the ground, and Lillie says, "That was easy."

"I agree." I say. It is then Looker shows up and says, "A frontal assault, it is not possible. But we can enter their hideout. Well? Will you enter the hideout? You have your reasons, yes?"

"Of course, we're going to save the three Lake Pokemon." I say as he nods. "Very well. Inside the Team Galactic warehouse. We will meet there. Prepare the best you can. I shall join you shortly."

Then we enter the warehouse and we use the Storage Key, we open the door and find a Dusk Stone on the ground. We decide to use it on Murkrow.

Honchkrow: The Big Boss Pokemon: Dark and Flying Type. Evolve from Murkrow with Dusk Stone. It makes its Murkrow cronies bring it food. It idles its time away, grooming itself in its nest.

When we get inside, Looker comes and says, "I will go ahead, my friend. Do not expose yourself to danger!"

And now that we're in the basement, we fight some scientists and the grunts who are guarding the area, and once we're done, we find ourselves in the Galactic Building and there are some wrap panels here.

"So they even have those Wrap Panels here as well..." Gladion says.

We all head to the left teleporter and head to the second floor, however, another Wrap Panel gets us back to the first floor. We decide to head downstairs and defeat a scientist to find something on the table.

"What's this?" Tox asks.

"I think this is a Dubious Disc. We can use it to evolve Porygon2." We evolve the Pokemon and now we have a Porygon-Z that can help us out.

Porygon-Z: The Virtual Pokemon: Normal Type. Evolve from Porygon2 by trading with Dubious Disc. Additional software was installed to make it a better Pokémon. It began acting oddly, however.

When we go back to the Galactic Warehouse, we find the Galactic Key on the ground. Dawn says, "So we get the key, what's next?"

"We're going to find where the door is." Lillie says.

We are now back on the second floor, we use it to open the door which actually allows us to head back easily to the Warehouse entrance. After our escape route is done, we decide to go to the first floor to use the Galactic Key to enter the building.

After we defeat the grunts on the second floor, we also find ourselves a healing room where we can actually heal our Pokemon, and then we reach the third floor, where Looker is waiting for us.

"Psst! Here. Over here. This gathering of the Team Galactic... What is the meaning of it?" Looker says as he is also in disguise.

We notice Cyrus standing on the stage and he says, "Fellow members of Team Galactic! Hear me! My name, as I appear to you today, is Cyrus. This world of ours is a crude one. In a word, it is incomplete. It has been and always will be, a struggle to survive in this world. We humans and Pokémon are likewise incomplete. Because we are all so lacking, we fight, we maim... It is ugly. I hate the incompleteness. That we are all incomplete, I hate it with my entire body and being. The world should be complete. The world must change. Then, who will change it? Me, Cyrus. And Team Galactic. Yes, all of you. Together we pored over myths and exposed their secrets. Together we captured legendary Pokémon. And now, Team Galactic has obtained the energy to change the world! The power of dreams is within our grasp! Understand it, fellow members! My long-held dream world is on the verge of becoming reality. All those headed to Mt. Coronet, and those who remain here... Though our missions may differ, our hearts beat as one. Let there be glory for Team Galactic!"

We hear the grunts cheering for him, and we all hear it with disgust. After the grunts are leaving, Looker says, "...Whew. So, that was Cyrus, the boss of Team Galactic. Quite the performance, no? Mesmerizing for one of only 27 years old. ...But to make a world for Team Galactic and none other? It is preposterous. So much so that it makes my head spin. A new world? What is that? And what is this incomplete world? Very well. To investigate such matters is the job of the International Police. Of which I am a member in good stead. And it is my job, therefore. We shall part ways here. Take extra care, my friend!"

Then Looker leaves so we can head to the office room where Cyrus is located. Cyrus notices us and says, "...So you've come. You heard my speech, I take it. Snicker... A big lie, of course. It's true, insofar as my intention is to create a new world. But that world isn't for the likes of Team Galactic. I seek an entirely new world solely for myself. If not, it could never be the complete and perfect world. You've seen my minions of Team Galactic. You yourself must know that they are uniformly useless and incomplete."

"So what?" We ask, not fazed by the words.

"I know why you're here. I can sense it in you. It's about Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf, correct? You want to save them... I no longer have any need for them. I am finished with them. If your heart aches to save them, go right ahead. I couldn't care less. It will save me the trouble of disposing of them."

So those three are in another room, but just before we can get there, Cyrus sends out Sneasel, Honchkrow, and Crobat.

"But, I must say... You are a remarkable specimen. Those Pokémon have nothing to do with you, do they? But still, you come to rescue them out of pity? Such pitifully useless emotions... It's illogical and irrational. Pity and compassion are products of the weak and faulty human heart. You were compelled to come here by such vacuous sentimentality! I will make you regret paying heed to your heart!"

So we have to fight the boss of Team Galactic. It is fine for us as we send out Pikachu, Togetic, and Absol to fight. The three of them work very hard to defeat all three Pokemon, but they are also exhausted as they fall to the ground.

"Pikachu, Togetic, Absol!" We rush to the three Pokemon, and Cyrus says, "I see... You are indeed strong. And the basis of your power is your compassion towards Pokémon. How wasteful... Such emotions are but mere illusions. And, like all illusions, they fade over time until death banishes them forever. That is why I have abandoned all emotions as useless as sentimentality."

Then he recalls his Pokemon and says, "But that doesn't matter. I doubt you will ever understand my position. That said, I recognize that you are strong and courageous to come alone. This is your reward."

He throws the Master Ball to us, much to our surprise. "The Master Ball is the ultimate Poké Ball. It will unfailingly catch any Pokémon in the wild. But it is not anything that I require. Unlike you Trainers, I do not make Pokémon my friends or partners. Unlike other Team Galactic members, I don't use Pokémon as tools. Instead, I make the power of Pokémon my own."

Before he leaves, he says, "If you wish to save the Pokémon from the lakes, take the warp panel ahead. I am off to Mt. Coronet. That's correct. Mt. Coronet. Where you and I first met. I will ascend the mountain to its peak and put an end to everything... No. I will bring about a new beginning for everything.."

As much as we want to chase after him, we know that we should save the Pokemon first. We arrive at the room where the three Lake of Trio is, and we're not alone. Charon and Saturn are also there.

"Fuhyahya! Those Pokémon of the lakes, where do you suppose they would go?" Charon asks Saturn.

"What are you trying to say?" Saturn asks.

"Nothing. Pay it no heed. A new world isn't overly interesting. What of it? If Cyrus is right, then Team Galactic will rule that new world. That's when it will be interesting. A chance to enjoy its sweets. I surely hope that our visionary Cyrus realizes his dream. I look forward to whatever our beloved leader has planned atop Mt. Coronet."

"Gramps. Our boss can do without your kind of moral support." Saturn replies before noticing us. "You... You came all the way here just to save some Pokémon? ...Though it's nothing new, I can't say I understand our boss... Why would he let a kid like you come and go freely...? We, Team Galactic, take all that we need and eliminate what we do not. But anyway. You've taken the trouble to come. Let me welcome you! Consider it payback for your insulting me at the lake."

And Tox's Croagunk wants to fight Saturn, so we let Tox battle the Toxicroak while we try to free the Lake trio. Croagunk manages to have a tie with the Toxicroak, but in the end, all of Saturn's Pokemon are defeated.

"...Gah! What makes you so tough? Fine... do whatever you want with those three Pokémon. Press the button on that machine to set them free." Saturn says.

We all press the button and set all three of them free. Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf are now gone from our sight using Teleport. Saturn says, "Our boss crafted a Red Chain from crystals he took from the three Pokémon. That Red Chain is what he needed to shackle something on Mt. Coronet. It's also apparently needed for creating something. But that's all I know. Who knows what he's planning to do up there."

And then Saturn leaves, we turn to Charon, and he mutters, "Humph. Saturn and even Cyrus fall to a mere child... Team Galactic's state of affairs is worrying... That plan of Cyrus's atop Mt. Coronet, too... Who knows if it will work. ...Hmm. Perhaps another option needs to be considered. One befitting the genius of Charon!"

Since we have nothing to do here anymore, we all rush out of the building and head to Mt. Coronet. And on the way we find a Razor Claw on the ground, and since it is night time already, we evolve Sneasel.

Weavile: The Sharp Claw Pokemon: Dark and Ice Type. Evolve from Sneasel by leveling up with Razor Claw during nighttime. They live in cold regions, forming groups of four or five that hunt prey with impressive coordination.

And this is the Team Galactic HQ Chapter. The next chapter will be the fateful battle on top of Mt. Coronet and I hope you like it.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Togetic, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Torterra, Monferno, Empoleon, Staraptor, Bibarel, Kricketune, Luxray, Roserade, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Wormadam x3 (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, Vespiquen, Pachirisu (Shiny), Floatzel, Cherrim, Gatsrodon x2 (East, West), Ambipom, Drifblim, Lopunny, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Purugly, Skuntank, Bronzong, Spiritomb, Gabite, Riolu, Hippowdon, Skorupi, Toxicroak, Carnivine, Lumineon, Snover, Weavile, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Tangrowth, Electivire, Magmortar, Yanmega, Leafeon, Glaceon, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Porygon-Z, Gallade, Probopass, Dusknoir, Froslass x2, Rotom, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai

Dawn's Pokemon:

Rapidash, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherrim, Lopunny, Piloswine

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Skuntank, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzong

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