Chapter 53

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As we arrive at Snowpoint City, we find Cynthia there and she's talking to a sailor. We greet her and she says, "I thought you would come. I'm glad I waited for you! I think it's good that our world is constantly changing. Of course, I don't want it to become what only one person wants. A world like Cyrus envisions...No one would want that. The kind of world I want to see is where everyone can share their joy. Where Pokémon and the people around them can be happy for each other. I want the world to become a place where everyone is smiling. The world could be so much better if we all tried to make it that way. I want you to keep traveling to many far-off places. I want you to keep meeting all kinds of people and Pokémon."

"So you came all the way here just so you can say that to us?" Gladion asks.

"Yes, and your horizons will expand again if you visit the Fight Area as well. I hope our paths cross again!" Then she leaves, and we all get to the S.S. Spiral as we head to the Fight Area.

"Oh, hey, guys! What took you so long? I'm fining you 100 million dollars! Listen up. I'm going to become the greatest Trainer ever. That's why I'm here-to toughen up myself and my Pokémon!" Barry says.

"That's cool. So how are you going to train here?" Dawn asks.

"Obviously, there are these two guys who have been coming from Sunyshore and they're helping me train." Barry says.

"Well if it isn't Ash and Lillie?" And we're surprised to find Volkner and Flint there. I say, "Flint, Volkner! What are you doing here?"

"It is nice to see you two, congratulations on winning the Sinnoh League." Volkner says.

Barry says, "You see, my Dad's trying to relocate the Battle Tower and Volkner is a mechanical guy who can help out. And Flint's here because I told them that you'll be here."

Flint says, "You had me counting the days on my fingers waiting for you to come. You are the one who managed to light a fire in that guy's heart again. How could you not expect me to look forward to seeing you in battle?"

"Of course, how about we get this started? Considering that we already have two medals from Aaron and Bertha already."

Then I go first and Flint starts with Rapidash, and I decide to go with Rampardos. Rapidash starts with the Sunny Day before turning into Solar Beam, but Rampardos dodges the attack and lands a Zen headbutt.

"Solar Beam is a Grass move, just think how much damage it would take if it hits..." Daniel says.

"Quick, Rapidash! Use Bounce!" Rapidash leaps into the air and comes crashing down towards Rampardos with a powerful Bounce attack.

"Rampardos, dodge and counter with Head Smash!" Rampardos manages to evade Rapidash's Bounce and counters with a devastating Head Smash. The powerful Rock-type move lands a critical hit on Rapidash, causing significant damage. Then it tries to go with Flare Blitz, which is countered by Headbutt, and the powerful collision sends Rapidash flying, and it hits the ground, unable to battle.

"You really are something, how about we do something different? I'll be facing you with my balanced type team instead of my fire type." Flint says.

"That sounds good to me." I say back, and he decides to go with Steelix.

"A Steelix... that's a Steel and Ground Type..." Barry says.

I have Rampardos go for Head Smash, but it doesn't seem to affect Steelix that much, and Steelix goes for Fire Fang, boosted by the sun which gives Rampardos the burn.

"This is not going to be good. Ramparods! Swords Dance and then Assurance!" I try to boost my attack to go through Steelix, but it goes for Screech to stop my tracks and finish with Rock Tomb.

My second Pokemon is Infernape, I have it uses Raging Fury, now under control, the move has been powerful and it swiftly defeats Steelix in the end, and that's also when the Sunny Day is over and Infernape is confused because of it.

Drifblim is Flint's third Pokemon, and it goes for Ominous Wind, hitting Infernape while boosting all the stats, I decide to return Infernape and go for Skuntank, and I decide to do a strategy that might help me with defeating the Drifblim. Even though Skuntank is hit by Will-o-Wisp, I have it use Memento, sacrificing himself while lowering the Attack and the Special Attack it.

"Memento is a risky move." Volkner says. "I wonder why Ash will do that..."

"I send Lopunny as my fourth Pokemon, and Lopunny goes for a Mirror Coat after Drifblim's Shadow Ball, and it knocks Drifloon out. It turns out that Flint also has a Lopunny of his own, and he uses High Jump Kick to deal a lot of damage. I decide to go with Healing Wish, sacrificing Lopunny to heal Infernape. After Infernape is healed, I finish it with Close Combat.

"I can feel your determination. Your will is overpowering me!" Then Flint's final Pokemon for me is Infernape, and it defeats my Infernape with the Thunder Punch. So I decide to go with Palkia.

"You have a Palkia? That's no fair!" Barry says.

"I was excited to battle a Legendary Pokemon, looks like you made it come true." Flint smirks.

"Yeah, and this one is going to be tough for you." I say as I use Spacial Rend, hitting the Infernape. Infernape is still standing as it goes for Thunder Punch, but an Aqua Tail defeats him in the end.

"...! I wasn't expecting this! I wasn't looking down on you... But I didn't think for one second that I'd lose! This is fantastic! You and your Pokémon are inspiring!" Flint smiles.

Then it's Lillie's turn, Flint goes for Houndoom as his first Pokemon while Lillie goes for Toxicroak. He also likes to start with Sunny Day before using Flamethrower to deal a lot of damage to Toxicroak, but Toxicroak poisons Houndoom with the Sludge Bomb attack and finishes with Brick Break.

The second one is Flareon. Flareon uses Will-o-Wisp to give Toxicroak the burn, and then it finishes with Overheat. Lillie goes for West form Gastrodon, using Body Slam and the Muddy Water Counter Shield that she learns from Paul to finish Flareon off.

"That trick is quite tricky." Flint says before sending out Rapidash. Rapidash and Infernape are the ones that I fought before, and they were defeated by Garchomp and Gallade respectively.

"This situation... This is heating up! I'm blazing now!" Then his final Pokemon is Magmortar, which defeats Gallade with the Hyper Beam attack, so Lillie ecides to go with Gliscor, using its moves learned from McCan and defeats Magmortar in the end.

"...Whew... Burnt right down to cinders..." Flint says. "You two are great."

Then we receive the third medal, which means Lucian is the final one. Barry says, "Those battles are so fired up. You two are great."

"Indeed, I really like watching you two battle." Volkner says as we all thank them. After Barry, Flint, and Volkner leave, we meet another kid and he says, "Hey, hey. I just watched you two battle. You're something special, aren't you? Beating an Elite Four like that. Oh, right, howdy. The name's Buck. I'm usually training at the Survival Area or Stark Mountain. You should come up there. You'll get toughened up for sure!"

"Stark Mountain, huh?" We keep his words in mind as we all decide to go there. And we find the fisherman and he says, "Hmm! A Super Rod is really helpful, don't you think?"

I never thought that Dawn would receive her Super Rod this late, but she has it now and she can fish more great Pokemon. And after going through Route 225, we are now at the Survival Area, there is a Pokemon Center there to heal Pokemon, and there is also a move tutor who can teach us moves if we have the correct shards.

And as we are at Route 227, we are surprised to see Crasher Wake talking to Barry. And Crasher Wake of course notice us.

"Oh, if it isn't you guys! It's been a while! You've grown so tough that you're training out here now... Everyone keeps getting tougher and tougher... And, in doing that, they develop closer bonds with their Pokémon..."

"That's my master! Those are words of wisdom!" Barry says.

"What? Are you still having trouble understanding? I don't for a second ever recall accepting you as an apprentice! I mean, if it's wrestling moves, I can show you all you like, but..."

"Aww, master, don't be that way! You've got to get me into that club in the Survival Area!"

"...How'd I get involved in this...? So, anyway. You're going to Stark Mountain? Even the wild Pokémon there are very, very tough... If your Pokémon aren't well trained, they'll have a miserable time... Then again, that kind of challenge is an exciting prospect... But no matter what, you'd better be fully prepared! I've got to get ready for another tournament. Farewell!"

After he leaves, Barry says, "...For someone born overseas, that tough dude doesn't have an accent or anything. There's a volcano ahead called Stark Mountain. That blowhard Buck is on his way there, as well."

We nod as we bid farewell to him once more and head to Stark Mountain, and on the way, we also meet up with Daisy, who is here to investigate the Fire Pokemon. We decide to team up and we also find Buck there.

"Yo! If it isn't you guys! Out training right away, are you? So, uh, since you're training anyway, can you do me a favor? I'd like you to patrol Stark Mountain for me." Buck says.

"Patrol?" We are confused, and he says, "Up past here, there's this volcano. It's Stark Mountain. Deep inside is this special rock called the Magma Stone. I can't explain it well, but it's really important. It keeps a Pokémon asleep. But lately, I've been hearing rumors about vandals in Stark Mountain. They say goons in space suits are causing trouble there."

Daisy asks, "Is he talking about Team Galactic?"

"But we already defeated their boss..." I'm confused. "And what about you?"

"Huh? What, me? I was on my way to the Pokémon Center because my Pokémon's low on HP. So, if you could get up to Stark Mountain now, that'd be great. Thanks!" Buck says as he rushes to the Pokemon Center.

And just as we move forward, we find the Team Galactic grunts. "This is it! Stark Mountain! Now we need to get deep inside. Let's do this!"

"Yeah, but... Can that old guy really take over? Can he replace Master Cyrus?"

"Yeah, I hear you... That elder Charon is a Commander, but he can't replace Master Cyrus. Maybe this is a good time for me to be done with this Team Galactic thing."

We are surprised to learn that Charon is now leading Team Galactic and they're after the Magma Stone, so we decide to rush inside and we also find Mars and Jupiter there.

"Hey! You! Tell us where Master Cyrus went." Mars demands. "Where were you after you disappeared at the Spear Pillar?"

"If you want to know, we're in the Distortion World." I say.

"You're not making any sense! Don't play that card with me!" Then Mars wants to fight us, and she uses Bronzong, Golbat, and Purugly. All three of them are easily defeated by our Pokemon.

"My Pokémon let me down again! How am I supposed to get information about our missing Master Cyrus?" Mars yells.

"...Mars. You really are weak. Pitifully so. You make me embarrassed to be a Commander like you. Fine. I'll go up next. I want to know what became of Master Cyrus, too."

Jupiter is next and she uses Bronzong, Golbat, and Skuntank this time. After she's also defeated, she yells, "How dare you!"

"OK! That's it for me! I'm going to look for Master Cyrus. The Distortion World, was it called? I should go there, right? I'm quitting with Team Galactic. Jupiter, you can deal with it!"

"Following Mars's lead at anything irks me, but... I'm quitting to do my own thing, too. Team Galactic's just no fun without Master Cyrus around. So, old-timer, go ahead. Do what you want with Team Galactic."

The two of them then decide to leave Team Galactic for good, well, she's going to have good luck because my sister is not going to let anyone enter the Distortion World.

"Sigh... So impressionable and impetuous. What do they see in Cyrus? Immature, overthinking buffoon. He goes through the trouble of assembling Team Galactic for what? Ultimately, he destroys his own creation for his ludicrous vision. It's no thanks to him that I have to struggle with the pieces. But that's fine. The young can live with their dreams. I prefer to remain firmly in reality. And for that, money is paramount. You there, children. I'm not dealing with you. After all, the other Galactic members who did all suffered consequences. We'll be off to collect the Magma Stone. It's all for the money!"

Then they try to leave, so we decide to chase after them, and after we get inside, Buck finally joins us. After we tell him the situation, he gasps, "What?! Team Galactic's here? Gotcha! Let's team up and go together. You won't regret teaming up! I'll keep your Pokémon healthy!"

While we're trying to search for them, we also learn more about Buck, and we realize that Flint is actually this guy's big brother, and he was excited when he sees us battling him. He also has a Claydol, which is helpful in a battle as well.

We finally are in the room where Team Galactic's. Buck says, "Here we are! Team Galactic's inside, right? This is it. No fooling around!"

Charon says, "...Cyrus disappeared. Mars and Jupiter quit. Saturn said he would look after what remains of Team Galactic. But he won't join me. So foolish of him! So very foolish of the rest of them! Throwing away Team Galactic! After all the effort we took as a team to make it grow... That power could have made us rich beyond imagination. But, enough of that. The Magma Stone will be mine."

Just then, the place is shaking, Buck demands, "Hey, you! Team Galactic! What's going on here?!"

Charon notices us and says, "Eh? What's this, then? Chased me here, have you? I like seeing children try their best, but too bad for you — you're too late. With this Magma Stone, I will awaken the legendary Heatran! I will control the volcano's eruptions to extort money from the millions! Fear me! For I am Charon! The boss of the reborn Team Galactic!"

"Go, go, go!" Just then, a Croagunk appears, and it takes the Magma Stone. Charon yells, "No! The Magma Stone! What?! What is going on?!"

"Excellent work, Croagunk!" Just then, Looker arrives, and he was just hiding inside of a boulder?

"Disguising myself as a boulder for stakeout was not easy!" Looker says while moving forward. "Now, old-timer, the International Police cordially requests your cooperation. I am sure you have much to tell us about the new Team Galactic. With Cyrus, Mars, and Jupiter gone, you are all that is left."

"Hey! It's the International Police!" "Yeah! It's the International Police all right! There's only one thing to be done!"

They try to run away, and Gladion yells, "Hey! Get back here!"

"Just ignore them." I say.

"Gah... what a mess... ...Uh, International Police? What are you saying? I know nothing! A new Team Galactic? Extorting with Heatran? Merely the blathering of this harmless old man! All said in jest! Besides, among Team Galactic's Commanders, I was the most junior..."

"You can tell us all about it. We have plenty of time. Oh, no, no. No resisting arrest. You can't win nine-on-one, no? OK, Officers, over here, if you will. He is an old man. This heat cannot be good for him. Quickly, take him somewhere cool. Yes, the cooler will do!"

Then the other International Police come and take him away. Looker says, "I wish to say something. First, it is too hot! Let us exit this environment!"

After we are outside the cave again, he says, "Whew! The air outside is delicious, yes! ...Gweh! Gah! Geff! Bleah! I have inhaled volcanic ash by the lungful! Now, you two. This is what they were after. The Magma Stone. Moving this is said to awaken the Pokémon Heatran. The old tales say that its awakening will make Stark Mountain erupt. ...But I have moved it. It is here. Will this cause the eruption?!"

"Hey, don't sweat it, stranger. Give me that Magma Stone. I'll go put it back for you." Then Buck goes in and puts the Magma Stone back.

"That boy, he has quite the energy, yes? I should tell you why I have arrived here. After we parted at Mt. Coronet, I investigated their hideout. I uncovered Charon's plot, which led me to a stakeout of this place. That Charon is now securely within our custody. It is safe to say that Team Galactic is a threat no longer. That being said, it looks like my work here is finally finished." Looker smiles.

"That's good." Lillie says with a nod.

Buck comes out and says, "Hey, stranger! I put the Magma Stone where it belongs. It'll be OK now. Heatran won't wake up. Probably. But, hey! You're an amazing Trainer! Swing by my place later. It's in the Survival Area. Be seeing you, stranger! Bye-bye!" Then Buck leaves.

"I, also, will take my leave. 'The more wonderful the meeting, the sadder the parting.' That is a quote I heard many years ago in a foreign land. It's meaning... I understand it better now. Farewell, my friends! Long may you cherish Pokémon!"

After Looker leaves, we decide to head back inside, and Daisy decides to give me another badge for helping out, it is a Ash badge, funny that it is similar to my name.

Here is a new chapter, and this is the Platinum version of the Stark Mountain plot and I hope you like it.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Torterra, Infernape, Empoleon, Staraptor, Bibarel, Kricketune, Luxray, Roserade, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Wormadam x3 (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, Vespiquen, Pachirisu (Shiny), Floatzel, Cherrim, Gatsrodon x2 (East, West), Ambipom, Drifblim, Lopunny, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Purugly, Skuntank, Bronzong, Chatot, Spiritomb, Garchomp, Lucario, Hippowdon, Drapion, Toxicroak, Carnivine, Lumineon, Abomasnow, Weavile, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Tangrowth, Electivire, Magmortar, Togekiss, Yanmega, Leafeon, Glaceon, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Porygon-Z, Gallade, Probopass, Dusknoir, Froslass x2, Rotom, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Dialga, Palkia, Regigigas, Giratina, Cresselia, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin

Dawn's Pokemon:

Rapidash, Typhlosion, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherrim, Lopunny, Togekiss, Mamoswine

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Skuntank, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzong

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