Chapter 55

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We arrive at the stadium, and this time Mr. Goodshow, Cynthia, Tobias, Verity, and Emily are already there. Cynthia says, "I take that you have beaten the Elite Four?"

"Both of us are." I say as we show the medals. Goodshow says, "Since this is the first time we have two winners of the League, so both of you will be facing Cynthia and whoever wins will be entering the hall of fame."

Goodshow knows that both of us don't want to take the Champion title and we just want to be registered in the Hall of fame as someone who defeated the Champion. So once we're done, we head to the battlefield.

"Wow, Ash and Lillie are facing the champion..." Dawn says.

"Yeah..." Tox says.

"Have you been keeping well? Thank you for Mt. Coronet. And the Distortion World. I'm truly grateful. Together, you and your Pokémon overcame all the challenges you faced, however difficult. It means that you've triumphed over any personal weaknesses, too. The power you learned... I can feel it emanating from you. But that's enough talk. Let's get on with why you're here. As the Pokémon League Champion, I accept your challenge!"

I decide to go for Togekiss while Cynthia unexpectedly leads with the Forbidden Pokémon Spiritomb. "You can't let your guard down..." Lillie says.

I start with the Dazzling Gleam, but Togekiss is struck back with a Sucker Punch, even though Togekiss is hit, it completes the Dazzling Gleam, scoring a direct hit, but Spiritomb merely shrugs it off and laughs mockingly.

"Use Air Slash!" I yell, but Spiritomb stops Togekiss in its tracks by using Hypnosis, causing Togekiss to fall asleep.

"Oh no!" I gasp.

"This won't be good for Togekiss..." Gladion says.

With Togekiss left vulnerable, Spiritomb proceeds to use a flurry of Dream Eaters, gradually draining away Togekiss' energy, and knocking it out.

"It was just like Tobias... no wonder they're the couple..." Daniel says.

"No way..." I mutter. Cynthia also decides to recall Spiritomb. Then the next match is Froslass against Roserade. Roserade's Bullet Seed barrage fails to do much damage due to being not very effective, while Froslass scores a direct hit with Shadow Ball.

The next exchange of moves comes in the form of a Will-O-Wisp and a Leaf Storm, with both attacks striking their mark. With Roserade now suffering from a burn, Cynthia recalls it and returns Spiritomb to the battlefield.

"I thought Will-o-wisp will have done much to Roserade..." Tox says.

"Let's get going, Froslass!" I say. I'm not going to let it go with the same trick. I have her use Dazzling Gleam, but the Sucker Punch hits. While both sides suffer super effective damage and get back up, unlike Spiritomb, Froslass ends up falling back down and fainting, increasing Cynthia's lead.

Cynthia is recalling her Pokemon again, but this time she sends out Lucario. I say, "Pikachu, I'm counting on you!"

Pikachu is now on the field, but Cynthia seems to be expecting my plan. I have Pikachu use Thunderbolt, but Lucario is so fast that it keeps dodging the attack. Then it goes for Bone Rush, slamming Pikachu to the ground.

Cynthia switches again and this time she goes for a Gastrodon. Gladion says, "Cynthia knows Ash well. She's expecting he'll keep Pikachu in, and plans to take him out!"

Cynthia orders an Earth Power. Pikachu evades the attack by jumping high into the air using the slabs of earth flung up by it, once again following Cynthia's prediction.

When Pikachu starts using Iron Tail next, Cynthia has Gastrodon use Stone Edge. I smile, "All right! Hit them! Send them flying!"

Instead of directly attacking Gastrodon, the Iron Tail slices off the tops of some of the stone pillars created by Stone Edge and sends them flying at Gastrodon. While Gastrodon manages to catch the rocks and absorb the impact, this leaves it immobilized and defenseless, allowing Pikachu to use Quick Attack to smash through the rocks and into Gastrodon, finally giving me a knockout of my own.

Cynthia sends back Spiritomb again and I say, "You probably know about this. Pikachu! Counter Shield now!"

Pikachu starts to spin around while using Thunderbolt. The resulting vortex of electricity not only successfully repels Spiritomb's Hypnosis, but also strikes it at the same time.

"I still remember you showed this off in the Sinnoh League." Cynthia says.

"But we're going to be stronger than that!" I say.

Pikachu ensnares Spiritomb in an Electroweb, successfully avoiding a Sucker Punch in the process. As Pikachu goes for a finishing Iron Tail, Cynthia orders Spiritomb to do something unspecified. Moments later, Pikachu's move connects, causing the Forbidden Pokémon to retreat into its Odd Keystone. But then, dark energy suddenly emerges from the keystone and envelops Pikachu, causing him to seize up.

"Really? Destiny Bond?" Lillie gasps.

"Now Pikachu is really off the battlefield..." Dawn says.

"Garchomp! I choose you!" I send out my fourth Pokemon, which is Garchomp. I know that compared to Cynthia's Garchomp, this is nothing, but I still need to try. And much to my horror, she is going to use Garchomp as well.

"Now it's a Garchomp battle..." Emily says.

I have Garchomp go for Crunch, but Cynthia's Garchomp dodges and lands a Dragon Claw, dealing super effective damage on mine.

"Use Stealth Rock!" Cynthia yells, and as the field is set up, Cynthia decides to substitute for Roserade, whose burn from Froslass' earlier Will-O-Wisp has been healed thanks to its Ability, Natural Cure.

"Garchomp! Draco Meteor now!" I try to have Garchomp set up the field, but before the meteors can fall, Roserade goes for Poison Jab, hitting Garchomp and poisoning it.

Oh no!" But much to my delight, the meteors hit Roserade and gives it damage. "Now use Dragon Rush!"

I have Garchomp push through Roserade's Leaf Storm with Dragon Rush, knocking Roserade out. I'm trying to recall Garchomp, but he tells me that he wants to continue to battle.

Cynthia's final Pokemon is a Milotic, I want to end this quick, so I go for Dragon Rush, but Milotic uses Disarming Voice to keep Dracovish at bay.

"Hang in there!" I yell, but Milotic wraps Garchomp and then uses Iron Head, but it is then I have Garchomp use Thunder Fang. The attacks collide to create a big explosion. Although Milotic has taken visible damage, Garchomp ends up going down.

"Garchomp..." I frown before recalling the Pokemon. "You did your best."

Then I decide to send out Lucario as my fifth Pokemon, but it is damaged by the Stealth Rock. I remember how I deal with the Toxic Spikes and I yell, "Lucario! Bone Rush! Throw it in the air!"

Cynthia is shocked at my strategy, and the Stealth Rock is destroyed. Cynthia gasps, "I can't believe it..."

"Is that even possible?" Verity gasps.

"That's Ash for you, he really likes to do the unbelievable." Tobais nods.

Milotic attacks with a Hydro Pump, but Lucario is able to dodge the attack by jumping into the air. Then they proceed to charge with each other as Milotic uses Iron Head. Lucario uses Protect to block the attack, before landing a lot of Bullet Punches that push Milotic back. Milotic's next attack is Disarming Voice, but Lucario manages to endure it and throws an Aura Sphere at it, knocking Milotic out.

"You did it, Lucario!" I say.

"Now both of them have two Pokemon left. The field is even now." Dawn says.

"Your Stealth Rock counter was marvelous. Our battle has lit a fire in me! All the more reason I'm going to win this." Cynthia says.

"We're going to be the ones who win this." I say back.

Cynthia sends out Garchomp, and I have Lucario go for Bullet Punch, knocking away a Scale Shot along the way, before clashing against Garchomp's Dragon Claw. But Lucario ends up getting knocked back, but is able to avert a second Dragon Claw by using Protect.

"Aura Sphere!" I try to fire the attack, but Garchomp goes for Draco Meteor, and both of them successfully land, in the end, Garchomp eventually stumbles, but remains conscious, while Lucario faints, but it is standing.

"I'm sorry I failed you..." Lucario frowns, I say, "Don't worry. You did great."

Cynthia decides to send Lucario back out, and I decide to go for my final Pokemon, Infernape.

"I see... I'm looking forward to see Infernape's battle." Cynthia says.

Infernape starts with Mach Punch, and Lucario tries to stop with Vacuum Wave, but Infernape is able to push through it and land its attack on Lucario.

"Use Flare Blitz!" I try to have Infernape hit Lucario, while Lucario goes for Extreme Speed to avoid the attacks and go for Bone Rush. Infernape uses Dig to avoid and Infernape defeats Lucario with another Flare Blitz.

"I can't remember the last time I was put in a corner like this! But let's see how you do it." Cynthia sends back Garchomp and uses Scale Shot. Infernape counters with Mach Punch, before following it up with a Flamethrower, triggering a large explosion that damages both Pokémon.

Infernape and Garchomp begin trading blows with Mach Punch and Dragon Claw, turning the battle into an all-out slugfest as the two try desperately to knock the other out. Eventually the flurry of blows stops and both Pokémon back off, clearly running low on energy. Garchomp manages to knock Infernape to the ground, but I know that it's time.

"Show them everything you get now! Infernape!" The fire is now burning again as its Blaze has been activated.

"That's Blaze!" Dawn says.

"Now everything is going to be fine." Lillie says.

Infernape uses Raging Fury, and now in control, the attack continues to hit Garchomp, until both Pokemon simultaneously hit the dirt, seemingly unable to continue. After several agonizing moments of deafening silence, Infernape slowly rises to its feet, while Garchomp remains motionless on the ground.

"...Just a few moments ago, you were the most powerful challenger. And just now, you became the most powerful of all the Trainers. You are now our newest Champion!" Cynthia smiles.

And after I'm done, it is Lillie's turn. The one Pokemon that Cynthia changes is Gastrodon to Togekiss, and its Serene Grace ability with Zen Headbutt and Air Slash also gives Lillie a hard time, but in the end, Lillie also wins just like me.

"That was excellent. Truly, an outstanding battle. You gave the support your Pokémon needed to maximize their power. And you guided them with certainty to secure victory. You have both passion and calculating coolness. Together, you and your Pokémon can overcome any challenge that may come your way. Those are the impressions I got from our battle."

Then Goodshow comes and congratulates the two of us. "Congratulations, Ash, Lillie. You have impressed me more in this battle. I take that your answer is still the same, right?"

I say, "Yes. And I have decided my next league."

"Very well." Goodshow says as we enter the Hall of Fame and register our names. Once we're done, Emily and Verity are sad that Cynthia loses two times, but they are also happy for us. Once we're done, we bid farewell to Cynthia's family and we're heading to the next League.

It's time that we separate from others, and after bidding farewell, I'm now in Kanto alone. But when I reached the house, we were surprised to see a lot of police cars in front of both the Lab and our house.

"What is going on?" I gasp in shock as we quickly rush towards the house. There, we see Professor Oak, Mr. Goodshow, and my Dad, who is comforting a broken Golly.

I feel uneasy as I ask, "Dad? Professor Oak? What happened? What's going on here? Why are there a lot of police cars?"

Professor Oak notices my worry and shakes his head. He says, "Ash...your gone forever..."

It is then I feel my world shatter. Tears are forming in my eyes and I say, "Please tell me this isn't real..."

"Brother... it's true..." Golly mutters. And I yell, "There is no way! Mother is an Arceus! And you tell me that she died?"

My Dad frowns, "We are Arceus doesn't mean that we won't be killed, Ash..."

Now I'm feeling rage in my chest, and I ask, "Who did this?"

Professor Oak says, "We found a Persian footprint, but we are still trying to figure it out."

"Persian..." Ash mutters, I know who will have the mind to kill my Mom. "It has to be Giovanni!"

"Calm down, Ash... there are a lot of trainers with a Persian..." My Dad says as he tries to hold me down. I stop struggling and I cry, "If only I know... I can stop him..."

Mr. Goodshow sees how broken I am, he says, "Ash, we are very sorry for your loss, but we have a will, that is the fact that you will become the new Kanto Champion and the head of the International Police, please do it for your mother, okay?"

I can only nod before rushing upstairs to my room and kneeling in the corner, it is then Serena, Lillie, and Alice come to my room, and they give me a hug with tears in their eyes.

After staying silent for a while, Serena asks, "So are you still going to Unova tomorrow after what happened today?"

I frown, "I still have to. I promised that I'm going to stop Team Plasma. Pikachu and Absol are coming with us... the Golly will be coming with us as I did promise her to have travel with her to the next region...though I wonder if she changed her mind after learning what happened to mom..."

"I think she won't change her mind." Lillie says. "And I think we should try not to let this affect us the most..."

"You're right. I'm coming as well, and it's not just me, my sister will be coming too."

I nod before Serena and Lillie decide to leave for their own work while Alice stays by my side.

So Giovanni has killed Aurora, but does he? But for Ash, he thinks that his mother is dead while it might not be the case in reality. What is going on? It will be revealed when we are in the Unova Arc, which is going to be following the Black 2 White 2.

Ash and Lillie's Pokemon:

Charizard x2 (In training), Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Torterra, Infernape, Empoleon, Staraptor, Bibarel, Kricketune, Luxray, Roserade, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Wormadam x3 (Plant, Sandy, Trash), Mothim, Vespiquen, Pachirisu (Shiny), Floatzel, Cherrim, Gatsrodon x2 (East, West), Ambipom, Drifblim, Lopunny, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Purugly, Skuntank, Bronzong, Chatot, Spiritomb, Garchomp, Lucario, Hippowdon, Drapion, Toxicroak, Carnivine, Lumineon, Abomasnow, Weavile, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, Tangrowth, Electivire, Magmortar, Togekiss, Yanmega, Leafeon, Glaceon, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Porygon-Z, Gallade, Probopass, Dusknoir, Froslass x2, Rotom, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Dialga, Palkia, Heatran, Regigigas, Giratina, Cresselia, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin

Dawn's Pokemon:

Rapidash, Typhlosion, Piplup, Pachirisu, Cherrim, Lopunny, Togekiss, Mamoswine

Tox's Pokemon:

Roserade, Skuntank, Croagunk

Gladion's Pokemon:

Umbreon, Riolu

Daniel's Pokemon:

Girafarig, Bronzong

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