Chapter 31

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When we arrive at Undella Town, we met Cynthia's butler Jarvis, who has come to take us to her mansion. But just before we can leave, we find Hugh again.

"Hugh, you're here as well." I say.

"Hey, Ash. Let's see how well we've raised our Pokémon!" Hugh says as he wants to have a battle with me. I agree as we have our battle. All of his Pokemon are in the final stage, but it is still a three-on-three battle and I won. Hugh says, "Great! If we're this strong, Team Plasma will run screaming when they see us! I won't let 'em get away, though! Her Purrloin... I'll get it back for sure! So, Ash! Keep helping me out! Also, continue to work hard on the Pokédex! You're the one who was officially asked to complete it, after all!"

After he leaves, Cynthia says, "He sure is an interesting guy."

"But there is a sad story behind him. His Purrloin has been stolen for five years and he has been trying to get it back ever since." Alice says.

After getting into the car, we chat and notice some Pokemon outside. It is then that Meloetta suddenly appears on my lap.

"Meloetta?" Iris gasps.

"A shock to say the least." Cilan says.

"I want to come with you of course." Meloetta says.

"I see. You're just like some Mythical Pokemon, you can become invisible if you want to." I say.

Then we finally arrive at Cynthia's Mansion, though Meloetta goes invisible again since she senses someone inside the building. When we enter, we are shocked to find two people who we can't believe we're seeing.

"Dawn! Luke!" I gasp.

"It's been a long time, guys!" Dawn says.

"Yeah, we've been excited to meet you here." Luke says.

"So you two are the ones that Cynthia mentioned." Eve says. "That's cool."

"You two must be Iris and Cilan. Ash's Dad told us about you." Dawn says.

"So you two are the ones who traveled with Ash through Sinnoh?" Iris asks.

"Well, Luke isn't. We've met Luke a lot of times in Hoenn. He's the former Champion Steven's son." I say.

"And we have been travel companions in the Hoenn Region right now since Dawn wants to compete in the Hoenn Contets." Luke says.

"Speaking of Contests, the Unova Grand Festival is actually next week." Alice says while checking on the Rotom Phone.

"And I have five ribbons already." I say. "I can't wait to face Reisa and Hilda in the Grand Festival though."

"You mean Reisa is also here? That's surprising." Luke says.

"So when did you two arrive?" I ask.

"We've just got here. We heard Cynthia was going to be in the Junior Cup Tournament, so how could we resist?" Dawn says.

"Didn't you guys stay at Nimbasa City before coming here?" Cynthia asks.

"Yeah, we watched the Musical and Elesa's shows. That reminds me, you're also challenging the gyms, so you must have battled her before, right?" Dawn asks.

"Of course. She is tough, but I got my badge. So far I just need two more to enter the Unova Leauge." I say. Dawn says, "So that's a Zoroark? It's so cute."

But much to her annoyance, Zorua decides to disguise as Dawn, I sigh, "Zoroark... don't do that. He likes to play pranks with people ever since we've met two years ago."

"I can tell..." Luke says.

Then we decide to show the Pokemon, and Dawn and Luke are happy to see some old faces like Sceptile and Infernape. Then Cilan asks to have a battle with Dawn, and the sparkles causes Meloetta to be delighted. Although I was surprised that Samurott is angry when Piplup gets along well with Meloetta.

"What do you think, Meloetta, battles are enjoyable, right?" I ask, and Meloetta nods. Then we decide to do some Contest training, with Dawn also helping me out.

A week later, it is time for the Grand Festival to begin. We arrive at the Contest Hall which is actually not far from here. Dawn says, "So this is the Unova Grand Festival Hall. It sure looks different from the one in Valor Lakefront."

"Of course. And I'm going to win my fifth Ribbon Cup." I say.

"Ash! Guys! You're here!" We turn to see Hilbert and Hilda, we rush to greet them. They are also surprised to meet Dawn and Luke. "What are you two doing here? It has been a while!"

"We're here to Unova for a vacation and also the Junior Cup Tournament." Dawn says. "So you're attending the Grand Festival?"

"Hilda is. I'm just accompanying her." Hilbert says.

"You probably didn't forget about me, did you?" Reisa says as she also greets us. Dawn says, "It has been a while, Reisa!"

"Same here. How are your contests going? I heard that you're in the Hoenn Region according to my cousin Lisia." Reisa says.

"It is really different compared to the Sinnoh ones. But no need to worry." Dawn says.

Reisa turns to me and says, "You know, since we're both in the Grand Festival again, I'm sure that this time I'm not the same opponent you faced in the Johto Grand Festival."

"We'll see about that." I say.

When we all go backstage to prepare, we find that the announcer has introduced the special guest for the Grand Festival. In the Unova Region, the special guest is the famous idol Nancy. I immediately recognize her as Yancy, the one whom I have called a lot of times.

"Is that Yancy?" Iris asks. "The one who keeps calling Ash?"

"So she really is an idol..." Golly says in awe.

I'm the first one to get to the Appeal Round. I decide to go with my Fire Type team, with Chandelure, Emboar, and Larvesta. The three start off with a Flamethrower, next, they make Will-O-Wisp, Fire Pledge, and Flame Wheel mix together, and finally end it with Shadow Ball and Silver Wind.

"Wow, I don't know that we can use fire moves like that." Iris says.

"Typical Ash's style." Luke says. "He has been doing this all the time."

Alice says, "I have to agree."

Hilda's turn starts as she uses Vullaby to use Dark Pulse, and then combining with Serperior's Leaf Storm and Alomomola's Heal Pulse, the whole performance attracts the hearts of everyone in the present.

"It seems like Serperior really is happy with Hilda... I'm glad to know." I say.

And finally, it is Reisa's turn, she uses Frillish, Milotic, and Lumineon to mimic one of Juan's shows, but with her own twist. The way all three Pokemon jump out of the water causes everyone to watch in awe.

"Reisa is really as amazing as always..." Dawn says.

"Expected from the daughter of Champion Wallace." Eve says.

All three of us have advanced to the battle rounds, and after we show off our battling skills and or coordinating. It is Hilda and my battle in the semi finals. Whoever wins will face Reisa in the finals.

Hilda is using Stunfisk, Reuniclus, and of course, Gigi the Tepig, and I go with Charla, Infernape, and Gardevoir. I say, "It has been a while, Gigi. But even you're my opponent, please do not hold back."

Hilda says, "Right, I almost forgot you are N. Gigi, let's do our best!"

As we are facing each other, Reisa asks, "So Ash got his two Charizards back?"

"Yeah, they are the ones who helped the three Pokemon in the first round with their training." Alice says.

Gardevoir radiates Psychic energy, creating an otherworldly field around the arena, and then Charla charges up with flames and launches itself toward Tepig using Flare Blitz. Stunfisk spews out a stream of mud, trying to intercept Infernape, and Reuniclus's body glows with Psychic power as it sends a Psyshock toward Gardevoir.

Gardevoir gracefully sidesteps the Psyshock attack and releases a Thunderbolt towards Tepig. Tepig releases a volley of fiery Embers at Charla while Stunfisk's Mud Shot misses its mark. Infernape quickly changes direction and delivers a super-fast Mach Punch to Tepig.

"Stunfisk, bounce! Let's avoid Infernape's Mach Punch and use Bounce on Charizard!" Stunfisk springs up into the air with a Bounce attack, narrowly avoiding Charla's Wing Attack. Reuniclus creates a protective Reflect barrier around Stunfisk, blocking Gardevoir's Thunderbolt.

"Impressive teamwork, but we won't be deterred! Gardevoir, set up a Calm Mind to boost your Special Attack and Special Defense." I say. "Infernape, close in fast! Use Close Combat on Reuniclus!"

Infernape dashes towards Reuniclus and delivers a powerful Close Combat attack, bypassing the Reflect barrier.

"Tepig, follow up with Flame Charge on Infernape!" Tepig ignites itself and charges Infernape, and Stunfisk releases a Thunder Wave, creating a paralyzing field targeting Charla's Pokémon.

Gardevoir's Calm Mind-boosted Moonblast hits Reuniclus, dealing massive damage. Charla's Thunder Punch connects with Tepig, sending it back with a fiery blast. That's when the time is up and it seems I'm the victor.

"We did it. Nice work." I say.

Hilda says, "I lost, but you're still strong as always."

After that, it is now the time where Reisa and I face each other. Reisa says, "Well, this is the second time I am battling you at the Grand Festival."

"Yeah. But I am going to win this." I say as I send out Meganium, Mantine, and Steelix.

"Going for the Johto Team, huh, then I will, too." Reisa sends out Feraligatr, Slowking, and Politoed.

As the five-minute time limit starts, my pokemon do the power boost with Growth, Rock Polish, and Aqua Ring, the glow on the Pokemon's back made Reisa lose some points. Reisa uses Surf, Waterfall, and Dive to trap the three Pokemon, causing my points to drop. After some offense and defense, the time limit reaches 30 seconds.

"Time to wrap this up. Steelix, Metal Burst, Maganium, Leaf Storm, Mantine, Bubble Beam!" The three Pokemon do what I say, and they make a colorful meteor shower, knocking out all Reisa's Pokemon as the time is up,

"And now time is up, the winner is... Ash Ketchum!" I cheer with my Pokemon, and Reisa frowns before saying, "I'm sorry, we have done our best."

Then she turns to me and says, "Your moves are different from last time, I can see it."

"You're not bad as well. It is an amazing battle." I say.

Then I got to the stage and I was awarded the ribbon cup by Yancy, or should I say Nancy since she isn't using the fake name. "Congratulations, Ash. You really are an amazing trainer. I was dazzled by your performance."

"Thanks." I say.

"If it is okay, can you meet me at the resting room?" Yancy asks and I nod.

After the award ceremony ends, I meet Yancy who is now back into her casual clothes. "How do I...How do I look with this hat?"

"It is amazing. It actually suits you." I say.

"Ahaha! I'm glad I asked you. Hey, you are making me blush!" Yancy says. "Ah. Um...I'm a little nervous for some reason. It's strange...Talking with you makes me feel so happy... That's why I wanted to meet you in person...and say thank you."

"No problem. That's what friends are for." I say.

"...A ha ha! I'm so thankful for everything you've done for me. I feel like I can work so hard at this job thanks to you, Ash. I'd like it if we could keep talking from time to time... Okay. I'm going to get going...Today was a lot of fun! See you later!"

Once she's gone, we go outside to find Dawn and the others. Dawn says, "Ash, thanks to you, I have come up with more ideas."

"No problem, Dawn." I say.

"Since we have nothing to do, how about we stay at your place right now?" Hilbert asks.

"That's fine for us." Alice says.

Then Reisa, Hilbert, and Hilda decide to come with us at Cynthia's mansion, we decide to chat with our upcoming gym battles and also some stuff regarding Team Rocket and Team Plasma.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, you can see that Ash has won the Grand Festival. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be Team Rocket related.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Charizard x2, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Victini, Serperior, Emboar, Samurott, Watchog, Stoutland, Liepard, Simisage, Simisear, Simipour, Musharna, Unfezant, Zebstrika, Gigalith, Swoobat, Excadrill, Audino, Conkeldurr, Seismitoad, Leavanny, Scolipede, Whimsicott, Lilligant, Basculin x2, Krokorok, Darmanitan, Maractus, Crustle, Scrafty, Sigilyph, Cofagrigus, Carracosta, Archeops, Garbodor, Zoroark, Cinccino, Gothitelle, Reuniclus, Swanna, Sawsbuck, Emolga, Escavalier, Amoonguss, Galvantula, Ferrothorn, Klang, Eelektross, Beheeyem, Chandelure, Fraxure, Beartic, Accelgor, Larvesta, Zekrom

Golly's Pokemon:

Gastly, Liepard, Scolipede, Krokorok, Scrafty, Cofagrigus, Garbodor, Zoroark, Amoonguss, Chandelure

Eve's Pokemon:

Houndoom, Mightyena, Liepard, Krokorok, Scrafty, Zoroark

Iris' Pokemon:

Lapras, Aggron, Excadrill, Archeops, Emolga, Axew, Druddigon, Hydreigon

Cilan's Pokemon:

Pansage, Maractus, Dwebble, Ferrothorn, Stunfisk

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